Dart API Referencedart:htmlXMLSerializer

XMLSerializer Interface

XMLSerializer can be used to convert DOM subtree or DOM document into text. XMLSerializer is available to unprivileged scripts.

XMLSerializer is mainly useful for applications and extensions based on the Mozilla platform. While it is available for web pages, it's not part of any standard and level of support in other browsers unknown.


Code new XMLSerializer() #



Code String serializeToString(Node node) #

     Returns the serialized subtree of a string.
     The subtree rooted by the specified element is serialized to a byte stream using the character set specified.    
var s = new XMLSerializer();
 var d = document;
 var str = s.serializeToString(d);
var s = new XMLSerializer();
 var stream = {
   close : function()
     alert("Stream closed");
   flush : function()
   write : function(string, count)
     alert("'" + string + "'\n bytes count: " + count + "");
 s.serializeToStream(document, stream, "UTF-8");
String serializeToString(Node node);

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