Dart API Referencedart:htmlTimeRanges

TimeRanges Interface

The TimeRanges interface is used to represent a set of time ranges, primarily for the purpose of tracking which portions of media have been buffered when loading it for use by the <audio> and <video>  elements.

A TimeRanges object includes one or more ranges of time, each specified by a starting and ending time offset. You reference each time range by using the start() and end() methods, passing the index number of the time range you want to retrieve.


Code num end(int index) #

Returns the time for the end of the specified range.
num end(int index);

Code num start(int index) #

Returns the time for the start of the range with the specified index.
num start(int index);


Code final int length #

The number of time ranges represented by the time range object. Read only.
final int length;

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