Dart API Referencedart:htmlCSSStyleSheet

CSSStyleSheet Interface

An object implementing the CSSStyleSheet interface represents a single CSS style sheet.

A CSS style sheet consists of CSS rules, each of which can be manipulated through an object that corresponds to that rule and that implements the CSSRule interface. The CSSStyleSheet itself lets you examine and modify its corresponding style sheet, including its list of rules.

In practice, every CSSStyleSheet also implements the more generic StyleSheet interface. A list of CSSStyleSheet-implementing objects corresponding to the style sheets for a given document can be reached by the document.styleSheets property, if the document is styled by an external CSS style sheet or an inline style element.




Code int addRule(String selector, String style, [int index]) #

int addRule(String selector, String style, [int index]);

Code void deleteRule(int index) #

Deletes a rule from the style sheet.
void deleteRule(int index);

Code int insertRule(String rule, int index) #

Inserts a new style rule into the current style sheet.
int insertRule(String rule, int index);

Code void removeRule(int index) #

void removeRule(int index);


Code final CSSRuleList cssRules #

Returns a CSSRuleList of the CSS rules in the style sheet.
final CSSRuleList cssRules;

Code final CSSRule ownerRule #

If this style sheet is imported into the document using an @import rule, the ownerRule property will return that CSSImportRule, otherwise it returns null.
final CSSRule ownerRule;

Code final CSSRuleList rules #

final CSSRuleList rules;

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