Dart API Referencedart:htmlDatabaseSync

DatabaseSync Interface

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The DatabaseSync interface in the IndexedDB API represents a synchronous connection to a database.


Code void changeVersion(String oldVersion, String newVersion, [SQLTransactionSyncCallback callback]) #

void changeVersion(String oldVersion, String newVersion, [SQLTransactionSyncCallback callback]);

Code void readTransaction(SQLTransactionSyncCallback callback) #

void readTransaction(SQLTransactionSyncCallback callback);

Code void transaction(SQLTransactionSyncCallback callback) #

Creates and returns a transaction, acquiring locks on the given database objects, within the specified timeout duration, if possible.

IDBTransactionSync transaction (
  in optional DOMStringList storeNames,
  in optional unsigned int timeout
) raises (IDBDatabaseException);
The names of object stores and indexes in the scope of the new transaction.
The interval that this operation is allowed to take to acquire locks on all the objects stores and indexes identified in storeNames.
An object to access the newly created transaction.

This method can raise an IDBDatabaseException with the following code:

If reserving all the database objects identified in storeNames takes longer than the timeout interval.
void transaction(SQLTransactionSyncCallback callback);


Code final String lastErrorMessage #

final String lastErrorMessage;

Code final String version #

The version of the connected database. Has the null value when the database is first created.
final String version;

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