Dart API Referencedart:htmlSVGTransform

SVGTransform Interface

SVGTransform is the interface for one of the component transformations within an SVGTransformList ; thus, an SVGTransform object corresponds to a single component (e.g., scale(…) or matrix(…)) within a transform attribute.

An SVGTransform object can be designated as read only, which means that attempts to modify the object will result in an exception being thrown.

Static Fields


static final int SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX = 1;


static final int SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE = 4;

Code final int SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE #

static final int SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE = 3;

Code final int SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX #

static final int SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX = 5;

Code final int SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY #

static final int SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY = 6;


static final int SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE = 2;


static final int SVG_TRANSFORM_UNKNOWN = 0;


Code void setMatrix(SVGMatrix matrix) #

Sets the transform type to SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX, with parameter matrix defining the new transformation. Note that the values from the parameter matrix are copied.


  • a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when attempting to modify a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.
void setMatrix(SVGMatrix matrix);

Code void setRotate(num angle, num cx, num cy) #

Sets the transform type to SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE, with parameter angle defining the rotation angle and parameters cx and cy defining the optional center of rotation.


  • a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when attempting to modify a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.
void setRotate(num angle, num cx, num cy);

Code void setScale(num sx, num sy) #

Sets the transform type to SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE, with parameters sx and sy defining the scale amounts.


  • a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when attempting to modify a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.
void setScale(num sx, num sy);

Code void setSkewX(num angle) #

Sets the transform type to SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX, with parameter angle defining the amount of skew.


  • a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when attempting to modify a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.
void setSkewX(num angle);

Code void setSkewY(num angle) #

Sets the transform type to SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY, with parameter angle defining the amount of skew.


  • a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when attempting to modify a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.
void setSkewY(num angle);

Code void setTranslate(num tx, num ty) #

Sets the transform type to SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE, with parameters tx and ty defining the translation amounts.


  • a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when attempting to modify a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.
void setTranslate(num tx, num ty);


Code final num angle #

A convenience attribute for SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE, SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX and SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY. It holds the angle that was specified.

final num angle;

Code final SVGMatrix matrix #

The matrix that represents this transformation. The matrix object is live, meaning that any changes made to the SVGTransform object are immediately reflected in the matrix object and vice versa. In case the matrix object is changed directly (i.e., without using the methods on the SVGTransform interface itself) then the type of the SVGTransform changes to SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX.

  • For SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX, the matrix contains the a, b, c, d, e, f values supplied by the user.
  • For SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE, e and f represent the translation amounts (a=1, b=0, c=0 and d=1).
  • For SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE, a and d represent the scale amounts (b=0, c=0, e=0 and f=0).
  • For SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX and SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY, a, b, c and d represent the matrix which will result in the given skew (e=0 and f=0).
  • For SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE, a, b, c, d, e and f together represent the matrix which will result in the given rotation. When the rotation is around the center point (0, 0), e and f will be zero.
final SVGMatrix matrix;

Code final int type #

The type of the value as specified by one of the SVG_TRANSFORM_* constants defined on this interface.
final int type;

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