Dart API Referencedart:htmlSVGElement

SVGElement Interface

All of the SVG DOM interfaces that correspond directly to elements in the SVG language derive from the SVGElement interface.




SVGAElement, SVGAltGlyphDefElement, SVGAltGlyphItemElement, SVGAnimationElement, SVGCircleElement, SVGClipPathElement, SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement, SVGCursorElement, SVGDefsElement, SVGDescElement, SVGEllipseElement, SVGFEBlendElement, SVGFEColorMatrixElement, SVGFEComponentTransferElement, SVGFECompositeElement, SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement, SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement, SVGFEDisplacementMapElement, SVGFEDistantLightElement, SVGFEDropShadowElement, SVGFEFloodElement, SVGFEGaussianBlurElement, SVGFEImageElement, SVGFEMergeElement, SVGFEMergeNodeElement, SVGFEMorphologyElement, SVGFEOffsetElement, SVGFEPointLightElement, SVGFESpecularLightingElement, SVGFESpotLightElement, SVGFETileElement, SVGFETurbulenceElement, SVGFilterElement, SVGFontElement, SVGFontFaceElement, SVGFontFaceFormatElement, SVGFontFaceNameElement, SVGFontFaceSrcElement, SVGFontFaceUriElement, SVGForeignObjectElement, SVGGElement, SVGGlyphElement, SVGGlyphRefElement, SVGGradientElement, SVGHKernElement, SVGImageElement, SVGLineElement, SVGMPathElement, SVGMarkerElement, SVGMaskElement, SVGMetadataElement, SVGMissingGlyphElement, SVGPathElement, SVGPatternElement, SVGPolygonElement, SVGPolylineElement, SVGRectElement, SVGSVGElement, SVGScriptElement, SVGStopElement, SVGStyleElement, SVGSwitchElement, SVGSymbolElement, SVGTextContentElement, SVGTitleElement, SVGUseElement, SVGVKernElement, SVGViewElement


Code new SVGElement.tag(String tag) #

SVGElement.tag(String tag);

Code new SVGElement.svg(String svg) #

SVGElement.svg(String svg);


Code SVGElement clone(bool deep) #

SVGElement clone(bool deep);


Code String id #

The value of the id attribute on the given element, or the empty string if id is not present.
String id;

Code final SVGSVGElement ownerSVGElement #

The nearest ancestor <svg> element. Null if the given element is the outermost svg element.
final SVGSVGElement ownerSVGElement;

Code final SVGElement viewportElement #

The element which established the current viewport. Often, the nearest ancestor <svg> element. Null if the given element is the outermost svg element.
final SVGElement viewportElement;

Code String xmlbase #

Corresponds to attribute xml:base on the given element.
String xmlbase;

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