Dart API Referencedart:htmlDocument

Document Interface

Each web page loaded in the browser has its own document object. This object serves as an entry point to the web page's content (the DOM tree, including elements such as <body> and <table> ) and provides functionality global to the document (such as obtaining the page's URL and creating new elements in the document).

A document object can be obtained from various APIs:

Depending on the kind of the document (e.g. HTML or XML) different APIs may be available on the document object. This theoretical availability of APIs is usually described in terms of implementing interfaces defined in the relevant W3C DOM specifications:

  • All document objects implement the DOM Core Document and Node interfaces, meaning that the "core" properties and methods are available for all kinds of documents.
  • In addition to the generalized DOM Core document interface, HTML documents also implement the HTMLDocument interface, which is a more specialized interface for dealing with HTML documents (e.g., document.cookie, document.alinkColor).
  • XUL documents (available to Mozilla add-on and application developers) implement their own additions to the core Document functionality.

Methods or properties listed here that are part of a more specialized interface have an asterisk (*) next to them and have additional information in the  Availability column.

Note that some APIs listed below are not available in all browsers for various reasons:

  • Obsolete: on its way of being removed from supporting browsers.
  • Non-standard: either an experimental feature not (yet?) agreed upon by all vendors, or a feature targeted specifically at the code running in a specific browser (e.g. Mozilla has a few DOM APIs created for its add-ons and application development).
  • Part of a completed or an emerging standard, but not (yet?) implemented in all browsers or implemented in the newest versions of the browsers.

Detailed browser compatibility tables are located at the pages describing each property or method.






Code Range caretRangeFromPoint(int x, int y) #

Range caretRangeFromPoint(int x, int y);

Code CDATASection createCDATASection(String data) #

Creates a new CDATA node and returns it.
CDATASection createCDATASection(String data);

Code DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment() #

Creates a new document fragment.
DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment();

Code Range createRange() #

Creates a Range object.
Range createRange();

Code Touch createTouch(Window window, EventTarget target, int identifier, int pageX, int pageY, int screenX, int screenY, int webkitRadiusX, int webkitRadiusY, num webkitRotationAngle, num webkitForce) #

Touch createTouch(Window window, EventTarget target, int identifier, int pageX, int pageY, int screenX, int screenY, int webkitRadiusX, int webkitRadiusY, num webkitRotationAngle, num webkitForce);

Code Element elementFromPoint(int x, int y) #

Returns the element visible at the specified coordinates.
Element elementFromPoint(int x, int y);

Code bool execCommand(String command, bool userInterface, String value) #

Executes a Midas command.
bool execCommand(String command, bool userInterface, String value);

Code CanvasRenderingContext getCSSCanvasContext(String contextId, String name, int width, int height) #

CanvasRenderingContext getCSSCanvasContext(String contextId, String name, int width, int height);

Code DocumentEvents get on() #

DocumentEvents get on();

Code bool queryCommandEnabled(String command) #

Returns true if the Midas command can be executed on the current range.
bool queryCommandEnabled(String command);

Code bool queryCommandIndeterm(String command) #

Returns true if the Midas command is in a indeterminate state on the current range.
bool queryCommandIndeterm(String command);

Code bool queryCommandState(String command) #

Returns true if the Midas command has been executed on the current range.
bool queryCommandState(String command);

Code bool queryCommandSupported(String command) #

bool queryCommandSupported(String command);

Code String queryCommandValue(String command) #

Returns the current value of the current range for Midas command. As of Firefox, queryCommandValue will return an empty string when a command value has not been explicitly set.
String queryCommandValue(String command);

Code void webkitCancelFullScreen() #

void webkitCancelFullScreen();

Code void webkitExitFullscreen() #

void webkitExitFullscreen();

Code void webkitExitPointerLock() #

void webkitExitPointerLock();

Code Element $dom_createElement(String tagName) #

Creates a new element with the given tag name.
Element $dom_createElement(String tagName);

Code Element $dom_createElementNS(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName) #

Creates a new element with the given tag name and namespace URI.
Element $dom_createElementNS(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName);

Code Event $dom_createEvent(String eventType) #

Creates an event.
Event $dom_createEvent(String eventType);

Code Text $dom_createTextNode(String data) #

Creates a text node.
Text $dom_createTextNode(String data);

Code TouchList $dom_createTouchList() #

TouchList $dom_createTouchList();

Code Element $dom_getElementById(String elementId) #

Returns an object reference to the identified element.
Element $dom_getElementById(String elementId);

Code NodeList $dom_getElementsByClassName(String tagname) #

Returns a list of elements with the given class name.
NodeList $dom_getElementsByClassName(String tagname);

Code NodeList $dom_getElementsByName(String elementName) #

Returns a list of elements with the given name.
NodeList $dom_getElementsByName(String elementName);

Code NodeList $dom_getElementsByTagName(String tagname) #

Returns a list of elements with the given tag name.
NodeList $dom_getElementsByTagName(String tagname);

Code Element $dom_querySelector(String selectors) #

Returns the first Element node within the document, in document order, that matches the specified selectors.
Element $dom_querySelector(String selectors);

Code NodeList $dom_querySelectorAll(String selectors) #

Returns a list of all the Element nodes within the document that match the specified selectors.
NodeList $dom_querySelectorAll(String selectors);


Code final Element activeElement #

final Element activeElement;

Code Element body #

Returns the BODY node of the current document.
Element body;

Code String charset #

String charset;
Returns a semicolon-separated list of the cookies for that document or sets a single cookie.
String cookie;

Code final Element documentElement #

Returns the Element that is a direct child of document. For HTML documents, this is normally the HTML element.
final Element documentElement;

Code final String domain #

Returns the domain of the current document.
final String domain;
Returns the HEAD node of the current document.
final HeadElement head;

Code final String lastModified #

Returns the date on which the document was last modified.
final String lastModified;

Code final String preferredStylesheetSet #

final String preferredStylesheetSet;

Code final String readyState #

Returns loading status of the document
final String readyState;

Code final String referrer #

Returns the URI of the page that linked to this page.
final String referrer;

Code String selectedStylesheetSet #

String selectedStylesheetSet;

Code final StyleSheetList styleSheets #

Returns a list of the stylesheet objects on the current document.
final StyleSheetList styleSheets;

Code String title #

Returns the title of the current document.
String title;

Code final Element webkitCurrentFullScreenElement #

final Element webkitCurrentFullScreenElement;

Code final bool webkitFullScreenKeyboardInputAllowed #

final bool webkitFullScreenKeyboardInputAllowed;

Code final Element webkitFullscreenElement #

final Element webkitFullscreenElement;

Code final bool webkitFullscreenEnabled #

final bool webkitFullscreenEnabled;

Code final bool webkitHidden #

final bool webkitHidden;

Code final bool webkitIsFullScreen #

final bool webkitIsFullScreen;

Code final Element webkitPointerLockElement #

final Element webkitPointerLockElement;

Code final String webkitVisibilityState #

final String webkitVisibilityState;

Code final Window window #

Returns a reference to the window object.
final Window window;

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