Dart API Referencedart:coreSequence<T>

Sequence<T> abstract class

An indexed sequence of elements of the same type.

This is a primitive interface that any finite integer-indexable sequence can implement. It is intended for data structures where access by index is the most efficient way to access the data.

abstract class Sequence<T> {
   * The limit of valid indices of the sequence.
   * The length getter should be efficient.
  int get length;

   * Returns the value at the given [index].
   * Valid indices must be in the range [:0..length - 1:].
   * The lookup operator should be efficient.
  T operator[](int index);


List<E>, SequenceCollection<E>, String


final int length #

The limit of valid indices of the sequence.

The length getter should be efficient.

int get length;


T operator [](int index) #

Returns the value at the given index.

Valid indices must be in the range 0..length - 1. The lookup operator should be efficient.

T operator[](int index);