Dart API Referencedart:coreFuture<T>

Future<T> abstract class

A Future is used to obtain a value sometime in the future. Receivers of a Future can obtain the value by passing a callback to then. For example:

Future<int> future = getFutureFromSomewhere();
future.then((value) {
  print("I received the number $value");

A future may complete by succeeding (producing a value) or failing (producing an exception, which may be handled with handleException). Callbacks passed to onComplete will be invoked in either case.

When a future completes, the following actions happen in order:

  1. if the future suceeded, handlers registered with then are called.
  2. if the future failed, handlers registered with handleException are called in sequence, until one returns true.

  3. handlers registered with onComplete are called
  4. if the future failed, and at least one handler was registered with then, and no handler registered with handleException returned true, then the exception is thrown.

Use a Completer to create and change the state of a Future.

abstract class Future<T> {
  /** A future whose value is immediately available. */
  factory Future.immediate(T value) => new _FutureImpl<T>.immediate(value);

  /** The value provided. Throws an exception if [hasValue] is false. */
  T get value;

   * Exception that occurred ([:null:] if no exception occured). This property
   * throws a [FutureNotCompleteException] if it is used before this future is
   * completes.
  Object get exception;

   * The stack trace object associated with the exception that occurred. This
   * throws a [FutureNotCompleteException] if it is used before the future
   * completes. Returns [:null:] if the future completed successfully or a
   * stack trace wasn't provided with the exception when it occurred.
  Object get stackTrace;

   * Whether the future is complete (either the value is available or there was
   * an exception).
  bool get isComplete;

   * Whether the value is available (meaning [isComplete] is true, and there was
   * no exception).
  bool get hasValue;

   * When this future is complete (either with a value or with an exception),
   * then [complete] is called with the future.
   * If [complete] throws an exception, it is ignored.
  void onComplete(void complete(Future<T> future));

   * If this future is complete and has a value, then [onSuccess] is called
   * with the value.
  void then(void onSuccess(T value));

   * If this future is complete and has an exception, then call [onException].
   * If [onException] returns true, then the exception is considered handled.
   * If [onException] does not return true (or [handleException] was never
   * called), then the exception is not considered handled. In that case, if
   * there were any calls to [then], then the exception will be thrown when the
   * value is set.
   * In most cases it should not be necessary to call [handleException],
   * because the exception associated with this [Future] will propagate
   * naturally if the future's value is being consumed. Only call
   * [handleException] if you need to do some special local exception handling
   * related to this particular Future's value.
  void handleException(bool onException(Object exception));

   * A future representing [transformation] applied to this future's value.
   * When this future gets a value, [transformation] will be called on the
   * value, and the returned future will receive the result.
   * If an exception occurs (received by this future, or thrown by
   * [transformation]) then the returned future will receive the exception.
   * You must not add exception handlers to [this] future prior to calling
   * transform, and any you add afterwards will not be invoked.
  Future transform(transformation(T value));

    * A future representing an asynchronous transformation applied to this
    * future's value. [transformation] must return a Future.
    * When this future gets a value, [transformation] will be called on the
    * value. When the resulting future gets a value, the returned future
    * will receive it.
    * If an exception occurs (received by this future, thrown by
    * [transformation], or received by the future returned by [transformation])
    * then the returned future will receive the exception.
    * You must not add exception handlers to [this] future prior to calling
    * chain, and any you add afterwards will not be invoked.
   Future chain(Future transformation(T value));

   * A future representing [transformation] applied to this future's exception.
   * This can be used to "catch" an exception coming from `this` and translate
   * it to a more appropriate result.
   * If this future gets a value, it simply completes to that same value. If an
   * exception occurs, then [transformation] will be called with the exception
   * value. If [transformation] itself throws an exception, then the returned
   * future completes with that exception. Otherwise, the future will complete
   * with the value returned by [transformation]. If the returned value is
   * itself a future, then the future returned by [transformException] will
   * complete with the value that that future completes to.
  Future transformException(transformation(Object exception));


factory Future.immediate(T value) #

A future whose value is immediately available.

factory Future.immediate(T value) => new _FutureImpl<T>.immediate(value);


final Object exception #

Exception that occurred (null if no exception occured). This property throws a FutureNotCompleteException if it is used before this future is completes.

Object get exception;

final bool hasValue #

Whether the value is available (meaning isComplete is true, and there was no exception).

bool get hasValue;

final bool isComplete #

Whether the future is complete (either the value is available or there was an exception).

bool get isComplete;

final Object stackTrace #

The stack trace object associated with the exception that occurred. This throws a FutureNotCompleteException if it is used before the future completes. Returns null if the future completed successfully or a stack trace wasn't provided with the exception when it occurred.

Object get stackTrace;

final T value #

The value provided. Throws an exception if hasValue is false.

T get value;


Future chain(Future transformation(T value)) #

A future representing an asynchronous transformation applied to this future's value. transformation must return a Future.

When this future gets a value, transformation will be called on the value. When the resulting future gets a value, the returned future will receive it.

If an exception occurs (received by this future, thrown by transformation, or received by the future returned by transformation) then the returned future will receive the exception.

You must not add exception handlers to this future prior to calling chain, and any you add afterwards will not be invoked.

Future chain(Future transformation(T value));

void handleException(bool onException(Object exception)) #

If this future is complete and has an exception, then call onException.

If onException returns true, then the exception is considered handled.

If onException does not return true (or handleException was never called), then the exception is not considered handled. In that case, if there were any calls to then, then the exception will be thrown when the value is set.

In most cases it should not be necessary to call handleException, because the exception associated with this Future will propagate naturally if the future's value is being consumed. Only call handleException if you need to do some special local exception handling related to this particular Future's value.

void handleException(bool onException(Object exception));

void onComplete(void complete(Future<T> future)) #

When this future is complete (either with a value or with an exception), then complete is called with the future. If complete throws an exception, it is ignored.

void onComplete(void complete(Future<T> future));

void then(void onSuccess(T value)) #

If this future is complete and has a value, then onSuccess is called with the value.

void then(void onSuccess(T value));

Future transform(transformation(T value)) #

A future representing transformation applied to this future's value.

When this future gets a value, transformation will be called on the value, and the returned future will receive the result.

If an exception occurs (received by this future, or thrown by transformation) then the returned future will receive the exception.

You must not add exception handlers to this future prior to calling transform, and any you add afterwards will not be invoked.

Future transform(transformation(T value));

Future transformException(transformation(Object exception)) #

A future representing transformation applied to this future's exception. This can be used to "catch" an exception coming from this and translate it to a more appropriate result.

If this future gets a value, it simply completes to that same value. If an exception occurs, then transformation will be called with the exception value. If transformation itself throws an exception, then the returned future completes with that exception. Otherwise, the future will complete with the value returned by transformation. If the returned value is itself a future, then the future returned by transformException will complete with the value that that future completes to.

Future transformException(transformation(Object exception));