Dart API Referencedart:coreExpect

Expect class

Expect is used for tests that do not want to make use of the Dart unit test library - for example, the core language tests. Third parties are discouraged from using this, and should use the expect() function in the unit test library instead for test assertions.

class Expect {
   * Checks whether the expected and actual values are equal (using `==`).
  static void equals(var expected, var actual, [String reason = null]) {
    if (expected == actual) return;
    String msg = _getMessage(reason);
    _fail("Expect.equals(expected: <$expected>, actual: <$actual>$msg) fails.");

   * Checks whether the actual value is a bool and its value is true.
  static void isTrue(var actual, [String reason = null]) {
    if (actual === true) return;
    String msg = _getMessage(reason);
    _fail("Expect.isTrue($actual$msg) fails.");

   * Checks whether the actual value is a bool and its value is false.
  static void isFalse(var actual, [String reason = null]) {
    if (actual === false) return;
    String msg = _getMessage(reason);
    _fail("Expect.isFalse($actual$msg) fails.");

   * Checks whether [actual] is null.
  static void isNull(actual, [String reason = null]) {
    if (null === actual) return;
    String msg = _getMessage(reason);
    _fail("Expect.isNull(actual: <$actual>$msg) fails.");

   * Checks whether [actual] is not null.
  static void isNotNull(actual, [String reason = null]) {
    if (null !== actual) return;
    String msg = _getMessage(reason);
    _fail("Expect.isNotNull(actual: <$actual>$msg) fails.");

   * Checks whether the expected and actual values are identical
   * (using `===`).
  static void identical(var expected, var actual, [String reason = null]) {
    if (expected === actual) return;
    String msg = _getMessage(reason);
    _fail("Expect.identical(expected: <$expected>, actual: <$actual>$msg) "

  // Unconditional failure.
  static void fail(String msg) {

   * Failure if the difference between expected and actual is greater than the
   * given tolerance. If no tolerance is given, tolerance is assumed to be the
   * value 4 significant digits smaller than the value given for expected.
  static void approxEquals(num expected,
                           num actual,
                           [num tolerance = null,
                            String reason = null]) {
    if (tolerance === null) {
      tolerance = (expected / 1e4).abs();
    // Note: use !( <= ) rather than > so we fail on NaNs
    if ((expected - actual).abs() <= tolerance) return;

    String msg = _getMessage(reason);
    _fail('Expect.approxEquals(expected:<$expected>, actual:<$actual>, '
          'tolerance:<$tolerance>$msg) fails');

  static void notEquals(unexpected, actual, [String reason = null]) {
    if (unexpected != actual) return;
    String msg = _getMessage(reason);
    _fail("Expect.notEquals(unexpected: <$unexpected>, actual:<$actual>$msg) "

   * Checks that all elements in [expected] and [actual] are equal `==`.
   * This is different than the typical check for identity equality `===`
   * used by the standard list implementation.  It should also produce nicer
   * error messages than just calling `Expect.equals(expected, actual)`.
  static void listEquals(List expected, List actual, [String reason = null]) {
    String msg = _getMessage(reason);
    int n = (expected.length < actual.length) ? expected.length : actual.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      if (expected[i] != actual[i]) {
        _fail('Expect.listEquals(at index $i, '
              'expected: <${expected[i]}>, actual: <${actual[i]}>$msg) fails');
    // We check on length at the end in order to provide better error
    // messages when an unexpected item is inserted in a list.
    if (expected.length != actual.length) {
      _fail('Expect.listEquals(list length, '
        'expected: <${expected.length}>, actual: <${actual.length}>$msg) '

   * Checks that all [expected] and [actual] have the same set of keys (using
   * the semantics of [Map.containsKey] to determine what "same" means. For
   * each key, checks that the values in both maps are equal using `==`.
  static void mapEquals(Map expected, Map actual, [String reason = null]) {
    String msg = _getMessage(reason);

    // Make sure all of the values are present in both and match.
    for (final key in expected.getKeys()) {
      if (!actual.containsKey(key)) {
        _fail('Expect.mapEquals(missing expected key: <$key>$msg) fails');

      Expect.equals(expected[key], actual[key]);

    // Make sure the actual map doesn't have any extra keys.
    for (final key in actual.getKeys()) {
      if (!expected.containsKey(key)) {
        _fail('Expect.mapEquals(unexpected key: <$key>$msg) fails');

   * Specialized equality test for strings. When the strings don't match,
   * this method shows where the mismatch starts and ends.
  static void stringEquals(String expected,
                           String actual,
                           [String reason = null]) {
    String msg = _getMessage(reason);
    String defaultMessage =
        'Expect.stringEquals(expected: <$expected>", <$actual>$msg) fails';

    if (expected == actual) return;
    if ((expected === null) || (actual === null)) {
    // scan from the left until we find a mismatch
    int left = 0;
    int eLen = expected.length;
    int aLen = actual.length;
    while (true) {
      if (left == eLen) {
        assert (left < aLen);
        String snippet = actual.substring(left, aLen);
        _fail('$defaultMessage\nDiff:\n...[  ]\n...[ $snippet ]');
      if (left == aLen) {
        assert (left < eLen);
        String snippet = expected.substring(left, eLen);
        _fail('$defaultMessage\nDiff:\n...[  ]\n...[ $snippet ]');
      if (expected[left] != actual[left]) {

    // scan from the right until we find a mismatch
    int right = 0;
    while (true) {
      if (right == eLen) {
        assert (right < aLen);
        String snippet = actual.substring(0, aLen - right);
        _fail('$defaultMessage\nDiff:\n[  ]...\n[ $snippet ]...');
      if (right == aLen) {
        assert (right < eLen);
        String snippet = expected.substring(0, eLen - right);
        _fail('$defaultMessage\nDiff:\n[  ]...\n[ $snippet ]...');
      // stop scanning if we've reached the end of the left-to-right match
      if (eLen - right <= left || aLen - right <= left) {
      if (expected[eLen - right - 1] != actual[aLen - right - 1]) {
    String eSnippet = expected.substring(left, eLen - right);
    String aSnippet = actual.substring(left, aLen - right);
    String diff = '\nDiff:\n...[ $eSnippet ]...\n...[ $aSnippet ]...';

   * Checks that every element of [expected] is also in [actual], and that
   * every element of [actual] is also in [expected].
  static void setEquals(Iterable expected,
                        Iterable actual,
                        [String reason = null]) {
    final missingSet = new Set.from(expected);
    final extraSet = new Set.from(actual);

    if (extraSet.isEmpty() && missingSet.isEmpty()) return;
    String msg = _getMessage(reason);

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Expect.setEquals($msg) fails");
    // Report any missing items.
    if (!missingSet.isEmpty()) {
      sb.add('\nExpected collection does not contain: ');

    for (final val in missingSet) {
      sb.add('$val ');

    // Report any extra items.
    if (!extraSet.isEmpty()) {
      sb.add('\nExpected collection should not contain: ');

    for (final val in extraSet) {
      sb.add('$val ');

   * Calls the function [f] and verifies that it throws an exception.
   * The optional [check] function can provide additional validation
   * that the correct exception is being thrown.  For example, to check
   * the type of the exception you could write this:
   *     Expect.throws(myThrowingFunction, (e) => e is MyException);
  static void throws(void f(),
                     [_CheckExceptionFn check = null,
                      String reason = null]) {
    try {
    } catch (e) {
      if (check !== null) {
    String msg = _getMessage(reason);
    _fail('Expect.throws($msg) fails');

  static String _getMessage(String reason)
      => (reason === null) ? "" : ", '$reason'";

  static void _fail(String message) {
    throw new ExpectException(message);

Static Methods

void equals(expected, actual, [String reason = null]) #

Checks whether the expected and actual values are equal (using ==).

static void equals(var expected, var actual, [String reason = null]) {
  if (expected == actual) return;
  String msg = _getMessage(reason);
  _fail("Expect.equals(expected: <$expected>, actual: <$actual>$msg) fails.");

void isTrue(actual, [String reason = null]) #

Checks whether the actual value is a bool and its value is true.

static void isTrue(var actual, [String reason = null]) {
  if (actual === true) return;
  String msg = _getMessage(reason);
  _fail("Expect.isTrue($actual$msg) fails.");

void isFalse(actual, [String reason = null]) #

Checks whether the actual value is a bool and its value is false.

static void isFalse(var actual, [String reason = null]) {
  if (actual === false) return;
  String msg = _getMessage(reason);
  _fail("Expect.isFalse($actual$msg) fails.");

void isNull(actual, [String reason = null]) #

Checks whether actual is null.

static void isNull(actual, [String reason = null]) {
  if (null === actual) return;
  String msg = _getMessage(reason);
  _fail("Expect.isNull(actual: <$actual>$msg) fails.");

void isNotNull(actual, [String reason = null]) #

Checks whether actual is not null.

static void isNotNull(actual, [String reason = null]) {
  if (null !== actual) return;
  String msg = _getMessage(reason);
  _fail("Expect.isNotNull(actual: <$actual>$msg) fails.");

void identical(expected, actual, [String reason = null]) #

Checks whether the expected and actual values are identical (using ===).

static void identical(var expected, var actual, [String reason = null]) {
  if (expected === actual) return;
  String msg = _getMessage(reason);
  _fail("Expect.identical(expected: <$expected>, actual: <$actual>$msg) "

void fail(String msg) #

static void fail(String msg) {

void approxEquals(num expected, num actual, [num tolerance = null, String reason = null]) #

Failure if the difference between expected and actual is greater than the given tolerance. If no tolerance is given, tolerance is assumed to be the value 4 significant digits smaller than the value given for expected.

static void approxEquals(num expected,
                         num actual,
                         [num tolerance = null,
                          String reason = null]) {
  if (tolerance === null) {
    tolerance = (expected / 1e4).abs();
  // Note: use !( <= ) rather than > so we fail on NaNs
  if ((expected - actual).abs() <= tolerance) return;

  String msg = _getMessage(reason);
  _fail('Expect.approxEquals(expected:<$expected>, actual:<$actual>, '
        'tolerance:<$tolerance>$msg) fails');

void notEquals(unexpected, actual, [String reason = null]) #

static void notEquals(unexpected, actual, [String reason = null]) {
  if (unexpected != actual) return;
  String msg = _getMessage(reason);
  _fail("Expect.notEquals(unexpected: <$unexpected>, actual:<$actual>$msg) "

void listEquals(List expected, List actual, [String reason = null]) #

Checks that all elements in expected and actual are equal ==. This is different than the typical check for identity equality === used by the standard list implementation. It should also produce nicer error messages than just calling Expect.equals(expected, actual).

static void listEquals(List expected, List actual, [String reason = null]) {
  String msg = _getMessage(reason);
  int n = (expected.length < actual.length) ? expected.length : actual.length;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (expected[i] != actual[i]) {
      _fail('Expect.listEquals(at index $i, '
            'expected: <${expected[i]}>, actual: <${actual[i]}>$msg) fails');
  // We check on length at the end in order to provide better error
  // messages when an unexpected item is inserted in a list.
  if (expected.length != actual.length) {
    _fail('Expect.listEquals(list length, '
      'expected: <${expected.length}>, actual: <${actual.length}>$msg) '

void mapEquals(Map expected, Map actual, [String reason = null]) #

Checks that all expected and actual have the same set of keys (using the semantics of Map.containsKey to determine what "same" means. For each key, checks that the values in both maps are equal using ==.

static void mapEquals(Map expected, Map actual, [String reason = null]) {
  String msg = _getMessage(reason);

  // Make sure all of the values are present in both and match.
  for (final key in expected.getKeys()) {
    if (!actual.containsKey(key)) {
      _fail('Expect.mapEquals(missing expected key: <$key>$msg) fails');

    Expect.equals(expected[key], actual[key]);

  // Make sure the actual map doesn't have any extra keys.
  for (final key in actual.getKeys()) {
    if (!expected.containsKey(key)) {
      _fail('Expect.mapEquals(unexpected key: <$key>$msg) fails');

void stringEquals(String expected, String actual, [String reason = null]) #

Specialized equality test for strings. When the strings don't match, this method shows where the mismatch starts and ends.

static void stringEquals(String expected,
                         String actual,
                         [String reason = null]) {
  String msg = _getMessage(reason);
  String defaultMessage =
      'Expect.stringEquals(expected: <$expected>", <$actual>$msg) fails';

  if (expected == actual) return;
  if ((expected === null) || (actual === null)) {
  // scan from the left until we find a mismatch
  int left = 0;
  int eLen = expected.length;
  int aLen = actual.length;
  while (true) {
    if (left == eLen) {
      assert (left < aLen);
      String snippet = actual.substring(left, aLen);
      _fail('$defaultMessage\nDiff:\n...[  ]\n...[ $snippet ]');
    if (left == aLen) {
      assert (left < eLen);
      String snippet = expected.substring(left, eLen);
      _fail('$defaultMessage\nDiff:\n...[  ]\n...[ $snippet ]');
    if (expected[left] != actual[left]) {

  // scan from the right until we find a mismatch
  int right = 0;
  while (true) {
    if (right == eLen) {
      assert (right < aLen);
      String snippet = actual.substring(0, aLen - right);
      _fail('$defaultMessage\nDiff:\n[  ]...\n[ $snippet ]...');
    if (right == aLen) {
      assert (right < eLen);
      String snippet = expected.substring(0, eLen - right);
      _fail('$defaultMessage\nDiff:\n[  ]...\n[ $snippet ]...');
    // stop scanning if we've reached the end of the left-to-right match
    if (eLen - right <= left || aLen - right <= left) {
    if (expected[eLen - right - 1] != actual[aLen - right - 1]) {
  String eSnippet = expected.substring(left, eLen - right);
  String aSnippet = actual.substring(left, aLen - right);
  String diff = '\nDiff:\n...[ $eSnippet ]...\n...[ $aSnippet ]...';

void setEquals(Iterable expected, Iterable actual, [String reason = null]) #

Checks that every element of expected is also in actual, and that every element of actual is also in expected.

static void setEquals(Iterable expected,
                      Iterable actual,
                      [String reason = null]) {
  final missingSet = new Set.from(expected);
  final extraSet = new Set.from(actual);

  if (extraSet.isEmpty() && missingSet.isEmpty()) return;
  String msg = _getMessage(reason);

  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Expect.setEquals($msg) fails");
  // Report any missing items.
  if (!missingSet.isEmpty()) {
    sb.add('\nExpected collection does not contain: ');

  for (final val in missingSet) {
    sb.add('$val ');

  // Report any extra items.
  if (!extraSet.isEmpty()) {
    sb.add('\nExpected collection should not contain: ');

  for (final val in extraSet) {
    sb.add('$val ');

void throws(void f(), [_CheckExceptionFn check = null, String reason = null]) #

Calls the function f and verifies that it throws an exception. The optional check function can provide additional validation that the correct exception is being thrown. For example, to check the type of the exception you could write this:

Expect.throws(myThrowingFunction, (e) => e is MyException);
static void throws(void f(),
                   [_CheckExceptionFn check = null,
                    String reason = null]) {
  try {
  } catch (e) {
    if (check !== null) {
  String msg = _getMessage(reason);
  _fail('Expect.throws($msg) fails');