Dart API Referencedart:coreDate

Date abstract class

Date is the public interface to a point in time.

It can represent time values that are at a distance of at most 8,640,000,000,000,000ms (100,000,000 days) from epoch (1970-01-01 UTC). In other words: millisecondsSinceEpoch.abs() <= 8640000000000000.

Also see Stopwatch for means to measure time-spans.

abstract class Date implements Comparable {
  // Weekday constants that are returned by [weekday] method:
  static const int MON = 1;
  static const int TUE = 2;
  static const int WED = 3;
  static const int THU = 4;
  static const int FRI = 5;
  static const int SAT = 6;
  static const int SUN = 7;
  static const int DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7;

  // Month constants that are returned by the [month] getter.
  static const int JAN = 1;
  static const int FEB = 2;
  static const int MAR = 3;
  static const int APR = 4;
  static const int MAY = 5;
  static const int JUN = 6;
  static const int JUL = 7;
  static const int AUG = 8;
  static const int SEP = 9;
  static const int OCT = 10;
  static const int NOV = 11;
  static const int DEC = 12;

   * Constructs a [Date] instance based on the individual parts. The date is
   * in the local time zone.
   * [month] and [day] are one-based. For example
   * [:new Date(1938, 1, 10):] represents the 10th of January 1938.
  factory Date(int year,
               [int month = 1,
                int day = 1,
                int hour = 0,
                int minute = 0,
                int second = 0,
                int millisecond = 0]) {
    return new _DateImpl(
        year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, false);

   * Constructs a [Date] instance based on the individual parts. The date is
   * in the UTC time zone.
   * [month] and [day] are one-based. For example
   * [:new Date.utc(1938, 1, 10):] represents the 10th of January 1938 in
   * Coordinated Universal Time.
  factory Date.utc(int year,
                   [int month = 1,
                    int day = 1,
                    int hour = 0,
                    int minute = 0,
                    int second = 0,
                    int millisecond = 0]) {
    return new _DateImpl(
        year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, true);

   * Constructs a new [Date] instance with current date time value in the
   * local time zone.
  factory Date.now() => new _DateImpl.now();

   * Constructs a new [Date] instance based on [formattedString].
  factory Date.fromString(String formattedString)
      => new _DateImpl.fromString(formattedString);

   * Constructs a new [Date] instance with the given [millisecondsSinceEpoch].
   * If [isUtc] is false then the date is in the local time zone.
   * The constructed [Date] represents
   * 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z + [millisecondsSinceEpoch]ms in the given
   * time zone (local or UTC).
  // TODO(floitsch): the spec allows default values in interfaces, but our
  // tools don't yet. Eventually we want to have default values here.
  // TODO(lrn): Have two constructors instead of taking an optional bool.
  factory Date.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int millisecondsSinceEpoch,
                                          {bool isUtc: false}) {
    return new _DateImpl.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millisecondsSinceEpoch,

   * Returns true if [this] occurs at the same time as [other]. The
   * comparison is independent of whether the time is utc or in the local
   * time zone.
  bool operator ==(Date other);
   * Returns true if [this] occurs before [other]. The comparison is independent
   * of whether the time is utc or in the local time zone.
  bool operator <(Date other);
   * Returns true if [this] occurs at the same time or before [other]. The
   * comparison is independent of whether the time is utc or in the local
   * time zone.
  bool operator <=(Date other);
   * Returns true if [this] occurs after [other]. The comparison is independent
   * of whether the time is utc or in the local time zone.
  bool operator >(Date other);
   * Returns true if [this] occurs at the same time or after [other]. The
   * comparison is independent of whether the time is utc or in the local
   * time zone.
  bool operator >=(Date other);

   * Returns [this] in the local time zone. Returns itself if it is already in
   * the local time zone. Otherwise, this method is equivalent to
   * [:new Date.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millisecondsSinceEpoch,
   *                                       isUtc: false):].
  Date toLocal();

   * Returns [this] in UTC. Returns itself if it is already in UTC. Otherwise,
   * this method is equivalent to
   * [:new Date.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millisecondsSinceEpoch,
   *                                       isUtc: true):].
  Date toUtc();

   * Returns the abbreviated time-zone name.
   * Examples: [:"CET":] or [:"CEST":].
  String get timeZoneName;

   * The time-zone offset is the difference between local time and UTC. That is,
   * the offset is positive for time zones west of UTC.
   * Note, that JavaScript, Python and C return the difference between UTC and
   * local time. Java, C# and Ruby return the difference between local time and
   * UTC.
  Duration get timeZoneOffset;

   * Returns the year.
  int get year;

   * Returns the month into the year [1..12].
  int get month;

   * Returns the day into the month [1..31].
  int get day;

   * Returns the hour into the day [0..23].
  int get hour;

   * Returns the minute into the hour [0...59].
  int get minute;

   * Returns the second into the minute [0...59].
  int get second;

   * Returns the millisecond into the second [0...999].
  int get millisecond;

   * Returns the week day [MON..SUN]. In accordance with ISO 8601
   * a week starts with Monday which has the value 1.
  int get weekday;

   * The milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC). This value is
   * independent of the time zone.
   * See [Stopwatch] for means to measure time-spans.
  int get millisecondsSinceEpoch;

   * True if this [Date] is set to UTC time.
  bool get isUtc;

   * Returns a human readable string for this instance.
   * The returned string is constructed for the time zone of this instance.
  String toString();

   * Returns a new [Date] with the [duration] added to this instance.
  Date add(Duration duration);

   * Returns a new [Date] with the [duration] subtracted from this instance.
  Date subtract(Duration duration);

   * Returns a [Duration] with the difference of [:this:] and [other].
  Duration difference(Date other);



Static Properties

const int APR #

static const int APR = 4;

const int AUG #

static const int AUG = 8;

const int DAYS_IN_WEEK #

static const int DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7;

const int DEC #

static const int DEC = 12;

const int FEB #

static const int FEB = 2;

const int FRI #

static const int FRI = 5;

const int JAN #

static const int JAN = 1;

const int JUL #

static const int JUL = 7;

const int JUN #

static const int JUN = 6;

const int MAR #

static const int MAR = 3;

const int MAY #

static const int MAY = 5;

const int MON #

static const int MON = 1;

const int NOV #

static const int NOV = 11;

const int OCT #

static const int OCT = 10;

const int SAT #

static const int SAT = 6;

const int SEP #

static const int SEP = 9;

const int SUN #

static const int SUN = 7;

const int THU #

static const int THU = 4;

const int TUE #

static const int TUE = 2;

const int WED #

static const int WED = 3;


factory Date(int year, [int month = 1, int day = 1, int hour = 0, int minute = 0, int second = 0, int millisecond = 0]) #

Constructs a Date instance based on the individual parts. The date is in the local time zone.

month and day are one-based. For example new Date(1938, 1, 10) represents the 10th of January 1938.

factory Date(int year,
             [int month = 1,
              int day = 1,
              int hour = 0,
              int minute = 0,
              int second = 0,
              int millisecond = 0]) {
  return new _DateImpl(
      year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, false);

factory Date.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int millisecondsSinceEpoch, [bool isUtc = false]) #

Constructs a new Date instance with the given millisecondsSinceEpoch. If isUtc is false then the date is in the local time zone.

The constructed Date represents 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z + millisecondsSinceEpochms in the given time zone (local or UTC).

factory Date.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int millisecondsSinceEpoch,
                                        {bool isUtc: false}) {
  return new _DateImpl.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millisecondsSinceEpoch,

factory Date.fromString(String formattedString) #

Constructs a new Date instance based on formattedString.

factory Date.fromString(String formattedString)
    => new _DateImpl.fromString(formattedString);

factory Date.now() #

Constructs a new Date instance with current date time value in the local time zone.

factory Date.now() => new _DateImpl.now();

factory Date.utc(int year, [int month = 1, int day = 1, int hour = 0, int minute = 0, int second = 0, int millisecond = 0]) #

Constructs a Date instance based on the individual parts. The date is in the UTC time zone.

month and day are one-based. For example new Date.utc(1938, 1, 10) represents the 10th of January 1938 in Coordinated Universal Time.

factory Date.utc(int year,
                 [int month = 1,
                  int day = 1,
                  int hour = 0,
                  int minute = 0,
                  int second = 0,
                  int millisecond = 0]) {
  return new _DateImpl(
      year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, true);


final int day #

Returns the day into the month 1..31.

int get day;

final int hour #

Returns the hour into the day 0..23.

int get hour;

final bool isUtc #

True if this Date is set to UTC time.

bool get isUtc;

final int millisecond #

Returns the millisecond into the second 0...999.

int get millisecond;

final int millisecondsSinceEpoch #

The milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC). This value is independent of the time zone.

See Stopwatch for means to measure time-spans.

int get millisecondsSinceEpoch;

final int minute #

Returns the minute into the hour 0...59.

int get minute;

final int month #

Returns the month into the year 1..12.

int get month;

final int second #

Returns the second into the minute 0...59.

int get second;

final String timeZoneName #

Returns the abbreviated time-zone name.

Examples: "CET" or "CEST".

String get timeZoneName;

final Duration timeZoneOffset #

The time-zone offset is the difference between local time and UTC. That is, the offset is positive for time zones west of UTC.

Note, that JavaScript, Python and C return the difference between UTC and local time. Java, C# and Ruby return the difference between local time and UTC.

Duration get timeZoneOffset;

final int weekday #

Returns the week day MON..SUN. In accordance with ISO 8601 a week starts with Monday which has the value 1.

int get weekday;

final int year #

Returns the year.

int get year;


bool operator <(Date other) #

Returns true if this occurs before other. The comparison is independent of whether the time is utc or in the local time zone.

bool operator <(Date other);

bool operator <=(Date other) #

Returns true if this occurs at the same time or before other. The comparison is independent of whether the time is utc or in the local time zone.

bool operator <=(Date other);

bool operator >(Date other) #

Returns true if this occurs after other. The comparison is independent of whether the time is utc or in the local time zone.

bool operator >(Date other);

bool operator >=(Date other) #

Returns true if this occurs at the same time or after other. The comparison is independent of whether the time is utc or in the local time zone.

bool operator >=(Date other);

bool operator ==(Date other) #

Returns true if this occurs at the same time as other. The comparison is independent of whether the time is utc or in the local time zone.

bool operator ==(Date other);


Date add(Duration duration) #

Returns a new Date with the duration added to this instance.

Date add(Duration duration);

abstract int compareTo(Comparable other) #

inherited from Comparable

Compares this object to another Comparable

Returns a value like a Comparator when comparing this to other.

May throw an ArgumentError if other is of a type that is not comparable to this.

Duration difference(Date other) #

Returns a Duration with the difference of this and other.

Duration difference(Date other);

Date subtract(Duration duration) #

Returns a new Date with the duration subtracted from this instance.

Date subtract(Duration duration);

Date toLocal() #

Returns this in the local time zone. Returns itself if it is already in the local time zone. Otherwise, this method is equivalent to [:new Date.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millisecondsSinceEpoch,

                                  isUtc: false):].
Date toLocal();

String toString() #

Returns a human readable string for this instance. The returned string is constructed for the time zone of this instance.

String toString();

Date toUtc() #

Returns this in UTC. Returns itself if it is already in UTC. Otherwise, this method is equivalent to [:new Date.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millisecondsSinceEpoch,

                                  isUtc: true):].
Date toUtc();