Dart API Referenceargs

args library

This library lets you define parsers for parsing raw command-line arguments into a set of options and values using GNU and POSIX style options.

Defining options

To use this library, you create an ArgParser object which will contain the set of options you support:

var parser = new ArgParser();

Then you define a set of options on that parser using addOption() and addFlag(). The minimal way to create an option is:


This creates an option named "name". Options must be given a value on the command line. If you have a simple on/off flag, you can instead use:


Flag options will, by default, accept a 'no-' prefix to negate the option. This can be disabled like so:

parser.addFlag('name', negatable: false);

(From here on out "option" will refer to both "regular" options and flags. In cases where the distinction matters, we'll use "non-flag option".)

Options may have an optional single-character abbreviation:

parser.addOption('mode', abbr: 'm');
parser.addFlag('verbose', abbr: 'v');

They may also specify a default value. The default value will be used if the option isn't provided:

parser.addOption('mode', defaultsTo: 'debug');
parser.addFlag('verbose', defaultsTo: false);

The default value for non-flag options can be any String. For flags, it must be a bool.

To validate non-flag options, you may provide an allowed set of values. When you do, it will throw a FormatException when you parse the arguments if the value for an option is not in the allowed set:

parser.addOption('mode', allowed: ['debug', 'release']);

You can provide a callback when you define an option. When you later parse a set of arguments, the callback for that option will be invoked with the value provided for it:

parser.addOption('mode', callback: (mode) => print('Got mode $mode));
parser.addFlag('verbose', callback: (verbose) {
  if (verbose) print('Verbose');

The callback for each option will always be called when you parse a set of arguments. If the option isn't provided in the args, the callback will be passed the default value, or null if there is none set.

Parsing arguments

Once you have an ArgParser set up with some options and flags, you use it by calling ArgParser.parse() with a set of arguments:

var results = parser.parse(['some', 'command', 'line', 'args']);

These will usually come from new Options().arguments, but you can pass in any list of strings. It returns an instance of ArgResults. This is a map-like object that will return the value of any parsed option.

var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('verbose', defaultsTo: true);
var results = parser.parse('['--mode', 'debug', 'something', 'else']);
print(results['mode']); // debug
print(results['verbose']); // true

The parse() method will stop as soon as it reaches -- or anything that it doesn't recognize as an option, flag, or option value. If there are still arguments left, they will be provided to you in ArgResults.rest.

print(results.rest); // ['something', 'else']

Specifying options

To actually pass in options and flags on the command line, use GNU or POSIX style. If you define an option like:

parser.addOption('name', abbr: 'n');

Then a value for it can be specified on the command line using any of:

--name somevalue
-n somevalue

Given this flag:

parser.addFlag('name', abbr: 'n');

You can set it on using one of:


Or set it off using:


Multiple flag abbreviation can also be collapsed into a single argument. If you define:

parser.addFlag('verbose', abbr: 'v');
parser.addFlag('french', abbr: 'f');
parser.addFlag('iambic-pentameter', abbr: 'i');

Then all three flags could be set using:


By default, an option has only a single value, with later option values overriding earlier ones; for example:

var parser = new ArgParser();
var results = parser.parse(['--mode', 'on', '--mode', 'off']);
print(results['mode']); // prints 'off'

If you need multiple values, set the allowMultiple flag. In that case the option can occur multiple times and when parsing arguments a List of values will be returned:

var parser = new ArgParser();
parser.addOption('mode', allowMultiple: true);
var results = parser.parse(['--mode', 'on', '--mode', 'off']);
print(results['mode']); // prints '[on, off]'


This library can also be used to automatically generate nice usage help text like you get when you run a program with --help. To use this, you will also want to provide some help text when you create your options. To define help text for the entire option, do:

parser.addOption('mode', help: 'The compiler configuration',
    allowed: ['debug', 'release']);
parser.addFlag('verbose', help: 'Show additional diagnostic info');

For non-flag options, you can also provide detailed help for each expected value using a map:

parser.addOption('arch', help: 'The architecture to compile for',
    allowedHelp: {
      'ia32': 'Intel x86',
      'arm': 'ARM Holding 32-bit chip'

If you define a set of options like the above, then calling this:


Will display something like:

--mode            The compiler configuration
                  [debug, release]
--[no-]verbose    Show additional diagnostic info
--arch            The architecture to compile for
      [arm]       ARM Holding 32-bit chip
      [ia32]      Intel x86

To assist the formatting of the usage help, single line help text will be followed by a single new line. Options with multi-line help text will be followed by two new lines. This provides spatial diversity between options.
