Dart API Referencedart:coreNoSuchMethodError

NoSuchMethodError class

Error thrown by the default implementation of noSuchMethod on Object.

class NoSuchMethodError implements Error {
  final Object _receiver;
  final String _functionName;
  final List _arguments;
  final List _existingArgumentNames;

   * Create a [NoSuchMethodError] corresponding to a failed method call.
   * The first parameter is the receiver of the method call.
   * The second parameter is the name of the called method.
   * The third parameter is the positional arguments that the method was
   * called with.
   * The optional [exisitingArgumentNames] is the expected parameters of a
   * method with the same name on the receiver, if available. This is
   * the method that would have been called if the parameters had matched.
   * TODO(lrn): This will be rewritten to use mirrors when they are available.
  const NoSuchMethodError(Object this._receiver,
                          String this._functionName,
                          List this._arguments,
                          [List existingArgumentNames = null])
      : this._existingArgumentNames = existingArgumentNames;

  String toString() {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 0; i < _arguments.length; i++) {
      if (i > 0) {
        sb.add(", ");
    if (_existingArgumentNames === null) {
      return "NoSuchMethodError : method not found: '$_functionName'\n"
          "Receiver: ${safeToString(_receiver)}\n"
          "Arguments: [$sb]";
    } else {
      String actualParameters = sb.toString();
      sb = new StringBuffer();
      for (int i = 0; i < _existingArgumentNames.length; i++) {
        if (i > 0) {
          sb.add(", ");
      String formalParameters = sb.toString();
      return "NoSuchMethodError: incorrect number of arguments passed to "
          "method named '$_functionName'\n"
          "Receiver: ${safeToString(_receiver)}\n"
          "Tried calling: $_functionName($actualParameters)\n"
          "Found: $_functionName($formalParameters)";

  static String safeToString(Object object) {
    if (object is int || object is double || object is bool || null == object) {
      return object.toString();
    if (object is String) {
      // TODO(ahe): Remove backslash when http://dartbug.com/4995 is fixed.
      const backslash = '\\';
      String escaped = object
        .replaceAll('$backslash', '$backslash$backslash')
        .replaceAll('\n', '${backslash}n')
        .replaceAll('\r', '${backslash}r')
        .replaceAll('"',  '$backslash"');
      return '"$escaped"';
    return _objectToString(object);

  external static String _objectToString(Object object);



Static Methods

String safeToString(Object object) #

static String safeToString(Object object) {
  if (object is int || object is double || object is bool || null == object) {
    return object.toString();
  if (object is String) {
    // TODO(ahe): Remove backslash when http://dartbug.com/4995 is fixed.
    const backslash = '\\';
    String escaped = object
      .replaceAll('$backslash', '$backslash$backslash')
      .replaceAll('\n', '${backslash}n')
      .replaceAll('\r', '${backslash}r')
      .replaceAll('"',  '$backslash"');
    return '"$escaped"';
  return _objectToString(object);


const NoSuchMethodError(Object _receiver, String _functionName, List _arguments, [List existingArgumentNames = null]) #

Create a NoSuchMethodError corresponding to a failed method call.

The first parameter is the receiver of the method call. The second parameter is the name of the called method. The third parameter is the positional arguments that the method was called with. The optional exisitingArgumentNames is the expected parameters of a method with the same name on the receiver, if available. This is the method that would have been called if the parameters had matched.

TODO(lrn): This will be rewritten to use mirrors when they are available.

const NoSuchMethodError(Object this._receiver,
                        String this._functionName,
                        List this._arguments,
                        [List existingArgumentNames = null])
    : this._existingArgumentNames = existingArgumentNames;


String toString() #

Returns a string representation of this object.

docs inherited from Object
String toString() {
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
  for (int i = 0; i < _arguments.length; i++) {
    if (i > 0) {
      sb.add(", ");
  if (_existingArgumentNames === null) {
    return "NoSuchMethodError : method not found: '$_functionName'\n"
        "Receiver: ${safeToString(_receiver)}\n"
        "Arguments: [$sb]";
  } else {
    String actualParameters = sb.toString();
    sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 0; i < _existingArgumentNames.length; i++) {
      if (i > 0) {
        sb.add(", ");
    String formalParameters = sb.toString();
    return "NoSuchMethodError: incorrect number of arguments passed to "
        "method named '$_functionName'\n"
        "Receiver: ${safeToString(_receiver)}\n"
        "Tried calling: $_functionName($actualParameters)\n"
        "Found: $_functionName($formalParameters)";