Dart API Referencedart:coreInvocationMirror

InvocationMirror abstract class

Representation of the invocation of a member on an object.

This is the type of objects passed to Object.noSuchMethod when an object doesn't support the member invocation that was attempted on it.

abstract class InvocationMirror {
  /** The name of the invoked member. */
  String get memberName;

  /** An unmodifiable view of the positional arguments of the call. */
  List get positionalArguments;

  /** An unmodifiable view of the named arguments of the call. */
  Map<String, Dynamic> get namedArguments;

  /** Whether the invocation was a method call. */
  bool get isMethod;

   * Whether the invocation was a getter call.
   * If so, both types of arguments will be null.
  bool get isGetter;

   * Whether the invocation was a setter call.
   * If so, [arguments] will have exactly one positonal argument,
   * and namedArguments will be null.
  bool get isSetter;

  /** Whether the invocation was a getter or a setter call. */
  bool get isAccessor => isGetter || isSetter;

   * Perform the invocation on the provided object.
   * If the object doesn't support the invocation, its [noSuchMethod]
   * method will be called with either this [InvocationMirror] or another
   * equivalent [InvocationMirror].
  invokeOn(Object receiver);


final bool isAccessor #

Whether the invocation was a getter or a setter call.

bool get isAccessor => isGetter || isSetter;

final bool isGetter #

Whether the invocation was a getter call. If so, both types of arguments will be null.

bool get isGetter;

final bool isMethod #

Whether the invocation was a method call.

bool get isMethod;

final bool isSetter #

Whether the invocation was a setter call.

If so, arguments will have exactly one positonal argument, and namedArguments will be null.

bool get isSetter;

final String memberName #

The name of the invoked member.

String get memberName;

final Map<String, Dynamic> namedArguments #

An unmodifiable view of the named arguments of the call.

Map<String, Dynamic> get namedArguments;

final List positionalArguments #

An unmodifiable view of the positional arguments of the call.

List get positionalArguments;


invokeOn(Object receiver) #

Perform the invocation on the provided object.

If the object doesn't support the invocation, its noSuchMethod method will be called with either this InvocationMirror or another equivalent InvocationMirror.

invokeOn(Object receiver);