Dart API ReferenceunittestTestCase

TestCase class

Summarizes information about a single test case.

class TestCase {
  /** Identifier for this test. */
  final int id;

  /** A description of what the test is specifying. */
  final String description;

  /** The setup function to call before the test, if any. */
  Function _setUp;

  Function get setUp => _setUp;
  set setUp(Function value) => _setUp = value;

  /** The teardown function to call after the test, if any. */
  Function _tearDown;

  Function get tearDown => _tearDown;
  set tearDown(Function value) => _tearDown = value;

  /** The body of the test case. */
  TestFunction test;

   * Remaining number of callbacks functions that must reach a 'done' state
   * to wait for before the test completes.
  int callbackFunctionsOutstanding;

  /** Error or failure message. */
  String message = '';

   * One of [PASS], [FAIL], [ERROR], or [null] if the test hasn't run yet.
  String result;

  /** Stack trace associated with this test, or null if it succeeded. */
  String stackTrace;

  /** The group (or groups) under which this test is running. */
  final String currentGroup;

  Date startTime;

  Duration runningTime;

  bool enabled = true;

  bool _doneTeardown = false;

  TestCase(this.id, this.description, this.test,
  : currentGroup = _currentGroup,
    _setUp = _testSetup,
    _tearDown = _testTeardown;

  bool get isComplete => !enabled || result != null;

  void run() {
    if (enabled) {
      result = stackTrace = null;
      message = '';
      _doneTeardown = false;
      if (_setUp != null) {
      startTime = new Date.now();
      runningTime = null;

  void _complete() {
    if (runningTime == null) {
      // TODO(gram): currently the duration measurement code is blocked
      // by issue 4437. When that is fixed replace the line below with:
      //    runningTime = new Date.now().difference(startTime);
      runningTime = new Duration(milliseconds: 0);
    if (!_doneTeardown) {
      if (_tearDown != null) {
      _doneTeardown = true;

  void pass() {
    result = PASS;

  void fail(String messageText, String stack) {
    if (result != null) {
      if (result == PASS) {
        error('Test failed after initially passing: $messageText', stack);
      } else if (result == FAIL) {
        error('Test failed more than once: $messageText', stack);
    } else {
      result = FAIL;
      message = messageText;
      stackTrace = stack;

  void error(String messageText, String stack) {
    result = ERROR;
    message = messageText;
    stackTrace = stack;


new TestCase(int id, String description, TestFunction test, int callbackFunctionsOutstanding) #

TestCase(this.id, this.description, this.test,
: currentGroup = _currentGroup,
  _setUp = _testSetup,
  _tearDown = _testTeardown;


int callbackFunctionsOutstanding #

Remaining number of callbacks functions that must reach a 'done' state to wait for before the test completes.

int callbackFunctionsOutstanding;

final String currentGroup #

The group (or groups) under which this test is running.

final String currentGroup;

final String description #

A description of what the test is specifying.

final String description;

bool enabled #

bool enabled = true;

final int id #

Identifier for this test.

final int id;

final bool isComplete #

bool get isComplete => !enabled || result != null;

String message #

Error or failure message.

String message = '';

String result #

One of PASS, FAIL, ERROR, or null if the test hasn't run yet.

String result;

Duration runningTime #

Duration runningTime;

Function setUp #

Function get setUp => _setUp;
set setUp(Function value) => _setUp = value;

String stackTrace #

Stack trace associated with this test, or null if it succeeded.

String stackTrace;

Date startTime #

Date startTime;

Function tearDown #

Function get tearDown => _tearDown;
set tearDown(Function value) => _tearDown = value;

TestFunction test #

The body of the test case.

TestFunction test;


void error(String messageText, String stack) #

void error(String messageText, String stack) {
  result = ERROR;
  message = messageText;
  stackTrace = stack;

void fail(String messageText, String stack) #

void fail(String messageText, String stack) {
  if (result != null) {
    if (result == PASS) {
      error('Test failed after initially passing: $messageText', stack);
    } else if (result == FAIL) {
      error('Test failed more than once: $messageText', stack);
  } else {
    result = FAIL;
    message = messageText;
    stackTrace = stack;

void pass() #

void pass() {
  result = PASS;

void run() #

void run() {
  if (enabled) {
    result = stackTrace = null;
    message = '';
    _doneTeardown = false;
    if (_setUp != null) {
    startTime = new Date.now();
    runningTime = null;