Dart API ReferenceunittestBehavior

Behavior class

A Behavior represents how a Mock will respond to one particular type of method call.

class Behavior {
  CallMatcher matcher; // The method call matcher.
  List<Responder> actions; // The values to return/throw or proxies to call.
  bool logging = true;

  Behavior (this.matcher) {
    actions = new List<Responder>();

   * Adds a [Responder] that returns a [value] for [count] calls
   * (1 by default).
  Behavior thenReturn(value, [count = 1]) {
    actions.add(new Responder(value, count, Action.RETURN));
    return this; // For chaining calls.

  /** Adds a [Responder] that repeatedly returns a [value]. */
  Behavior alwaysReturn(value) {
    return thenReturn(value, 0);

   * Adds a [Responder] that throws [value] [count]
   * times (1 by default).
  Behavior thenThrow(value, [count = 1]) {
    actions.add(new Responder(value, count, Action.THROW));
    return this; // For chaining calls.

  /** Adds a [Responder] that throws [value] endlessly. */
  Behavior alwaysThrow(value) {
    return thenThrow(value, 0);

   * [thenCall] creates a proxy Responder, that is called [count]
   * times (1 by default; 0 is used for unlimited calls, and is
   * exposed as [alwaysCall]). [value] is the function that will
   * be called with the same arguments that were passed to the
   * mock. Proxies can be used to wrap real objects or to define
   * more complex return/throw behavior. You could even (if you
   * wanted) use proxies to emulate the behavior of thenReturn;
   * e.g.:
   *     m.when(callsTo('foo')).thenReturn(0)
   * is equivalent to:
   *     m.when(callsTo('foo')).thenCall(() => 0)
  Behavior thenCall(value, [count = 1]) {
    actions.add(new Responder(value, count, Action.PROXY));
    return this; // For chaining calls.

  /** Creates a repeating proxy call. */
  Behavior alwaysCall(value) {
    return thenCall(value, 0);

  /** Returns true if a method call matches the [Behavior]. */
  bool matches(String method, List args) => matcher.matches(method, args);

  /** Returns the [matcher]'s representation. */
  String toString() => matcher.toString();


new Behavior(CallMatcher matcher) #

Behavior (this.matcher) {
  actions = new List<Responder>();


List<Responder> actions #

List<Responder> actions;

bool logging #

bool logging = true;

CallMatcher matcher #

CallMatcher matcher;


Behavior alwaysCall(value) #

Creates a repeating proxy call.

Behavior alwaysCall(value) {
  return thenCall(value, 0);

Behavior alwaysReturn(value) #

Adds a Responder that repeatedly returns a value.

Behavior alwaysReturn(value) {
  return thenReturn(value, 0);

Behavior alwaysThrow(value) #

Adds a Responder that throws value endlessly.

Behavior alwaysThrow(value) {
  return thenThrow(value, 0);

bool matches(String method, List args) #

Returns true if a method call matches the Behavior.

bool matches(String method, List args) => matcher.matches(method, args);

Behavior thenCall(value, [count = 1]) #

thenCall creates a proxy Responder, that is called count times (1 by default; 0 is used for unlimited calls, and is exposed as alwaysCall). value is the function that will be called with the same arguments that were passed to the mock. Proxies can be used to wrap real objects or to define more complex return/throw behavior. You could even (if you wanted) use proxies to emulate the behavior of thenReturn; e.g.:


is equivalent to:

m.when(callsTo('foo')).thenCall(() => 0)
Behavior thenCall(value, [count = 1]) {
  actions.add(new Responder(value, count, Action.PROXY));
  return this; // For chaining calls.

Behavior thenReturn(value, [count = 1]) #

Adds a Responder that returns a value for count calls (1 by default).

Behavior thenReturn(value, [count = 1]) {
  actions.add(new Responder(value, count, Action.RETURN));
  return this; // For chaining calls.

Behavior thenThrow(value, [count = 1]) #

Adds a Responder that throws [value] [count] times (1 by default).

Behavior thenThrow(value, [count = 1]) {
  actions.add(new Responder(value, count, Action.THROW));
  return this; // For chaining calls.

String toString() #

Returns the matcher's representation.

String toString() => matcher.toString();