Dart API ReferenceunittestConfiguration

Configuration class

Hooks to configure the unittest library for different platforms. This class implements the API in a platform-independent way. Tests that want to take advantage of the platform can create a subclass and override methods from this class.

class Configuration {
  TestCase currentTestCase = null;

   * Subclasses can override this with something useful for diagnostics.
   * Particularly useful in cases where we have parent/child configurations
   * such as layout tests.
  get name => 'Configuration';
   * If true, then tests are started automatically (otherwise [runTests]
   * must be called explicitly after the tests are set up.
  get autoStart => true;

   * Called as soon as the unittest framework becomes initialized. This is done
   * even before tests are added to the test framework. It might be used to
   * determine/debug errors that occur before the test harness starts executing.
  void onInit() {}

   * Called as soon as the unittest framework starts running. Used commonly to
   * tell the vm or browser that tests are still running and the process should
   * wait until they are done.
  void onStart() {

   * Called when each test starts. Useful to show intermediate progress on
   * a test suite.
  void onTestStart(TestCase testCase) {
    currentTestCase = testCase;

   * Called when each test is completed. Useful to show intermediate progress on
   * a test suite.
  void onTestResult(TestCase testCase) {
    currentTestCase = null;

   * Can be called by tests to log status. Tests should use this
   * instead of print. Subclasses should not override this; they
   * should instead override logMessage which is passed the test case.
  void logMessage(String message) {
    if (currentTestCase == null || _currentTest >= _tests.length ||
        currentTestCase.id != _tests[_currentTest].id) {
      // Before or after tests run, or with a mismatch between what the
      // config and the test harness think is the current test. In this
      // case we pass null for the test case reference and let the config
      // decide what to do with this.
      logTestCaseMessage(null, message);
    } else {
      logTestCaseMessage(currentTestCase, message);

   * Handles the logging of messages by a test case. The default in
   * this base configuration is to call print();
  void logTestCaseMessage(TestCase testCase, String message) {

   * Called with the result of all test cases. The default implementation prints
   * the result summary using the built-in [print] command. Browser tests
   * commonly override this to reformat the output.
   * When [uncaughtError] is not null, it contains an error that occured outside
   * of tests (e.g. setting up the test).
  void onDone(int passed, int failed, int errors, List<TestCase> results,
      String uncaughtError) {
    // Print each test's result.
    for (final t in _tests) {
      print('${t.result.toUpperCase()}: ${t.description}');

      if (t.message != '') {

      if (t.stackTrace != null && t.stackTrace != '') {

    // Show the summary.

    var success = false;
    if (passed == 0 && failed == 0 && errors == 0) {
      print('No tests found.');
      // This is considered a failure too.
    } else if (failed == 0 && errors == 0 && uncaughtError == null) {
      print('All $passed tests passed.');
      success = true;
    } else {
      if (uncaughtError != null) {
        print('Top-level uncaught error: $uncaughtError');
      print('$passed PASSED, $failed FAILED, $errors ERRORS');

    if (success) {
    } else {
      throw new Exception('Some tests failed.');

  String _indent(String str) {
    // TODO(nweiz): Use this simpler code once issue 2980 is fixed.
    // return str.replaceAll(const RegExp("^", multiLine: true), "  ");

    return Strings.join(str.split("\n").map((line) => "  $line"), "\n");

  /** Handle errors that happen outside the tests. */
  // TODO(vsm): figure out how to expose the stack trace here
  // Currently e.message works in dartium, but not in dartc.
  handleExternalError(e, String message) =>
      _reportTestError('$message\nCaught $e', '');

  _postMessage(String message) {
    // In dart2js browser tests, the JavaScript-based test controller
    // intercepts calls to print and listens for "secret" messages.


final autoStart #

If true, then tests are started automatically (otherwise runTests must be called explicitly after the tests are set up.

get autoStart => true;

TestCase currentTestCase #

TestCase currentTestCase = null;

final name #

Subclasses can override this with something useful for diagnostics. Particularly useful in cases where we have parent/child configurations such as layout tests.

get name => 'Configuration';


handleExternalError(e, String message) #

Handle errors that happen outside the tests.

handleExternalError(e, String message) =>
    _reportTestError('$message\nCaught $e', '');

void logMessage(String message) #

Can be called by tests to log status. Tests should use this instead of print. Subclasses should not override this; they should instead override logMessage which is passed the test case.

void logMessage(String message) {
  if (currentTestCase == null || _currentTest >= _tests.length ||
      currentTestCase.id != _tests[_currentTest].id) {
    // Before or after tests run, or with a mismatch between what the
    // config and the test harness think is the current test. In this
    // case we pass null for the test case reference and let the config
    // decide what to do with this.
    logTestCaseMessage(null, message);
  } else {
    logTestCaseMessage(currentTestCase, message);

void logTestCaseMessage(TestCase testCase, String message) #

Handles the logging of messages by a test case. The default in this base configuration is to call print();

void logTestCaseMessage(TestCase testCase, String message) {

void onDone(int passed, int failed, int errors, List<TestCase> results, String uncaughtError) #

Called with the result of all test cases. The default implementation prints the result summary using the built-in print command. Browser tests commonly override this to reformat the output.

When uncaughtError is not null, it contains an error that occured outside of tests (e.g. setting up the test).

void onDone(int passed, int failed, int errors, List<TestCase> results,
    String uncaughtError) {
  // Print each test's result.
  for (final t in _tests) {
    print('${t.result.toUpperCase()}: ${t.description}');

    if (t.message != '') {

    if (t.stackTrace != null && t.stackTrace != '') {

  // Show the summary.

  var success = false;
  if (passed == 0 && failed == 0 && errors == 0) {
    print('No tests found.');
    // This is considered a failure too.
  } else if (failed == 0 && errors == 0 && uncaughtError == null) {
    print('All $passed tests passed.');
    success = true;
  } else {
    if (uncaughtError != null) {
      print('Top-level uncaught error: $uncaughtError');
    print('$passed PASSED, $failed FAILED, $errors ERRORS');

  if (success) {
  } else {
    throw new Exception('Some tests failed.');

void onInit() #

Called as soon as the unittest framework becomes initialized. This is done even before tests are added to the test framework. It might be used to determine/debug errors that occur before the test harness starts executing.

void onInit() {}

void onStart() #

Called as soon as the unittest framework starts running. Used commonly to tell the vm or browser that tests are still running and the process should wait until they are done.

void onStart() {

void onTestResult(TestCase testCase) #

Called when each test is completed. Useful to show intermediate progress on a test suite.

void onTestResult(TestCase testCase) {
  currentTestCase = null;

void onTestStart(TestCase testCase) #

Called when each test starts. Useful to show intermediate progress on a test suite.

void onTestStart(TestCase testCase) {
  currentTestCase = testCase;