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ECDSA contains functions for signing and verifying with the Digital Signature Algorithm over elliptic curves.

  1. Signing and verifying
  2. ECDSA_sign
  3. ECDSA_verify
  4. ECDSA_size
  5. Low-level signing and verification
  6. ecdsa_sig_st
  7. ECDSA_SIG_new
  8. ECDSA_SIG_free
  9. ECDSA_SIG_get0_r
  10. ECDSA_SIG_get0_s
  11. ECDSA_SIG_get0
  12. ECDSA_SIG_set0
  13. ECDSA_do_sign
  14. ECDSA_do_verify
  15. ASN.1 functions
  16. ECDSA_SIG_parse
  17. ECDSA_SIG_from_bytes
  18. ECDSA_SIG_marshal
  19. ECDSA_SIG_to_bytes
  20. ECDSA_SIG_max_len
  21. Testing-only functions
  22. Deprecated functions
  23. d2i_ECDSA_SIG
  24. i2d_ECDSA_SIG

Signing and verifying.

ECDSA_sign signs digest_len bytes from digest with key and writes the resulting signature to sig, which must have ECDSA_size(key) bytes of space. On successful exit, *sig_len is set to the actual number of bytes written. The type argument should be zero. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.

WARNING: digest must be the output of some hash function on the data to be signed. Passing unhashed inputs will not result in a secure signature scheme.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int ECDSA_sign(int type, const uint8_t *digest,
                              size_t digest_len, uint8_t *sig,
                              unsigned int *sig_len, const EC_KEY *key);

ECDSA_verify verifies that sig_len bytes from sig constitute a valid signature by key of digest. (The type argument should be zero.) It returns one on success or zero if the signature is invalid or an error occurred.

WARNING: digest must be the output of some hash function on the data to be verified. Passing unhashed inputs will not result in a secure signature scheme.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int ECDSA_verify(int type, const uint8_t *digest,
                                size_t digest_len, const uint8_t *sig,
                                size_t sig_len, const EC_KEY *key);

ECDSA_size returns the maximum size of an ECDSA signature using key. It returns zero if key is NULL or if it doesn't have a group set.

OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t ECDSA_size(const EC_KEY *key);

Low-level signing and verification.

Low-level functions handle signatures as ECDSA_SIG structures which allow the two values in an ECDSA signature to be handled separately.

struct ecdsa_sig_st {
  BIGNUM *r;
  BIGNUM *s;

ECDSA_SIG_new returns a fresh ECDSA_SIG structure or NULL on error.


ECDSA_SIG_free frees sig its member BIGNUMs.


ECDSA_SIG_get0_r returns the r component of sig.


ECDSA_SIG_get0_s returns the s component of sig.


ECDSA_SIG_get0 sets *out_r and *out_s, if non-NULL, to the two components of sig.

OPENSSL_EXPORT void ECDSA_SIG_get0(const ECDSA_SIG *sig, const BIGNUM **out_r,
                                   const BIGNUM **out_s);

ECDSA_SIG_set0 sets sig's components to r and s, neither of which may be NULL. On success, it takes ownership of each argument and returns one. Otherwise, it returns zero.


ECDSA_do_sign signs digest_len bytes from digest with key and returns the resulting signature structure, or NULL on error.

WARNING: digest must be the output of some hash function on the data to be signed. Passing unhashed inputs will not result in a secure signature scheme.

OPENSSL_EXPORT ECDSA_SIG *ECDSA_do_sign(const uint8_t *digest,
                                        size_t digest_len, const EC_KEY *key);

ECDSA_do_verify verifies that sig constitutes a valid signature by key of digest. It returns one on success or zero if the signature is invalid or on error.

WARNING: digest must be the output of some hash function on the data to be verified. Passing unhashed inputs will not result in a secure signature scheme.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int ECDSA_do_verify(const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len,
                                   const ECDSA_SIG *sig, const EC_KEY *key);

ASN.1 functions.

ECDSA_SIG_parse parses a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value structure from cbs and advances cbs. It returns a newly-allocated ECDSA_SIG or NULL on error.


ECDSA_SIG_from_bytes parses in as a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value structure. It returns a newly-allocated ECDSA_SIG structure or NULL on error.

OPENSSL_EXPORT ECDSA_SIG *ECDSA_SIG_from_bytes(const uint8_t *in,
                                               size_t in_len);

ECDSA_SIG_marshal marshals sig as a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value and appends the result to cbb. It returns one on success and zero on error.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int ECDSA_SIG_marshal(CBB *cbb, const ECDSA_SIG *sig);

ECDSA_SIG_to_bytes marshals sig as a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value and, on success, sets *out_bytes to a newly allocated buffer containing the result and returns one. Otherwise, it returns zero. The result should be freed with OPENSSL_free.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int ECDSA_SIG_to_bytes(uint8_t **out_bytes, size_t *out_len,
                                      const ECDSA_SIG *sig);

ECDSA_SIG_max_len returns the maximum length of a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value structure for a group whose order is represented in order_len bytes, or zero on overflow.

OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t ECDSA_SIG_max_len(size_t order_len);

Testing-only functions.

ECDSA_sign_with_nonce_and_leak_private_key_for_testing behaves like ECDSA_do_sign but uses nonce for the ECDSA nonce 'k', instead of a random value. nonce is interpreted as a big-endian integer. It must be reduced modulo the group order and padded with zeros up to BN_num_bytes(order) bytes.

WARNING: This function is only exported for testing purposes, when using test vectors or fuzzing strategies. It must not be used outside tests and may leak any private keys it is used with.

ECDSA_sign_with_nonce_and_leak_private_key_for_testing(const uint8_t *digest,
                                                       size_t digest_len,
                                                       const EC_KEY *eckey,
                                                       const uint8_t *nonce,
                                                       size_t nonce_len);

Deprecated functions.

d2i_ECDSA_SIG parses aa DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value structure from len bytes at *inp, as described in d2i_SAMPLE.

Use ECDSA_SIG_parse instead.

OPENSSL_EXPORT ECDSA_SIG *d2i_ECDSA_SIG(ECDSA_SIG **out, const uint8_t **inp,
                                        long len);

i2d_ECDSA_SIG marshals sig as a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value, as described in i2d_SAMPLE.

Use ECDSA_SIG_marshal instead.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_ECDSA_SIG(const ECDSA_SIG *sig, uint8_t **outp);