
All headers

DH contains functions for performing Diffie-Hellman key agreement in multiplicative groups.

This module is deprecated and retained for legacy reasons only. It is not considered a priority for performance or hardening work. Do not use it in new code. Use X25519 or ECDH with P-256 instead.

  1. Allocation and destruction
  2. DH_new
  3. DH_free
  4. DH_up_ref
  5. Properties
  7. DH_bits
  8. DH_get0_pub_key
  9. DH_get0_priv_key
  10. DH_get0_p
  11. DH_get0_q
  12. DH_get0_g
  13. DH_get0_key
  14. DH_set0_key
  15. DH_get0_pqg
  16. DH_set0_pqg
  17. DH_set_length
  18. Standard parameters
  19. DH_get_rfc7919_2048
  20. BN_get_rfc3526_prime_1536
  21. BN_get_rfc3526_prime_2048
  22. BN_get_rfc3526_prime_3072
  23. BN_get_rfc3526_prime_4096
  24. BN_get_rfc3526_prime_6144
  25. BN_get_rfc3526_prime_8192
  26. Parameter generation
  29. DH_generate_parameters_ex
  30. Diffie-Hellman operations
  31. DH_generate_key
  32. DH_compute_key_padded
  33. DH_compute_key_hashed
  34. Utility functions
  35. DH_size
  36. DH_num_bits
  45. DH_check
  49. DH_check_pub_key
  50. DHparams_dup
  51. ASN.1 functions
  52. DH_parse_parameters
  53. DH_marshal_parameters
  54. Deprecated functions
  55. DH_generate_parameters
  56. d2i_DHparams
  57. i2d_DHparams
  58. DH_compute_key

Allocation and destruction.

A DH object represents a Diffie-Hellman key or group parameters. A given object may be used concurrently on multiple threads by non-mutating functions, provided no other thread is concurrently calling a mutating function. Unless otherwise documented, functions which take a const pointer are non-mutating and functions which take a non-const pointer are mutating.

DH_new returns a new, empty DH object or NULL on error.


DH_free decrements the reference count of dh and frees it if the reference count drops to zero.

OPENSSL_EXPORT void DH_free(DH *dh);

DH_up_ref increments the reference count of dh and returns one. It does not mutate dh for thread-safety purposes and may be used concurrently.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_up_ref(DH *dh);


OPENSSL_DH_MAX_MODULUS_BITS is the maximum supported Diffie-Hellman group modulus, in bits.


DH_bits returns the size of dh's group modulus, in bits.

OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned DH_bits(const DH *dh);

DH_get0_pub_key returns dh's public key.

OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIGNUM *DH_get0_pub_key(const DH *dh);

DH_get0_priv_key returns dh's private key, or NULL if dh is a public key.

OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIGNUM *DH_get0_priv_key(const DH *dh);

DH_get0_p returns dh's group modulus.

OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIGNUM *DH_get0_p(const DH *dh);

DH_get0_q returns the size of dh's subgroup, or NULL if it is unset.

OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIGNUM *DH_get0_q(const DH *dh);

DH_get0_g returns dh's group generator.

OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIGNUM *DH_get0_g(const DH *dh);

DH_get0_key sets *out_pub_key and *out_priv_key, if non-NULL, to dh's public and private key, respectively. If dh is a public key, the private key will be set to NULL.

OPENSSL_EXPORT void DH_get0_key(const DH *dh, const BIGNUM **out_pub_key,
                                const BIGNUM **out_priv_key);

DH_set0_key sets dh's public and private key to the specified values. If NULL, the field is left unchanged. On success, it takes ownership of each argument and returns one. Otherwise, it returns zero.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_set0_key(DH *dh, BIGNUM *pub_key, BIGNUM *priv_key);

DH_get0_pqg sets *out_p, *out_q, and *out_g, if non-NULL, to dh's p, q, and g parameters, respectively.

OPENSSL_EXPORT void DH_get0_pqg(const DH *dh, const BIGNUM **out_p,
                                const BIGNUM **out_q, const BIGNUM **out_g);

DH_set0_pqg sets dh's p, q, and g parameters to the specified values. If NULL, the field is left unchanged. On success, it takes ownership of each argument and returns one. Otherwise, it returns zero. q may be NULL, but p and g must either be specified or already configured on dh.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_set0_pqg(DH *dh, BIGNUM *p, BIGNUM *q, BIGNUM *g);

DH_set_length sets the number of bits to use for the secret exponent when calling DH_generate_key on dh and returns one. If unset, DH_generate_key will use the bit length of p.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_set_length(DH *dh, unsigned priv_length);

Standard parameters.

DH_get_rfc7919_2048 returns the group ffdhe2048 from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7919#appendix-A.1. It returns NULL if out of memory.

OPENSSL_EXPORT DH *DH_get_rfc7919_2048(void);

BN_get_rfc3526_prime_1536 sets *ret to the 1536-bit MODP group from RFC 3526 and returns ret. If ret is NULL then a fresh BIGNUM is allocated and returned. It returns NULL on allocation failure.

OPENSSL_EXPORT BIGNUM *BN_get_rfc3526_prime_1536(BIGNUM *ret);

BN_get_rfc3526_prime_2048 sets *ret to the 2048-bit MODP group from RFC 3526 and returns ret. If ret is NULL then a fresh BIGNUM is allocated and returned. It returns NULL on allocation failure.

OPENSSL_EXPORT BIGNUM *BN_get_rfc3526_prime_2048(BIGNUM *ret);

BN_get_rfc3526_prime_3072 sets *ret to the 3072-bit MODP group from RFC 3526 and returns ret. If ret is NULL then a fresh BIGNUM is allocated and returned. It returns NULL on allocation failure.

OPENSSL_EXPORT BIGNUM *BN_get_rfc3526_prime_3072(BIGNUM *ret);

BN_get_rfc3526_prime_4096 sets *ret to the 4096-bit MODP group from RFC 3526 and returns ret. If ret is NULL then a fresh BIGNUM is allocated and returned. It returns NULL on allocation failure.

OPENSSL_EXPORT BIGNUM *BN_get_rfc3526_prime_4096(BIGNUM *ret);

BN_get_rfc3526_prime_6144 sets *ret to the 6144-bit MODP group from RFC 3526 and returns ret. If ret is NULL then a fresh BIGNUM is allocated and returned. It returns NULL on allocation failure.

OPENSSL_EXPORT BIGNUM *BN_get_rfc3526_prime_6144(BIGNUM *ret);

BN_get_rfc3526_prime_8192 sets *ret to the 8192-bit MODP group from RFC 3526 and returns ret. If ret is NULL then a fresh BIGNUM is allocated and returned. It returns NULL on allocation failure.

OPENSSL_EXPORT BIGNUM *BN_get_rfc3526_prime_8192(BIGNUM *ret);

Parameter generation.

#define DH_GENERATOR_2 2
#define DH_GENERATOR_5 5

DH_generate_parameters_ex generates a suitable Diffie-Hellman group with a prime that is prime_bits long and stores it in dh. The generator of the group will be generator, which should be DH_GENERATOR_2 unless there's a good reason to use a different value. The cb argument contains a callback function that will be called during the generation. See the documentation in bn.h about this. In addition to the callback invocations from BN, cb will also be called with event equal to three when the generation is complete.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_generate_parameters_ex(DH *dh, int prime_bits,
                                             int generator, BN_GENCB *cb);

Diffie-Hellman operations.

DH_generate_key generates a new, random, private key and stores it in dh, if dh does not already have a private key. Otherwise, it updates dh's public key to match the private key. It returns one on success and zero on error.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_generate_key(DH *dh);

DH_compute_key_padded calculates the shared key between dh and peers_key and writes it as a big-endian integer into out, padded up to DH_size bytes. It returns the number of bytes written, which is always DH_size, or a negative number on error. out must have DH_size bytes of space.

WARNING: this differs from the usual BoringSSL return-value convention.

Note this function differs from DH_compute_key in that it preserves leading zeros in the secret. This function is the preferred variant. It matches PKCS #3 and avoids some side channel attacks. However, the two functions are not drop-in replacements for each other. Using a different variant than the application expects will result in sporadic key mismatches.

Callers that expect a fixed-width secret should use this function over DH_compute_key. Callers that use either function should migrate to a modern primitive such as X25519 or ECDH with P-256 instead.

This function does not mutate dh for thread-safety purposes and may be used concurrently.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_compute_key_padded(uint8_t *out, const BIGNUM *peers_key,
                                         DH *dh);

DH_compute_key_hashed calculates the shared key between dh and peers_key and hashes it with the given digest. If the hash output is less than max_out_len bytes then it writes the hash output to out and sets *out_len to the number of bytes written. Otherwise it signals an error. It returns one on success or zero on error.

NOTE: this follows the usual BoringSSL return-value convention, but that's different from DH_compute_key and DH_compute_key_padded.

This function does not mutate dh for thread-safety purposes and may be used concurrently.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_compute_key_hashed(DH *dh, uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len,
                                         size_t max_out_len,
                                         const BIGNUM *peers_key,
                                         const EVP_MD *digest);

Utility functions.

DH_size returns the number of bytes in the DH group's prime.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_size(const DH *dh);

DH_num_bits returns the minimum number of bits needed to represent the absolute value of the DH group's prime.

OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned DH_num_bits(const DH *dh);
#define DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME 0x01
#define DH_CHECK_Q_NOT_PRIME 0x10

These are compatibility defines.


DH_check checks the suitability of dh as a Diffie-Hellman group. and sets DH_CHECK_* flags in *out_flags if it finds any errors. It returns one if *out_flags was successfully set and zero on error.

Note: these checks may be quite computationally expensive.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_check(const DH *dh, int *out_flags);

DH_check_pub_key checks the suitability of pub_key as a public key for the DH group in dh and sets DH_CHECK_PUBKEY_* flags in *out_flags if it finds any errors. It returns one if *out_flags was successfully set and zero on error.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_check_pub_key(const DH *dh, const BIGNUM *pub_key,
                                    int *out_flags);

DHparams_dup allocates a fresh DH and copies the parameters from dh into it. It returns the new DH or NULL on error.

OPENSSL_EXPORT DH *DHparams_dup(const DH *dh);

ASN.1 functions.

DH_parse_parameters decodes a DER-encoded DHParameter structure (PKCS #3) from cbs and advances cbs. It returns a newly-allocated DH or NULL on error.

OPENSSL_EXPORT DH *DH_parse_parameters(CBS *cbs);

DH_marshal_parameters marshals dh as a DER-encoded DHParameter structure (PKCS #3) and appends the result to cbb. It returns one on success and zero on error.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_marshal_parameters(CBB *cbb, const DH *dh);

Deprecated functions.

DH_generate_parameters behaves like DH_generate_parameters_ex, which is what you should use instead. It returns NULL on error, or a newly-allocated DH on success. This function is provided for compatibility only.

OPENSSL_EXPORT DH *DH_generate_parameters(int prime_len, int generator,
                                          void (*callback)(int, int, void *),
                                          void *cb_arg);

d2i_DHparams parses a DER-encoded DHParameter structure (PKCS #3) from len bytes at *inp, as in d2i_SAMPLE.

Use DH_parse_parameters instead.

OPENSSL_EXPORT DH *d2i_DHparams(DH **ret, const unsigned char **inp, long len);

i2d_DHparams marshals in to a DER-encoded DHParameter structure (PKCS #3), as described in i2d_SAMPLE.

Use DH_marshal_parameters instead.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_DHparams(const DH *in, unsigned char **outp);

DH_compute_key behaves like DH_compute_key_padded but, contrary to PKCS #3, returns a variable-length shared key with leading zeros. It returns the number of bytes written, or a negative number on error. out must have DH_size bytes of space.

WARNING: this differs from the usual BoringSSL return-value convention.

Note this function's running time and memory access pattern leaks information about the shared secret. Particularly if dh is reused, this may result in side channel attacks such as https://raccoon-attack.com/.

DH_compute_key_padded is the preferred variant and avoids the above attacks. However, the two functions are not drop-in replacements for each other. Using a different variant than the application expects will result in sporadic key mismatches.

Callers that expect a fixed-width secret should use DH_compute_key_padded instead. Callers that use either function should migrate to a modern primitive such as X25519 or ECDH with P-256 instead.

This function does not mutate dh for thread-safety purposes and may be used concurrently.

OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_compute_key(uint8_t *out, const BIGNUM *peers_key,
                                  DH *dh);