Dart API ReferencedartdocDartdoc

Dartdoc class

class Dartdoc {

  /** Set to `false` to not include the source code in the generated docs. */
  bool includeSource = true;

   * Dartdoc can generate docs in a few different ways based on how dynamic you
   * want the client-side behavior to be. The value for this should be one of
   * the `MODE_` constants.
  int mode = MODE_LIVE_NAV;

   * Generates the App Cache manifest file, enabling offline doc viewing.
  bool generateAppCache = false;

  /** Path to the dartdoc directory. */
  Path dartdocPath;

  /** Path to generate HTML files into. */
  Path outputDir = new Path('docs');

   * The title used for the overall generated output. Set this to change it.
  String mainTitle = 'Dart Documentation';

   * The URL that the Dart logo links to. Defaults "index.html", the main
   * page for the generated docs, but can be anything.
  String mainUrl = 'index.html';

   * The Google Custom Search ID that should be used for the search box. If
   * this is `null` then no search box will be shown.
  String searchEngineId = null;

  /* The URL that the embedded search results should be displayed on. */
  String searchResultsUrl = 'results.html';

  /** Set this to add footer text to each generated page. */
  String footerText = null;

  /** Set this to add content before the footer */
  String preFooterText = '';

  /** Set this to omit generation timestamp from output */
  bool omitGenerationTime = false;

  /** Set by Dartdoc user to print extra information during generation. */
  bool verbose = false;

  /** Set this to include API libraries in the documentation. */
  bool includeApi = false;

  /** Set this to generate links to the online API. */
  bool linkToApi = false;

  /** Set this to generate docs for private types and members. */
  bool showPrivate = false;

  /** Set this to inherit from Object. */
  bool inheritFromObject = false;

  /** Set this to select the libraries to include in the documentation. */
  List<String> includedLibraries = const <String>[];

  /** Set this to select the libraries to exclude from the documentation. */
  List<String> excludedLibraries = const <String>[];

   * This list contains the libraries sorted in by the library name.
  List<LibraryMirror> _sortedLibraries;

  CommentMap _comments;

  /** The library that we're currently generating docs for. */
  LibraryMirror _currentLibrary;

  /** The type that we're currently generating docs for. */
  InterfaceMirror _currentType;

  /** The member that we're currently generating docs for. */
  MemberMirror _currentMember;

  /** The path to the file currently being written to, relative to [outdir]. */
  Path _filePath;

  /** The file currently being written to. */
  StringBuffer _file;

  int _totalLibraries = 0;
  int _totalTypes = 0;
  int _totalMembers = 0;

  int get totalLibraries => _totalLibraries;
  int get totalTypes => _totalTypes;
  int get totalMembers => _totalMembers;

      : _comments = new CommentMap() {
    // Patch in support for [:...:]-style code to the markdown parser.
    // TODO(rnystrom): Markdown already has syntax for this. Phase this out?
    md.InlineParser.syntaxes.insertRange(0, 1,
        new md.CodeSyntax(r'\[\:((?:.|\n)*?)\:\]'));

    md.setImplicitLinkResolver((name) => resolveNameReference(name,
            currentLibrary: _currentLibrary, currentType: _currentType,
            currentMember: _currentMember));

   * Returns `true` if [library] is included in the generated documentation.
  bool shouldIncludeLibrary(LibraryMirror library) {
    if (shouldLinkToPublicApi(library)) {
      return false;
    var includeByDefault = true;
    String libraryName = library.simpleName;
    if (!includedLibraries.isEmpty()) {
      includeByDefault = false;
      if (includedLibraries.indexOf(libraryName) != -1) {
        return true;
    if (excludedLibraries.indexOf(libraryName) != -1) {
      return false;
    if (libraryName.startsWith('dart:')) {
      String suffix = libraryName.substring('dart:'.length);
      LibraryInfo info = LIBRARIES[suffix];
      if (info != null) {
        return info.documented && includeApi;
    return includeByDefault;

   * Returns `true` if links to the public API should be generated for
   * [library].
  bool shouldLinkToPublicApi(LibraryMirror library) {
    if (linkToApi) {
      String libraryName = library.simpleName;
      if (libraryName.startsWith('dart:')) {
        String suffix = libraryName.substring('dart:'.length);
        LibraryInfo info = LIBRARIES[suffix];
        if (info != null) {
          return info.documented;
    return false;

  String get footerContent{
    var footerItems = [];
    if (!omitGenerationTime) {
      footerItems.add("This page was generated at ${new Date.now()}");
    if (footerText != null) {
    var content = '';
    for (int i = 0; i < footerItems.length; i++) {
      if (i > 0) {
        content = content.concat('\n');
      content = content.concat('<div>${footerItems[i]}</div>');
    return content;

  void documentEntryPoint(Path entrypoint, Path libPath, Path pkgPath) {
    final compilation = new Compilation(entrypoint, libPath, pkgPath);

  void documentLibraries(List<Path> libraryList, Path libPath, Path pkgPath) {
    final compilation = new Compilation.library(libraryList, libPath, pkgPath);

  void _document(Compilation compilation) {
    // Sort the libraries by name (not key).
    _sortedLibraries = new List<LibraryMirror>.from(
    _sortedLibraries.sort((x, y) {
      return x.simpleName.toUpperCase().compareTo(

    // Generate the docs.
    if (mode == MODE_LIVE_NAV) {
    } else {

    for (final library in _sortedLibraries) {

    if (generateAppCache) {

  void startFile(String path) {
    _filePath = new Path(path);
    _file = new StringBuffer();

  void endFile() {
    final outPath = outputDir.join(_filePath);
    final dir = new Directory.fromPath(outPath.directoryPath);
    if (!dir.existsSync()) {
      // TODO(3914): Hack to avoid 'file already exists' exception
      // thrown due to invalid result from dir.existsSync() (probably due to
      // race conditions).
      try {
      } on DirectoryIOException catch (e) {
        // Ignore.

    writeString(new File.fromPath(outPath), _file.toString());
    _filePath = null;
    _file = null;

  void write(String s) {

  void writeln(String s) {

   * Writes the page header with the given [title] and [breadcrumbs]. The
   * breadcrumbs are an interleaved list of links and titles. If a link is null,
   * then no link will be generated. For example, given:
   *     ['foo', 'foo.html', 'bar', null]
   * It will output:
   *     <a href="foo.html">foo</a> &rsaquo; bar
  void writeHeader(String title, List<String> breadcrumbs) {
    final htmlAttributes = generateAppCache ?
        'manifest="/appcache.manifest"' : '';

        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <html${htmlAttributes == '' ? '' : ' $htmlAttributes'}>

    // Add data attributes describing what the page documents.
    var data = '';
    if (_currentLibrary != null) {
      data = '$data data-library='

    if (_currentType != null) {
      data = '$data data-type="${md.escapeHtml(typeName(_currentType))}"';

        <div class="page">
        <div class="header">
          ${a(mainUrl, '<div class="logo"></div>')}
          ${a('index.html', mainTitle)}

    // Write the breadcrumb trail.
    for (int i = 0; i < breadcrumbs.length; i += 2) {
      if (breadcrumbs[i + 1] == null) {
        write(' &rsaquo; ${breadcrumbs[i]}');
      } else {
        write(' &rsaquo; ${a(breadcrumbs[i + 1], breadcrumbs[i])}');

    if (searchEngineId != null) {
        <form action="$searchResultsUrl" id="search-box">
          <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="$searchEngineId">
          <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8">
          <input type="hidden" name="hl" value="en">
          <input type="search" name="q" id="q" autocomplete="off"
              class="search-input" placeholder="Search API">
    } else {
        <div id="search-box">
          <input type="search" name="q" id="q" autocomplete="off"
              class="search-input" placeholder="Search API">

      <div class="drop-down" id="drop-down"></div>

    writeln('<div class="content">');

  String get clientScript {
    switch (mode) {
      case MODE_STATIC:   return 'client-static';
      case MODE_LIVE_NAV: return 'client-live-nav';
      default: throw 'Unknown mode $mode.';

  void writeHeadContents(String title) {
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>$title / $mainTitle</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
        <link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,600,700,800" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
        <link rel="shortcut icon" href="${relativePath('favicon.ico')}">

  void writeFooter() {
        <div class="clear"></div>
        <div class="footer">
        <script async src="${relativePath('$clientScript.js')}"></script>

  void docIndex() {

    writeHeader(mainTitle, []);


    for (final library in _sortedLibraries) {


  void docIndexLibrary(LibraryMirror library) {
    writeln('<h4>${a(libraryUrl(library), library.simpleName)}</h4>');

   * Walks the libraries and creates a JSON object containing the data needed
   * to generate navigation for them.
  void docNavigationJson() {

  void docNavigationDart() {
    final dir = new Directory.fromPath(tmpPath);
    if (!dir.existsSync()) {
      // TODO(3914): Hack to avoid 'file already exists' exception
      // thrown due to invalid result from dir.existsSync() (probably due to
      // race conditions).
      try {
      } on DirectoryIOException catch (e) {
        // Ignore.
    String jsonString = JSON.stringify(createNavigationInfo());
    String dartString = jsonString.replaceAll(r"$", r"\$");
    final filePath = tmpPath.append('nav.dart');
    writeString(new File.fromPath(filePath),
        'get json => $dartString;');

  Path get tmpPath => dartdocPath.append('tmp');

  void cleanup() {
    final dir = new Directory.fromPath(tmpPath);
    if (dir.existsSync()) {

  List createNavigationInfo() {
    final libraryList = [];
    for (final library in _sortedLibraries) {
      docLibraryNavigationJson(library, libraryList);
    return libraryList;

  void docLibraryNavigationJson(LibraryMirror library, List libraryList) {
    var libraryInfo = {};
    libraryInfo[NAME] = library.simpleName;
    final List members = docMembersJson(library.declaredMembers);
    if (!members.isEmpty()) {
      libraryInfo[MEMBERS] = members;

    final types = [];
    for (InterfaceMirror type in orderByName(library.types.getValues())) {
      if (!showPrivate && type.isPrivate) continue;

      var typeInfo = {};
      typeInfo[NAME] = type.displayName;
      if (type.isClass) {
        typeInfo[KIND] = CLASS;
      } else if (type.isInterface) {
        typeInfo[KIND] = INTERFACE;
      } else {
        typeInfo[KIND] = TYPEDEF;
      final List typeMembers = docMembersJson(type.declaredMembers);
      if (!typeMembers.isEmpty()) {
        typeInfo[MEMBERS] = typeMembers;

      if (!type.declaration.typeVariables.isEmpty()) {
        final typeVariables = [];
        for (final typeVariable in type.declaration.typeVariables) {
        typeInfo[ARGS] = Strings.join(typeVariables, ', ');
    if (!types.isEmpty()) {
      libraryInfo[TYPES] = types;


  List docMembersJson(Map<Object,MemberMirror> memberMap) {
    final members = [];
    for (MemberMirror member in orderByName(memberMap.getValues())) {
      if (!showPrivate && member.isPrivate) continue;

      var memberInfo = {};
      if (member.isField) {
        memberInfo[KIND] = FIELD;
      } else {
        MethodMirror method = member;
        if (method.isConstructor) {
          memberInfo[KIND] = CONSTRUCTOR;
        } else if (method.isSetter) {
          memberInfo[KIND] = SETTER;
        } else if (method.isGetter) {
          memberInfo[KIND] = GETTER;
        } else {
          memberInfo[KIND] = METHOD;
        if (method.parameters.isEmpty()) {
          memberInfo[NO_PARAMS] = true;
      memberInfo[NAME] = member.displayName;
      var anchor = memberAnchor(member);
      if (anchor != memberInfo[NAME]) {
        memberInfo[LINK_NAME] = anchor;
    return members;

  void docNavigation() {
        <div class="nav">

    if (mode == MODE_STATIC) {
      for (final library in _sortedLibraries) {
        write('<h2><div class="icon-library"></div>');

        if ((_currentLibrary == library) && (_currentType == null)) {
        } else {
          write('${a(libraryUrl(library), library.simpleName)}');

        // Only expand classes in navigation for current library.
        if (_currentLibrary == library) docLibraryNavigation(library);


  /** Writes the navigation for the types contained by the given library. */
  void docLibraryNavigation(LibraryMirror library) {
    // Show the exception types separately.
    final types = <InterfaceMirror>[];
    final exceptions = <InterfaceMirror>[];

    for (InterfaceMirror type in orderByName(library.types.getValues())) {
      if (!showPrivate && type.isPrivate) continue;

      if (isException(type)) {
      } else {

    if ((types.length == 0) && (exceptions.length == 0)) return;

    writeln('<ul class="icon">');

  /** Writes a linked navigation list item for the given type. */
  void docTypeNavigation(InterfaceMirror type) {
    var icon = 'interface';
    if (type.simpleName.endsWith('Exception')) {
      icon = 'exception';
    } else if (type.isClass) {
      icon = 'class';

    if (_currentType == type) {
          '<div class="icon-$icon"></div><strong>${typeName(type)}</strong>');
    } else {
          '<div class="icon-$icon"></div>${typeName(type)}'));

  void docLibrary(LibraryMirror library) {
    if (verbose) {
      print('Library \'${library.simpleName}\':');
    _currentLibrary = library;
    _currentType = null;

    writeHeader('${library.simpleName} Library',
        [library.simpleName, libraryUrl(library)]);
    writeln('<h2><strong>${library.simpleName}</strong> library</h2>');

    // Look for a comment for the entire library.
    final comment = getLibraryComment(library);
    if (comment != null) {
      writeln('<div class="doc">${comment.html}</div>');

    // Document the top-level members.

    // Document the types.
    final classes = <InterfaceMirror>[];
    final interfaces = <InterfaceMirror>[];
    final typedefs = <TypedefMirror>[];
    final exceptions = <InterfaceMirror>[];

    for (InterfaceMirror type in orderByName(library.types.getValues())) {
      if (!showPrivate && type.isPrivate) continue;

      if (isException(type)) {
      } else if (type.isClass) {
      } else if (type.isInterface){
      } else if (type is TypedefMirror) {
      } else {
        throw new InternalError("internal error: unknown type $type.");

    docTypes(classes, 'Classes');
    docTypes(interfaces, 'Interfaces');
    docTypes(typedefs, 'Typedefs');
    docTypes(exceptions, 'Exceptions');


    for (final type in library.types.getValues()) {
      if (!showPrivate && type.isPrivate) continue;


  void docTypes(List types, String header) {
    if (types.length == 0) return;


    for (final type in types) {
          <div class="type">
            ${a(typeUrl(type), "<strong>${typeName(type)}</strong>")}

  void docType(InterfaceMirror type) {
    if (verbose) {
      print('- ${type.simpleName}');
    _currentType = type;


    var kind = 'interface';
    if (type.isTypedef) {
      kind = 'typedef';
    } else if (type.isClass) {
      if (type.isAbstract) {
        kind = 'abstract class';
      } else {
        kind = 'class';

    final typeTitle =
      '${typeName(type)} ${kind}';
    writeHeader('$typeTitle / ${type.library.simpleName} Library',
        [type.library.simpleName, libraryUrl(type.library),
         typeName(type), typeUrl(type)]);
        <h2><strong>${typeName(type, showBounds: true)}</strong>
    writeln('<button id="show-inherited" class="show-inherited">'
            'Hide inherited</button>');

    writeln('<div class="doc">');
    docComment(type, getTypeComment(type));




  /** Override this to write additional content at the end of a type's page. */
  void writeTypeFooter() {
    // Do nothing.

   * Writes an inline type span for the given type. This is a little box with
   * an icon and the type's name. It's similar to how types appear in the
   * navigation, but is suitable for inline (as opposed to in a `<ul>`) use.
  void typeSpan(InterfaceMirror type) {
    var icon = 'interface';
    if (type.simpleName.endsWith('Exception')) {
      icon = 'exception';
    } else if (type.isClass) {
      icon = 'class';

    write('<span class="type-box"><span class="icon-$icon"></span>');
    if (_currentType == type) {
    } else {
      write(a(typeUrl(type), typeName(type)));

   * Document the other types that touch [Type] in the inheritance hierarchy:
   * subclasses, superclasses, subinterfaces, superinferfaces, and default
   * class.
  void docInheritance(InterfaceMirror type) {
    // Don't show the inheritance details for Object. It doesn't have any base
    // class (obviously) and it has too many subclasses to be useful.
    if (type.isObject) return;

    // Writes an unordered list of references to types with an optional header.
    listTypes(types, header) {
      if (types == null) return;

      var publicTypes;
      if (showPrivate) {
        publicTypes = types;
      } else {
        // Skip private types.
        publicTypes = new List.from(types.filter((t) => !t.isPrivate));
      if (publicTypes.length == 0) return;

      bool first = true;
      for (final t in publicTypes) {
        if (!first) write(', ');
        first = false;

    final subtypes = [];
    for (final subtype in computeSubdeclarations(type)) {
    subtypes.sort((x, y) => x.simpleName.compareTo(y.simpleName));
    if (type.isClass) {
      // Show the chain of superclasses.
      if (!type.superclass.isObject) {
        final supertypes = [];
        var thisType = type.superclass;
        // As a sanity check, only show up to five levels of nesting, otherwise
        // the box starts to get hideous.
        do {
          thisType = thisType.superclass;
        } while (!thisType.isObject);

        for (var i = supertypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

        // Write this class.

      listTypes(subtypes, 'Subclasses');
      listTypes(type.interfaces, 'Implements');
    } else {
      // Show the default class.
      if (type.defaultType != null) {
        listTypes([type.defaultType], 'Default class');

      // List extended interfaces.
      listTypes(type.interfaces, 'Extends');

      // List subinterfaces and implementing classes.
      final subinterfaces = [];
      final implementing = [];

      for (final subtype in subtypes) {
        if (subtype.isClass) {
        } else {

      listTypes(subinterfaces, 'Subinterfaces');
      listTypes(implementing, 'Implemented by');

   * Documents the definition of [type] if it is a typedef.
  void docTypedef(TypeMirror type) {
    if (type is! TypedefMirror) {
    writeln('<div class="method"><h4 id="${type.simpleName}">');

    if (includeSource) {
      writeln('<button class="show-code">Code</button>');

    write('typedef ');
    annotateType(type, type.definition, type.simpleName);

    write(''' <a class="anchor-link" href="#${type.simpleName}"
              title="Permalink to ${type.simpleName}">#</a>''');

    writeln('<div class="doc">');


  static const operatorOrder = const <String>[
      '[]', '[]=', // Indexing.
      '+', Mirror.UNARY_MINUS, '-', '*', '/', '~/', '%', // Arithmetic.
      '&', '|', '^', '~', // Bitwise.
      '<<', '>>', // Shift.
      '<', '<=', '>', '>=', // Relational.
      '==', // Equality.

  static final Map<String, int> operatorOrderMap = (){
    var map = new Map<String, int>();
    var index = 0;
    for (String operator in operatorOrder) {
      map[operator] = index++;
    return map;

  void docMembers(ObjectMirror host) {
    // Collect the different kinds of members.
    final staticMethods = [];
    final staticGetters = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
    final staticSetters = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
    final memberMap = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
    final instanceMethods = [];
    final instanceOperators = [];
    final instanceGetters = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
    final instanceSetters = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
    final constructors = [];

    host.declaredMembers.forEach((_, MemberMirror member) {
      if (!showPrivate && member.isPrivate) return;
      if (host is LibraryMirror || member.isStatic) {
        if (member is MethodMirror) {
          if (member.isGetter) {
            staticGetters[member.displayName] = member;
          } else if (member.isSetter) {
            staticSetters[member.displayName] = member;
          } else {
        } else if (member is FieldMirror) {
          staticGetters[member.displayName] = member;

    if (host is InterfaceMirror) {
      var iterable = new HierarchyIterable(host, includeType: true);
      for (InterfaceMirror type in iterable) {
        if (!host.isObject && !inheritFromObject && type.isObject) continue;

        type.declaredMembers.forEach((_, MemberMirror member) {
          if (member.isStatic) return;
          if (!showPrivate && member.isPrivate) return;

          bool inherit = true;
          if (type !== host) {
            if (member.isPrivate) {
              // Don't inherit private members.
              inherit = false;
            if (member.isConstructor) {
              // Don't inherit constructors.
              inherit = false;
          if (!inherit) return;

          if (member.isField) {
            // Fields override both getters and setters.
            memberMap.putIfAbsent(member.simpleName, () => member);
            memberMap.putIfAbsent('${member.simpleName}=', () => member);
          } else if (member.isConstructor) {
          } else {
            memberMap.putIfAbsent(member.simpleName, () => member);

    bool allMethodsInherited = true;
    bool allPropertiesInherited = true;
    bool allOperatorsInherited = true;
    memberMap.forEach((_, MemberMirror member) {
      if (member is MethodMirror) {
        if (member.isGetter) {
          instanceGetters[member.displayName] = member;
          if (member.surroundingDeclaration == host) {
            allPropertiesInherited = false;
        } else if (member.isSetter) {
          instanceSetters[member.displayName] = member;
          if (member.surroundingDeclaration == host) {
            allPropertiesInherited = false;
        } else if (member.isOperator) {
          if (member.surroundingDeclaration == host) {
            allOperatorsInherited = false;
        } else {
          if (member.surroundingDeclaration == host) {
            allMethodsInherited = false;
      } else if (member is FieldMirror) {
        instanceGetters[member.displayName] = member;
        if (member.surroundingDeclaration == host) {
          allPropertiesInherited = false;

    instanceOperators.sort((MethodMirror a, MethodMirror b) {
      return operatorOrderMap[a.simpleName].compareTo(

                  host is LibraryMirror ? 'Properties' : 'Static Properties',
                  staticGetters, staticSetters, allInherited: false);
               host is LibraryMirror ? 'Functions' : 'Static Methods',
               staticMethods, allInherited: false);

    docMethods(host, 'Constructors', orderByName(constructors),
               allInherited: false);
    docProperties(host, 'Properties', instanceGetters, instanceSetters,
                  allInherited: allPropertiesInherited);
    docMethods(host, 'Operators', instanceOperators,
               allInherited: allOperatorsInherited);
    docMethods(host, 'Methods', orderByName(instanceMethods),
               allInherited: allMethodsInherited);

   * Documents fields, getters, and setters as properties.
  void docProperties(ObjectMirror host, String title,
                     Map<String,MemberMirror> getters,
                     Map<String,MemberMirror> setters,
                     {bool allInherited}) {
    if (getters.isEmpty() && setters.isEmpty()) return;

    var nameSet = new Set<String>.from(getters.getKeys());
    var nameList = new List<String>.from(nameSet);
    nameList.sort((String a, String b) {
      return a.toLowerCase().compareTo(b.toLowerCase());

    writeln('<div${allInherited ? ' class="inherited"' : ''}>');
    for (String name in nameList) {
      MemberMirror getter = getters[name];
      MemberMirror setter = setters[name];
      if (setter == null) {
        if (getter is FieldMirror) {
          // We have a field.
          docField(host, getter);
        } else {
          // We only have a getter.
          assert(getter is MethodMirror);
          docProperty(host, getter, null);
      } else if (getter == null) {
        // We only have a setter => Document as a method.
        assert(setter is MethodMirror);
        docMethod(host, setter);
      } else {
        DocComment getterComment = getMemberComment(getter);
        DocComment setterComment = getMemberComment(setter);
        if (getter.surroundingDeclaration !== setter.surroundingDeclaration ||
            getterComment != null && setterComment != null) {
          // Both have comments or are not declared in the same class
          // => Documents separately.
          if (getter is FieldMirror) {
            // Document field as a getter (setter is inherited).
            docField(host, getter, asGetter: true);
          } else {
            docMethod(host, getter);
          if (setter is FieldMirror) {
            // Document field as a setter (getter is inherited).
            docField(host, setter, asSetter: true);
          } else {
            docMethod(host, setter);
        } else {
          // Document as field.
          docProperty(host, getter, setter);

  void docMethods(ObjectMirror host, String title, List<MethodMirror> methods,
                  {bool allInherited}) {
    if (methods.length > 0) {
      writeln('<div${allInherited ? ' class="inherited"' : ''}>');
      for (final method in methods) {
        docMethod(host, method);

   * Documents the [member] declared in [host]. Handles all kinds of members
   * including getters, setters, and constructors. If [member] is a
   * [FieldMirror] it is documented as a getter or setter depending upon the
   * value of [asGetter].
  void docMethod(ObjectMirror host, MemberMirror member,
                 {bool asGetter: false}) {
    _currentMember = member;

    bool isAbstract = false;
    String name = member.displayName;
    if (member is FieldMirror) {
      if (asGetter) {
        // Getter.
        name = 'get $name';
      } else {
        // Setter.
        name = 'set $name';
    } else {
      assert(member is MethodMirror);
      isAbstract = member.isAbstract;
      if (member.isGetter) {
        // Getter.
        name = 'get $name';
      } else if (member.isSetter) {
        // Setter.
        name = 'set $name';

    bool showCode = includeSource && !isAbstract;
    bool inherited = host != member.surroundingDeclaration;

    writeln('<div class="method${inherited ? ' inherited': ''}">'
            '<h4 id="${memberAnchor(member)}">');

    if (showCode) {
      writeln('<button class="show-code">Code</button>');

    if (member is MethodMirror) {
      if (member.isConstructor) {
        if (member.isFactory) {
          write('factory ');
        } else {
          write(member.isConst ? 'const ' : 'new ');
      } else if (member.isAbstract) {
        write('abstract ');

      if (!member.isConstructor) {
        annotateType(host, member.returnType);
    } else {
      assert(member is FieldMirror);
      if (asGetter) {
        annotateType(host, member.type);
      } else {
        write('void ');


    if (member is MethodMirror) {
      if (!member.isGetter) {
        docParamList(host, member.parameters);
    } else {
      assert(member is FieldMirror);
      if (!asGetter) {
        annotateType(host, member.type);
        write(' value)');

    var prefix = host is LibraryMirror ? '' : '${typeName(host)}.';
    write(''' <a class="anchor-link" href="#${memberAnchor(member)}"
              title="Permalink to $prefix$name">#</a>''');

    if (inherited) {
      write('<div class="inherited-from">inherited from ');
      annotateType(host, member.surroundingDeclaration);

    writeln('<div class="doc">');
    docComment(host, getMemberComment(member));
    if (showCode) {


  void docField(ObjectMirror host, FieldMirror field,
                {bool asGetter: false, bool asSetter: false}) {
    if (asGetter) {
      docMethod(host, field, asGetter: true);
    } else if (asSetter) {
      docMethod(host, field, asGetter: false);
    } else {
      docProperty(host, field, null);

   * Documents the property defined by [getter] and [setter] of declared in
   * [host]. If [getter] is a [FieldMirror], [setter] must be [:null:].
   * Otherwise, if [getter] is a [MethodMirror], the property is considered
   * final if [setter] is [:null:].
  void docProperty(ObjectMirror host,
                   MemberMirror getter, MemberMirror setter) {
    assert(getter != null);
    _currentMember = getter;

    bool inherited = host != getter.surroundingDeclaration;

    writeln('<div class="field${inherited ? ' inherited' : ''}">'
            '<h4 id="${memberAnchor(getter)}">');

    if (includeSource) {
      writeln('<button class="show-code">Code</button>');

    bool isConst = false;
    bool isFinal;
    TypeMirror type;
    if (getter is FieldMirror) {
      assert(setter == null);
      isConst = getter.isConst;
      isFinal = getter.isFinal;
      type = getter.type;
    } else {
      assert(getter is MethodMirror);
      isFinal = setter == null;
      type = getter.returnType;

    if (isConst) {
      write('const ');
    } else if (isFinal) {
      write('final ');
    } else if (type.isDynamic) {
      write('var ');

    annotateType(host, type);
    var prefix = host is LibraryMirror ? '' : '${typeName(host)}.';
        <strong>${getter.simpleName}</strong> <a class="anchor-link"
            title="Permalink to $prefix${getter.simpleName}">#</a>

    if (inherited) {
      write('<div class="inherited-from">inherited from ');
      annotateType(host, getter.surroundingDeclaration);

    DocComment comment = getMemberComment(getter);
    if (comment == null && setter != null) {
      comment = getMemberComment(setter);
    writeln('<div class="doc">');
    docComment(host, comment);
    if (setter != null) {


  void docParamList(ObjectMirror enclosingType,
                    List<ParameterMirror> parameters) {
    bool first = true;
    bool inOptionals = false;
    for (final parameter in parameters) {
      if (!first) write(', ');

      if (!inOptionals && parameter.isOptional) {
        inOptionals = true;

      annotateType(enclosingType, parameter.type, parameter.simpleName);

      // Show the default value for named optional parameters.
      if (parameter.isOptional && parameter.hasDefaultValue) {
        write(' = ');

      first = false;

    if (inOptionals) write(']');

  void docComment(ObjectMirror host, DocComment comment) {
    if (comment != null) {
      if (comment.inheritedFrom !== null) {
        writeln('<div class="inherited">');
        write('<div class="docs-inherited-from">docs inherited from ');
        annotateType(host, comment.inheritedFrom);
      } else {

   * Documents the source code contained within [location].
  void docCode(Location location) {
    if (includeSource) {
      writeln('<pre class="source">');

  DocComment createDocComment(String text, [InterfaceMirror inheritedFrom]) =>
      new DocComment(text, inheritedFrom);

  /** Get the doc comment associated with the given library. */
  DocComment getLibraryComment(LibraryMirror library) {
    // Look for a comment for the entire library.
    final comment = _comments.findLibrary(library.location.source);
    if (comment == null) return null;
    return createDocComment(comment);

  /** Get the doc comment associated with the given type. */
  DocComment getTypeComment(TypeMirror type) {
    String comment = _comments.find(type.location);
    if (comment == null) return null;
    return createDocComment(comment);

   * Get the doc comment associated with the given member.
   * If no comment was found on the member, the hierarchy is traversed to find
   * an inherited comment, favouring comments inherited from classes over
   * comments inherited from interfaces.
  DocComment getMemberComment(MemberMirror member) {
    String comment = _comments.find(member.location);
    InterfaceMirror inheritedFrom = null;
    if (comment == null) {
      if (member.surroundingDeclaration is InterfaceMirror) {
        var iterable =
            new HierarchyIterable(member.surroundingDeclaration,
                                  includeType: false);
        for (InterfaceMirror type in iterable) {
          var inheritedMember = type.declaredMembers[member.simpleName];
          if (inheritedMember is MemberMirror) {
            comment = _comments.find(inheritedMember.location);
            if (comment != null) {
              inheritedFrom = type;
    if (comment == null) return null;
    return createDocComment(comment, inheritedFrom);

   * Converts [fullPath] which is understood to be a full path from the root of
   * the generated docs to one relative to the current file.
  String relativePath(String fullPath) {
    // Don't make it relative if it's an absolute path.
    if (isAbsolute(fullPath)) return fullPath;

    // TODO(rnystrom): Walks all the way up to root each time. Shouldn't do
    // this if the paths overlap.
    return '${repeat('../',
                     countOccurrences(_filePath.toString(), '/'))}$fullPath';

  /** Gets whether or not the given URL is absolute or relative. */
  bool isAbsolute(String url) {
    // TODO(rnystrom): Why don't we have a nice type in the platform for this?
    // TODO(rnystrom): This is a bit hackish. We consider any URL that lacks
    // a scheme to be relative.
    return const RegExp(r'^\w+:').hasMatch(url);

  /** Gets the URL to the documentation for [library]. */
  String libraryUrl(LibraryMirror library) {
    return '${sanitize(library.simpleName)}.html';

  /** Gets the URL for the documentation for [type]. */
  String typeUrl(ObjectMirror type) {
    if (type is LibraryMirror) {
      return '${sanitize(type.simpleName)}.html';
    assert (type is TypeMirror);
    // Always get the generic type to strip off any type parameters or
    // arguments. If the type isn't generic, genericType returns `this`, so it
    // works for non-generic types too.
    return '${sanitize(type.library.simpleName)}/'

  /** Gets the URL for the documentation for [member]. */
  String memberUrl(MemberMirror member) {
    String url = typeUrl(member.surroundingDeclaration);
    return '$url#${memberAnchor(member)}';

  /** Gets the anchor id for the document for [member]. */
  String memberAnchor(MemberMirror member) {
    return member.simpleName;

   * Creates a hyperlink. Handles turning the [href] into an appropriate
   * relative path from the current file.
  String a(String href, String contents, [String css]) {
    // Mark outgoing external links, mainly so we can style them.
    final rel = isAbsolute(href) ? ' ref="external"' : '';
    final cssClass = css == null ? '' : ' class="$css"';
    return '<a href="${relativePath(href)}"$cssClass$rel>$contents</a>';

   * Writes a type annotation for the given type and (optional) parameter name.
  annotateType(ObjectMirror enclosingType,
               TypeMirror type,
               [String paramName = null]) {
    // Don't bother explicitly displaying Dynamic.
    if (type.isDynamic) {
      if (paramName !== null) write(paramName);

    // For parameters, handle non-typedefed function types.
    if (paramName !== null && type is FunctionTypeMirror) {
      annotateType(enclosingType, type.returnType);

      docParamList(enclosingType, type.parameters);

    linkToType(enclosingType, type);

    write(' ');
    if (paramName !== null) write(paramName);

  /** Writes a link to a human-friendly string representation for a type. */
  linkToType(ObjectMirror enclosingType, TypeMirror type) {
    if (type.isVoid) {
      // Do not generate links for void.
      // TODO(johnniwinter): Generate span for specific style?
    if (type.isDynamic) {
      // Do not generate links for Dynamic.

    if (type.isTypeVariable) {
      // If we're using a type parameter within the body of a generic class then
      // just link back up to the class.
      write(a(typeUrl(enclosingType), type.simpleName));

    assert(type is InterfaceMirror);

    // Link to the type.
    if (shouldLinkToPublicApi(type.library)) {
      write('<a href="$API_LOCATION${typeUrl(type)}">${type.simpleName}</a>');
    } else if (shouldIncludeLibrary(type.library)) {
      write(a(typeUrl(type), type.simpleName));
    } else {

    if (type.isDeclaration) {
      // Avoid calling [:typeArguments():] on a declaration.

    // See if it's an instantiation of a generic type.
    final typeArgs = type.typeArguments;
    if (typeArgs.length > 0) {
      bool first = true;
      for (final arg in typeArgs) {
        if (!first) write(', ');
        first = false;
        linkToType(enclosingType, arg);

  /** Creates a linked cross reference to [type]. */
  typeReference(InterfaceMirror type) {
    // TODO(rnystrom): Do we need to handle ParameterTypes here like
    // annotation() does?
    return a(typeUrl(type), typeName(type), css: 'crossref');

  /** Generates a human-friendly string representation for a type. */
  typeName(TypeMirror type, {bool showBounds: false}) {
    if (type.isVoid) {
      return 'void';
    if (type is TypeVariableMirror) {
      return type.simpleName;
    assert(type is InterfaceMirror);

    // See if it's a generic type.
    if (type.isDeclaration) {
      final typeParams = [];
      for (final typeParam in type.declaration.typeVariables) {
        if (showBounds &&
            (typeParam.bound != null) &&
            !typeParam.bound.isObject) {
          final bound = typeName(typeParam.bound, showBounds: true);
          typeParams.add('${typeParam.simpleName} extends $bound');
        } else {
      if (typeParams.isEmpty()) {
        return type.simpleName;
      final params = Strings.join(typeParams, ', ');
      return '${type.simpleName}&lt;$params&gt;';

    // See if it's an instantiation of a generic type.
    final typeArgs = type.typeArguments;
    if (typeArgs.length > 0) {
      final args = Strings.join(typeArgs.map((arg) => typeName(arg)), ', ');
      return '${type.declaration.simpleName}&lt;$args&gt;';

    // Regular type.
    return type.simpleName;

   * Remove leading indentation to line up with first line.
  unindentCode(Location span) {
    final column = getLocationColumn(span);
    final lines = span.text.split('\n');
    // TODO(rnystrom): Dirty hack.
    for (var i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
      lines[i] = unindent(lines[i], column);

    final code = Strings.join(lines, '\n');
    return code;

   * Takes a string of Dart code and turns it into sanitized HTML.
  formatCode(Location span) {
    final code = unindentCode(span);

    // Syntax highlight.
    return classifySource(code);

   * This will be called whenever a doc comment hits a `[name]` in square
   * brackets. It will try to figure out what the name refers to and link or
   * style it appropriately.
  md.Node resolveNameReference(String name,
                               {MemberMirror currentMember,
                                ObjectMirror currentType,
                                LibraryMirror currentLibrary}) {
    makeLink(String href) {
      final anchor = new md.Element.text('a', name);
      anchor.attributes['href'] = relativePath(href);
      anchor.attributes['class'] = 'crossref';
      return anchor;

    // See if it's a parameter of the current method.
    if (currentMember is MethodMirror) {
      for (final parameter in currentMember.parameters) {
        if (parameter.simpleName == name) {
          final element = new md.Element.text('span', name);
          element.attributes['class'] = 'param';
          return element;

    // See if it's another member of the current type.
    if (currentType != null) {
      final foundMember = currentType.declaredMembers[name];
      if (foundMember != null) {
        return makeLink(memberUrl(foundMember));

    // See if it's another type or a member of another type in the current
    // library.
    if (currentLibrary != null) {
      // See if it's a constructor
      final constructorLink = (() {
        final match =
            new RegExp(r'new ([\w$]+)(?:\.([\w$]+))?').firstMatch(name);
        if (match == null) return;
        String typeName = match[1];
        InterfaceMirror foundtype = currentLibrary.types[typeName];
        if (foundtype == null) return;
        String constructorName =
            (match[2] == null) ? typeName : '$typeName.${match[2]}';
        final constructor =
        if (constructor == null) return;
        return makeLink(memberUrl(constructor));
      if (constructorLink != null) return constructorLink;

      // See if it's a member of another type
      final foreignMemberLink = (() {
        final match = new RegExp(r'([\w$]+)\.([\w$]+)').firstMatch(name);
        if (match == null) return;
        InterfaceMirror foundtype = currentLibrary.types[match[1]];
        if (foundtype == null) return;
        MemberMirror foundMember = foundtype.declaredMembers[match[2]];
        if (foundMember == null) return;
        return makeLink(memberUrl(foundMember));
      if (foreignMemberLink != null) return foreignMemberLink;

      InterfaceMirror foundType = currentLibrary.types[name];
      if (foundType != null) {
        return makeLink(typeUrl(foundType));

      // See if it's a top-level member in the current library.
      MemberMirror foundMember = currentLibrary.declaredMembers[name];
      if (foundMember != null) {
        return makeLink(memberUrl(foundMember));

    // TODO(rnystrom): Should also consider:
    // * Names imported by libraries this library imports.
    // * Type parameters of the enclosing type.

    return new md.Element.text('code', name);

  generateAppCacheManifest() {
    if (verbose) {
      print('Generating app cache manifest from output $outputDir');
    write("CACHE MANIFEST\n\n");
    write("# VERSION: ${new Date.now()}\n\n");
    var toCache = new Directory.fromPath(outputDir);
    var toCacheLister = toCache.list(recursive: true);
    toCacheLister.onFile = (filename) {
      if (filename.endsWith('appcache.manifest')) {
      // TODO(johnniwinther): If [outputDir] has trailing slashes, [filename]
      // contains double (back)slashes for files in the immediate [toCache]
      // directory. These are not handled by [relativeTo] thus
      // wrongfully producing the path `/foo.html` for a file `foo.html` in
      // [toCache].
      // This can be handled in two ways. 1) By ensuring that
      // [Directory.fromPath] does not receive a path with a trailing slash, or
      // better, by making [Directory.fromPath] handle such trailing slashes.
      // 2) By ensuring that [filePath] does not have double slashes before
      // calling [relativeTo], or better, by making [relativeTo] handle double
      // slashes correctly.
      Path filePath = new Path.fromNative(filename).canonicalize();
      Path relativeFilePath = filePath.relativeTo(outputDir);
    toCacheLister.onDone = (done) => endFile();

   * Returns [:true:] if [type] should be regarded as an exception.
  bool isException(TypeMirror type) {
    return type.simpleName.endsWith('Exception');

Static Properties

const operatorOrder #

static const operatorOrder = const <String>[
    '[]', '[]=', // Indexing.
    '+', Mirror.UNARY_MINUS, '-', '*', '/', '~/', '%', // Arithmetic.
    '&', '|', '^', '~', // Bitwise.
    '<<', '>>', // Shift.
    '<', '<=', '>', '>=', // Relational.
    '==', // Equality.

final Map<String, int> operatorOrderMap #

static final Map<String, int> operatorOrderMap = (){
  var map = new Map<String, int>();
  var index = 0;
  for (String operator in operatorOrder) {
    map[operator] = index++;
  return map;


new Dartdoc() #

    : _comments = new CommentMap() {
  // Patch in support for [:...:]-style code to the markdown parser.
  // TODO(rnystrom): Markdown already has syntax for this. Phase this out?
  md.InlineParser.syntaxes.insertRange(0, 1,
      new md.CodeSyntax(r'\[\:((?:.|\n)*?)\:\]'));

  md.setImplicitLinkResolver((name) => resolveNameReference(name,
          currentLibrary: _currentLibrary, currentType: _currentType,
          currentMember: _currentMember));


final String clientScript #

String get clientScript {
  switch (mode) {
    case MODE_STATIC:   return 'client-static';
    case MODE_LIVE_NAV: return 'client-live-nav';
    default: throw 'Unknown mode $mode.';

Path dartdocPath #

Path to the dartdoc directory.

Path dartdocPath;

List<String> excludedLibraries #

Set this to select the libraries to exclude from the documentation.

List<String> excludedLibraries = const <String>[];

final String footerContent #

String get footerContent{
  var footerItems = [];
  if (!omitGenerationTime) {
    footerItems.add("This page was generated at ${new Date.now()}");
  if (footerText != null) {
  var content = '';
  for (int i = 0; i < footerItems.length; i++) {
    if (i > 0) {
      content = content.concat('\n');
    content = content.concat('<div>${footerItems[i]}</div>');
  return content;

String footerText #

Set this to add footer text to each generated page.

String footerText = null;

bool generateAppCache #

Generates the App Cache manifest file, enabling offline doc viewing.

bool generateAppCache = false;

bool includeApi #

Set this to include API libraries in the documentation.

bool includeApi = false;

List<String> includedLibraries #

Set this to select the libraries to include in the documentation.

List<String> includedLibraries = const <String>[];

bool includeSource #

Set to false to not include the source code in the generated docs.

bool includeSource = true;

bool inheritFromObject #

Set this to inherit from Object.

bool inheritFromObject = false;

bool linkToApi #

Set this to generate links to the online API.

bool linkToApi = false;

String mainTitle #

The title used for the overall generated output. Set this to change it.

String mainTitle = 'Dart Documentation';

String mainUrl #

The URL that the Dart logo links to. Defaults "index.html", the main page for the generated docs, but can be anything.

String mainUrl = 'index.html';

int mode #

Dartdoc can generate docs in a few different ways based on how dynamic you want the client-side behavior to be. The value for this should be one of the MODE_ constants.

int mode = MODE_LIVE_NAV;

bool omitGenerationTime #

Set this to omit generation timestamp from output

bool omitGenerationTime = false;

Path outputDir #

Path to generate HTML files into.

Path outputDir = new Path('docs');

String preFooterText #

Set this to add content before the footer

String preFooterText = '';

String searchEngineId #

The Google Custom Search ID that should be used for the search box. If this is null then no search box will be shown.

String searchEngineId = null;

String searchResultsUrl #

String searchResultsUrl = 'results.html';

bool showPrivate #

Set this to generate docs for private types and members.

bool showPrivate = false;

final Path tmpPath #

Path get tmpPath => dartdocPath.append('tmp');

final int totalLibraries #

int get totalLibraries => _totalLibraries;

final int totalMembers #

int get totalMembers => _totalMembers;

final int totalTypes #

int get totalTypes => _totalTypes;

bool verbose #

Set by Dartdoc user to print extra information during generation.

bool verbose = false;


String a(String href, String contents, [String css]) #

Creates a hyperlink. Handles turning the href into an appropriate relative path from the current file.

String a(String href, String contents, [String css]) {
  // Mark outgoing external links, mainly so we can style them.
  final rel = isAbsolute(href) ? ' ref="external"' : '';
  final cssClass = css == null ? '' : ' class="$css"';
  return '<a href="${relativePath(href)}"$cssClass$rel>$contents</a>';

annotateType(ObjectMirror enclosingType, TypeMirror type, [String paramName = null]) #

Writes a type annotation for the given type and (optional) parameter name.

annotateType(ObjectMirror enclosingType,
             TypeMirror type,
             [String paramName = null]) {
  // Don't bother explicitly displaying Dynamic.
  if (type.isDynamic) {
    if (paramName !== null) write(paramName);

  // For parameters, handle non-typedefed function types.
  if (paramName !== null && type is FunctionTypeMirror) {
    annotateType(enclosingType, type.returnType);

    docParamList(enclosingType, type.parameters);

  linkToType(enclosingType, type);

  write(' ');
  if (paramName !== null) write(paramName);

void cleanup() #

void cleanup() {
  final dir = new Directory.fromPath(tmpPath);
  if (dir.existsSync()) {

DocComment createDocComment(String text, [InterfaceMirror inheritedFrom]) #

DocComment createDocComment(String text, [InterfaceMirror inheritedFrom]) =>
    new DocComment(text, inheritedFrom);

List createNavigationInfo() #

List createNavigationInfo() {
  final libraryList = [];
  for (final library in _sortedLibraries) {
    docLibraryNavigationJson(library, libraryList);
  return libraryList;

void docCode(Location location) #

Documents the source code contained within location.

void docCode(Location location) {
  if (includeSource) {
    writeln('<pre class="source">');

void docComment(ObjectMirror host, DocComment comment) #

void docComment(ObjectMirror host, DocComment comment) {
  if (comment != null) {
    if (comment.inheritedFrom !== null) {
      writeln('<div class="inherited">');
      write('<div class="docs-inherited-from">docs inherited from ');
      annotateType(host, comment.inheritedFrom);
    } else {

void docField(ObjectMirror host, FieldMirror field, [bool asGetter = false, bool asSetter = false]) #

void docField(ObjectMirror host, FieldMirror field,
              {bool asGetter: false, bool asSetter: false}) {
  if (asGetter) {
    docMethod(host, field, asGetter: true);
  } else if (asSetter) {
    docMethod(host, field, asGetter: false);
  } else {
    docProperty(host, field, null);

void docIndex() #

void docIndex() {

  writeHeader(mainTitle, []);


  for (final library in _sortedLibraries) {


void docIndexLibrary(LibraryMirror library) #

void docIndexLibrary(LibraryMirror library) {
  writeln('<h4>${a(libraryUrl(library), library.simpleName)}</h4>');

void docInheritance(InterfaceMirror type) #

Document the other types that touch Type in the inheritance hierarchy: subclasses, superclasses, subinterfaces, superinferfaces, and default class.

void docInheritance(InterfaceMirror type) {
  // Don't show the inheritance details for Object. It doesn't have any base
  // class (obviously) and it has too many subclasses to be useful.
  if (type.isObject) return;

  // Writes an unordered list of references to types with an optional header.
  listTypes(types, header) {
    if (types == null) return;

    var publicTypes;
    if (showPrivate) {
      publicTypes = types;
    } else {
      // Skip private types.
      publicTypes = new List.from(types.filter((t) => !t.isPrivate));
    if (publicTypes.length == 0) return;

    bool first = true;
    for (final t in publicTypes) {
      if (!first) write(', ');
      first = false;

  final subtypes = [];
  for (final subtype in computeSubdeclarations(type)) {
  subtypes.sort((x, y) => x.simpleName.compareTo(y.simpleName));
  if (type.isClass) {
    // Show the chain of superclasses.
    if (!type.superclass.isObject) {
      final supertypes = [];
      var thisType = type.superclass;
      // As a sanity check, only show up to five levels of nesting, otherwise
      // the box starts to get hideous.
      do {
        thisType = thisType.superclass;
      } while (!thisType.isObject);

      for (var i = supertypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

      // Write this class.

    listTypes(subtypes, 'Subclasses');
    listTypes(type.interfaces, 'Implements');
  } else {
    // Show the default class.
    if (type.defaultType != null) {
      listTypes([type.defaultType], 'Default class');

    // List extended interfaces.
    listTypes(type.interfaces, 'Extends');

    // List subinterfaces and implementing classes.
    final subinterfaces = [];
    final implementing = [];

    for (final subtype in subtypes) {
      if (subtype.isClass) {
      } else {

    listTypes(subinterfaces, 'Subinterfaces');
    listTypes(implementing, 'Implemented by');

void docLibrary(LibraryMirror library) #

void docLibrary(LibraryMirror library) {
  if (verbose) {
    print('Library \'${library.simpleName}\':');
  _currentLibrary = library;
  _currentType = null;

  writeHeader('${library.simpleName} Library',
      [library.simpleName, libraryUrl(library)]);
  writeln('<h2><strong>${library.simpleName}</strong> library</h2>');

  // Look for a comment for the entire library.
  final comment = getLibraryComment(library);
  if (comment != null) {
    writeln('<div class="doc">${comment.html}</div>');

  // Document the top-level members.

  // Document the types.
  final classes = <InterfaceMirror>[];
  final interfaces = <InterfaceMirror>[];
  final typedefs = <TypedefMirror>[];
  final exceptions = <InterfaceMirror>[];

  for (InterfaceMirror type in orderByName(library.types.getValues())) {
    if (!showPrivate && type.isPrivate) continue;

    if (isException(type)) {
    } else if (type.isClass) {
    } else if (type.isInterface){
    } else if (type is TypedefMirror) {
    } else {
      throw new InternalError("internal error: unknown type $type.");

  docTypes(classes, 'Classes');
  docTypes(interfaces, 'Interfaces');
  docTypes(typedefs, 'Typedefs');
  docTypes(exceptions, 'Exceptions');


  for (final type in library.types.getValues()) {
    if (!showPrivate && type.isPrivate) continue;


void docLibraryNavigation(LibraryMirror library) #

Writes the navigation for the types contained by the given library.

void docLibraryNavigation(LibraryMirror library) {
  // Show the exception types separately.
  final types = <InterfaceMirror>[];
  final exceptions = <InterfaceMirror>[];

  for (InterfaceMirror type in orderByName(library.types.getValues())) {
    if (!showPrivate && type.isPrivate) continue;

    if (isException(type)) {
    } else {

  if ((types.length == 0) && (exceptions.length == 0)) return;

  writeln('<ul class="icon">');

void docLibraryNavigationJson(LibraryMirror library, List libraryList) #

void docLibraryNavigationJson(LibraryMirror library, List libraryList) {
  var libraryInfo = {};
  libraryInfo[NAME] = library.simpleName;
  final List members = docMembersJson(library.declaredMembers);
  if (!members.isEmpty()) {
    libraryInfo[MEMBERS] = members;

  final types = [];
  for (InterfaceMirror type in orderByName(library.types.getValues())) {
    if (!showPrivate && type.isPrivate) continue;

    var typeInfo = {};
    typeInfo[NAME] = type.displayName;
    if (type.isClass) {
      typeInfo[KIND] = CLASS;
    } else if (type.isInterface) {
      typeInfo[KIND] = INTERFACE;
    } else {
      typeInfo[KIND] = TYPEDEF;
    final List typeMembers = docMembersJson(type.declaredMembers);
    if (!typeMembers.isEmpty()) {
      typeInfo[MEMBERS] = typeMembers;

    if (!type.declaration.typeVariables.isEmpty()) {
      final typeVariables = [];
      for (final typeVariable in type.declaration.typeVariables) {
      typeInfo[ARGS] = Strings.join(typeVariables, ', ');
  if (!types.isEmpty()) {
    libraryInfo[TYPES] = types;


void docMembers(ObjectMirror host) #

void docMembers(ObjectMirror host) {
  // Collect the different kinds of members.
  final staticMethods = [];
  final staticGetters = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
  final staticSetters = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
  final memberMap = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
  final instanceMethods = [];
  final instanceOperators = [];
  final instanceGetters = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
  final instanceSetters = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
  final constructors = [];

  host.declaredMembers.forEach((_, MemberMirror member) {
    if (!showPrivate && member.isPrivate) return;
    if (host is LibraryMirror || member.isStatic) {
      if (member is MethodMirror) {
        if (member.isGetter) {
          staticGetters[member.displayName] = member;
        } else if (member.isSetter) {
          staticSetters[member.displayName] = member;
        } else {
      } else if (member is FieldMirror) {
        staticGetters[member.displayName] = member;

  if (host is InterfaceMirror) {
    var iterable = new HierarchyIterable(host, includeType: true);
    for (InterfaceMirror type in iterable) {
      if (!host.isObject && !inheritFromObject && type.isObject) continue;

      type.declaredMembers.forEach((_, MemberMirror member) {
        if (member.isStatic) return;
        if (!showPrivate && member.isPrivate) return;

        bool inherit = true;
        if (type !== host) {
          if (member.isPrivate) {
            // Don't inherit private members.
            inherit = false;
          if (member.isConstructor) {
            // Don't inherit constructors.
            inherit = false;
        if (!inherit) return;

        if (member.isField) {
          // Fields override both getters and setters.
          memberMap.putIfAbsent(member.simpleName, () => member);
          memberMap.putIfAbsent('${member.simpleName}=', () => member);
        } else if (member.isConstructor) {
        } else {
          memberMap.putIfAbsent(member.simpleName, () => member);

  bool allMethodsInherited = true;
  bool allPropertiesInherited = true;
  bool allOperatorsInherited = true;
  memberMap.forEach((_, MemberMirror member) {
    if (member is MethodMirror) {
      if (member.isGetter) {
        instanceGetters[member.displayName] = member;
        if (member.surroundingDeclaration == host) {
          allPropertiesInherited = false;
      } else if (member.isSetter) {
        instanceSetters[member.displayName] = member;
        if (member.surroundingDeclaration == host) {
          allPropertiesInherited = false;
      } else if (member.isOperator) {
        if (member.surroundingDeclaration == host) {
          allOperatorsInherited = false;
      } else {
        if (member.surroundingDeclaration == host) {
          allMethodsInherited = false;
    } else if (member is FieldMirror) {
      instanceGetters[member.displayName] = member;
      if (member.surroundingDeclaration == host) {
        allPropertiesInherited = false;

  instanceOperators.sort((MethodMirror a, MethodMirror b) {
    return operatorOrderMap[a.simpleName].compareTo(

                host is LibraryMirror ? 'Properties' : 'Static Properties',
                staticGetters, staticSetters, allInherited: false);
             host is LibraryMirror ? 'Functions' : 'Static Methods',
             staticMethods, allInherited: false);

  docMethods(host, 'Constructors', orderByName(constructors),
             allInherited: false);
  docProperties(host, 'Properties', instanceGetters, instanceSetters,
                allInherited: allPropertiesInherited);
  docMethods(host, 'Operators', instanceOperators,
             allInherited: allOperatorsInherited);
  docMethods(host, 'Methods', orderByName(instanceMethods),
             allInherited: allMethodsInherited);

List docMembersJson(Map<Object, MemberMirror> memberMap) #

List docMembersJson(Map<Object,MemberMirror> memberMap) {
  final members = [];
  for (MemberMirror member in orderByName(memberMap.getValues())) {
    if (!showPrivate && member.isPrivate) continue;

    var memberInfo = {};
    if (member.isField) {
      memberInfo[KIND] = FIELD;
    } else {
      MethodMirror method = member;
      if (method.isConstructor) {
        memberInfo[KIND] = CONSTRUCTOR;
      } else if (method.isSetter) {
        memberInfo[KIND] = SETTER;
      } else if (method.isGetter) {
        memberInfo[KIND] = GETTER;
      } else {
        memberInfo[KIND] = METHOD;
      if (method.parameters.isEmpty()) {
        memberInfo[NO_PARAMS] = true;
    memberInfo[NAME] = member.displayName;
    var anchor = memberAnchor(member);
    if (anchor != memberInfo[NAME]) {
      memberInfo[LINK_NAME] = anchor;
  return members;

void docMethod(ObjectMirror host, MemberMirror member, [bool asGetter = false]) #

Documents the member declared in host. Handles all kinds of members including getters, setters, and constructors. If member is a FieldMirror it is documented as a getter or setter depending upon the value of asGetter.

void docMethod(ObjectMirror host, MemberMirror member,
               {bool asGetter: false}) {
  _currentMember = member;

  bool isAbstract = false;
  String name = member.displayName;
  if (member is FieldMirror) {
    if (asGetter) {
      // Getter.
      name = 'get $name';
    } else {
      // Setter.
      name = 'set $name';
  } else {
    assert(member is MethodMirror);
    isAbstract = member.isAbstract;
    if (member.isGetter) {
      // Getter.
      name = 'get $name';
    } else if (member.isSetter) {
      // Setter.
      name = 'set $name';

  bool showCode = includeSource && !isAbstract;
  bool inherited = host != member.surroundingDeclaration;

  writeln('<div class="method${inherited ? ' inherited': ''}">'
          '<h4 id="${memberAnchor(member)}">');

  if (showCode) {
    writeln('<button class="show-code">Code</button>');

  if (member is MethodMirror) {
    if (member.isConstructor) {
      if (member.isFactory) {
        write('factory ');
      } else {
        write(member.isConst ? 'const ' : 'new ');
    } else if (member.isAbstract) {
      write('abstract ');

    if (!member.isConstructor) {
      annotateType(host, member.returnType);
  } else {
    assert(member is FieldMirror);
    if (asGetter) {
      annotateType(host, member.type);
    } else {
      write('void ');


  if (member is MethodMirror) {
    if (!member.isGetter) {
      docParamList(host, member.parameters);
  } else {
    assert(member is FieldMirror);
    if (!asGetter) {
      annotateType(host, member.type);
      write(' value)');

  var prefix = host is LibraryMirror ? '' : '${typeName(host)}.';
  write(''' <a class="anchor-link" href="#${memberAnchor(member)}"
            title="Permalink to $prefix$name">#</a>''');

  if (inherited) {
    write('<div class="inherited-from">inherited from ');
    annotateType(host, member.surroundingDeclaration);

  writeln('<div class="doc">');
  docComment(host, getMemberComment(member));
  if (showCode) {


void docMethods(ObjectMirror host, String title, List<MethodMirror> methods, [bool allInherited]) #

void docMethods(ObjectMirror host, String title, List<MethodMirror> methods,
                {bool allInherited}) {
  if (methods.length > 0) {
    writeln('<div${allInherited ? ' class="inherited"' : ''}>');
    for (final method in methods) {
      docMethod(host, method);

void docNavigation() #

void docNavigation() {
      <div class="nav">

  if (mode == MODE_STATIC) {
    for (final library in _sortedLibraries) {
      write('<h2><div class="icon-library"></div>');

      if ((_currentLibrary == library) && (_currentType == null)) {
      } else {
        write('${a(libraryUrl(library), library.simpleName)}');

      // Only expand classes in navigation for current library.
      if (_currentLibrary == library) docLibraryNavigation(library);


void docNavigationDart() #

void docNavigationDart() {
  final dir = new Directory.fromPath(tmpPath);
  if (!dir.existsSync()) {
    // TODO(3914): Hack to avoid 'file already exists' exception
    // thrown due to invalid result from dir.existsSync() (probably due to
    // race conditions).
    try {
    } on DirectoryIOException catch (e) {
      // Ignore.
  String jsonString = JSON.stringify(createNavigationInfo());
  String dartString = jsonString.replaceAll(r"$", r"\$");
  final filePath = tmpPath.append('nav.dart');
  writeString(new File.fromPath(filePath),
      'get json => $dartString;');

void docNavigationJson() #

Walks the libraries and creates a JSON object containing the data needed to generate navigation for them.

void docNavigationJson() {

void docParamList(ObjectMirror enclosingType, List<ParameterMirror> parameters) #

void docParamList(ObjectMirror enclosingType,
                  List<ParameterMirror> parameters) {
  bool first = true;
  bool inOptionals = false;
  for (final parameter in parameters) {
    if (!first) write(', ');

    if (!inOptionals && parameter.isOptional) {
      inOptionals = true;

    annotateType(enclosingType, parameter.type, parameter.simpleName);

    // Show the default value for named optional parameters.
    if (parameter.isOptional && parameter.hasDefaultValue) {
      write(' = ');

    first = false;

  if (inOptionals) write(']');

void docProperties(ObjectMirror host, String title, Map<String, MemberMirror> getters, Map<String, MemberMirror> setters, [bool allInherited]) #

Documents fields, getters, and setters as properties.

void docProperties(ObjectMirror host, String title,
                   Map<String,MemberMirror> getters,
                   Map<String,MemberMirror> setters,
                   {bool allInherited}) {
  if (getters.isEmpty() && setters.isEmpty()) return;

  var nameSet = new Set<String>.from(getters.getKeys());
  var nameList = new List<String>.from(nameSet);
  nameList.sort((String a, String b) {
    return a.toLowerCase().compareTo(b.toLowerCase());

  writeln('<div${allInherited ? ' class="inherited"' : ''}>');
  for (String name in nameList) {
    MemberMirror getter = getters[name];
    MemberMirror setter = setters[name];
    if (setter == null) {
      if (getter is FieldMirror) {
        // We have a field.
        docField(host, getter);
      } else {
        // We only have a getter.
        assert(getter is MethodMirror);
        docProperty(host, getter, null);
    } else if (getter == null) {
      // We only have a setter => Document as a method.
      assert(setter is MethodMirror);
      docMethod(host, setter);
    } else {
      DocComment getterComment = getMemberComment(getter);
      DocComment setterComment = getMemberComment(setter);
      if (getter.surroundingDeclaration !== setter.surroundingDeclaration ||
          getterComment != null && setterComment != null) {
        // Both have comments or are not declared in the same class
        // => Documents separately.
        if (getter is FieldMirror) {
          // Document field as a getter (setter is inherited).
          docField(host, getter, asGetter: true);
        } else {
          docMethod(host, getter);
        if (setter is FieldMirror) {
          // Document field as a setter (getter is inherited).
          docField(host, setter, asSetter: true);
        } else {
          docMethod(host, setter);
      } else {
        // Document as field.
        docProperty(host, getter, setter);

void docProperty(ObjectMirror host, MemberMirror getter, MemberMirror setter) #

Documents the property defined by getter and setter of declared in host. If getter is a FieldMirror, setter must be null. Otherwise, if getter is a MethodMirror, the property is considered final if setter is null.

void docProperty(ObjectMirror host,
                 MemberMirror getter, MemberMirror setter) {
  assert(getter != null);
  _currentMember = getter;

  bool inherited = host != getter.surroundingDeclaration;

  writeln('<div class="field${inherited ? ' inherited' : ''}">'
          '<h4 id="${memberAnchor(getter)}">');

  if (includeSource) {
    writeln('<button class="show-code">Code</button>');

  bool isConst = false;
  bool isFinal;
  TypeMirror type;
  if (getter is FieldMirror) {
    assert(setter == null);
    isConst = getter.isConst;
    isFinal = getter.isFinal;
    type = getter.type;
  } else {
    assert(getter is MethodMirror);
    isFinal = setter == null;
    type = getter.returnType;

  if (isConst) {
    write('const ');
  } else if (isFinal) {
    write('final ');
  } else if (type.isDynamic) {
    write('var ');

  annotateType(host, type);
  var prefix = host is LibraryMirror ? '' : '${typeName(host)}.';
      <strong>${getter.simpleName}</strong> <a class="anchor-link"
          title="Permalink to $prefix${getter.simpleName}">#</a>

  if (inherited) {
    write('<div class="inherited-from">inherited from ');
    annotateType(host, getter.surroundingDeclaration);

  DocComment comment = getMemberComment(getter);
  if (comment == null && setter != null) {
    comment = getMemberComment(setter);
  writeln('<div class="doc">');
  docComment(host, comment);
  if (setter != null) {


void docType(InterfaceMirror type) #

void docType(InterfaceMirror type) {
  if (verbose) {
    print('- ${type.simpleName}');
  _currentType = type;


  var kind = 'interface';
  if (type.isTypedef) {
    kind = 'typedef';
  } else if (type.isClass) {
    if (type.isAbstract) {
      kind = 'abstract class';
    } else {
      kind = 'class';

  final typeTitle =
    '${typeName(type)} ${kind}';
  writeHeader('$typeTitle / ${type.library.simpleName} Library',
      [type.library.simpleName, libraryUrl(type.library),
       typeName(type), typeUrl(type)]);
      <h2><strong>${typeName(type, showBounds: true)}</strong>
  writeln('<button id="show-inherited" class="show-inherited">'
          'Hide inherited</button>');

  writeln('<div class="doc">');
  docComment(type, getTypeComment(type));




void docTypedef(TypeMirror type) #

Documents the definition of type if it is a typedef.

void docTypedef(TypeMirror type) {
  if (type is! TypedefMirror) {
  writeln('<div class="method"><h4 id="${type.simpleName}">');

  if (includeSource) {
    writeln('<button class="show-code">Code</button>');

  write('typedef ');
  annotateType(type, type.definition, type.simpleName);

  write(''' <a class="anchor-link" href="#${type.simpleName}"
            title="Permalink to ${type.simpleName}">#</a>''');

  writeln('<div class="doc">');


void docTypeNavigation(InterfaceMirror type) #

Writes a linked navigation list item for the given type.

void docTypeNavigation(InterfaceMirror type) {
  var icon = 'interface';
  if (type.simpleName.endsWith('Exception')) {
    icon = 'exception';
  } else if (type.isClass) {
    icon = 'class';

  if (_currentType == type) {
        '<div class="icon-$icon"></div><strong>${typeName(type)}</strong>');
  } else {
        '<div class="icon-$icon"></div>${typeName(type)}'));

void docTypes(List types, String header) #

void docTypes(List types, String header) {
  if (types.length == 0) return;


  for (final type in types) {
        <div class="type">
          ${a(typeUrl(type), "<strong>${typeName(type)}</strong>")}

void documentEntryPoint(Path entrypoint, Path libPath, Path pkgPath) #

void documentEntryPoint(Path entrypoint, Path libPath, Path pkgPath) {
  final compilation = new Compilation(entrypoint, libPath, pkgPath);

void documentLibraries(List<Path> libraryList, Path libPath, Path pkgPath) #

void documentLibraries(List<Path> libraryList, Path libPath, Path pkgPath) {
  final compilation = new Compilation.library(libraryList, libPath, pkgPath);

void endFile() #

void endFile() {
  final outPath = outputDir.join(_filePath);
  final dir = new Directory.fromPath(outPath.directoryPath);
  if (!dir.existsSync()) {
    // TODO(3914): Hack to avoid 'file already exists' exception
    // thrown due to invalid result from dir.existsSync() (probably due to
    // race conditions).
    try {
    } on DirectoryIOException catch (e) {
      // Ignore.

  writeString(new File.fromPath(outPath), _file.toString());
  _filePath = null;
  _file = null;

formatCode(Location span) #

Takes a string of Dart code and turns it into sanitized HTML.

formatCode(Location span) {
  final code = unindentCode(span);

  // Syntax highlight.
  return classifySource(code);

generateAppCacheManifest() #

generateAppCacheManifest() {
  if (verbose) {
    print('Generating app cache manifest from output $outputDir');
  write("CACHE MANIFEST\n\n");
  write("# VERSION: ${new Date.now()}\n\n");
  var toCache = new Directory.fromPath(outputDir);
  var toCacheLister = toCache.list(recursive: true);
  toCacheLister.onFile = (filename) {
    if (filename.endsWith('appcache.manifest')) {
    // TODO(johnniwinther): If [outputDir] has trailing slashes, [filename]
    // contains double (back)slashes for files in the immediate [toCache]
    // directory. These are not handled by [relativeTo] thus
    // wrongfully producing the path `/foo.html` for a file `foo.html` in
    // [toCache].
    // This can be handled in two ways. 1) By ensuring that
    // [Directory.fromPath] does not receive a path with a trailing slash, or
    // better, by making [Directory.fromPath] handle such trailing slashes.
    // 2) By ensuring that [filePath] does not have double slashes before
    // calling [relativeTo], or better, by making [relativeTo] handle double
    // slashes correctly.
    Path filePath = new Path.fromNative(filename).canonicalize();
    Path relativeFilePath = filePath.relativeTo(outputDir);
  toCacheLister.onDone = (done) => endFile();

DocComment getLibraryComment(LibraryMirror library) #

Get the doc comment associated with the given library.

DocComment getLibraryComment(LibraryMirror library) {
  // Look for a comment for the entire library.
  final comment = _comments.findLibrary(library.location.source);
  if (comment == null) return null;
  return createDocComment(comment);

DocComment getMemberComment(MemberMirror member) #

Get the doc comment associated with the given member.

If no comment was found on the member, the hierarchy is traversed to find an inherited comment, favouring comments inherited from classes over comments inherited from interfaces.

DocComment getMemberComment(MemberMirror member) {
  String comment = _comments.find(member.location);
  InterfaceMirror inheritedFrom = null;
  if (comment == null) {
    if (member.surroundingDeclaration is InterfaceMirror) {
      var iterable =
          new HierarchyIterable(member.surroundingDeclaration,
                                includeType: false);
      for (InterfaceMirror type in iterable) {
        var inheritedMember = type.declaredMembers[member.simpleName];
        if (inheritedMember is MemberMirror) {
          comment = _comments.find(inheritedMember.location);
          if (comment != null) {
            inheritedFrom = type;
  if (comment == null) return null;
  return createDocComment(comment, inheritedFrom);

DocComment getTypeComment(TypeMirror type) #

Get the doc comment associated with the given type.

DocComment getTypeComment(TypeMirror type) {
  String comment = _comments.find(type.location);
  if (comment == null) return null;
  return createDocComment(comment);

bool isAbsolute(String url) #

Gets whether or not the given URL is absolute or relative.

bool isAbsolute(String url) {
  // TODO(rnystrom): Why don't we have a nice type in the platform for this?
  // TODO(rnystrom): This is a bit hackish. We consider any URL that lacks
  // a scheme to be relative.
  return const RegExp(r'^\w+:').hasMatch(url);

bool isException(TypeMirror type) #

Returns true if type should be regarded as an exception.

bool isException(TypeMirror type) {
  return type.simpleName.endsWith('Exception');

String libraryUrl(LibraryMirror library) #

Gets the URL to the documentation for library.

String libraryUrl(LibraryMirror library) {
  return '${sanitize(library.simpleName)}.html';

linkToType(ObjectMirror enclosingType, TypeMirror type) #

Writes a link to a human-friendly string representation for a type.

linkToType(ObjectMirror enclosingType, TypeMirror type) {
  if (type.isVoid) {
    // Do not generate links for void.
    // TODO(johnniwinter): Generate span for specific style?
  if (type.isDynamic) {
    // Do not generate links for Dynamic.

  if (type.isTypeVariable) {
    // If we're using a type parameter within the body of a generic class then
    // just link back up to the class.
    write(a(typeUrl(enclosingType), type.simpleName));

  assert(type is InterfaceMirror);

  // Link to the type.
  if (shouldLinkToPublicApi(type.library)) {
    write('<a href="$API_LOCATION${typeUrl(type)}">${type.simpleName}</a>');
  } else if (shouldIncludeLibrary(type.library)) {
    write(a(typeUrl(type), type.simpleName));
  } else {

  if (type.isDeclaration) {
    // Avoid calling [:typeArguments():] on a declaration.

  // See if it's an instantiation of a generic type.
  final typeArgs = type.typeArguments;
  if (typeArgs.length > 0) {
    bool first = true;
    for (final arg in typeArgs) {
      if (!first) write(', ');
      first = false;
      linkToType(enclosingType, arg);

String memberAnchor(MemberMirror member) #

Gets the anchor id for the document for member.

String memberAnchor(MemberMirror member) {
  return member.simpleName;

String memberUrl(MemberMirror member) #

Gets the URL for the documentation for member.

String memberUrl(MemberMirror member) {
  String url = typeUrl(member.surroundingDeclaration);
  return '$url#${memberAnchor(member)}';

String relativePath(String fullPath) #

Converts fullPath which is understood to be a full path from the root of the generated docs to one relative to the current file.

String relativePath(String fullPath) {
  // Don't make it relative if it's an absolute path.
  if (isAbsolute(fullPath)) return fullPath;

  // TODO(rnystrom): Walks all the way up to root each time. Shouldn't do
  // this if the paths overlap.
  return '${repeat('../',
                   countOccurrences(_filePath.toString(), '/'))}$fullPath';

Node resolveNameReference(String name, [MemberMirror currentMember, ObjectMirror currentType, LibraryMirror currentLibrary]) #

This will be called whenever a doc comment hits a [name] in square brackets. It will try to figure out what the name refers to and link or style it appropriately.

md.Node resolveNameReference(String name,
                             {MemberMirror currentMember,
                              ObjectMirror currentType,
                              LibraryMirror currentLibrary}) {
  makeLink(String href) {
    final anchor = new md.Element.text('a', name);
    anchor.attributes['href'] = relativePath(href);
    anchor.attributes['class'] = 'crossref';
    return anchor;

  // See if it's a parameter of the current method.
  if (currentMember is MethodMirror) {
    for (final parameter in currentMember.parameters) {
      if (parameter.simpleName == name) {
        final element = new md.Element.text('span', name);
        element.attributes['class'] = 'param';
        return element;

  // See if it's another member of the current type.
  if (currentType != null) {
    final foundMember = currentType.declaredMembers[name];
    if (foundMember != null) {
      return makeLink(memberUrl(foundMember));

  // See if it's another type or a member of another type in the current
  // library.
  if (currentLibrary != null) {
    // See if it's a constructor
    final constructorLink = (() {
      final match =
          new RegExp(r'new ([\w$]+)(?:\.([\w$]+))?').firstMatch(name);
      if (match == null) return;
      String typeName = match[1];
      InterfaceMirror foundtype = currentLibrary.types[typeName];
      if (foundtype == null) return;
      String constructorName =
          (match[2] == null) ? typeName : '$typeName.${match[2]}';
      final constructor =
      if (constructor == null) return;
      return makeLink(memberUrl(constructor));
    if (constructorLink != null) return constructorLink;

    // See if it's a member of another type
    final foreignMemberLink = (() {
      final match = new RegExp(r'([\w$]+)\.([\w$]+)').firstMatch(name);
      if (match == null) return;
      InterfaceMirror foundtype = currentLibrary.types[match[1]];
      if (foundtype == null) return;
      MemberMirror foundMember = foundtype.declaredMembers[match[2]];
      if (foundMember == null) return;
      return makeLink(memberUrl(foundMember));
    if (foreignMemberLink != null) return foreignMemberLink;

    InterfaceMirror foundType = currentLibrary.types[name];
    if (foundType != null) {
      return makeLink(typeUrl(foundType));

    // See if it's a top-level member in the current library.
    MemberMirror foundMember = currentLibrary.declaredMembers[name];
    if (foundMember != null) {
      return makeLink(memberUrl(foundMember));

  // TODO(rnystrom): Should also consider:
  // * Names imported by libraries this library imports.
  // * Type parameters of the enclosing type.

  return new md.Element.text('code', name);

bool shouldIncludeLibrary(LibraryMirror library) #

Returns true if library is included in the generated documentation.

bool shouldIncludeLibrary(LibraryMirror library) {
  if (shouldLinkToPublicApi(library)) {
    return false;
  var includeByDefault = true;
  String libraryName = library.simpleName;
  if (!includedLibraries.isEmpty()) {
    includeByDefault = false;
    if (includedLibraries.indexOf(libraryName) != -1) {
      return true;
  if (excludedLibraries.indexOf(libraryName) != -1) {
    return false;
  if (libraryName.startsWith('dart:')) {
    String suffix = libraryName.substring('dart:'.length);
    LibraryInfo info = LIBRARIES[suffix];
    if (info != null) {
      return info.documented && includeApi;
  return includeByDefault;

bool shouldLinkToPublicApi(LibraryMirror library) #

Returns true if links to the public API should be generated for library.

bool shouldLinkToPublicApi(LibraryMirror library) {
  if (linkToApi) {
    String libraryName = library.simpleName;
    if (libraryName.startsWith('dart:')) {
      String suffix = libraryName.substring('dart:'.length);
      LibraryInfo info = LIBRARIES[suffix];
      if (info != null) {
        return info.documented;
  return false;

void startFile(String path) #

void startFile(String path) {
  _filePath = new Path(path);
  _file = new StringBuffer();

typeName(TypeMirror type, [bool showBounds = false]) #

Generates a human-friendly string representation for a type.

typeName(TypeMirror type, {bool showBounds: false}) {
  if (type.isVoid) {
    return 'void';
  if (type is TypeVariableMirror) {
    return type.simpleName;
  assert(type is InterfaceMirror);

  // See if it's a generic type.
  if (type.isDeclaration) {
    final typeParams = [];
    for (final typeParam in type.declaration.typeVariables) {
      if (showBounds &&
          (typeParam.bound != null) &&
          !typeParam.bound.isObject) {
        final bound = typeName(typeParam.bound, showBounds: true);
        typeParams.add('${typeParam.simpleName} extends $bound');
      } else {
    if (typeParams.isEmpty()) {
      return type.simpleName;
    final params = Strings.join(typeParams, ', ');
    return '${type.simpleName}&lt;$params&gt;';

  // See if it's an instantiation of a generic type.
  final typeArgs = type.typeArguments;
  if (typeArgs.length > 0) {
    final args = Strings.join(typeArgs.map((arg) => typeName(arg)), ', ');
    return '${type.declaration.simpleName}&lt;$args&gt;';

  // Regular type.
  return type.simpleName;

typeReference(InterfaceMirror type) #

Creates a linked cross reference to type.

typeReference(InterfaceMirror type) {
  // TODO(rnystrom): Do we need to handle ParameterTypes here like
  // annotation() does?
  return a(typeUrl(type), typeName(type), css: 'crossref');

void typeSpan(InterfaceMirror type) #

Writes an inline type span for the given type. This is a little box with an icon and the type's name. It's similar to how types appear in the navigation, but is suitable for inline (as opposed to in a <ul>) use.

void typeSpan(InterfaceMirror type) {
  var icon = 'interface';
  if (type.simpleName.endsWith('Exception')) {
    icon = 'exception';
  } else if (type.isClass) {
    icon = 'class';

  write('<span class="type-box"><span class="icon-$icon"></span>');
  if (_currentType == type) {
  } else {
    write(a(typeUrl(type), typeName(type)));

String typeUrl(ObjectMirror type) #

Gets the URL for the documentation for type.

String typeUrl(ObjectMirror type) {
  if (type is LibraryMirror) {
    return '${sanitize(type.simpleName)}.html';
  assert (type is TypeMirror);
  // Always get the generic type to strip off any type parameters or
  // arguments. If the type isn't generic, genericType returns `this`, so it
  // works for non-generic types too.
  return '${sanitize(type.library.simpleName)}/'

unindentCode(Location span) #

Remove leading indentation to line up with first line.

unindentCode(Location span) {
  final column = getLocationColumn(span);
  final lines = span.text.split('\n');
  // TODO(rnystrom): Dirty hack.
  for (var i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
    lines[i] = unindent(lines[i], column);

  final code = Strings.join(lines, '\n');
  return code;

void write(String s) #

void write(String s) {

void writeFooter() #

void writeFooter() {
      <div class="clear"></div>
      <div class="footer">
      <script async src="${relativePath('$clientScript.js')}"></script>

void writeHeadContents(String title) #

void writeHeadContents(String title) {
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <title>$title / $mainTitle</title>
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
      <link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,600,700,800" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
      <link rel="shortcut icon" href="${relativePath('favicon.ico')}">

void writeHeader(String title, List<String> breadcrumbs) #

Writes the page header with the given title and breadcrumbs. The breadcrumbs are an interleaved list of links and titles. If a link is null, then no link will be generated. For example, given:

['foo', 'foo.html', 'bar', null]

It will output:

<a href="foo.html">foo</a> &rsaquo; bar
void writeHeader(String title, List<String> breadcrumbs) {
  final htmlAttributes = generateAppCache ?
      'manifest="/appcache.manifest"' : '';

      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html${htmlAttributes == '' ? '' : ' $htmlAttributes'}>

  // Add data attributes describing what the page documents.
  var data = '';
  if (_currentLibrary != null) {
    data = '$data data-library='

  if (_currentType != null) {
    data = '$data data-type="${md.escapeHtml(typeName(_currentType))}"';

      <div class="page">
      <div class="header">
        ${a(mainUrl, '<div class="logo"></div>')}
        ${a('index.html', mainTitle)}

  // Write the breadcrumb trail.
  for (int i = 0; i < breadcrumbs.length; i += 2) {
    if (breadcrumbs[i + 1] == null) {
      write(' &rsaquo; ${breadcrumbs[i]}');
    } else {
      write(' &rsaquo; ${a(breadcrumbs[i + 1], breadcrumbs[i])}');

  if (searchEngineId != null) {
      <form action="$searchResultsUrl" id="search-box">
        <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="$searchEngineId">
        <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8">
        <input type="hidden" name="hl" value="en">
        <input type="search" name="q" id="q" autocomplete="off"
            class="search-input" placeholder="Search API">
  } else {
      <div id="search-box">
        <input type="search" name="q" id="q" autocomplete="off"
            class="search-input" placeholder="Search API">

    <div class="drop-down" id="drop-down"></div>

  writeln('<div class="content">');

void writeln(String s) #

void writeln(String s) {

void writeTypeFooter() #

Override this to write additional content at the end of a type's page.

void writeTypeFooter() {
  // Do nothing.