Dart API ReferencedartdocCommentMap

CommentMap class

The cached lookup-table to associate doc comments with spans. The outer map is from filenames to doc comments in that file. The inner map maps from the token positions to doc comments. Each position is the starting offset of the next non-comment token following the doc comment. For example, the position for this comment would be the position of the "class" token below.

class CommentMap {
   * Maps from (filename, pos) to doc comment preceding the token at that
   * position.
  Map<String, Map<int, String>> _comments;

  /** Doc comments before #library() directives. */
  Map<String, String> _libraryComments;

    : _comments = <String, Map<int, String>>{},
      _libraryComments = <String, String>{};

   * Finds the doc comment preceding the given source span, if there is one.
   * If a comment is returned, it is guaranteed to be non-empty.
  String find(Location span) {
    if (span == null) return null;

    String comment = _comments[span.source.uri.toString()][span.start];
    assert(comment == null || !comment.trim().isEmpty());
    return comment;

   * Finds the doc comment associated with the `#library` directive for the
   * given file.
   * If a comment is returned, it is guaranteed to be non-empty.
  String findLibrary(Source source) {
    String comment = _libraryComments[source.uri.toString()];
    assert(comment == null || !comment.trim().isEmpty());
    return comment;

  _ensureFileParsed(Source source) {
    _comments.putIfAbsent(source.uri.toString(), () =>

  _parseComments(Source source) {
    final comments = new Map<int, String>();

    final scanner = new dart2js.StringScanner(source.text,
                                              includeComments: true);
    var lastComment = null;

    var token = scanner.tokenize();
    while (token.kind != dart2js.EOF_TOKEN) {
      if (token.kind == dart2js.COMMENT_TOKEN) {
        final text = token.slowToString();
        if (text.startsWith('/**')) {
          // Remember that we've encountered a doc comment.
          lastComment = stripComment(token.slowToString());
        } else if (text.startsWith('///')) {
          var line = text.substring(3);
          // Allow a leading space.
          if (line.startsWith(' ')) line = line.substring(1);
          if (lastComment == null) {
            lastComment = line;
          } else {
            lastComment = '$lastComment$line';
      } else if (token.kind == dart2js.HASH_TOKEN) {
        // Look for #library() to find the library comment.
        final next = token.next;
        if ((lastComment != null) && (next.stringValue == 'library')) {
          _libraryComments[source.uri.toString()] = lastComment;
          lastComment = null;
      } else if (lastComment != null) {
        if (!lastComment.trim().isEmpty()) {
          // We haven't attached the last doc comment to something yet, so stick
          // it to this token.
          comments[token.charOffset] = lastComment;
        lastComment = null;
      token = token.next;

    return comments;

   * Pulls the raw text out of a doc comment (i.e. removes the comment
   * characters).
  stripComment(String comment) {
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

    for (var line in comment.split('\n')) {
      line = line.trim();
      if (line.startsWith('/**')) line = line.substring(3);
      if (line.endsWith('*/')) line = line.substring(0, line.length - 2);
      line = line.trim();
      if (line.startsWith('* ')) {
        line = line.substring(2);
      } else if (line.startsWith('*')) {
        line = line.substring(1);


    return buf.toString();


new CommentMap() #

  : _comments = <String, Map<int, String>>{},
    _libraryComments = <String, String>{};


String find(Location span) #

Finds the doc comment preceding the given source span, if there is one.

If a comment is returned, it is guaranteed to be non-empty.

String find(Location span) {
  if (span == null) return null;

  String comment = _comments[span.source.uri.toString()][span.start];
  assert(comment == null || !comment.trim().isEmpty());
  return comment;

String findLibrary(Source source) #

Finds the doc comment associated with the #library directive for the given file.

If a comment is returned, it is guaranteed to be non-empty.

String findLibrary(Source source) {
  String comment = _libraryComments[source.uri.toString()];
  assert(comment == null || !comment.trim().isEmpty());
  return comment;

stripComment(String comment) #

Pulls the raw text out of a doc comment (i.e. removes the comment characters).

stripComment(String comment) {
  StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

  for (var line in comment.split('\n')) {
    line = line.trim();
    if (line.startsWith('/**')) line = line.substring(3);
    if (line.endsWith('*/')) line = line.substring(0, line.length - 2);
    line = line.trim();
    if (line.startsWith('* ')) {
      line = line.substring(2);
    } else if (line.startsWith('*')) {
      line = line.substring(1);


  return buf.toString();