Dart API Referencedart:mirrorsLibraryMirror

LibraryMirror abstract class

A LibraryMirror reflects a Dart language library, providing access to the variables, functions, and classes of the library.

abstract class LibraryMirror implements DeclarationMirror, ObjectMirror {
   * The url of the library.
   * TODO(turnidge): Document where this url comes from.  Will this
   * value be sensible?
  String get url;

   * An immutable map from from names to mirrors for all members in
   * this library.
   * The members of a library are its top-level classes,
   * functions, variables, getters, and setters.
  Map<String, Mirror> get members;

   * An immutable map from names to mirrors for all class
   * declarations in this library.
  Map<String, ClassMirror> get classes;

   * An immutable map from names to mirrors for all function, getter,
   * and setter declarations in this library.
  Map<String, MethodMirror> get functions;

   * An immutable map from names to mirrors for all getter
   * declarations in this library.
  Map<String, MethodMirror> get getters;

   * An immutable map from names to mirrors for all setter
   * declarations in this library.
  Map<String, MethodMirror> get setters;

   * An immutable map from names to mirrors for all variable
   * declarations in this library.
  Map<String, VariableMirror> get variables;


ObjectMirror, DeclarationMirror


final Map<String, ClassMirror> classes #

An immutable map from names to mirrors for all class declarations in this library.

Map<String, ClassMirror> get classes;

final Map<String, MethodMirror> functions #

An immutable map from names to mirrors for all function, getter, and setter declarations in this library.

Map<String, MethodMirror> get functions;

final Map<String, MethodMirror> getters #

An immutable map from names to mirrors for all getter declarations in this library.

Map<String, MethodMirror> get getters;

final bool isPrivate #

inherited from DeclarationMirror

Is this declaration private?

Note that for libraries, this will be false.

bool get isPrivate;

final bool isTopLevel #

inherited from DeclarationMirror

Is this declaration top-level?

This is defined to be equivalent to: mirror.owner !== null && mirror.owner is LibraryMirror

bool get isTopLevel;

final SourceLocation location #

inherited from DeclarationMirror

The source location of this Dart language entity.

SourceLocation get location;

final Map<String, Mirror> members #

An immutable map from from names to mirrors for all members in this library.

The members of a library are its top-level classes, functions, variables, getters, and setters.

Map<String, Mirror> get members;

final MirrorSystem mirrors #

inherited from Mirror

The MirrorSystem that contains this mirror.

MirrorSystem get mirrors;

final DeclarationMirror owner #

inherited from DeclarationMirror

A mirror on the owner of this function. This is the declaration immediately surrounding the reflectee.

Note that for libraries, the owner will be null.

DeclarationMirror get owner;

final String qualifiedName #

inherited from DeclarationMirror

The fully-qualified name for this Dart language entity.

This name is qualified by the name of the owner. For instance, the qualified name of a method 'method' in class 'Class' in library 'library' is 'library.Class.method'.

TODO(turnidge): Specify whether this name is unique. Currently this is a gray area due to lack of clarity over whether library names are unique.

String get qualifiedName;

final Map<String, MethodMirror> setters #

An immutable map from names to mirrors for all setter declarations in this library.

Map<String, MethodMirror> get setters;

final String simpleName #

inherited from DeclarationMirror

The simple name for this Dart language entity.

The simple name is in most cases the the identifier name of the entity, such as 'method' for a method void method() {...} or 'mylibrary' for a #library('mylibrary'); declaration.

String get simpleName;

final String url #

The url of the library.

TODO(turnidge): Document where this url comes from. Will this value be sensible?

String get url;

final Map<String, VariableMirror> variables #

An immutable map from names to mirrors for all variable declarations in this library.

Map<String, VariableMirror> get variables;


Future<InstanceMirror> getField(String fieldName) #

inherited from ObjectMirror

Invokes a getter and returns a mirror on the result. The getter can be the implicit getter for a field or a user-defined getter method.

TODO(turnidge): Handle ambiguous names.

Future<InstanceMirror> getField(String fieldName);

Future<InstanceMirror> invoke(String memberName, List<Object> positionalArguments, [Map<String, Object> namedArguments]) #

inherited from ObjectMirror

Invokes the named function and returns a mirror on the result.

TODO(turnidge): Properly document. TODO(turnidge): Handle ambiguous names. TODO(turnidge): Handle optional & named arguments.

Future<InstanceMirror> invoke(String memberName,
                              List<Object> positionalArguments,
                              [Map<String,Object> namedArguments]);

Future<InstanceMirror> setField(String fieldName, Object value) #

inherited from ObjectMirror

Invokes a setter and returns a mirror on the result. The setter may be either the implicit setter for a non-final field or a user-defined setter method.

TODO(turnidge): Handle ambiguous names.

Future<InstanceMirror> setField(String fieldName, Object value);