Dart API Referencedart:ioProcessException

ProcessException class

class ProcessException implements Exception {
  const ProcessException([String this.message = "", int this.errorCode = 0]);
  String toString() => "ProcessException: $message ($errorCode)";

   * Contains the system message for the process exception if any.
  final String message;

   * Contains the OS error code for the process exception if any.
  final int errorCode;




const ProcessException([String message = "", int errorCode = 0]) #

const ProcessException([String this.message = "", int this.errorCode = 0]);


final int errorCode #

Contains the OS error code for the process exception if any.

final int errorCode;

final String message #

Contains the system message for the process exception if any.

final String message;


String toString() #

Returns a string representation of this object.

docs inherited from Object
String toString() => "ProcessException: $message ($errorCode)";