Dart API Referencedart:ioWebSocketClientConnection

WebSocketClientConnection Interface

Client web socket connection.




Code new WebSocketClientConnection(HttpClientConnection conn, [List<String> protocols]) #

Creates a new web socket client connection based on a HTTP client connection. The HTTP client connection must be freshly opened.

WebSocketClientConnection(HttpClientConnection conn,
                          [List<String> protocols]);


Code close([int status, String reason]) #

Close the web socket connection. The default value for status and reason are null.

close([int status, String reason]);

Code int hashCode() #

WebSocketClientConnection is hashable.

int hashCode();

Code void set onClosed(void callback(int status, String reason)) #

Sets the callback to be called when the web socket connection is closed.

void set onClosed(void callback(int status, String reason));

Code void set onError(void callback(e)) #

Sets the callback to be called when the web socket connection encountered an error.

void set onError(void callback(e));

Code void set onMessage(void callback(message)) #

Sets the callback to be called when a message have been received. The type of message is either String or List<int> depending on whether it is a text or binary message. If the message is empty message will be null.

void set onMessage(void callback(message));

Code void set onNoUpgrade(void callback(HttpClientResponse response)) #

Sets the callback to be called when the response object for the opening handshake did not cause a web socket connection upgrade. This will be called in case the response status code is not 101 (Switching Protocols). If this callback is not set the onError callback will be called if the server did not upgrade the connection.

void set onNoUpgrade(void callback(HttpClientResponse response));

Code void set onOpen(void callback()) #

Sets the callback to be called when a web socket connection has been established.

void set onOpen(void callback());

Code void set onRequest(void callback(HttpClientRequest request)) #

Sets the callback to be called when the request object for the opening handshake request is ready. This callback can be used if one need to add additional headers to the opening handshake request.

void set onRequest(void callback(HttpClientRequest request));

Code send(message) #

Sends a message. The message must be a String or a List<int>. To send an empty message use either an empty String or an empty List<int>. null cannot be used.
