Dart API Referencedart:ioHttpClientResponse

HttpClientResponse Interface

HTTP response for a client connection.


Code int get contentLength() #

Returns the content length of the request body. If the size of the request body is not known in advance this -1.

int get contentLength();

Code List<Cookie> get cookies() #

Cookies set by the server (from the Set-Cookie header).

List<Cookie> get cookies();

Code HttpHeaders get headers() #

Returns the response headers.

HttpHeaders get headers();

Code InputStream get inputStream() #

Returns the input stream for the response. This is used to read the response data.

InputStream get inputStream();

Code bool get isRedirect() #

Returns whether the status code is one of the normal redirect codes HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY, HttpStatus.FOUND, HttpStatus.MOVED_TEMPORARILY, HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER and HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT.

bool get isRedirect();

Code bool get persistentConnection() #

Gets the persistent connection state returned by the server.

bool get persistentConnection();

Code String get reasonPhrase() #

Returns the reason phrase associated with the status code.

String get reasonPhrase();

Code int get statusCode() #

Returns the status code.

int get statusCode();