Dart API Referencedart:ioWebSocket

WebSocket Interface

Alternative web socket client interface. This interface is compliant with the W3C browser API for web sockets specified in http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/.


Code new WebSocket(String url, [protocols]) #

Create a new web socket connection. The URL supplied in url must use the scheme ws. The protocols argument is either a String or List<String> specifying the subprotocols the client is willing to speak.

WebSocket(String url, [protocols]);

Static Fields

Code final int CLOSED #

static final int CLOSED = 3;

Code final int CLOSING #

static final int CLOSING = 2;

Code final int CONNECTING #

Possible states of the connection.

static final int CONNECTING = 0;

Code final int OPEN #

static final int OPEN = 1;


Code int get bufferedAmount() #

Returns the number of bytes currently buffered for transmission.

int get bufferedAmount();

Code void close(int code, String reason) #

Closes the web socket connection.

void close(int code, String reason);

Code String get extensions() #

The extensions property is initially the empty string. After the web socket connection is established this string reflects the extensions used by the server.

String get extensions();

Code void set onclose(void callback(CloseEvent event)) #

Sets the callback to be called when the web socket connection is closed.

void set onclose(void callback(CloseEvent event));

Code void set onerror(void callback(e)) #

Sets the callback to be called when the web socket connection encountered an error.

void set onerror(void callback(e));

Code void set onmessage(void callback(MessageEvent event)) #

Sets the callback to be called when a message have been received.

void set onmessage(void callback(MessageEvent event));

Code void set onopen(void callback()) #

Sets the callback to be called when a web socket connection has been established.

void set onopen(void callback());

Code String get protocol() #

The protocol property is initially the empty string. After the web socket connection is established the value is the subprotocol selected by the server. If no subprotocol is negotiated the value will remain null.

String get protocol();

Code int get readyState() #

Returns the current state of the connection.

int get readyState();

Code void send(data) #

Sends data on the web socket connection. The data in data must be either a String or List<int> holding bytes.

void send(data);