Dart API Referencedart:htmlTableElement

TableElement Interface

table objects expose the HTMLTableElement interface, which provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular element object interface they also have available to them by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of tables in HTML.




Code new TableElement() #



Code Element createCaption() #

createCaption creates a new caption for the table.
Element createCaption();

Code Element createTBody() #

Element createTBody();

Code Element createTFoot() #

createTFoot creates a table footer.
Element createTFoot();

Code Element createTHead() #

createTHead creates a table header.
Element createTHead();

Code void deleteCaption() #

deleteCaption removes the table caption.
void deleteCaption();

Code void deleteRow(int index) #

deleteRow removes a row.
void deleteRow(int index);

Code void deleteTFoot() #

deleteTFoot removes a table footer.
void deleteTFoot();

Code void deleteTHead() #

deleteTHead removes the table header.
void deleteTHead();

Code Element insertRow(int index) #

insertRow inserts a new row.
Element insertRow(int index);


Code String align #

align gets/sets the alignment of the table.
String align;

Code String bgColor #

bgColor gets/sets the background color of the table.
String bgColor;

Code String border #

border gets/sets the table border.
String border;

Code TableCaptionElement caption #

caption returns the table caption.
TableCaptionElement caption;

Code String cellPadding #

cellPadding gets/sets the cell padding.
String cellPadding;

Code String cellSpacing #

cellSpacing gets/sets the spacing around the table.
String cellSpacing;

Code String frame #

frame specifies which sides of the table have borders.
String frame;

Code final HTMLCollection rows #

rows returns the rows in the table.
final HTMLCollection rows;

Code String rules #

rules specifies which interior borders are visible.
String rules;

Code String summary #

summary gets/sets the table summary.
String summary;

Code final HTMLCollection tBodies #

tBodies returns the table bodies.
final HTMLCollection tBodies;

Code TableSectionElement tFoot #

tFoot returns the table footer.
TableSectionElement tFoot;

Code TableSectionElement tHead #

tHead returns the table head.
TableSectionElement tHead;

Code String width #

width gets/sets the width of the table.
String width;

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