Dart API Referencedart:htmlGeolocation

Geolocation Interface


Code void clearWatch(int watchId) #

When the clearWatch() method is called, the watch() process stops calling for new position identifiers and cease invoking callbacks.
void clearWatch(int watchId);

Code void getCurrentPosition(PositionCallback successCallback, [PositionErrorCallback errorCallback, Object options]) #

Acquires the user's current position via a new position object. If this fails, errorCallback is invoked with an nsIDOMGeoPositionError argument.

An nsIDOMGeoPositionCallback to be called when the current position is available.
An nsIDOMGeoPositionErrorCallback that is called if an error occurs while retrieving the position; this parameter is optional.
An nsIDOMGeoPositionOptions object specifying options; this parameter is optional.
void getCurrentPosition(PositionCallback successCallback, [PositionErrorCallback errorCallback, Object options]);

Code int watchPosition(PositionCallback successCallback, [PositionErrorCallback errorCallback, Object options]) #

Similar to getCurrentPosition(), except it continues to call the callback with updated position information periodically until clearWatch() is called.

An nsIDOMGeoPositionCallback that is to be called whenever new position information is available.
An nsIDOMGeoPositionErrorCallback to call when an error occurs; this is an optional parameter.
An nsIDOMGeoPositionOptions object specifying options; this parameter is optional.
Return value

An ID number that can be used to reference the watcher in the future when calling clearWatch().

int watchPosition(PositionCallback successCallback, [PositionErrorCallback errorCallback, Object options]);

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