
All headers

A stack, in OpenSSL, is an array of pointers. They are the most commonly used collection object.

This file defines macros for type-safe use of the stack functions. A stack type is named like STACK_OF(FOO) and is accessed with functions named like sk_FOO_*. Note the stack will typically contain /pointers/ to FOO.

The DECLARE_STACK_OF macro makes STACK_OF(FOO) available, and DEFINE_STACK_OF makes the corresponding functions available.

  1. Defining stacks
  7. Using stacks
  8. sk_SAMPLE_new
  9. sk_SAMPLE_new_null
  10. sk_SAMPLE_num
  11. sk_SAMPLE_zero
  12. sk_SAMPLE_value
  13. sk_SAMPLE_set
  14. sk_SAMPLE_free
  15. sk_SAMPLE_pop_free
  16. sk_SAMPLE_insert
  17. sk_SAMPLE_delete
  18. sk_SAMPLE_delete_ptr
  19. sk_SAMPLE_delete_if
  20. sk_SAMPLE_find
  21. sk_SAMPLE_shift
  22. sk_SAMPLE_push
  23. sk_SAMPLE_pop
  24. sk_SAMPLE_dup
  25. sk_SAMPLE_sort
  26. sk_SAMPLE_is_sorted
  27. sk_SAMPLE_set_cmp_func
  28. sk_SAMPLE_deep_copy
  32. Built-in stacks

Defining stacks.

STACK_OF expands to the stack type for type.

#define STACK_OF(type) struct stack_st_##type

DECLARE_STACK_OF declares the STACK_OF(type) type. It does not make the corresponding sk_type_* functions available. This macro should be used in files which only need the type.

#define DECLARE_STACK_OF(type) STACK_OF(type);

DEFINE_NAMED_STACK_OF defines STACK_OF(name) to be a stack whose elements are type *. This macro makes the sk_name_* functions available.

It is not necessary to use DECLARE_STACK_OF in files which use this macro.

#define DEFINE_NAMED_STACK_OF(name, type)                    \
  BORINGSSL_DEFINE_STACK_OF_IMPL(name, type *, const type *) \

DEFINE_STACK_OF defines STACK_OF(type) to be a stack whose elements are type *. This macro makes the sk_type_* functions available.

It is not necessary to use DECLARE_STACK_OF in files which use this macro.

#define DEFINE_STACK_OF(type) DEFINE_NAMED_STACK_OF(type, type)

DEFINE_CONST_STACK_OF defines STACK_OF(type) to be a stack whose elements are const type *. This macro makes the sk_type_* functions available.

It is not necessary to use DECLARE_STACK_OF in files which use this macro.

#define DEFINE_CONST_STACK_OF(type)                                \
  BORINGSSL_DEFINE_STACK_OF_IMPL(type, const type *, const type *) \
  BORINGSSL_DEFINE_STACK_TRAITS(type, const type, true)

Using stacks.

After the DEFINE_STACK_OF macro is used, the following functions are available.

#if 0  // Sample

sk_SAMPLE_free_func is a callback to free an element in a stack.

typedef void (*sk_SAMPLE_free_func)(SAMPLE *);

sk_SAMPLE_copy_func is a callback to copy an element in a stack. It should return the copy or NULL on error.

typedef SAMPLE *(*sk_SAMPLE_copy_func)(const SAMPLE *);

sk_SAMPLE_cmp_func is a callback to compare *a to *b. It should return a value < 0, 0, or > 0 if *a is less than, equal to, or greater than *b, respectively. Note the extra indirection - the function is given a pointer to a pointer to the element. This is the qsort/bsearch comparison function applied to an array of SAMPLE*.

typedef int (*sk_SAMPLE_cmp_func)(const SAMPLE *const *a,
                                  const SAMPLE *const *b);

sk_SAMPLE_new creates a new, empty stack with the given comparison function, which may be NULL. It returns the new stack or NULL on allocation failure.

STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk_SAMPLE_new(sk_SAMPLE_cmp_func comp);

sk_SAMPLE_new_null creates a new, empty stack. It returns the new stack or NULL on allocation failure.

STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk_SAMPLE_new_null(void);

sk_SAMPLE_num returns the number of elements in sk. It is safe to cast this value to int. sk is guaranteed to have at most INT_MAX elements. If sk is NULL, it is treated as the empty list and this function returns zero.

size_t sk_SAMPLE_num(const STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk);

sk_SAMPLE_zero resets sk to the empty state but does nothing to free the individual elements themselves.

void sk_SAMPLE_zero(STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk);

sk_SAMPLE_value returns the ith pointer in sk, or NULL if i is out of range. If sk is NULL, it is treated as an empty list and the function returns NULL.

SAMPLE *sk_SAMPLE_value(const STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk, size_t i);

sk_SAMPLE_set sets the ith pointer in sk to p and returns p. If i is out of range, it returns NULL.

SAMPLE *sk_SAMPLE_set(STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk, size_t i, SAMPLE *p);

sk_SAMPLE_free frees sk, but does nothing to free the individual elements. Use sk_SAMPLE_pop_free to also free the elements.

void sk_SAMPLE_free(STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk);

sk_SAMPLE_pop_free calls free_func on each element in sk and then frees the stack itself.

void sk_SAMPLE_pop_free(STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk, sk_SAMPLE_free_func free_func);

sk_SAMPLE_insert inserts p into the stack at index where, moving existing elements if needed. It returns the length of the new stack, or zero on error.

size_t sk_SAMPLE_insert(STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk, SAMPLE *p, size_t where);

sk_SAMPLE_delete removes the pointer at index where, moving other elements down if needed. It returns the removed pointer, or NULL if where is out of range.

SAMPLE *sk_SAMPLE_delete(STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk, size_t where);

sk_SAMPLE_delete_ptr removes, at most, one instance of p from sk based on pointer equality. If an instance of p is found then p is returned, otherwise it returns NULL.

SAMPLE *sk_SAMPLE_delete_ptr(STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk, const SAMPLE *p);

sk_SAMPLE_delete_if_func is the callback function for sk_SAMPLE_delete_if. It should return one to remove p and zero to keep it.

typedef int (*sk_SAMPLE_delete_if_func)(SAMPLE *p, void *data);

sk_SAMPLE_delete_if calls func with each element of sk and removes the entries where func returned one. This function does not free or return removed pointers so, if sk owns its contents, func should release the pointers prior to returning one.

void sk_SAMPLE_delete_if(STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk, sk_SAMPLE_delete_if_func func,
                         void *data);

sk_SAMPLE_find find the first value in sk equal to p. sk's comparison function determines equality, or pointer equality if sk has no comparison function.

If the stack is sorted (see sk_SAMPLE_sort), this function uses a binary search. Otherwise it performs a linear search. If it finds a matching element, it writes the index to *out_index (if out_index is not NULL) and returns one. Otherwise, it returns zero. If sk is NULL, it is treated as the empty list and the function returns zero.

Note this differs from OpenSSL. The type signature is slightly different, and OpenSSL's version will implicitly sort sk if it has a comparison function defined.

int sk_SAMPLE_find(const STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk, size_t *out_index,
                   const SAMPLE *p);

sk_SAMPLE_shift removes and returns the first element in sk, or NULL if sk is empty.


sk_SAMPLE_push appends p to sk and returns the length of the new stack, or 0 on allocation failure.

size_t sk_SAMPLE_push(STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk, SAMPLE *p);

sk_SAMPLE_pop removes and returns the last element of sk, or NULL if sk is empty.


sk_SAMPLE_dup performs a shallow copy of a stack and returns the new stack, or NULL on error. Use sk_SAMPLE_deep_copy to also copy the elements.


sk_SAMPLE_sort sorts the elements of sk into ascending order based on the comparison function. The stack maintains a "sorted" flag and sorting an already sorted stack is a no-op.

void sk_SAMPLE_sort(STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk);

sk_SAMPLE_is_sorted returns one if sk is known to be sorted and zero otherwise.

int sk_SAMPLE_is_sorted(const STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk);

sk_SAMPLE_set_cmp_func sets the comparison function to be used by sk and returns the previous one.

sk_SAMPLE_cmp_func sk_SAMPLE_set_cmp_func(STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk,
                                          sk_SAMPLE_cmp_func comp);

sk_SAMPLE_deep_copy performs a copy of sk and of each of the non-NULL elements in sk by using copy_func. If an error occurs, it calls free_func to free any copies already made and returns NULL.

STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk_SAMPLE_deep_copy(const STACK_OF(SAMPLE) *sk,
                                      sk_SAMPLE_copy_func copy_func,
                                      sk_SAMPLE_free_func free_func);
#endif  // Sample
#if !defined(BORINGSSL_NO_CXX)
extern "C++" {
namespace internal {
template <typename T>
struct StackTraits {};
#define BORINGSSL_DEFINE_STACK_TRAITS(name, type, is_const) \
  extern "C++" {                                            \
  BSSL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN                                      \
  namespace internal {                                      \
  template <>                                               \
  struct StackTraits<STACK_OF(name)> {                      \
    static constexpr bool kIsStack = true;                  \
    using Type = type;                                      \
    static constexpr bool kIsConst = is_const;              \
  };                                                        \
  }                                                         \
  BSSL_NAMESPACE_END                                        \
#define BORINGSSL_DEFINE_STACK_TRAITS(name, type, is_const)
#define BORINGSSL_DEFINE_STACK_OF_IMPL(name, ptrtype, constptrtype)            \
  /* We disable MSVC C4191 in this macro, which warns when pointers are cast   \
   * to the wrong type. While the cast itself is valid, it is often a bug      \
   * because calling it through the cast is UB. However, we never actually     \
   * call functions as |OPENSSL_sk_cmp_func|. The type is just a type-erased   \
   * function pointer. (C does not guarantee function pointers fit in          \
   * |void*|, and GCC will warn on this.) Thus we just disable the false       \
   * positive warning. */                                                      \
  OPENSSL_MSVC_PRAGMA(warning(push))                                           \
  OPENSSL_MSVC_PRAGMA(warning(disable : 4191))                                 \
  OPENSSL_CLANG_PRAGMA("clang diagnostic push")                                \
  OPENSSL_CLANG_PRAGMA("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wunknown-warning-option\"") \
  OPENSSL_CLANG_PRAGMA("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wcast-function-type-strict\"") \
  DECLARE_STACK_OF(name)                                                       \
  typedef void (*sk_##name##_free_func)(ptrtype);                              \
  typedef ptrtype (*sk_##name##_copy_func)(constptrtype);                      \
  typedef int (*sk_##name##_cmp_func)(constptrtype const *,                    \
                                      constptrtype const *);                   \
  typedef int (*sk_##name##_delete_if_func)(ptrtype, void *);                  \
  OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##name##_call_free_func(                              \
      OPENSSL_sk_free_func free_func, void *ptr) {                             \
    ((sk_##name##_free_func)free_func)((ptrtype)ptr);                          \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE void *sk_##name##_call_copy_func(                             \
      OPENSSL_sk_copy_func copy_func, const void *ptr) {                       \
    return (void *)((sk_##name##_copy_func)copy_func)((constptrtype)ptr);      \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##name##_call_cmp_func(OPENSSL_sk_cmp_func cmp_func,   \
                                               const void *a, const void *b) { \
    constptrtype a_ptr = (constptrtype)a;                                      \
    constptrtype b_ptr = (constptrtype)b;                                      \
    /* |cmp_func| expects an extra layer of pointers to match qsort. */        \
    return ((sk_##name##_cmp_func)cmp_func)(&a_ptr, &b_ptr);                   \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##name##_call_delete_if_func(                          \
      OPENSSL_sk_delete_if_func func, void *obj, void *data) {                 \
    return ((sk_##name##_delete_if_func)func)((ptrtype)obj, data);             \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE STACK_OF(name) *sk_##name##_new(sk_##name##_cmp_func comp) {  \
    return (STACK_OF(name) *)OPENSSL_sk_new((OPENSSL_sk_cmp_func)comp);        \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE STACK_OF(name) *sk_##name##_new_null(void) {                  \
    return (STACK_OF(name) *)OPENSSL_sk_new_null();                            \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE size_t sk_##name##_num(const STACK_OF(name) *sk) {            \
    return OPENSSL_sk_num((const OPENSSL_STACK *)sk);                          \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##name##_zero(STACK_OF(name) *sk) {                   \
    OPENSSL_sk_zero((OPENSSL_STACK *)sk);                                      \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE ptrtype sk_##name##_value(const STACK_OF(name) *sk,           \
                                           size_t i) {                         \
    return (ptrtype)OPENSSL_sk_value((const OPENSSL_STACK *)sk, i);            \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE ptrtype sk_##name##_set(STACK_OF(name) *sk, size_t i,         \
                                         ptrtype p) {                          \
    return (ptrtype)OPENSSL_sk_set((OPENSSL_STACK *)sk, i, (void *)p);         \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##name##_free(STACK_OF(name) *sk) {                   \
    OPENSSL_sk_free((OPENSSL_STACK *)sk);                                      \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##name##_pop_free(STACK_OF(name) *sk,                 \
                                           sk_##name##_free_func free_func) {  \
    OPENSSL_sk_pop_free_ex((OPENSSL_STACK *)sk, sk_##name##_call_free_func,    \
                           (OPENSSL_sk_free_func)free_func);                   \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE size_t sk_##name##_insert(STACK_OF(name) *sk, ptrtype p,      \
                                           size_t where) {                     \
    return OPENSSL_sk_insert((OPENSSL_STACK *)sk, (void *)p, where);           \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE ptrtype sk_##name##_delete(STACK_OF(name) *sk,                \
                                            size_t where) {                    \
    return (ptrtype)OPENSSL_sk_delete((OPENSSL_STACK *)sk, where);             \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE ptrtype sk_##name##_delete_ptr(STACK_OF(name) *sk,            \
                                                constptrtype p) {              \
    return (ptrtype)OPENSSL_sk_delete_ptr((OPENSSL_STACK *)sk,                 \
                                          (const void *)p);                    \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##name##_delete_if(                                   \
      STACK_OF(name) *sk, sk_##name##_delete_if_func func, void *data) {       \
    OPENSSL_sk_delete_if((OPENSSL_STACK *)sk, sk_##name##_call_delete_if_func, \
                         (OPENSSL_sk_delete_if_func)func, data);               \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##name##_find(const STACK_OF(name) *sk,                \
                                      size_t *out_index, constptrtype p) {     \
    return OPENSSL_sk_find((const OPENSSL_STACK *)sk, out_index,               \
                           (const void *)p, sk_##name##_call_cmp_func);        \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE ptrtype sk_##name##_shift(STACK_OF(name) *sk) {               \
    return (ptrtype)OPENSSL_sk_shift((OPENSSL_STACK *)sk);                     \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE size_t sk_##name##_push(STACK_OF(name) *sk, ptrtype p) {      \
    return OPENSSL_sk_push((OPENSSL_STACK *)sk, (void *)p);                    \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE ptrtype sk_##name##_pop(STACK_OF(name) *sk) {                 \
    return (ptrtype)OPENSSL_sk_pop((OPENSSL_STACK *)sk);                       \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE STACK_OF(name) *sk_##name##_dup(const STACK_OF(name) *sk) {   \
    return (STACK_OF(name) *)OPENSSL_sk_dup((const OPENSSL_STACK *)sk);        \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE void sk_##name##_sort(STACK_OF(name) *sk) {                   \
    OPENSSL_sk_sort((OPENSSL_STACK *)sk, sk_##name##_call_cmp_func);           \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE int sk_##name##_is_sorted(const STACK_OF(name) *sk) {         \
    return OPENSSL_sk_is_sorted((const OPENSSL_STACK *)sk);                    \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE sk_##name##_cmp_func sk_##name##_set_cmp_func(                \
      STACK_OF(name) *sk, sk_##name##_cmp_func comp) {                         \
    return (sk_##name##_cmp_func)OPENSSL_sk_set_cmp_func(                      \
        (OPENSSL_STACK *)sk, (OPENSSL_sk_cmp_func)comp);                       \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_INLINE STACK_OF(name) *sk_##name##_deep_copy(                        \
      const STACK_OF(name) *sk, sk_##name##_copy_func copy_func,               \
      sk_##name##_free_func free_func) {                                       \
    return (STACK_OF(name) *)OPENSSL_sk_deep_copy(                             \
        (const OPENSSL_STACK *)sk, sk_##name##_call_copy_func,                 \
        (OPENSSL_sk_copy_func)copy_func, sk_##name##_call_free_func,           \
        (OPENSSL_sk_free_func)free_func);                                      \
  }                                                                            \
  OPENSSL_CLANG_PRAGMA("clang diagnostic pop")                                 \

Built-in stacks.

typedef char *OPENSSL_STRING;