Dart API Referencedart:scalarlistByteArray

ByteArray abstract class

A random-access sequence of bytes that also provides random access to the fixed-width integers and floating point numbers represented by those bytes. Byte arrays may be used to pack and unpack data from external sources (such as networks or files systems), and to process large quantities of numerical data more efficiently than would be possible with ordinary List implementations. Byte arrays can save space, by eliminating the need for object headers, and time, by eliminating the need for data copies. Finally, Byte arrays may be used to intentionally reinterpret the bytes representing one arithmetic type as another. For example this code fragment determine what 64-bit signed integer is represented by the bytes of a 64-bit floating point number:

var ba = new ByteArray(8); ba.setFloat64(0, 3.14159265358979323846); int huh = ba.getInt64(0);

abstract class ByteArray {
   * Returns the length of this byte array, in bytes.
  int lengthInBytes();

  // TODO(lrn): Change the signature to match String.substring.
   * Returns a [ByteArray] _view_ of a portion of this byte array.
   * The returned byte array consists of [length] bytes starting
   * at position [start] in this byte array. The returned byte array
   * is backed by the same data as this byte array. In other words,
   * changes to the returned byte array are visible in this byte array
   * and vice-versa.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [start] or [length] are negative, or
   * if `start + length` is greater than the length of this byte array.
   * Throws [ArgumentError] if [length] is negative.
  ByteArray subByteArray([int start, int length]);

   * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the byte at the
   * specified [byteOffset] in this byte array, in two's complement binary
   * representation. The return value will be between -128 and 127, inclusive.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * greater than or equal to the length of this byte array.
  int getInt8(int byteOffset);

   * Sets the byte at the specified [byteOffset] in this byte array to the
   * two's complement binary representation of the specified [value], which
   * must fit in a single byte. In other words, [value] must be between
   * -128 and 127, inclusive.
   * Returns `byteOffset + 1`, which is the offset of the first byte in the
   * array after the byte that was set by this call. This return value can
   * be passed as the [byteOffset] parameter to a subsequent `setXxx` call.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * greater than or equal to the length of this byte array.
   * Throws [ArgumentError] if [value] is less than -128 or
   * greater than 127.
  int setInt8(int byteOffset, int value);

   * Returns the positive integer represented by the byte at the specified
   * [byteOffset] in this byte array, in unsigned binary form. The
   * return value will be between 0 and 255, inclusive.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * greater than or equal to the length of this byte array.
  int getUint8(int byteOffset);

   * Sets the byte at the specified [byteOffset] in this byte array to the
   * unsigned binary representation of the specified [value], which must fit
   * in a single byte. in other words, [value] must be between 0 and 255,
   * inclusive.
   * Returns `byteOffset + 1`, which is the offset of the first byte in the
   * array after the byte that was set by this call. This return value can
   * be passed as the [byteOffset] parameter to a subsequent `setXxx` call.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative,
   * or greater than or equal to the length of this byte array.
   * Throws [ArgumentError] if [value] is negative or
   * greater than 255.
  int setUint8(int byteOffset, int value);

   * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the two bytes at
   * the specified [byteOffset] in this byte array, in two's complement binary
   * form. The return value will be between 2<sup>15</sup> and 2<sup>15 - 1,
   * inclusive.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this byte array.
  int getInt16(int byteOffset);

   * Sets the two bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
   * byte array to the two's complement binary representation of the specified
   * [value], which must fit in two bytes. In other words, [value] must lie
   * between 2<sup>15</sup> and 2<sup>15 - 1, inclusive.
   * Returns `byteOffset + 2`, which is the offset of the first byte in the
   * array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can
   * be passed as the [byteOffset] parameter to a subsequent `setXxx` call.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this byte array.
   * Throws [ArgumentError] if [value] is less than 2<sup>15</sup>
   * or greater than 2<sup>15 - 1.
  int setInt16(int byteOffset, int value);

   * Returns the positive integer represented by the two bytes starting
   * at the specified [byteOffset] in this byte array, in unsigned binary
   * form. The return value will be between 0 and  2<sup>16 - 1, inclusive.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this byte array.
  int getUint16(int byteOffset);

   * Sets the two bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this byte
   * array to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value],
   * which must fit in two bytes. in other words, [value] must be between
   * 0 and 2<sup>16 - 1, inclusive.
   * Returns `byteOffset + 2`, which is the offset of the first byte in the
   * array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can
   * be passed as the [byteOffset] parameter to a subsequent `setXxx` call.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this byte array.
   * Throws [ArgumentError] if [value] is negative or
   * greater than 2<sup>16 - 1.
  int setUint16(int byteOffset, int value);

   * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the four bytes at
   * the specified [byteOffset] in this byte array, in two's complement binary
   * form. The return value will be between 2<sup>31</sup> and 2<sup>31 - 1,
   * inclusive.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this byte array.
  int getInt32(int byteOffset);

   * Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
   * byte array to the two's complement binary representation of the specified
   * [value], which must fit in four bytes. In other words, [value] must lie
   * between 2<sup>31</sup> and 2<sup>31 - 1, inclusive.
   * Returns `byteOffset + 4`, which is the offset of the first byte in the
   * array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can
   * be passed as the [byteOffset] parameter to a subsequent `setXxx` call.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this byte array.
   * Throws [ArgumentError] if [value] is less than 2<sup>31</sup>
   * or greater than 2<sup>31 - 1.
  int setInt32(int byteOffset, int value);

   * Returns the positive integer represented by the four bytes starting
   * at the specified [byteOffset] in this byte array, in unsigned binary
   * form. The return value will be between 0 and  2<sup>32 - 1, inclusive.
  int getUint32(int byteOffset);

   * Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this byte
   * array to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value],
   * which must fit in four bytes. in other words, [value] must be between
   * 0 and 2<sup>32 - 1, inclusive.
   * Returns `byteOffset + 4`, which is the offset of the first byte in the
   * array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can
   * be passed as the [byteOffset] parameter to a subsequent `setXxx` call.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this byte array.
   * Throws [ArgumentError] if [value] is negative or
   * greater than 2<sup>32 - 1.
  int setUint32(int byteOffset, int value);

   * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the eight bytes at
   * the specified [byteOffset] in this byte array, in two's complement binary
   * form. The return value will be between 2<sup>63</sup> and 2<sup>63 - 1,
   * inclusive.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this byte array.
  int getInt64(int byteOffset);

   * Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
   * byte array to the two's complement binary representation of the specified
   * [value], which must fit in eight bytes. In other words, [value] must lie
   * between 2<sup>63</sup> and 2<sup>63 - 1, inclusive.
   * Returns `byteOffset + 8`, which is the offset of the first byte in the
   * array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can
   * be passed as the [byteOffset] parameter to a subsequent `setXxx` call.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this byte array.
   * Throws [ArgumentError] if [value] is less than 2<sup>63</sup>
   * or greater than 2<sup>63 - 1.
  int setInt64(int byteOffset, int value);

   * Returns the positive integer represented by the eight bytes starting
   * at the specified [byteOffset] in this byte array, in unsigned binary
   * form. The return value will be between 0 and  2<sup>64 - 1, inclusive.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this byte array.
  int getUint64(int byteOffset);

   * Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this byte
   * array to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value],
   * which must fit in eight bytes. in other words, [value] must be between
   * 0 and 2<sup>64 - 1, inclusive.
   * Returns `byteOffset + 8`, which is the offset of the first byte in the
   * array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can
   * be passed as the [byteOffset] parameter to a subsequent `setXxx` call.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this byte array.
   * Throws [ArgumentError] if [value] is negative or
   * greater than 2<sup>64 - 1.
  int setUint64(int byteOffset, int value);

   * Returns the floating point number represented by the four bytes at
   * the specified [byteOffset] in this byte array, in IEEE 754
   * single-precision binary floating-point format (binary32).
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this byte array.
  double getFloat32(int byteOffset);

   * Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
   * byte array to the IEEE 754 single-precision binary floating-point
   * (binary32) representation of the specified [value].
   * **Note that this method can lose precision.** The input [value] is
   * a 64-bit floating point value, which will be converted to 32-bit
   * floating point value by IEEE 754 rounding rules before it is stored.
   * If [value] cannot be represented exactly as a binary32, it will be
   * converted to the nearest binary32 value.  If two binary32 values are
   * equally close, the one whose least significant bit is zero will be used.
   * Note that finite (but large) values can be converted to infinity, and
   * small non-zero values can be converted to zero.
   * Returns `byteOffset + 4`, which is the offset of the first byte in the
   * array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can
   * be passed as the [byteOffset] parameter to a subsequent `setXxx` call.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this byte array.
  int setFloat32(int byteOffset, double value);

   * Returns the floating point number represented by the eight bytes at
   * the specified [byteOffset] in this byte array, in IEEE 754
   * double-precision binary floating-point format (binary64).
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this byte array.
  double getFloat64(int byteOffset);

   * Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
   * byte array to the IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point
   * (binary64) representation of the specified [value].
   * Returns `byteOffset + 8`, which is the offset of the first byte in the
   * array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can
   * be passed as the [byteOffset] parameter to a subsequent `setXxx` call.
   * Throws [IndexOutOfRangeException] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
   * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this byte array.
  int setFloat64(int byteOffset, double value);


double getFloat32(int byteOffset) #

Returns the floating point number represented by the four bytes at the specified byteOffset in this byte array, in IEEE 754 single-precision binary floating-point format (binary32).

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 4 is greater than the length of this byte array.

double getFloat32(int byteOffset);

double getFloat64(int byteOffset) #

Returns the floating point number represented by the eight bytes at the specified byteOffset in this byte array, in IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point format (binary64).

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 8 is greater than the length of this byte array.

double getFloat64(int byteOffset);

int getInt16(int byteOffset) #

Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the two bytes at the specified byteOffset in this byte array, in two's complement binary form. The return value will be between 2<sup>15</sup> and 2<sup>15 - 1, inclusive.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 2 is greater than the length of this byte array.

int getInt16(int byteOffset);

int getInt32(int byteOffset) #

Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the four bytes at the specified byteOffset in this byte array, in two's complement binary form. The return value will be between 2<sup>31</sup> and 2<sup>31 - 1, inclusive.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 4 is greater than the length of this byte array.

int getInt32(int byteOffset);

int getInt64(int byteOffset) #

Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the eight bytes at the specified byteOffset in this byte array, in two's complement binary form. The return value will be between 2<sup>63</sup> and 2<sup>63 - 1, inclusive.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 8 is greater than the length of this byte array.

int getInt64(int byteOffset);

int getInt8(int byteOffset) #

Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the byte at the specified byteOffset in this byte array, in two's complement binary representation. The return value will be between -128 and 127, inclusive.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or greater than or equal to the length of this byte array.

int getInt8(int byteOffset);

int getUint16(int byteOffset) #

Returns the positive integer represented by the two bytes starting at the specified byteOffset in this byte array, in unsigned binary form. The return value will be between 0 and 2<sup>16 - 1, inclusive.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 2 is greater than the length of this byte array.

int getUint16(int byteOffset);

int getUint32(int byteOffset) #

Returns the positive integer represented by the four bytes starting at the specified byteOffset in this byte array, in unsigned binary form. The return value will be between 0 and 2<sup>32 - 1, inclusive.

int getUint32(int byteOffset);

int getUint64(int byteOffset) #

Returns the positive integer represented by the eight bytes starting at the specified byteOffset in this byte array, in unsigned binary form. The return value will be between 0 and 2<sup>64 - 1, inclusive.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 8 is greater than the length of this byte array.

int getUint64(int byteOffset);

int getUint8(int byteOffset) #

Returns the positive integer represented by the byte at the specified byteOffset in this byte array, in unsigned binary form. The return value will be between 0 and 255, inclusive.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or greater than or equal to the length of this byte array.

int getUint8(int byteOffset);

int lengthInBytes() #

Returns the length of this byte array, in bytes.

int lengthInBytes();

int setFloat32(int byteOffset, double value) #

Sets the four bytes starting at the specified byteOffset in this byte array to the IEEE 754 single-precision binary floating-point (binary32) representation of the specified value.

Note that this method can lose precision. The input value is a 64-bit floating point value, which will be converted to 32-bit floating point value by IEEE 754 rounding rules before it is stored. If value cannot be represented exactly as a binary32, it will be converted to the nearest binary32 value. If two binary32 values are equally close, the one whose least significant bit is zero will be used. Note that finite (but large) values can be converted to infinity, and small non-zero values can be converted to zero.

Returns byteOffset + 4, which is the offset of the first byte in the array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can be passed as the byteOffset parameter to a subsequent setXxx call.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 4 is greater than the length of this byte array.

int setFloat32(int byteOffset, double value);

int setFloat64(int byteOffset, double value) #

Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified byteOffset in this byte array to the IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point (binary64) representation of the specified value.

Returns byteOffset + 8, which is the offset of the first byte in the array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can be passed as the byteOffset parameter to a subsequent setXxx call.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 8 is greater than the length of this byte array.

int setFloat64(int byteOffset, double value);

int setInt16(int byteOffset, int value) #

Sets the two bytes starting at the specified byteOffset in this byte array to the two's complement binary representation of the specified value, which must fit in two bytes. In other words, value must lie between 2<sup>15</sup> and 2<sup>15 - 1, inclusive.

Returns byteOffset + 2, which is the offset of the first byte in the array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can be passed as the byteOffset parameter to a subsequent setXxx call.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 2 is greater than the length of this byte array.

Throws ArgumentError if value is less than 2<sup>15</sup> or greater than 2<sup>15 - 1.

int setInt16(int byteOffset, int value);

int setInt32(int byteOffset, int value) #

Sets the four bytes starting at the specified byteOffset in this byte array to the two's complement binary representation of the specified value, which must fit in four bytes. In other words, value must lie between 2<sup>31</sup> and 2<sup>31 - 1, inclusive.

Returns byteOffset + 4, which is the offset of the first byte in the array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can be passed as the byteOffset parameter to a subsequent setXxx call.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 4 is greater than the length of this byte array.

Throws ArgumentError if value is less than 2<sup>31</sup> or greater than 2<sup>31 - 1.

int setInt32(int byteOffset, int value);

int setInt64(int byteOffset, int value) #

Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified byteOffset in this byte array to the two's complement binary representation of the specified value, which must fit in eight bytes. In other words, value must lie between 2<sup>63</sup> and 2<sup>63 - 1, inclusive.

Returns byteOffset + 8, which is the offset of the first byte in the array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can be passed as the byteOffset parameter to a subsequent setXxx call.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 8 is greater than the length of this byte array.

Throws ArgumentError if value is less than 2<sup>63</sup> or greater than 2<sup>63 - 1.

int setInt64(int byteOffset, int value);

int setInt8(int byteOffset, int value) #

Sets the byte at the specified byteOffset in this byte array to the two's complement binary representation of the specified value, which must fit in a single byte. In other words, value must be between -128 and 127, inclusive.

Returns byteOffset + 1, which is the offset of the first byte in the array after the byte that was set by this call. This return value can be passed as the byteOffset parameter to a subsequent setXxx call.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or greater than or equal to the length of this byte array.

Throws ArgumentError if value is less than -128 or greater than 127.

int setInt8(int byteOffset, int value);

int setUint16(int byteOffset, int value) #

Sets the two bytes starting at the specified byteOffset in this byte array to the unsigned binary representation of the specified value, which must fit in two bytes. in other words, value must be between 0 and 2<sup>16 - 1, inclusive.

Returns byteOffset + 2, which is the offset of the first byte in the array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can be passed as the byteOffset parameter to a subsequent setXxx call.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 2 is greater than the length of this byte array.

Throws ArgumentError if value is negative or greater than 2<sup>16 - 1.

int setUint16(int byteOffset, int value);

int setUint32(int byteOffset, int value) #

Sets the four bytes starting at the specified byteOffset in this byte array to the unsigned binary representation of the specified value, which must fit in four bytes. in other words, value must be between 0 and 2<sup>32 - 1, inclusive.

Returns byteOffset + 4, which is the offset of the first byte in the array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can be passed as the byteOffset parameter to a subsequent setXxx call.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 4 is greater than the length of this byte array.

Throws ArgumentError if value is negative or greater than 2<sup>32 - 1.

int setUint32(int byteOffset, int value);

int setUint64(int byteOffset, int value) #

Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified byteOffset in this byte array to the unsigned binary representation of the specified value, which must fit in eight bytes. in other words, value must be between 0 and 2<sup>64 - 1, inclusive.

Returns byteOffset + 8, which is the offset of the first byte in the array after the last byte that was set by this call. This return value can be passed as the byteOffset parameter to a subsequent setXxx call.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or byteOffset + 8 is greater than the length of this byte array.

Throws ArgumentError if value is negative or greater than 2<sup>64 - 1.

int setUint64(int byteOffset, int value);

int setUint8(int byteOffset, int value) #

Sets the byte at the specified byteOffset in this byte array to the unsigned binary representation of the specified value, which must fit in a single byte. in other words, value must be between 0 and 255, inclusive.

Returns byteOffset + 1, which is the offset of the first byte in the array after the byte that was set by this call. This return value can be passed as the byteOffset parameter to a subsequent setXxx call.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if byteOffset is negative, or greater than or equal to the length of this byte array.

Throws ArgumentError if value is negative or greater than 255.

int setUint8(int byteOffset, int value);

ByteArray subByteArray([int start, int length]) #

Returns a ByteArray view of a portion of this byte array. The returned byte array consists of length bytes starting at position start in this byte array. The returned byte array is backed by the same data as this byte array. In other words, changes to the returned byte array are visible in this byte array and vice-versa.

Throws IndexOutOfRangeException if start or length are negative, or if start + length is greater than the length of this byte array.

Throws ArgumentError if length is negative.

ByteArray subByteArray([int start, int length]);