Dart API Referencedart:mathRandom

Random class

A random number generator. The default implementation supplies a stream of pseudo-random bits which is not suitable for cryptographic purposes.

class Random {
   * Creates a random-number generator. The optional parameter [seed] is used
   * to initialize the internal state of the generator. The implementation of
   * the random stream can change between releases of the library.
   * Implementation note: The default implementation uses up to 64-bits of seed.
  external factory Random([int seed]);

   * Generates a positive random integer uniformly distributed on the range
   * from 0, inclusive, to [max], exclusive.
   * Implementation note: The default implementation supports [max] values
   * between 1 and ((1<<32) - 1) inclusive.
  abstract int nextInt(int max);

   * Generates a positive random floating point value uniformly distributed on
   * the range from 0.0, inclusive, to 1.0, exclusive.
  abstract double nextDouble();

   * Generates a random boolean value.
  abstract bool nextBool();


factory Random([int seed]) #

Creates a random-number generator. The optional parameter seed is used to initialize the internal state of the generator. The implementation of the random stream can change between releases of the library.

Implementation note: The default implementation uses up to 64-bits of seed.

external factory Random([int seed]);


abstract bool nextBool() #

Generates a random boolean value.

abstract double nextDouble() #

Generates a positive random floating point value uniformly distributed on the range from 0.0, inclusive, to 1.0, exclusive.

abstract int nextInt(int max) #

Generates a positive random integer uniformly distributed on the range from 0, inclusive, to max, exclusive.

Implementation note: The default implementation supports max values between 1 and ((1<<32) - 1) inclusive.