Dart API Referencedart:coreimplSplayTreeNode<K, V>

SplayTreeNode<K, V> class

A node in a splay tree. It holds the key, the value and the left and right children in the tree.

class SplayTreeNode<K, V> {
  SplayTreeNode(K this.key, V this.value);

  K key;
  V value;
  SplayTreeNode<K, V> left;
  SplayTreeNode<K, V> right;


new SplayTreeNode(K key, V value) #

SplayTreeNode(K this.key, V this.value);


K key #

K key;

SplayTreeNode<K, V> left #

SplayTreeNode<K, V> left;
SplayTreeNode<K, V> right;

V value #

V value;