Dart API Referencedart:htmlDeviceOrientationEvent

DeviceOrientationEvent Interface

A DeviceOrientationEvent object describes an event that provides information about the current orientation of the device as compared to the Earth coordinate frame. See Orientation and motion data explained for details.




Code void initDeviceOrientationEvent(String type, bool bubbles, bool cancelable, num alpha, num beta, num gamma, bool absolute) #

void initDeviceOrientationEvent(String type, bool bubbles, bool cancelable, num alpha, num beta, num gamma, bool absolute);


Code final bool absolute #

This attribute's value is true if the orientation is provided as a difference between the device coordinate frame and the Earth coordinate frame; if the device can't detect the Earth coordinate frame, this value is false. Read only.
final bool absolute;

Code final num alpha #

The current orientation of the device around the Z axis; that is, how far the device is rotated around a line perpendicular to the device. Read only.
final num alpha;

Code final num beta #

The current orientation of the device around the X axis; that is, how far the device is tipped forward or backward. Read only.
final num beta;

Code final num gamma #

The current orientation of the device around the Y axis; that is, how far the device is turned left or right. Read only.
Note: If the browser is not able to provide notification information, all values are 0.
final num gamma;

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