Dart API Referencedart:htmlCharacterData

CharacterData Interface

Text, Comment, and CDATASection all implement CharacterData, which in turn also implements Node. See Node for the remaining methods, properties, and constants.




Comment, Text


Code void appendData(String data) #

void appendData(String data);

Code void deleteData(int offset, int length) #

void deleteData(int offset, int length);

Code void insertData(int offset, String data) #

void insertData(int offset, String data);

Code void replaceData(int offset, int length, String data) #

void replaceData(int offset, int length, String data);

Code String substringData(int offset, int length) #

String substringData(int offset, int length);


Code String data #

String data;

Code final int length #

final int length;

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