Dart API Referencedart:coreCompleter<T>

Completer<T> Interface

A Completer is used to produce Futures and supply their value when it becomes available.

A service that provides values to callers, and wants to return Futures can use a Completer as follows:

Completer completer = new Completer(); // send future object back to client... return completer.future; ...

// later when value is available, call: completer.complete(value);

// alternatively, if the service cannot produce the value, it // can provide an exception: completer.completeException(exception);

Default class


Implemented by



Code new Completer() #



Code void complete(T value) #

Supply a value for future.

void complete(T value);

Code void completeException(Object exception, [Object stackTrace]) #

Indicate in future that an exception occured while trying to produce its value. The argument exception should not be null. A stackTrace object can be provided as well to give the user information about where the error occurred. If omitted, it will be null.

void completeException(Object exception, [Object stackTrace]);

Code Future get future() #

The future that will contain the value produced by this completer.

Future get future();