Dart API ReferenceintlIntlMessage

IntlMessage Class

Message/plural format library with locale support.

_message example:

'''I see ${Intl.plural(num_people,
          {'0': 'no one at all',
           '1': 'one other person',
           'other': '$num_people other people'})} in $place.''''

Usage examples:

 today(date) => intl.message(
     "Today's date is $date",
     desc: 'Indicate the current date',
     examples: {'date' : 'June 8, 2012'});
 print(today(new Date.now());
 msg(num_people, place) => intl.message(
      '''I see ${Intl.plural(num_people,
        {'0': 'no one at all',
         '1': 'one other person',
         'other': '$num_people other people'})} in $place.'''',
     desc: 'Description of how many people are seen as program start.',
     examples: {'num_people': 3, 'place': 'London'});

Calling msg({'num_people': 2, 'place': 'Athens'}); would produce "I see 2 other people in Athens." as output.

See tests/messageformattest.dart for more examples.


Code new IntlMessage(String _message, [String desc = '', Map examples = const{}, String locale = '']) #

Accepts a String _message that contains the message (that will be internationalized). A String _messageDescription describes the use case for this string in the program, and examples provides a map of examples for the items (if any) to be subsituted into _message. It also optionally accepts a _languageCode to specify the particular language to return content in (necessary if the Dart code is not running in a browser). The values of desc and examples must be simple Strings available at compile time: no String interpolation or concatenation.

IntlMessage(this._message, [final String desc='', final Map examples=const {},
            final String locale='']) {
  this._messageDescription = desc;
  this._messageExamples = examples;
  this._languageCode = locale;