

Released with love and healing for a troubled mind.




What really happens when you sit in the dark with Gary



As we have been accused of hiding parts of the ‘show’, we have made the decision to release the whole of the video from before the lights go out to long after it ends. Take a look by watching this clip – but be warned it last over two hours and is extremely boring in parts which is why we took clips of the best bits. The reason this was not released earlier is because he would make excuses for all aspect but as he had not seen the full footage he can only make assumptions as referenced in his more recent tale of deceit and lies.

NEW - The Full Show!

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Gary with a Trumpet!

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Gary waving his shirt to create a breeze!

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Gary pulling out sitters chairs!

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more When you get touched by Gary!

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Gary Almost Naked (Giant man)!

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Healing with Gary!

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Gary showing Ectoplasm!

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