(view as text)
@@@STEP_CURSOR bot_update@@@


python -u /mnt/data/b/build/scripts/slave/bot_update.py --master chromium.linux --builder Android Clang Builder (dbg) --slave vm851-m1 --spec cache_dir = None
solutions = [{'custom_vars': {'googlecode_url': 'svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/%s', 'nacl_trunk': 'svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/native_client/trunk', 'sourceforge_url': 'svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/%(repo)s', 'webkit_trunk': 'svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/blink/trunk'}, 'deps_file': 'DEPS', 'managed': True, 'name': 'src', 'url': 'svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/src'}]
target_os = ['android'] --root src --revision_mapping_file /tmp/tmpHUKjvJ.json --output_json /tmp/tmp5yNSZy.json --revision src@ae9604308c926cc7df6205b5207dbf63c6e55314
in dir /mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build:
 allow_subannotations: False
 cmd: ['python', '-u', '/mnt/data/b/build/scripts/slave/bot_update.py', '--master', 'chromium.linux', '--builder', 'Android Clang Builder (dbg)', '--slave', 'vm851-m1', '--spec', "cache_dir = None\nsolutions = [{'custom_vars': {'googlecode_url': 'svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/%s', 'nacl_trunk': 'svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/native_client/trunk', 'sourceforge_url': 'svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/%(repo)s', 'webkit_trunk': 'svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/blink/trunk'}, 'deps_file': 'DEPS', 'managed': True, 'name': 'src', 'url': 'svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/src'}]\ntarget_os = ['android']", '--root', 'src', '--revision_mapping_file', '/tmp/tmpHUKjvJ.json', '--output_json', '/tmp/tmp5yNSZy.json', '--revision', 'src@ae9604308c926cc7df6205b5207dbf63c6e55314']
 cwd: /mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build
 name: bot_update
full environment:
 AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE: /mnt/data/b/build/site_config/.boto
 BOTO_CONFIG: /mnt/data/b/build/site_config/.boto
 BUILDBOT_BLAMELIST: [u'martina.kollarova@intel.com', u'vabr@chromium.org']
 BUILDBOT_BUILDBOTURL: http://build.chromium.org/p/chromium.linux/
 BUILDBOT_BUILDERNAME: Android Clang Builder (dbg)
 BUILDBOT_MASTERNAME: chromium.linux
 BUILDBOT_REVISION: ae9604308c926cc7df6205b5207dbf63c6e55314
 DISPLAY: :0.0
 GIT_USER_AGENT: linux2 git/2.5.0 vm851-m1.golo.chromium.org
 HOME: /home/chrome-bot
 LANG: en_US.UTF-8
 LOGNAME: chrome-bot
 PAGER: cat
 PATH: /home/chrome-bot/slavebin:/mnt/data/b/depot_tools:/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin
 PWD: /mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build
 PYTHONPATH: /mnt/data/b/build/site_config:/mnt/data/b/build/scripts:/mnt/data/b/build/scripts/release:/mnt/data/b/build/third_party:/mnt/data/b/build/third_party/requests_1_2_3:/mnt/data/b/build_internal/site_config:/mnt/data/b/build_internal/symsrc:/mnt/data/b/build/slave:/mnt/data/b/build/third_party/buildbot_slave_8_4:/mnt/data/b/build/third_party/twisted_10_2:
 SHELL: /bin/bash
 USER: chrome-bot

What is the "Bot Update" step?

This step ensures that the source checkout on the bot (e.g. Chromium's src/ and
its dependencies) is checked out in a consistent state. This means that all of
the necessary repositories are checked out, no extra repositories are checked
out, and no locally modified files are present.

These actions used to be taken care of by the "gclient revert" and "update"
steps. However, those steps are known to be buggy and occasionally flaky. This
step has two main advantages over them:
  * it only operates in Git, so the logic can be clearer and cleaner; and
  * it is a slave-side script, so its behavior can be modified without
    restarting the master.

Why Git, you ask? Because that is the direction that the Chromium project is
heading. This step is an integral part of the transition from using the SVN repo
at chrome/trunk/src to using the Git repo src.git. Please pardon the dust while
we fully convert everything to Git. This message will get out of your way
eventually, and the waterfall will be a happier place because of it.

This step can be activated or deactivated independently on every builder on
every master. When it is active, the "gclient revert" and "update" steps become
no-ops. When it is inactive, it prints this message, cleans up after itself, and
lets everything else continue as though nothing has changed. Eventually, when
everything is stable enough, this step will replace them entirely.

Debugging information:
(master/builder/slave may be unspecified on recipes)
master: chromium.linux
builder: Android Clang Builder (dbg)
slave: vm851-m1
forced by recipes: Off by recipes, but forced on by bot update
bot_update.py is: ACTIVE.
The bot will perform a Git checkout in this step.
The "gclient revert" and "update" steps are no-ops.

Gclient Solutions
src (https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git)
  Dependencies file is .DEPS.git
  Managed mode is OFF
  Custom Variables:
    googlecode_url = svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/%s
    nacl_trunk = svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/native_client/trunk
    sourceforge_url = svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/%(repo)s
    webkit_trunk = svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/blink/trunk

Emitting flag file at /mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/update.flag
Revisions: ['src@ae9604308c926cc7df6205b5207dbf63c6e55314']
Fetching Git checkout at src@ae9604308c926cc7df6205b5207dbf63c6e55314
Fetching Git checkout
===Running /usr/bin/python -u /mnt/data/b/depot_tools/git_cache.py unlock -vv --force --all --cache-dir /mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running /usr/bin/python -u /mnt/data/b/depot_tools/git_cache.py populate --ignore_locks -v --cache-dir /mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git (attempt #1)===
running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src"
running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src"
running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src"
running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src"
running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src"
Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src"
POST git-upload-pack (981 bytes)
remote: Counting objects: 1           
remote: Counting objects: 88809, done        
remote: Finding sources:   7% (1/13)           
remote: Finding sources:  15% (2/13)           
remote: Finding sources:  23% (3/13)           
remote: Finding sources:  30% (4/13)           
remote: Finding sources:  38% (5/13)           
remote: Finding sources:  46% (6/13)           
remote: Finding sources:  53% (7/13)           
remote: Finding sources:  61% (8/13)           
remote: Finding sources:  69% (9/13)           
remote: Finding sources:  76% (10/13)           
remote: Finding sources:  84% (11/13)           
remote: Finding sources:  92% (12/13)           
remote: Finding sources: 100% (13/13)           
remote: Finding sources: 100% (13/13)        
remote: Total 13 (delta 11), reused 13 (delta 11)        
From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/src
 = [up to date]      ignore/bar -> ignore/bar
 = [up to date]      ignore/foo -> ignore/foo
 = [up to date]      infra/config -> infra/config
   8eadb2a..97b13409 lkcr       -> lkcr
 = [up to date]      lkgr       -> lkgr
   92a5d22..ae96043  master     -> master
===Succeeded in 0.2 mins===

===Running /usr/bin/python -u /mnt/data/b/depot_tools/git_cache.py exists --quiet --cache-dir /mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git remote set-url origin /mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git fetch origin (attempt #1)===
From /mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src
   8eadb2a..97b13409 lkcr       -> origin/lkcr
   92a5d22..ae96043  master     -> origin/master
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git checkout --force ae9604308c926cc7df6205b5207dbf63c6e55314 (attempt #1)===
Previous HEAD position was 92a5d22... Remove the Finch test 'CLD1VsCLD2'
HEAD is now at ae96043... HistogramTester::GetHistogramSamplesSinceCreation never returns null
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git clean -dff (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log --format=%H --max-count=1 (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git ls-files DEPS (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git ls-files .DEPS.git (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running gclient sync --verbose --reset --force --ignore_locks --output-json /tmp/tmp444BV0.json --nohooks --noprehooks --delete_unversioned_trees (attempt #1)===
solutions = [   {   'custom_vars': {   'googlecode_url': 'svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/%s',
                           'nacl_trunk': 'svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/native_client/trunk',
                           'sourceforge_url': 'svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/%(repo)s',
                           'webkit_trunk': 'svn://svn-mirror.golo.chromium.org/blink/trunk'},
        'deps_file': '.DEPS.git',
        'managed': False,
        'name': 'src',
        'url': 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git'}]

cache_dir = r"/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir"



src (Elapsed: 0:00:00)
[0:00:00] Started.
_____ src at refs/remotes/origin/master
[0:00:00] ________ unmanaged solution; skipping src
[0:00:00] Finished.

src/chrome/test/data/perf/canvas_bench (Elapsed: 0:00:00)
[0:00:00] Started.
_____ src/chrome/test/data/perf/canvas_bench at a7b40ea5ae0239517d78845a5fc9b12976bfc732
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-canvas_bench"
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-canvas_bench"
[0:00:00] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-canvas_bench"
[0:00:00] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/canvas_bench.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-canvas_bench"
[0:00:00] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-canvas_bench"
[0:00:00] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:00] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-canvas_bench"
[0:00:00] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/canvas_bench
[0:00:00]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/chrome/test/data/perf/canvas_bench'
[0:00:00] HEAD is now at a7b40ea Added framework for canvas benchmark and two examples that stress drawImage. One example draws multiple instances of a single image while the other draws multiple images.
[0:00:00] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision a7b40ea5ae0239517d78845a5fc9b12976bfc732
[0:00:00] Finished.

src/chrome/test/data/perf/frame_rate/content (Elapsed: 0:00:00)
[0:00:00] Started.
_____ src/chrome/test/data/perf/frame_rate/content at c10272c88463efeef6bb19c9ec07c42bc8fe22b9
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-frame_rate-content"
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-frame_rate-content"
[0:00:00] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-frame_rate-content"
[0:00:00] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/frame_rate/content.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-frame_rate-content"
[0:00:00] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-frame_rate-content"
[0:00:00] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:00] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-frame_rate-content"
[0:00:00] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/frame_rate/content
[0:00:00]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/chrome/test/data/perf/frame_rate/content'
[0:00:00] HEAD is now at c10272c Added content folder to frame rate deps.
[0:00:00] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision c10272c88463efeef6bb19c9ec07c42bc8fe22b9
[0:00:00] Finished.

src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_linux (Elapsed: 0:00:00)
[0:00:00] Started.
_____ src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_linux at 033d053a528e820e1de3e2db766678d862a86b36
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-reference_builds-chrome_linux64"
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-reference_builds-chrome_linux64"
[0:00:00] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-reference_builds-chrome_linux64"
[0:00:00] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/reference_builds/chrome_linux64.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-reference_builds-chrome_linux64"
[0:00:00] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-reference_builds-chrome_linux64"
[0:00:00] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:00] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-reference_builds-chrome_linux64"
[0:00:00] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/reference_builds/chrome_linux64
[0:00:00]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/chrome/tools/test/reference_build/chrome_linux'
[0:00:00] HEAD is now at 033d053 Update reference builds to 37.0.2062.94.
[0:00:00] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 033d053a528e820e1de3e2db766678d862a86b36
[0:00:00] Finished.
gclient(652) ParseDepsFile:Setting src/buildtools recursion to 1.
gclient(678) ParseDepsFile:use_relative_paths enabled.
gclient(684) ParseDepsFile:Updating deps by prepending src/buildtools.

src/buildtools (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:00] Started.
_____ src/buildtools at f0b8022601cf9c3c1a2f7efcea48e2fe81d3b143
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-buildtools"
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-buildtools"
[0:00:00] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-buildtools"
[0:00:00] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/buildtools.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-buildtools"
[0:00:00] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-buildtools"
[0:00:00] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:00] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-buildtools"
[0:00:00] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/buildtools
[0:00:00]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/buildtools'
[0:00:01] HEAD is now at f0b8022 Roll gn ec34450ee9..2f763b5fef (r338735:r340609)
[0:00:01] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision f0b8022601cf9c3c1a2f7efcea48e2fe81d3b143
[0:00:01] Finished.

src/media/cdm/ppapi/api (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:00] Started.
_____ src/media/cdm/ppapi/api at 7377023e384f296cbb27644eb2c485275f1f92e8
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-cdm"
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-cdm"
[0:00:00] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-cdm"
[0:00:00] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/cdm.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-cdm"
[0:00:00] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-cdm"
[0:00:00] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:00] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-cdm"
[0:00:00] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/cdm
[0:00:00]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/media/cdm/ppapi/api'
[0:00:01] HEAD is now at 7377023 Remove cdm::ContentDecryptionModule_6
[0:00:01] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 7377023e384f296cbb27644eb2c485275f1f92e8
[0:00:01] Finished.

src/sdch/open-vcdiff (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:00] Started.
_____ src/sdch/open-vcdiff at 39ff500790fa8038f80bd2fdcd10c35568a12529
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-google-open--vcdiff"
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-google-open--vcdiff"
[0:00:00] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-google-open--vcdiff"
[0:00:00] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/google/open-vcdiff.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-google-open--vcdiff"
[0:00:00] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-google-open--vcdiff"
[0:00:00] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:00] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-google-open--vcdiff"
[0:00:00] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/github.com/google/open-vcdiff
[0:00:00]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:00]  = [up to date]      prereq     -> prereq
[0:00:00]  = [up to date]      unique_ptr -> unique_ptr

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/sdch/open-vcdiff'
[0:00:01] HEAD is now at 39ff500 Merge pull request #47 from google/unique_ptr
[0:00:01] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 39ff500790fa8038f80bd2fdcd10c35568a12529
[0:00:02] Finished.

src/breakpad/src (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:00] Started.
_____ src/breakpad/src at 242fb9a38db6ba534b1f7daa341dd4d79171658b
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-google--breakpad-src"
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-google--breakpad-src"
[0:00:00] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-google--breakpad-src"
[0:00:00] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/google-breakpad/src.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-google--breakpad-src"
[0:00:00] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-google--breakpad-src"
[0:00:00] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:00] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-google--breakpad-src"
[0:00:00] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/google-breakpad/src
[0:00:00]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/breakpad/src'
[0:00:01] HEAD is now at 242fb9a Fix -Wreorder warnings in the Windows code.
[0:00:02] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 242fb9a38db6ba534b1f7daa341dd4d79171658b
[0:00:03] Finished.

src/testing/gmock (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:00] Started.
_____ src/testing/gmock at 0421b6f358139f02e102c9c332ce19a33faf75be
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-googlemock"
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-googlemock"
[0:00:00] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-googlemock"
[0:00:00] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/googlemock.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-googlemock"
[0:00:00] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-googlemock"
[0:00:00] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:00] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-googlemock"
[0:00:01] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/googlemock
[0:00:01]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/testing/gmock'
[0:00:02] HEAD is now at 0421b6f Rename custom/callback-actions.h[.pump] =>
[0:00:03] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 0421b6f358139f02e102c9c332ce19a33faf75be
[0:00:03] Finished.

src/testing/gtest (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:00] Started.
_____ src/testing/gtest at 9855a87157778d39b95eccfb201a9dc90f6d61c6
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-googletest"
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-googletest"
[0:00:00] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-googletest"
[0:00:00] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/googletest.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-googletest"
[0:00:00] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-googletest"
[0:00:00] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:00] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-googletest"
[0:00:01] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/googletest
[0:00:01]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/testing/gtest'
[0:00:01] HEAD is now at 9855a87 Introduce FormatForComparison to format values that are operands of comparison assertions (e.g. ASSERT_EQ).
[0:00:04] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 9855a87157778d39b95eccfb201a9dc90f6d61c6
[0:00:04] Finished.

src/native_client (Elapsed: 0:00:04)
[0:00:00] Started.
_____ src/native_client at f14a2194a8dd85de9304c94d8563e24b7cd45bff
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-native_client-src-native_client"
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-native_client-src-native_client"
[0:00:00] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-native_client-src-native_client"
[0:00:00] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/native_client/src/native_client.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-native_client-src-native_client"
[0:00:00] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-native_client-src-native_client"
[0:00:00] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:00] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-native_client-src-native_client"
[0:00:00] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/native_client/src/native_client
[0:00:00]  = [up to date]      bradnelson/pnacl-in-pnacl -> bradnelson/pnacl-in-pnacl
[0:00:00]  = [up to date]      branch_heads/2311 -> branch_heads/2311
[0:00:00]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/native_client'
[0:00:03] HEAD is now at f14a219 A mechanism to identify/forbid/"rewrite" non-temporal instructions (and other)
[0:00:03] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision f14a2194a8dd85de9304c94d8563e24b7cd45bff
[0:00:04] Finished.

src/third_party/android_protobuf/src (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:01] Started.
_____ src/third_party/android_protobuf/src at 999188d0dc72e97f7fe08bb756958a2cf090f4e7
[0:00:01] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-android_protobuf"
[0:00:02] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-android_protobuf"
[0:00:02] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-android_protobuf"
[0:00:02] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/android_protobuf.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-android_protobuf"
[0:00:03] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-android_protobuf"
[0:00:03] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:03] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-android_protobuf"
[0:00:04] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/android_protobuf
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      donut-release -> donut-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      donut-release2 -> donut-release2
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      eclair-passion-release -> eclair-passion-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      eclair-release -> eclair-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      eclair-sholes-release -> eclair-sholes-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      eclair-sholes-release2 -> eclair-sholes-release2
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      gingerbread -> gingerbread
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      gingerbread-mr4-release -> gingerbread-mr4-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      gingerbread-release -> gingerbread-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      ics-factoryrom-2-release -> ics-factoryrom-2-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      ics-mr0    -> ics-mr0
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      ics-mr0-release -> ics-mr0-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      ics-mr1    -> ics-mr1
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      ics-mr1-release -> ics-mr1-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      ics-plus-aosp -> ics-plus-aosp
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      idea133    -> idea133
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      idea133-weekly-release -> idea133-weekly-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jb-dev     -> jb-dev
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jb-mr0-release -> jb-mr0-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jb-mr1-dev -> jb-mr1-dev
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jb-mr1-dev-plus-aosp -> jb-mr1-dev-plus-aosp
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jb-mr1-release -> jb-mr1-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jb-mr1.1-dev -> jb-mr1.1-dev
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jb-mr1.1-dev-plus-aosp -> jb-mr1.1-dev-plus-aosp
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jb-mr1.1-release -> jb-mr1.1-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jb-mr2-dev -> jb-mr2-dev
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jb-mr2-release -> jb-mr2-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jb-mr2.0-release -> jb-mr2.0-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jb-mr2.0.0-release -> jb-mr2.0.0-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jb-release -> jb-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jumper-stable -> jumper-stable
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      jumper-stable-alt -> jumper-stable-alt
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      kitkat-cts-dev -> kitkat-cts-dev
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      kitkat-dev -> kitkat-dev
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      kitkat-mr1-release -> kitkat-mr1-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      kitkat-mr1.1-release -> kitkat-mr1.1-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      kitkat-mr2-release -> kitkat-mr2-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      kitkat-mr2.1-release -> kitkat-mr2.1-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      kitkat-mr2.2-release -> kitkat-mr2.2-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      kitkat-release -> kitkat-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      kitkat-wear -> kitkat-wear
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      l-preview  -> l-preview
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      lollipop-dev -> lollipop-dev
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      lollipop-mr1-dev -> lollipop-mr1-dev
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      lollipop-mr1-fi-release -> lollipop-mr1-fi-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      lollipop-mr1-release -> lollipop-mr1-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      lollipop-mr1-wfc-release -> lollipop-mr1-wfc-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      lollipop-release -> lollipop-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      lollipop-wear-release -> lollipop-wear-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      master-soong -> master-soong
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      studio-1.1-dev -> studio-1.1-dev
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      studio-1.1-release -> studio-1.1-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      studio-1.2-release -> studio-1.2-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      studio-1.3-dev -> studio-1.3-dev
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      studio-1.3-release -> studio-1.3-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      studio-1.4-dev -> studio-1.4-dev
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      studio-1.4-release -> studio-1.4-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      studio-master-dev -> studio-master-dev
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      studio-master-release -> studio-master-release
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      tools_r20  -> tools_r20
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      tools_r21  -> tools_r21
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      tools_r22  -> tools_r22
[0:00:04]  = [up to date]      tools_r22.2 -> tools_r22.2

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/android_protobuf/src'
[0:00:05] HEAD is now at 999188d Add MODULE_LICENSE and NOTICE
[0:00:05] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 999188d0dc72e97f7fe08bb756958a2cf090f4e7
[0:00:05] Finished.

src/third_party/apache-mime4j (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:03] Started.
_____ src/third_party/apache-mime4j at 28cb1108bff4b6cf0a2e86ff58b3d025934ebe3a
[0:00:03] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-apache--mime4j"
[0:00:04] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-apache--mime4j"
[0:00:04] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-apache--mime4j"
[0:00:04] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/apache-mime4j.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-apache--mime4j"
[0:00:04] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-apache--mime4j"
[0:00:04] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:04] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-apache--mime4j"
[0:00:05] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/apache-mime4j
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/apache-mime4j'
[0:00:05] HEAD is now at 28cb110 Add Apache libraries for multipart in Java
[0:00:05] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 28cb1108bff4b6cf0a2e86ff58b3d025934ebe3a
[0:00:05] Finished.

src/third_party/appurify-python/src (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:03] Started.
_____ src/third_party/appurify-python/src at ee7abd5c5ae3106f72b2a0b9d2cb55094688e867
[0:00:04] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-appurify-appurify--python"
[0:00:04] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-appurify-appurify--python"
[0:00:04] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-appurify-appurify--python"
[0:00:04] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/appurify/appurify-python.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-appurify-appurify--python"
[0:00:05] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-appurify-appurify--python"
[0:00:05] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:05] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-appurify-appurify--python"
[0:00:05] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/github.com/appurify/appurify-python
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      0.3.4      -> 0.3.4
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      0.4.9      -> 0.4.9
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      abhi/separate-tunnel -> abhi/separate-tunnel
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      android_spoon -> android_spoon
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      bug_multiple_devices -> bug_multiple_devices
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      fix_staticmethod -> fix_staticmethod
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      interrupt_signal -> interrupt_signal
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      iqt_comments -> iqt_comments
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      klm/direct_control -> klm/direct_control
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      licence    -> licence
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      pratyusdev -> pratyusdev
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      update-requirements -> update-requirements

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/appurify-python/src'
[0:00:05] HEAD is now at ee7abd5 Merge pull request #44 from appurify/licence
[0:00:05] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision ee7abd5c5ae3106f72b2a0b9d2cb55094688e867
[0:00:05] Finished.

src/third_party/bidichecker (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:04] Started.
_____ src/third_party/bidichecker at 97f2aa645b74c28c57eca56992235c79850fa9e0
[0:00:04] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-bidichecker-lib"
[0:00:04] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-bidichecker-lib"
[0:00:04] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-bidichecker-lib"
[0:00:04] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/bidichecker/lib.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-bidichecker-lib"
[0:00:05] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-bidichecker-lib"
[0:00:05] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:05] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-bidichecker-lib"
[0:00:05] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/bidichecker/lib
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/bidichecker'
[0:00:05] HEAD is now at 97f2aa6 
[0:00:05] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 97f2aa645b74c28c57eca56992235c79850fa9e0
[0:00:06] Finished.

src/third_party/boringssl/src (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:04] Started.
_____ src/third_party/boringssl/src at 209b2562235f7dab66b8260624e7b3c5b00d14a6
[0:00:04] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/boringssl.googlesource.com-boringssl"
[0:00:04] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/boringssl.googlesource.com-boringssl"
[0:00:04] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/boringssl.googlesource.com-boringssl"
[0:00:05] running "git config remote.origin.url https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/boringssl.googlesource.com-boringssl"
[0:00:05] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/boringssl.googlesource.com-boringssl"
[0:00:05] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:05] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/boringssl.googlesource.com-boringssl"
[0:00:06] From https://boringssl.googlesource.com/a/boringssl
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      2214       -> 2214
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      2272       -> 2272
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      2311       -> 2311
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      2357       -> 2357
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/boringssl/src'
[0:00:06] HEAD is now at 209b256 Fix o2i_ECPublicKey documentation.
[0:00:06] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 209b2562235f7dab66b8260624e7b3c5b00d14a6
[0:00:06] Finished.

src/third_party/cardboard-java/src (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:05] Started.
_____ src/third_party/cardboard-java/src at e36ee57e72bbd057ddb53b127954177b50e18df7
[0:00:05] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-googlesamples-cardboard--java"
[0:00:05] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-googlesamples-cardboard--java"
[0:00:05] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-googlesamples-cardboard--java"
[0:00:05] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/googlesamples/cardboard-java.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-googlesamples-cardboard--java"
[0:00:06] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-googlesamples-cardboard--java"
[0:00:06] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:06] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-googlesamples-cardboard--java"
[0:00:06] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/github.com/googlesamples/cardboard-java
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/cardboard-java/src'
[0:00:06] HEAD is now at e36ee57 Update SDK and sample app (v0.5.5)
[0:00:06] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision e36ee57e72bbd057ddb53b127954177b50e18df7
[0:00:07] Finished.

src/third_party/angle (Elapsed: 0:00:05)
[0:00:02] Started.
_____ src/third_party/angle at 2e5b500c05e2d94626694f463dd842ef0c6252bf
[0:00:03] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-angle-angle"
[0:00:04] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-angle-angle"
[0:00:04] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-angle-angle"
[0:00:04] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/angle/angle.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-angle-angle"
[0:00:05] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-angle-angle"
[0:00:05] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:05] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-angle-angle"
[0:00:06] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/angle/angle
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chrome_m27 -> chrome_m27
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chrome_m29 -> chrome_m29
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[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2013 -> chromium/2013
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[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2034 -> chromium/2034
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2035 -> chromium/2035
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2036 -> chromium/2036
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2037 -> chromium/2037
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2038 -> chromium/2038
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2039 -> chromium/2039
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2040 -> chromium/2040
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2041 -> chromium/2041
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2042 -> chromium/2042
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2043 -> chromium/2043
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2044 -> chromium/2044
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2045 -> chromium/2045
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[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2049 -> chromium/2049
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2050 -> chromium/2050
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2051 -> chromium/2051
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2052 -> chromium/2052
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2053 -> chromium/2053
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2054 -> chromium/2054
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2055 -> chromium/2055
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2056 -> chromium/2056
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2057 -> chromium/2057
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2058 -> chromium/2058
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2059 -> chromium/2059
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2060 -> chromium/2060
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2061 -> chromium/2061
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2062 -> chromium/2062
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2063 -> chromium/2063
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2064 -> chromium/2064
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2065 -> chromium/2065
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2066 -> chromium/2066
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2067 -> chromium/2067
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2068 -> chromium/2068
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2069 -> chromium/2069
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2070 -> chromium/2070
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2071 -> chromium/2071
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2072 -> chromium/2072
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2073 -> chromium/2073
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2074 -> chromium/2074
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2075 -> chromium/2075
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2076 -> chromium/2076
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2077 -> chromium/2077
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2078 -> chromium/2078
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2079 -> chromium/2079
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2080 -> chromium/2080
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2081 -> chromium/2081
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2082 -> chromium/2082
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2083 -> chromium/2083
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2084 -> chromium/2084
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2085 -> chromium/2085
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2086 -> chromium/2086
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2087 -> chromium/2087
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2088 -> chromium/2088
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2089 -> chromium/2089
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2090 -> chromium/2090
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2091 -> chromium/2091
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2092 -> chromium/2092
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2093 -> chromium/2093
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2094 -> chromium/2094
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2095 -> chromium/2095
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2096 -> chromium/2096
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2097 -> chromium/2097
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2098 -> chromium/2098
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2099 -> chromium/2099
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2100 -> chromium/2100
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2101 -> chromium/2101
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2102 -> chromium/2102
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2103 -> chromium/2103
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2104 -> chromium/2104
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2105 -> chromium/2105
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2106 -> chromium/2106
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2107 -> chromium/2107
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2108 -> chromium/2108
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2109 -> chromium/2109
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2110 -> chromium/2110
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2111 -> chromium/2111
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2112 -> chromium/2112
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2113 -> chromium/2113
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2114 -> chromium/2114
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2115 -> chromium/2115
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2116 -> chromium/2116
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2117 -> chromium/2117
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2118 -> chromium/2118
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2119 -> chromium/2119
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2120 -> chromium/2120
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2121 -> chromium/2121
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2122 -> chromium/2122
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2123 -> chromium/2123
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2124 -> chromium/2124
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2125 -> chromium/2125
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2126 -> chromium/2126
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2127 -> chromium/2127
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2128 -> chromium/2128
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2129 -> chromium/2129
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2130 -> chromium/2130
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2131 -> chromium/2131
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2132 -> chromium/2132
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2133 -> chromium/2133
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2135 -> chromium/2135
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2136 -> chromium/2136
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2137 -> chromium/2137
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2138 -> chromium/2138
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2139 -> chromium/2139
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2140 -> chromium/2140
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2141 -> chromium/2141
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2142 -> chromium/2142
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2143 -> chromium/2143
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2144 -> chromium/2144
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2145 -> chromium/2145
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2146 -> chromium/2146
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2147 -> chromium/2147
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2148 -> chromium/2148
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2149 -> chromium/2149
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2150 -> chromium/2150
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2151 -> chromium/2151
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2152 -> chromium/2152
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2154 -> chromium/2154
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2155 -> chromium/2155
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2156 -> chromium/2156
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2157 -> chromium/2157
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2158 -> chromium/2158
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2159 -> chromium/2159
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2160 -> chromium/2160
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2161 -> chromium/2161
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2162 -> chromium/2162
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2163 -> chromium/2163
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2164 -> chromium/2164
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2165 -> chromium/2165
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2166 -> chromium/2166
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2167 -> chromium/2167
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2168 -> chromium/2168
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2169 -> chromium/2169
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2170 -> chromium/2170
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2171 -> chromium/2171
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2172 -> chromium/2172
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2173 -> chromium/2173
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2174 -> chromium/2174
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2175 -> chromium/2175
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2176 -> chromium/2176
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2177 -> chromium/2177
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2178 -> chromium/2178
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2179 -> chromium/2179
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2180 -> chromium/2180
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2181 -> chromium/2181
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2182 -> chromium/2182
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2183 -> chromium/2183
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2184 -> chromium/2184
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2185 -> chromium/2185
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2186 -> chromium/2186
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2187 -> chromium/2187
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2188 -> chromium/2188
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2189 -> chromium/2189
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2190 -> chromium/2190
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2191 -> chromium/2191
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2192 -> chromium/2192
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2193 -> chromium/2193
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2194 -> chromium/2194
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2195 -> chromium/2195
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2196 -> chromium/2196
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2197 -> chromium/2197
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2198 -> chromium/2198
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2199 -> chromium/2199
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2200 -> chromium/2200
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2201 -> chromium/2201
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2202 -> chromium/2202
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2214 -> chromium/2214
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2237 -> chromium/2237
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2238 -> chromium/2238
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2239 -> chromium/2239
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2240 -> chromium/2240
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2241 -> chromium/2241
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2242 -> chromium/2242
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2243 -> chromium/2243
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2244 -> chromium/2244
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2245 -> chromium/2245
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2246 -> chromium/2246
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2247 -> chromium/2247
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2248 -> chromium/2248
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2249 -> chromium/2249
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2250 -> chromium/2250
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2251 -> chromium/2251
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2252 -> chromium/2252
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2253 -> chromium/2253
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2254 -> chromium/2254
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2255 -> chromium/2255
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2256 -> chromium/2256
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2257 -> chromium/2257
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2258 -> chromium/2258
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2259 -> chromium/2259
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2260 -> chromium/2260
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2261 -> chromium/2261
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2262 -> chromium/2262
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2263 -> chromium/2263
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2264 -> chromium/2264
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2265 -> chromium/2265
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2266 -> chromium/2266
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2267 -> chromium/2267
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2268 -> chromium/2268
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2269 -> chromium/2269
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2270 -> chromium/2270
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2271 -> chromium/2271
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2272 -> chromium/2272
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2273 -> chromium/2273
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2274 -> chromium/2274
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2275 -> chromium/2275
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2276 -> chromium/2276
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2277 -> chromium/2277
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2278 -> chromium/2278
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2279 -> chromium/2279
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2280 -> chromium/2280
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2281 -> chromium/2281
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2282 -> chromium/2282
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2283 -> chromium/2283
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2284 -> chromium/2284
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2285 -> chromium/2285
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2286 -> chromium/2286
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2287 -> chromium/2287
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2288 -> chromium/2288
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2289 -> chromium/2289
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2290 -> chromium/2290
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2291 -> chromium/2291
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2292 -> chromium/2292
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2293 -> chromium/2293
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2294 -> chromium/2294
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2295 -> chromium/2295
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2296 -> chromium/2296
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2297 -> chromium/2297
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2298 -> chromium/2298
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2299 -> chromium/2299
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2300 -> chromium/2300
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2301 -> chromium/2301
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2302 -> chromium/2302
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2303 -> chromium/2303
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2304 -> chromium/2304
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2305 -> chromium/2305
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2306 -> chromium/2306
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2307 -> chromium/2307
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2308 -> chromium/2308
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2309 -> chromium/2309
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2310 -> chromium/2310
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2311 -> chromium/2311
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2312 -> chromium/2312
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2313 -> chromium/2313
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2314 -> chromium/2314
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2315 -> chromium/2315
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2316 -> chromium/2316
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2317 -> chromium/2317
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2318 -> chromium/2318
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2319 -> chromium/2319
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2320 -> chromium/2320
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2321 -> chromium/2321
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2322 -> chromium/2322
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2323 -> chromium/2323
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2324 -> chromium/2324
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2325 -> chromium/2325
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2326 -> chromium/2326
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2327 -> chromium/2327
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2328 -> chromium/2328
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2329 -> chromium/2329
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2330 -> chromium/2330
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2331 -> chromium/2331
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2332 -> chromium/2332
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2333 -> chromium/2333
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2334 -> chromium/2334
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2335 -> chromium/2335
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2336 -> chromium/2336
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2337 -> chromium/2337
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2338 -> chromium/2338
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2339 -> chromium/2339
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2340 -> chromium/2340
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2341 -> chromium/2341
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2342 -> chromium/2342
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2343 -> chromium/2343
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2344 -> chromium/2344
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2345 -> chromium/2345
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2346 -> chromium/2346
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2347 -> chromium/2347
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2348 -> chromium/2348
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2349 -> chromium/2349
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2350 -> chromium/2350
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2351 -> chromium/2351
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2352 -> chromium/2352
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2353 -> chromium/2353
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2354 -> chromium/2354
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2355 -> chromium/2355
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2356 -> chromium/2356
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2357 -> chromium/2357
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2358 -> chromium/2358
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2359 -> chromium/2359
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2360 -> chromium/2360
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2361 -> chromium/2361
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2362 -> chromium/2362
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2363 -> chromium/2363
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2364 -> chromium/2364
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2365 -> chromium/2365
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2366 -> chromium/2366
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2367 -> chromium/2367
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2368 -> chromium/2368
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2369 -> chromium/2369
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2370 -> chromium/2370
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2371 -> chromium/2371
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2372 -> chromium/2372
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2373 -> chromium/2373
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2374 -> chromium/2374
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2375 -> chromium/2375
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2376 -> chromium/2376
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2377 -> chromium/2377
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2378 -> chromium/2378
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2379 -> chromium/2379
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2380 -> chromium/2380
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2381 -> chromium/2381
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2382 -> chromium/2382
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2383 -> chromium/2383
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2384 -> chromium/2384
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2385 -> chromium/2385
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2386 -> chromium/2386
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2387 -> chromium/2387
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2388 -> chromium/2388
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2389 -> chromium/2389
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2390 -> chromium/2390
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2391 -> chromium/2391
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2392 -> chromium/2392
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2393 -> chromium/2393
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2394 -> chromium/2394
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2395 -> chromium/2395
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2396 -> chromium/2396
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2397 -> chromium/2397
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2398 -> chromium/2398
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2399 -> chromium/2399
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2400 -> chromium/2400
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2401 -> chromium/2401
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2402 -> chromium/2402
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2403 -> chromium/2403
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2404 -> chromium/2404
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2405 -> chromium/2405
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2406 -> chromium/2406
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2407 -> chromium/2407
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2408 -> chromium/2408
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2409 -> chromium/2409
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2410 -> chromium/2410
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2411 -> chromium/2411
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2412 -> chromium/2412
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2413 -> chromium/2413
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2414 -> chromium/2414
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2415 -> chromium/2415
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2416 -> chromium/2416
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2417 -> chromium/2417
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2418 -> chromium/2418
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2419 -> chromium/2419
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2420 -> chromium/2420
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2421 -> chromium/2421
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2422 -> chromium/2422
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2423 -> chromium/2423
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2424 -> chromium/2424
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2425 -> chromium/2425
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2426 -> chromium/2426
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2427 -> chromium/2427
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2428 -> chromium/2428
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2429 -> chromium/2429
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2430 -> chromium/2430
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2431 -> chromium/2431
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2432 -> chromium/2432
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2433 -> chromium/2433
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2434 -> chromium/2434
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2435 -> chromium/2435
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2436 -> chromium/2436
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2437 -> chromium/2437
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2438 -> chromium/2438
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2439 -> chromium/2439
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2440 -> chromium/2440
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2441 -> chromium/2441
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2442 -> chromium/2442
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2443 -> chromium/2443
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2444 -> chromium/2444
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2445 -> chromium/2445
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2446 -> chromium/2446
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2447 -> chromium/2447
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2448 -> chromium/2448
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2449 -> chromium/2449
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2450 -> chromium/2450
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2451 -> chromium/2451
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2452 -> chromium/2452
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2453 -> chromium/2453
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2454 -> chromium/2454
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2455 -> chromium/2455
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2456 -> chromium/2456
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2457 -> chromium/2457
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2458 -> chromium/2458
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2459 -> chromium/2459
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2460 -> chromium/2460
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2461 -> chromium/2461
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2462 -> chromium/2462
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2463 -> chromium/2463
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2464 -> chromium/2464
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2465 -> chromium/2465
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2466 -> chromium/2466
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2467 -> chromium/2467
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2468 -> chromium/2468
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2469 -> chromium/2469
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2470 -> chromium/2470
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      chromium/2471 -> chromium/2471
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      es2only-legacy -> es2only-legacy
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      es3proto   -> es3proto
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      legacy     -> legacy
[0:00:06]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/angle'
[0:00:07] HEAD is now at 2e5b500 Revert "Store the applied element array buffer as a binding pointer."
[0:00:08] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 2e5b500c05e2d94626694f463dd842ef0c6252bf
[0:00:08] Finished.

src/third_party/cld_2/src (Elapsed: 0:00:04)
[0:00:05] Started.
_____ src/third_party/cld_2/src at 14d9ef8d4766326f8aa7de54402d1b9c782d4481
[0:00:05] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-cld2"
[0:00:06] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-cld2"
[0:00:07] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-cld2"
[0:00:07] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/cld2.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-cld2"
[0:00:07] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-cld2"
[0:00:08] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:08] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-cld2"
[0:00:09] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/cld2
[0:00:09]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/cld_2/src'
[0:00:10] HEAD is now at 14d9ef8 Add Apache license header to 20141015 sources.
[0:00:10] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 14d9ef8d4766326f8aa7de54402d1b9c782d4481
[0:00:10] Finished.

src/third_party/chromite (Elapsed: 0:00:05)
[0:00:05] Started.
_____ src/third_party/chromite at e19f83ba227bf1ec0077f5d3a816a415f1dd88d0
[0:00:05] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-chromite"
[0:00:05] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-chromite"
[0:00:05] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-chromite"
[0:00:05] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/chromite.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-chromite"
[0:00:07] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-chromite"
[0:00:07] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:07] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-chromite"
[0:00:08] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromiumos/chromite
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.11.241.B -> 0.11.241.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.11.257.B -> 0.11.257.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.11.257.B90 -> 0.11.257.B90
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.12.362.B -> 0.12.362.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.12.369.B -> 0.12.369.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.12.392.B -> 0.12.392.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.12.433.B -> 0.12.433.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.12.433.B109 -> 0.12.433.B109
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.12.433.B62 -> 0.12.433.B62
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.13.434.B -> 0.13.434.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.13.509.B -> 0.13.509.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.13.558.B -> 0.13.558.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.13.587.B -> 0.13.587.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.14.811.B -> 0.14.811.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      0.15.877.B -> 0.15.877.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      11.1.241.B -> 11.1.241.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      780.B      -> 780.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      addlkgmlogic -> addlkgmlogic
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-1020.B -> factory-1020.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-1235.B -> factory-1235.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-1284.B -> factory-1284.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-1412.B -> factory-1412.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-1987.B -> factory-1987.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2268.16.B -> factory-2268.16.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2305.B -> factory-2305.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2338.B -> factory-2338.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2368.B -> factory-2368.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2394.B -> factory-2394.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2460.B -> factory-2460.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2475.B -> factory-2475.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2569.B -> factory-2569.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2717.B -> factory-2717.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2723.14.B -> factory-2723.14.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2846.B -> factory-2846.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2848.B -> factory-2848.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2914.B -> factory-2914.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2985.B -> factory-2985.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-2993.B -> factory-2993.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-3004.B -> factory-3004.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-3536.B -> factory-3536.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-4128.B -> factory-4128.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-4290.B -> factory-4290.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-4455.228.B -> factory-4455.228.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-4455.B -> factory-4455.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-980.B -> factory-980.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-arkham-7077.113.B -> factory-arkham-7077.113.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-auron-6459.B -> factory-auron-6459.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-auron-6772.B -> factory-auron-6772.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-beltino-5140.14.B -> factory-beltino-5140.14.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-daisy-4731.81.B -> factory-daisy-4731.81.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-monroe-5140.B -> factory-monroe-5140.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-nyan-5772.B -> factory-nyan-5772.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-panther-4920.23.B -> factory-panther-4920.23.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-pit-4280.B -> factory-pit-4280.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-pit-4390.B -> factory-pit-4390.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-pit-4471.B -> factory-pit-4471.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-pit-5499.B -> factory-pit-5499.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-rambi-5517.B -> factory-rambi-5517.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-rambi-6420.B -> factory-rambi-6420.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-ryu-6212.B -> factory-ryu-6212.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-ryu-6486.1.B -> factory-ryu-6486.1.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-ryu-6486.14.B -> factory-ryu-6486.14.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-ryu-6486.B -> factory-ryu-6486.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-4788.B -> factory-samus-4788.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-5939.B -> factory-samus-5939.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-6207.B -> factory-samus-6207.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-6375.B -> factory-samus-6375.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-6658.B -> factory-samus-6658.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-skate-4262.459.B -> factory-skate-4262.459.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-smaug-7265.B -> factory-smaug-7265.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-spring-3842.B -> factory-spring-3842.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-spring-4131.B -> factory-spring-4131.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-spring-4262.B -> factory-spring-4262.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-storm-6269.B -> factory-storm-6269.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-veyron-6591.B -> factory-veyron-6591.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-whirlwind-6509.B -> factory-whirlwind-6509.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-whirlwind-6812.41.B -> factory-whirlwind-6812.41.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      factory-zako-5220.B -> factory-zako-5220.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-4389.71.B -> firmware-4389.71.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-881-u-boot-v1 -> firmware-881-u-boot-v1
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-auron-6301.B -> firmware-auron-6301.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-banjo-5216.334.B -> firmware-banjo-5216.334.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-bolt_kirby-4979.B -> firmware-bolt_kirby-4979.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-butterfly-2788.B -> firmware-butterfly-2788.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-candy-5216.310.B -> firmware-candy-5216.310.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-clapper-5216.199.B -> firmware-clapper-5216.199.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-clapper-5218.B -> firmware-clapper-5218.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-enguarde-5216.201.B -> firmware-enguarde-5216.201.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-expresso-5216.223.B -> firmware-expresso-5216.223.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-falco_peppy-4389.81.B -> firmware-falco_peppy-4389.81.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-falco_peppy-4389.B -> firmware-falco_peppy-4389.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-gandof-6301.155.B -> firmware-gandof-6301.155.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-glimmer-5216.198.B -> firmware-glimmer-5216.198.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-glimmer-5217.B -> firmware-glimmer-5217.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-gnawty-5216.239.B -> firmware-gnawty-5216.239.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-guado-6301.108.B -> firmware-guado-6301.108.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-kiev-2.112.B -> firmware-kiev-2.112.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-kip-5216.227.B -> firmware-kip-5216.227.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-kitty-5771.61.B -> firmware-kitty-5771.61.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-leon-4389.26.B -> firmware-leon-4389.26.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-leon-4389.61.B -> firmware-leon-4389.61.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-link-2348.B -> firmware-link-2348.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-link-2695.2.B -> firmware-link-2695.2.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-link-2695.B -> firmware-link-2695.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-lulu-6301.136.B -> firmware-lulu-6301.136.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-mccloud-5827.B -> firmware-mccloud-5827.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-monroe-4921.B -> firmware-monroe-4921.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-ninja-5216.383.B -> firmware-ninja-5216.383.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-nyan-5771.B -> firmware-nyan-5771.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-orco-5216.362.B -> firmware-orco-5216.362.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-paine-6301.58.B -> firmware-paine-6301.58.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-panther-4920.24.B -> firmware-panther-4920.24.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-parrot-2685.B -> firmware-parrot-2685.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-pit-4482.B -> firmware-pit-4482.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-quawks-5216.204.B -> firmware-quawks-5216.204.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-rambi-5216.B -> firmware-rambi-5216.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-rikku-6301.110.B -> firmware-rikku-6301.110.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-samus-6300.B -> firmware-samus-6300.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-skate-3824.129.B -> firmware-skate-3824.129.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-smaug-7132.B -> firmware-smaug-7132.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-snow-2695.90.B -> firmware-snow-2695.90.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-snow-2695.B -> firmware-snow-2695.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3824.4.B -> firmware-spring-3824.4.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3824.55.B -> firmware-spring-3824.55.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3824.84.B -> firmware-spring-3824.84.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3824.B -> firmware-spring-3824.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3833.B -> firmware-spring-3833.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-squawks-5216.152.B -> firmware-squawks-5216.152.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-storm-6315.B -> firmware-storm-6315.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-stout-2817.B -> firmware-stout-2817.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-strago-7287.B -> firmware-strago-7287.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-sumo-5216.382.B -> firmware-sumo-5216.382.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-swanky-5216.238.B -> firmware-swanky-5216.238.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-tidus-6301.109.B -> firmware-tidus-6301.109.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-tricky-5829.B -> firmware-tricky-5829.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-u-boot-v1 -> firmware-u-boot-v1
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-uboot_v2-1299.B -> firmware-uboot_v2-1299.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-veyron-6588.B -> firmware-veyron-6588.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-winky-5216.1.B -> firmware-winky-5216.1.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-winky-5216.265.B -> firmware-winky-5216.265.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-wolf-4389.24.B -> firmware-wolf-4389.24.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-yuna-6301.59.B -> firmware-yuna-6301.59.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-zako-5219.17.B -> firmware-zako-5219.17.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      firmware-zako-5219.B -> firmware-zako-5219.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      foo-test   -> foo-test
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      infra/config -> infra/config
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      prod       -> prod
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-1011.B -> release-1011.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R16-1193.B -> release-R16-1193.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R17-1412.B -> release-R17-1412.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R18-1660.B -> release-R18-1660.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R19-2046.B -> release-R19-2046.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R20-2268.B -> release-R20-2268.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R21-2465.B -> release-R21-2465.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R22-2723.B -> release-R22-2723.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R23-2913.B -> release-R23-2913.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R25-3428.B -> release-R25-3428.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R26-3701.B -> release-R26-3701.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R27-3912.B -> release-R27-3912.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R28-4100.B -> release-R28-4100.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R29-4319.B -> release-R29-4319.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R30-4537.B -> release-R30-4537.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R31-4731.B -> release-R31-4731.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R32-4920.B -> release-R32-4920.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R33-5116.B -> release-R33-5116.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R34-5500.B -> release-R34-5500.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R35-5712.B -> release-R35-5712.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R36-5841.B -> release-R36-5841.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R37-5978.B -> release-R37-5978.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R38-6158.B -> release-R38-6158.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R39-6310.B -> release-R39-6310.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R40-6457.B -> release-R40-6457.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R41-6680.B -> release-R41-6680.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R42-6812.B -> release-R42-6812.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R43-6946.B -> release-R43-6946.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R44-7077.B -> release-R44-7077.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      release-R45-7262.B -> release-R45-7262.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize  -> stabilize
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3428.110.0 -> stabilize-3428.110.0
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3428.149 -> stabilize-3428.149
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3428.149.B -> stabilize-3428.149.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3428.193 -> stabilize-3428.193
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3658.0.0 -> stabilize-3658.0.0
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3701.30.0 -> stabilize-3701.30.0
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3701.30.0b -> stabilize-3701.30.0b
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3701.46.B -> stabilize-3701.46.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3701.81.B -> stabilize-3701.81.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3881.0.B -> stabilize-3881.0.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3912.79.B -> stabilize-3912.79.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4008.0.B -> stabilize-4008.0.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4035.0.B -> stabilize-4035.0.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4068.0.B -> stabilize-4068.0.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4100.38.B -> stabilize-4100.38.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4255.B -> stabilize-4255.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4287.B -> stabilize-4287.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4443.B -> stabilize-4443.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4512.B -> stabilize-4512.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4537.118.B -> stabilize-4537.118.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4537.147.B -> stabilize-4537.147.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4636.B -> stabilize-4636.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4701.B -> stabilize-4701.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4731.31.B -> stabilize-4731.31.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4731.62.B -> stabilize-4731.62.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4731.85.B -> stabilize-4731.85.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4825.B -> stabilize-4825.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4856.B -> stabilize-4856.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4886.B -> stabilize-4886.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4920.6.B -> stabilize-4920.6.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5062.B -> stabilize-5062.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5085.B -> stabilize-5085.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5116.113.B -> stabilize-5116.113.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5116.115.B -> stabilize-5116.115.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5116.53.B -> stabilize-5116.53.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5116.88.B -> stabilize-5116.88.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5254.B -> stabilize-5254.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5339.B -> stabilize-5339.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5412.B -> stabilize-5412.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5414.B -> stabilize-5414.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5463.B -> stabilize-5463.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5500.100.B -> stabilize-5500.100.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5500.130.B -> stabilize-5500.130.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5500.26.B -> stabilize-5500.26.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5500.71.B -> stabilize-5500.71.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5511.B -> stabilize-5511.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5579.B -> stabilize-5579.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5656.B -> stabilize-5656.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5680.B -> stabilize-5680.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5696.B -> stabilize-5696.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5712.49.B -> stabilize-5712.49.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5712.61.B -> stabilize-5712.61.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5712.8.B -> stabilize-5712.8.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5712.89.B -> stabilize-5712.89.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5784.0.B -> stabilize-5784.0.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5791.0.B -> stabilize-5791.0.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5807.0.B -> stabilize-5807.0.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5828.0.B -> stabilize-5828.0.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5841.76.B -> stabilize-5841.76.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5841.83.B -> stabilize-5841.83.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5875.B -> stabilize-5875.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5899.B -> stabilize-5899.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5942.B -> stabilize-5942.B
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[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5944.B -> stabilize-5944.B
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[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6092.B -> stabilize-6092.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6146.B -> stabilize-6146.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6297.B -> stabilize-6297.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6310.69.B -> stabilize-6310.69.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6412.B -> stabilize-6412.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6415.B -> stabilize-6415.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6436.B -> stabilize-6436.B
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[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6592.B -> stabilize-6592.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6662.B -> stabilize-6662.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6670.B -> stabilize-6670.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6680.78.B -> stabilize-6680.78.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6680.79.B -> stabilize-6680.79.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6736.B -> stabilize-6736.B
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[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6771.B -> stabilize-6771.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6783.B -> stabilize-6783.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.13.B -> stabilize-6812.13.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.14.B -> stabilize-6812.14.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.15.B -> stabilize-6812.15.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.29.B -> stabilize-6812.29.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.34.B -> stabilize-6812.34.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.41.B -> stabilize-6812.41.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.75.B -> stabilize-6812.75.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.83.B -> stabilize-6812.83.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.85.B -> stabilize-6812.85.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6835.B -> stabilize-6835.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6842.B -> stabilize-6842.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6909.B -> stabilize-6909.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6912.B -> stabilize-6912.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6915.B -> stabilize-6915.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6919.B -> stabilize-6919.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6937.B -> stabilize-6937.B
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[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6996.B -> stabilize-6996.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7018.B -> stabilize-7018.B
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[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7077.111.B -> stabilize-7077.111.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7131.B -> stabilize-7131.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7134.B -> stabilize-7134.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7155.B -> stabilize-7155.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7173.B -> stabilize-7173.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7199.B -> stabilize-7199.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7202.B -> stabilize-7202.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7204.B -> stabilize-7204.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-R33-4982.B -> stabilize-R33-4982.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-bluetooth-smart -> stabilize-bluetooth-smart
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-daisy -> stabilize-daisy
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-daisy-4319.96.B -> stabilize-daisy-4319.96.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-falco-4537.91.B -> stabilize-falco-4537.91.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-gnawty-5841.84.B -> stabilize-gnawty-5841.84.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-js-6812.21.B -> stabilize-js-6812.21.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-js-6812.25.B -> stabilize-js-6812.25.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-js-6812.26.B -> stabilize-js-6812.26.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-link -> stabilize-link
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-link-2913.278 -> stabilize-link-2913.278
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-spring-4100.53.B -> stabilize-spring-4100.53.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-springlte-5116.46.B -> stabilize-springlte-5116.46.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-storm-6683.B -> stabilize-storm-6683.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-swanky-5841.55.B -> stabilize-swanky-5841.55.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize-zako-5712.88.B -> stabilize-zako-5712.88.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize.5978.51.B -> stabilize.5978.51.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize.5978.98.B -> stabilize.5978.98.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize.59781.98.B -> stabilize.59781.98.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      stabilize2 -> stabilize2
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      test-4980.B -> test-4980.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      test-5394.B -> test-5394.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      test-5619.B -> test-5619.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      test-982.B -> test-982.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      toolchain-3428.65.B -> toolchain-3428.65.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      toolchain-3701.42.B -> toolchain-3701.42.B
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      toolchainA -> toolchainA
[0:00:08]  = [up to date]      toolchainB -> toolchainB

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/chromite'
[0:00:10] HEAD is now at e19f83b brillo: Remove Brillo CLI entry points.
[0:00:10] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision e19f83ba227bf1ec0077f5d3a816a415f1dd88d0
[0:00:11] Finished.

src/third_party/colorama/src (Elapsed: 0:00:05)
[0:00:06] Started.
_____ src/third_party/colorama/src at 799604a1041e9b3bc5d2789ecbd7e8db2e18e6b8
[0:00:06] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-colorama"
[0:00:06] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-colorama"
[0:00:08] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-colorama"
[0:00:08] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/colorama.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-colorama"
[0:00:10] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-colorama"
[0:00:10] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:10] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-colorama"
[0:00:10] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/colorama
[0:00:10]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/colorama/src'
[0:00:11] HEAD is now at 799604a setup.py no longer imports anything from colorama
[0:00:11] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 799604a1041e9b3bc5d2789ecbd7e8db2e18e6b8
[0:00:11] Finished.

src/third_party/android_tools (Elapsed: 0:00:10)
[0:00:01] Started.
_____ src/third_party/android_tools at 2bb73b7af7da7116aa54c1474121c28a85d28e6b
[0:00:02] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-android_tools"
[0:00:03] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-android_tools"
[0:00:03] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-android_tools"
[0:00:04] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/android_tools.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-android_tools"
[0:00:04] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-android_tools"
[0:00:04] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:04] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-android_tools"
[0:00:05] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/android_tools
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      2403       -> 2403
[0:00:05]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/android_tools'
[0:00:11] HEAD is now at 2bb73b7 Add codereview.settings to fix "git cl upload"
[0:00:11] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 2bb73b7af7da7116aa54c1474121c28a85d28e6b
[0:00:11] Finished.

src/third_party/cros_system_api (Elapsed: 0:00:04)
[0:00:07] Started.
_____ src/third_party/cros_system_api at 513f58ccbcecfd4a3d21545f67136090838eaf52
[0:00:07] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-platform-system_api"
[0:00:07] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-platform-system_api"
[0:00:08] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-platform-system_api"
[0:00:08] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/system_api.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-platform-system_api"
[0:00:10] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-platform-system_api"
[0:00:10] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:10] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-platform-system_api"
[0:00:11] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromiumos/platform/system_api
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-1020.B -> factory-1020.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-1235.B -> factory-1235.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-1284.B -> factory-1284.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-1412.B -> factory-1412.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-1987.B -> factory-1987.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2268.16.B -> factory-2268.16.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2305.B -> factory-2305.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2338.B -> factory-2338.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2368.B -> factory-2368.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2394.B -> factory-2394.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2460.B -> factory-2460.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2475.B -> factory-2475.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2569.B -> factory-2569.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2717.B -> factory-2717.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2723.14.B -> factory-2723.14.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2723.14.orig.B -> factory-2723.14.orig.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2846.B -> factory-2846.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2848.B -> factory-2848.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2914.B -> factory-2914.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2985.B -> factory-2985.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-2993.B -> factory-2993.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-3004.B -> factory-3004.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-3536.B -> factory-3536.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-4128.B -> factory-4128.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-4290.B -> factory-4290.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-4455.228.B -> factory-4455.228.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-4455.B -> factory-4455.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-980.B -> factory-980.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-arkham-7077.113.B -> factory-arkham-7077.113.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-auron-6459.B -> factory-auron-6459.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-auron-6772.B -> factory-auron-6772.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-beltino-5140.14.B -> factory-beltino-5140.14.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-daisy-4731.81.B -> factory-daisy-4731.81.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-monroe-5140.B -> factory-monroe-5140.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-nyan-5772.B -> factory-nyan-5772.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-panther-4920.23.B -> factory-panther-4920.23.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-pit-4280.B -> factory-pit-4280.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-pit-4390.B -> factory-pit-4390.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-pit-4471.B -> factory-pit-4471.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-pit-5499.B -> factory-pit-5499.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-rambi-5517.B -> factory-rambi-5517.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-rambi-6420.B -> factory-rambi-6420.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-ryu-6212.B -> factory-ryu-6212.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-ryu-6486.1.B -> factory-ryu-6486.1.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-ryu-6486.14.B -> factory-ryu-6486.14.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-ryu-6486.B -> factory-ryu-6486.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-4788.B -> factory-samus-4788.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-5939.B -> factory-samus-5939.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-6207.B -> factory-samus-6207.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-6375.B -> factory-samus-6375.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-6658.B -> factory-samus-6658.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-skate-4262.459.B -> factory-skate-4262.459.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-smaug-7265.B -> factory-smaug-7265.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-spring-3842.B -> factory-spring-3842.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-spring-4131.B -> factory-spring-4131.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-spring-4262.B -> factory-spring-4262.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-storm-6269.B -> factory-storm-6269.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-veyron-6591.B -> factory-veyron-6591.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-whirlwind-6509.B -> factory-whirlwind-6509.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-whirlwind-6812.41.B -> factory-whirlwind-6812.41.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      factory-zako-5220.B -> factory-zako-5220.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-4389.71.B -> firmware-4389.71.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-auron-6301.B -> firmware-auron-6301.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-banjo-5216.334.B -> firmware-banjo-5216.334.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-bolt_kirby-4979.B -> firmware-bolt_kirby-4979.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-butterfly-2788.B -> firmware-butterfly-2788.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-candy-5216.310.B -> firmware-candy-5216.310.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-clapper-5216.199.B -> firmware-clapper-5216.199.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-clapper-5218.B -> firmware-clapper-5218.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-enguarde-5216.201.B -> firmware-enguarde-5216.201.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-expresso-5216.223.B -> firmware-expresso-5216.223.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-falco_peppy-4389.81.B -> firmware-falco_peppy-4389.81.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-falco_peppy-4389.B -> firmware-falco_peppy-4389.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-gandof-6301.155.B -> firmware-gandof-6301.155.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-glimmer-5216.198.B -> firmware-glimmer-5216.198.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-glimmer-5217.B -> firmware-glimmer-5217.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-gnawty-5216.239.B -> firmware-gnawty-5216.239.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-guado-6301.108.B -> firmware-guado-6301.108.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-kiev-2.112.B -> firmware-kiev-2.112.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-kip-5216.227.B -> firmware-kip-5216.227.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-kitty-5771.61.B -> firmware-kitty-5771.61.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-leon-4389.26.B -> firmware-leon-4389.26.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-leon-4389.61.B -> firmware-leon-4389.61.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-link-2348.B -> firmware-link-2348.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-link-2695.2.B -> firmware-link-2695.2.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-link-2695.B -> firmware-link-2695.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-lulu-6301.136.B -> firmware-lulu-6301.136.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-mccloud-5827.B -> firmware-mccloud-5827.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-monroe-4921.B -> firmware-monroe-4921.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-ninja-5216.383.B -> firmware-ninja-5216.383.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-nyan-5771.B -> firmware-nyan-5771.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-orco-5216.362.B -> firmware-orco-5216.362.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-paine-6301.58.B -> firmware-paine-6301.58.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-panther-4920.24.B -> firmware-panther-4920.24.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-parrot-2685.B -> firmware-parrot-2685.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-pit-4482.B -> firmware-pit-4482.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-quawks-5216.204.B -> firmware-quawks-5216.204.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-rambi-5216.B -> firmware-rambi-5216.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-rikku-6301.110.B -> firmware-rikku-6301.110.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-samus-6300.B -> firmware-samus-6300.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-skate-3824.129.B -> firmware-skate-3824.129.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-smaug-7132.B -> firmware-smaug-7132.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-snow-2695.90.B -> firmware-snow-2695.90.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-snow-2695.B -> firmware-snow-2695.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3824.4.B -> firmware-spring-3824.4.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3824.55.B -> firmware-spring-3824.55.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3824.84.B -> firmware-spring-3824.84.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3824.B -> firmware-spring-3824.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3833.B -> firmware-spring-3833.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-squawks-5216.152.B -> firmware-squawks-5216.152.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-storm-6315.B -> firmware-storm-6315.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-stout-2817.B -> firmware-stout-2817.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-strago-7287.B -> firmware-strago-7287.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-sumo-5216.382.B -> firmware-sumo-5216.382.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-swanky-5216.238.B -> firmware-swanky-5216.238.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-tidus-6301.109.B -> firmware-tidus-6301.109.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-tricky-5829.B -> firmware-tricky-5829.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-uboot_v2-1299.B -> firmware-uboot_v2-1299.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-veyron-6588.B -> firmware-veyron-6588.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-winky-5216.1.B -> firmware-winky-5216.1.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-winky-5216.265.B -> firmware-winky-5216.265.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-wolf-4389.24.B -> firmware-wolf-4389.24.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-yuna-6301.59.B -> firmware-yuna-6301.59.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-zako-5219.17.B -> firmware-zako-5219.17.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      firmware-zako-5219.B -> firmware-zako-5219.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      foo-test   -> foo-test
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-1011.B -> release-1011.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R16-1193.B -> release-R16-1193.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R17-1412.B -> release-R17-1412.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R18-1660.B -> release-R18-1660.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R19-2046.B -> release-R19-2046.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R20-2268.B -> release-R20-2268.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R21-2465.B -> release-R21-2465.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R22-2723.B -> release-R22-2723.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R23-2913.B -> release-R23-2913.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R25-3428.B -> release-R25-3428.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R26-3701.B -> release-R26-3701.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R27-3912.B -> release-R27-3912.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R28-4100.B -> release-R28-4100.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R29-4319.B -> release-R29-4319.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R30-4537.B -> release-R30-4537.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R31-4731.B -> release-R31-4731.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R32-4920.B -> release-R32-4920.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R33-5116.B -> release-R33-5116.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R34-5500.B -> release-R34-5500.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R35-5712.B -> release-R35-5712.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R36-5841.B -> release-R36-5841.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R37-5978.B -> release-R37-5978.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R38-6158.B -> release-R38-6158.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R39-6310.B -> release-R39-6310.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R40-6457.B -> release-R40-6457.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R41-6680.B -> release-R41-6680.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R42-6812.B -> release-R42-6812.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R43-6946.B -> release-R43-6946.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R44-7077.B -> release-R44-7077.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      release-R45-7262.B -> release-R45-7262.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize  -> stabilize
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3428.110.0 -> stabilize-3428.110.0
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3428.149 -> stabilize-3428.149
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3428.149.B -> stabilize-3428.149.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3428.193 -> stabilize-3428.193
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3658.0.0 -> stabilize-3658.0.0
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3701.30.0 -> stabilize-3701.30.0
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3701.30.0b -> stabilize-3701.30.0b
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3701.46.B -> stabilize-3701.46.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3701.81.B -> stabilize-3701.81.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3881.0.B -> stabilize-3881.0.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3912.79.B -> stabilize-3912.79.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4008.0.B -> stabilize-4008.0.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4035.0.B -> stabilize-4035.0.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4068.0.B -> stabilize-4068.0.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4100.38.B -> stabilize-4100.38.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4255.B -> stabilize-4255.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4287.B -> stabilize-4287.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4443.B -> stabilize-4443.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4512.B -> stabilize-4512.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4537.118.B -> stabilize-4537.118.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4537.147.B -> stabilize-4537.147.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4636.B -> stabilize-4636.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4701.B -> stabilize-4701.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4731.31.B -> stabilize-4731.31.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4731.62.B -> stabilize-4731.62.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4731.85.B -> stabilize-4731.85.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4825.B -> stabilize-4825.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4856.B -> stabilize-4856.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4886.B -> stabilize-4886.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4920.6.B -> stabilize-4920.6.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4982.B -> stabilize-4982.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5062.B -> stabilize-5062.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5085.B -> stabilize-5085.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5116.113.B -> stabilize-5116.113.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5116.115.B -> stabilize-5116.115.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5116.53.B -> stabilize-5116.53.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5116.88.B -> stabilize-5116.88.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5254.B -> stabilize-5254.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5339.B -> stabilize-5339.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5412.B -> stabilize-5412.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5414.B -> stabilize-5414.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5463.B -> stabilize-5463.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5500.100.B -> stabilize-5500.100.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5500.130.B -> stabilize-5500.130.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5500.26.B -> stabilize-5500.26.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5500.71.B -> stabilize-5500.71.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5511.B -> stabilize-5511.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5579.B -> stabilize-5579.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5656.B -> stabilize-5656.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5680.B -> stabilize-5680.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5696.B -> stabilize-5696.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5712.49.B -> stabilize-5712.49.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5712.61.B -> stabilize-5712.61.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5712.8.B -> stabilize-5712.8.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5712.89.B -> stabilize-5712.89.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5784.0.B -> stabilize-5784.0.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5791.0.B -> stabilize-5791.0.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5807.0.B -> stabilize-5807.0.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5828.0.B -> stabilize-5828.0.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5841.76.B -> stabilize-5841.76.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5841.83.B -> stabilize-5841.83.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5875.B -> stabilize-5875.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5899.B -> stabilize-5899.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5942.B -> stabilize-5942.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5943.B -> stabilize-5943.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5944.B -> stabilize-5944.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6082.B -> stabilize-6082.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6092.B -> stabilize-6092.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6146.B -> stabilize-6146.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6297.B -> stabilize-6297.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6310.69.B -> stabilize-6310.69.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6412.B -> stabilize-6412.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6415.B -> stabilize-6415.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6436.B -> stabilize-6436.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6480.B -> stabilize-6480.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6592.B -> stabilize-6592.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6662.B -> stabilize-6662.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6670.B -> stabilize-6670.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6680.78.B -> stabilize-6680.78.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6680.79.B -> stabilize-6680.79.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6736.B -> stabilize-6736.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6752.B -> stabilize-6752.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6771.B -> stabilize-6771.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6783.B -> stabilize-6783.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.13.B -> stabilize-6812.13.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.14.B -> stabilize-6812.14.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.15.B -> stabilize-6812.15.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.29.B -> stabilize-6812.29.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.34.B -> stabilize-6812.34.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.41.B -> stabilize-6812.41.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.75.B -> stabilize-6812.75.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.83.B -> stabilize-6812.83.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.85.B -> stabilize-6812.85.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6835.B -> stabilize-6835.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6842.B -> stabilize-6842.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6909.B -> stabilize-6909.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6912.B -> stabilize-6912.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6915.B -> stabilize-6915.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6919.B -> stabilize-6919.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6937.B -> stabilize-6937.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6946.55.B -> stabilize-6946.55.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6996.B -> stabilize-6996.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7018.B -> stabilize-7018.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7019.B -> stabilize-7019.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7039.B -> stabilize-7039.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7059.B -> stabilize-7059.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7060.B -> stabilize-7060.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7077.111.B -> stabilize-7077.111.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7131.B -> stabilize-7131.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7134.B -> stabilize-7134.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7155.B -> stabilize-7155.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7173.B -> stabilize-7173.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7199.B -> stabilize-7199.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7202.B -> stabilize-7202.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7204.B -> stabilize-7204.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-R33-4982.B -> stabilize-R33-4982.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-bluetooth-smart -> stabilize-bluetooth-smart
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-daisy -> stabilize-daisy
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-daisy-4319.96.B -> stabilize-daisy-4319.96.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-falco-4537.91.B -> stabilize-falco-4537.91.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-gnawty-5841.84.B -> stabilize-gnawty-5841.84.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-js-6812.21.B -> stabilize-js-6812.21.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-js-6812.25.B -> stabilize-js-6812.25.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-js-6812.26.B -> stabilize-js-6812.26.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-link -> stabilize-link
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-link-2913.278 -> stabilize-link-2913.278
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-spring-4100.53.B -> stabilize-spring-4100.53.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-springlte-5116.46.B -> stabilize-springlte-5116.46.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-storm-6683.B -> stabilize-storm-6683.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-swanky-5841.55.B -> stabilize-swanky-5841.55.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize-zako-5712.88.B -> stabilize-zako-5712.88.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize.5978.51.B -> stabilize.5978.51.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize.5978.98.B -> stabilize.5978.98.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize.59781.98.B -> stabilize.59781.98.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      stabilize2 -> stabilize2
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      test-4980.B -> test-4980.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      test-5394.B -> test-5394.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      test-5619.B -> test-5619.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      test-982.B -> test-982.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      toolchain-3428.65.B -> toolchain-3428.65.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      toolchain-3701.42.B -> toolchain-3701.42.B
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      toolchainA -> toolchainA
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      toolchainB -> toolchainB

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/cros_system_api'
[0:00:11] HEAD is now at 513f58c service_constants: Add GetRandomPerfOutput method
[0:00:12] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 513f58ccbcecfd4a3d21545f67136090838eaf52
[0:00:12] Finished.

src/third_party/crashpad/crashpad (Elapsed: 0:00:05)
[0:00:06] Started.
_____ src/third_party/crashpad/crashpad at 797adb320680a4a8ad39428075cca287e04b111f
[0:00:06] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-crashpad-crashpad"
[0:00:07] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-crashpad-crashpad"
[0:00:10] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-crashpad-crashpad"
[0:00:10] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/crashpad/crashpad.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-crashpad-crashpad"
[0:00:10] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-crashpad-crashpad"
[0:00:10] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:10] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-crashpad-crashpad"
[0:00:11] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/crashpad/crashpad
[0:00:11]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/crashpad/crashpad'
[0:00:12] HEAD is now at 797adb3 Roll DEPS for mini_chromium for updates to base/posix/safe_strerror
[0:00:12] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 797adb320680a4a8ad39428075cca287e04b111f
[0:00:12] Finished.

src/third_party/dom_distiller_js/dist (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:10] Started.
_____ src/third_party/dom_distiller_js/dist at 81e5b59da2a7a0a518b90b5ded58670322c98128
[0:00:10] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-chromium-dom--distiller--dist"
[0:00:10] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-chromium-dom--distiller--dist"
[0:00:10] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-chromium-dom--distiller--dist"
[0:00:10] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/chromium/dom-distiller-dist.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-chromium-dom--distiller--dist"
[0:00:12] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-chromium-dom--distiller--dist"
[0:00:12] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:12] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-chromium-dom--distiller--dist"
[0:00:12] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/github.com/chromium/dom-distiller-dist
[0:00:12]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/dom_distiller_js/dist'
[0:00:13] HEAD is now at 81e5b59 Package for 152a23e481
[0:00:13] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 81e5b59da2a7a0a518b90b5ded58670322c98128
[0:00:13] Finished.

src/third_party/errorprone/lib (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:11] Started.
_____ src/third_party/errorprone/lib at 72560c97fb38e3eb93db2e85c29db7b72420fad8
[0:00:11] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-errorprone"
[0:00:12] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-errorprone"
[0:00:12] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-errorprone"
[0:00:12] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/third_party/errorprone.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-errorprone"
[0:00:12] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-errorprone"
[0:00:12] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:12] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-errorprone"
[0:00:12] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/third_party/errorprone
[0:00:12]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/errorprone/lib'
[0:00:13] HEAD is now at 72560c9 Copy LICENSE and README.chromium down into this repo.
[0:00:13] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 72560c97fb38e3eb93db2e85c29db7b72420fad8
[0:00:13] Finished.

src/third_party/custom_tabs_client/src (Elapsed: 0:00:04)
[0:00:08] Started.
_____ src/third_party/custom_tabs_client/src at 6bae8bf337d5c51184c0c01f5baca3e0858ade86
[0:00:08] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-googlechrome-custom--tabs--client"
[0:00:10] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-googlechrome-custom--tabs--client"
[0:00:10] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-googlechrome-custom--tabs--client"
[0:00:10] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/GoogleChrome/custom-tabs-client.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-googlechrome-custom--tabs--client"
[0:00:12] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-googlechrome-custom--tabs--client"
[0:00:12] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:12] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-googlechrome-custom--tabs--client"
[0:00:12] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/github.com/GoogleChrome/custom-tabs-client
[0:00:12]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/custom_tabs_client/src'
[0:00:13] HEAD is now at 6bae8bf Switch to using Uri instead of String
[0:00:13] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 6bae8bf337d5c51184c0c01f5baca3e0858ade86
[0:00:13] Finished.

src/third_party/ffmpeg (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:11] Started.
_____ src/third_party/ffmpeg at 833732528c1873f37b490b289eeaded2ae86349c
[0:00:11] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-ffmpeg"
[0:00:12] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-ffmpeg"
[0:00:12] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-ffmpeg"
[0:00:12] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/third_party/ffmpeg.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-ffmpeg"
[0:00:12] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-ffmpeg"
[0:00:12] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:12] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-ffmpeg"
[0:00:13] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/third_party/ffmpeg
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      boop       -> boop
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      branch-m40 -> branch-m40
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      experimental;removing_build_ffmpegsumo -> experimental;removing_build_ffmpegsumo
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      ffmpeg-m44-cherrypick -> ffmpeg-m44-cherrypick
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      ffmpeg-static-staging -> ffmpeg-static-staging
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      ffvp9-staging -> ffvp9-staging
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      fix-mipsel-gn-build -> fix-mipsel-gn-build
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      merge-m37  -> merge-m37
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      merge-m38  -> merge-m38
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      merge-m39  -> merge-m39
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      merge-m40  -> merge-m40
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      merge-m41  -> merge-m41
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      merge-m42  -> merge-m42
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      merge-m43  -> merge-m43
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      merge-m45  -> merge-m45
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      remove_windows_includes -> remove_windows_includes

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/ffmpeg'
[0:00:15] HEAD is now at 8337325 Update patches README for ogg seeking cherry-pick
[0:00:15] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 833732528c1873f37b490b289eeaded2ae86349c
[0:00:15] Finished.

src/third_party/findbugs (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:12] Started.
_____ src/third_party/findbugs at 10904cdd4aae90b3d02727527570bfc3df4efea4
[0:00:12] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-findbugs"
[0:00:12] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-findbugs"
[0:00:13] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-findbugs"
[0:00:13] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/findbugs.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-findbugs"
[0:00:13] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-findbugs"
[0:00:14] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:14] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-findbugs"
[0:00:15] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/findbugs
[0:00:15]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/findbugs'
[0:00:15] HEAD is now at 10904cd Update findbugs from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1.
[0:00:15] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 10904cdd4aae90b3d02727527570bfc3df4efea4
[0:00:15] Finished.

src/third_party/flac (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:12] Started.
_____ src/third_party/flac at c291ce676d2c855f7b2739f00f5c7f7e813813dc
[0:00:12] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-flac"
[0:00:13] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-flac"
[0:00:13] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-flac"
[0:00:13] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/flac.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-flac"
[0:00:14] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-flac"
[0:00:15] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:15] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-flac"
[0:00:15] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/flac
[0:00:15]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/flac'
[0:00:15] HEAD is now at c291ce6 third_party: Add OWNERS for flac library.
[0:00:15] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision c291ce676d2c855f7b2739f00f5c7f7e813813dc
[0:00:15] Finished.

src/third_party/httpcomponents-core (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:15] Started.
_____ src/third_party/httpcomponents-core at 9f7180a96f8fa5cab23f793c14b413356d419e62
[0:00:15] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-httpcomponents--core"
[0:00:15] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-httpcomponents--core"
[0:00:15] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-httpcomponents--core"
[0:00:15] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/httpcomponents-core.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-httpcomponents--core"
[0:00:16] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-httpcomponents--core"
[0:00:16] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:16] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-httpcomponents--core"
[0:00:16] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/httpcomponents-core
[0:00:16]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/httpcomponents-core'
[0:00:16] HEAD is now at 9f7180a Add Apache libraries for multipart in Java
[0:00:16] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 9f7180a96f8fa5cab23f793c14b413356d419e62
[0:00:17] Finished.

src/third_party/elfutils/src (Elapsed: 0:00:06)
[0:00:11] Started.
_____ src/third_party/elfutils/src at 249673729a7e5dbd5de4f3760bdcaa3d23d154d7
[0:00:11] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-elfutils"
[0:00:11] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-elfutils"
[0:00:12] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-elfutils"
[0:00:12] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/elfutils.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-elfutils"
[0:00:12] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-elfutils"
[0:00:12] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:12] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-elfutils"
[0:00:13] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/elfutils
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      clang/elfutils-0.158 -> clang/elfutils-0.158
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      dwarf      -> dwarf
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      fche/portable-complete-ro-src -> fche/portable-complete-ro-src
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/NT_FILE -> jankratochvil/NT_FILE
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/addralignzero -> jankratochvil/addralignzero
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/cfaloop -> jankratochvil/cfaloop
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/corepattern -> jankratochvil/corepattern
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/corepatternorig -> jankratochvil/corepatternorig
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/deleted -> jankratochvil/deleted
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/deletedfix -> jankratochvil/deletedfix
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/deletedmapfiles -> jankratochvil/deletedmapfiles
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/deletedrevert -> jankratochvil/deletedrevert
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/deletedtest -> jankratochvil/deletedtest
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/devmem -> jankratochvil/devmem
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/forunwind-baseaddr-hookvars-corereport -> jankratochvil/forunwind-baseaddr-hookvars-corereport
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/forunwind-baseaddr-hookvars-corereport-unwindx86 -> jankratochvil/forunwind-baseaddr-hookvars-corereport-unwindx86
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/forunwind-baseaddr-hookvars-corereport-unwindx86-nonx86 -> jankratochvil/forunwind-baseaddr-hookvars-corereport-unwindx86-nonx86
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/forunwind-baseaddr-hookvars-corereport-unwindx86-nonx86-fddebuginfo -> jankratochvil/forunwind-baseaddr-hookvars-corereport-unwindx86-nonx86-fddebuginfo
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/forunwind-baseaddr-hookvars-corereport-unwindx86-nonx86-fddebuginfo-ports -> jankratochvil/forunwind-baseaddr-hookvars-corereport-unwindx86-nonx86-fddebuginfo-ports
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/gdbserver -> jankratochvil/gdbserver
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/is_executable -> jankratochvil/is_executable
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/is_executable-NT_FILE -> jankratochvil/is_executable-NT_FILE
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/l_addr -> jankratochvil/l_addr
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/ppc64bidir -> jankratochvil/ppc64bidir
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      jankratochvil/ppc64bidir-unwindppc -> jankratochvil/ppc64bidir-unwindppc
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      mjw/RH-DTS -> mjw/RH-DTS
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      mjw/aarch64-unwind -> mjw/aarch64-unwind
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      mjw/addr2line -> mjw/addr2line
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      mjw/call_site -> mjw/call_site
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      mjw/check_self_referential_die -> mjw/check_self_referential_die
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      mjw/dwarf_output -> mjw/dwarf_output
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      mjw/dwarfstrings -> mjw/dwarfstrings
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      mjw/dwelf  -> mjw/dwelf
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      mjw/location-range -> mjw/location-range
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      mjw/pending -> mjw/pending
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      mpolacek/autotest -> mpolacek/autotest
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      pmachata/RH-DTS -> pmachata/RH-DTS
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      pmachata/aarch64-review -> pmachata/aarch64-review
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      pmachata/dwarf -> pmachata/dwarf
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      pmachata/dwarf-writer -> pmachata/dwarf-writer
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      pmachata/dwarf_output -> pmachata/dwarf_output
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      pmachata/dwarflint -> pmachata/dwarflint
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      pmachata/dwfl_core_file_report -> pmachata/dwfl_core_file_report
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      pmachata/iterators -> pmachata/iterators
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      pmachata/macro -> pmachata/macro
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      pmachata/range_list_iterator_formptr -> pmachata/range_list_iterator_formptr
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      pmachata/reader_hooks -> pmachata/reader_hooks
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      pmachata/sharing -> pmachata/sharing
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      pmachata/threads -> pmachata/threads
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      portable   -> portable
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      relocate   -> relocate
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      robustify  -> robustify
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/addrsym_tls -> roland/addrsym_tls
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/arm_corenote -> roland/arm_corenote
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/cfi -> roland/cfi
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/dwarf-collector -> roland/dwarf-collector
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/dwarf-hacking -> roland/dwarf-hacking
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/dwarf-macinfo -> roland/dwarf-macinfo
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/dwarf_edit -> roland/dwarf_edit
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/dwarf_output-shape -> roland/dwarf_output-shape
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/dwarf_output-tracker -> roland/dwarf_output-tracker
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/elf_clone -> roland/elf_clone
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/is_stmt -> roland/is_stmt
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/notes -> roland/notes
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/parisc -> roland/parisc
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/parisc_corenote -> roland/parisc_corenote
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/relocate-cfi-tmp -> roland/relocate-cfi-tmp
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/tracker -> roland/tracker
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/unstrip-buildid-relative -> roland/unstrip-buildid-relative
[0:00:13]  = [up to date]      roland/unwind -> roland/unwind

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/elfutils/src'
[0:00:13] HEAD is now at 2496737 Fix clang compilation errors in libelf.
[0:00:15] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 249673729a7e5dbd5de4f3760bdcaa3d23d154d7
[0:00:17] Finished.

src/third_party/fontconfig/src (Elapsed: 0:00:04)
[0:00:13] Started.
_____ src/third_party/fontconfig/src at f16c3118e25546c1b749f9823c51827a60aeb5c1
[0:00:13] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-fontconfig"
[0:00:13] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-fontconfig"
[0:00:14] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-fontconfig"
[0:00:15] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/fontconfig.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-fontconfig"
[0:00:15] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-fontconfig"
[0:00:16] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:16] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-fontconfig"
[0:00:16] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/fontconfig
[0:00:16]  = [up to date]      2.3-branch -> 2.3-branch
[0:00:16]  = [up to date]      fc-2_2_branch -> fc-2_2_branch
[0:00:16]  = [up to date]      fc-2_4-keithp -> fc-2_4-keithp
[0:00:16]  = [up to date]      fc-2_4_branch -> fc-2_4_branch
[0:00:16]  = [up to date]      fc_2-3     -> fc_2-3
[0:00:16]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:16]  = [up to date]      ultra-weight -> ultra-weight

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/fontconfig/src'
[0:00:17] HEAD is now at f16c311 Bump version to 2.11.0
[0:00:18] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision f16c3118e25546c1b749f9823c51827a60aeb5c1
[0:00:18] Finished.

src/third_party/hunspell_dictionaries (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:16] Started.
_____ src/third_party/hunspell_dictionaries at c106afdcec5d3de2622e19f1b3294c47bbd8bd72
[0:00:16] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-hunspell_dictionaries"
[0:00:16] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-hunspell_dictionaries"
[0:00:16] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-hunspell_dictionaries"
[0:00:16] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/hunspell_dictionaries.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-hunspell_dictionaries"
[0:00:16] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-hunspell_dictionaries"
[0:00:16] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:16] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-hunspell_dictionaries"
[0:00:17] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/hunspell_dictionaries
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/hunspell_dictionaries'
[0:00:17] HEAD is now at c106afd Add in script to update SCOWL dictionaries
[0:00:18] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision c106afdcec5d3de2622e19f1b3294c47bbd8bd72
[0:00:18] Finished.

src/third_party/httpcomponents-client (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:15] Started.
_____ src/third_party/httpcomponents-client at 285c4dafc5de0e853fa845dce5773e223219601c
[0:00:15] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-httpcomponents--client"
[0:00:15] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-httpcomponents--client"
[0:00:15] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-httpcomponents--client"
[0:00:15] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/httpcomponents-client.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-httpcomponents--client"
[0:00:16] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-httpcomponents--client"
[0:00:17] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:17] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-httpcomponents--client"
[0:00:18] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/httpcomponents-client
[0:00:18]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/httpcomponents-client'
[0:00:18] HEAD is now at 285c4da Add Apache libraries for multipart in Java
[0:00:18] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 285c4dafc5de0e853fa845dce5773e223219601c
[0:00:18] Finished.

src/third_party/freetype-android/src (Elapsed: 0:00:05)
[0:00:13] Started.
_____ src/third_party/freetype-android/src at e186230678ee8e4ea4ac4797ece8125761e3225a
[0:00:13] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src-third_party-freetype2"
[0:00:13] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src-third_party-freetype2"
[0:00:14] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src-third_party-freetype2"
[0:00:15] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/third_party/freetype2.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src-third_party-freetype2"
[0:00:15] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src-third_party-freetype2"
[0:00:16] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:16] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src-third_party-freetype2"
[0:00:17] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/src/third_party/freetype2
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      BRANCH-2-1-5 -> BRANCH-2-1-5
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      CACHE      -> CACHE
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      HEAD       -> HEAD
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      LAYOUT     -> LAYOUT
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      RGB        -> RGB
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      STABLE     -> STABLE
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      STABLE-2-1-0 -> STABLE-2-1-0
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      VER-2-0-4-PATCH -> VER-2-0-4-PATCH
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      VER-2-1-0  -> VER-2-1-0
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      autohinter-properties -> autohinter-properties
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      chromium/ubuntu/precise -> chromium/ubuntu/precise
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      david-pic-changes -> david-pic-changes
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      dbgmem-more-limiters -> dbgmem-more-limiters
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      int-not32-changes -> int-not32-changes
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/freetype-android/src'
[0:00:18] HEAD is now at e186230 * Version 2.6 released.
[0:00:18] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision e186230678ee8e4ea4ac4797ece8125761e3225a
[0:00:19] Finished.

src/third_party/freetype2/src (Elapsed: 0:00:05)
[0:00:13] Started.
_____ src/third_party/freetype2/src at 1dd5f5f4a909866f15c92a45c9702bce290a0151
[0:00:14] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src-third_party-freetype2"
[0:00:14] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src-third_party-freetype2"
[0:00:15] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src-third_party-freetype2"
[0:00:15] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/third_party/freetype2.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src-third_party-freetype2"
[0:00:16] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src-third_party-freetype2"
[0:00:16] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:16] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-src-third_party-freetype2"
[0:00:17] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/src/third_party/freetype2
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      BRANCH-2-1-5 -> BRANCH-2-1-5
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      CACHE      -> CACHE
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      HEAD       -> HEAD
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      LAYOUT     -> LAYOUT
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      RGB        -> RGB
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      STABLE     -> STABLE
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      STABLE-2-1-0 -> STABLE-2-1-0
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      VER-2-0-4-PATCH -> VER-2-0-4-PATCH
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      VER-2-1-0  -> VER-2-1-0
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      autohinter-properties -> autohinter-properties
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      chromium/ubuntu/precise -> chromium/ubuntu/precise
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      david-pic-changes -> david-pic-changes
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      dbgmem-more-limiters -> dbgmem-more-limiters
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      int-not32-changes -> int-not32-changes
[0:00:17]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/freetype2/src'
[0:00:18] HEAD is now at 1dd5f5f Fix Savannah bug #43535.
[0:00:19] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 1dd5f5f4a909866f15c92a45c9702bce290a0151
[0:00:19] Finished.

src/third_party/jsoncpp/source (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:18] Started.
_____ src/third_party/jsoncpp/source at f572e8e42e22cfcf5ab0aea26574f408943edfa4
[0:00:18] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-open--source--parsers-jsoncpp"
[0:00:18] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-open--source--parsers-jsoncpp"
[0:00:18] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-open--source--parsers-jsoncpp"
[0:00:18] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-open--source--parsers-jsoncpp"
[0:00:18] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-open--source--parsers-jsoncpp"
[0:00:18] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:18] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-open--source--parsers-jsoncpp"
[0:00:18] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp
[0:00:18]  = [up to date]      0.y.z      -> 0.y.z
[0:00:18]  = [up to date]      accept_all_arithmetic_types -> accept_all_arithmetic_types
[0:00:18]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:18]  = [up to date]      moveSemantics -> moveSemantics
[0:00:18]  = [up to date]      pre-clang  -> pre-clang
[0:00:18]  = [up to date]      private-0.y.z -> private-0.y.z
[0:00:18]  = [up to date]      private-null -> private-null
[0:00:18]  = [up to date]      v0.8.z     -> v0.8.z

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/jsoncpp/source'
[0:00:19] HEAD is now at f572e8e Added an exit() to JSON_FAIL_MESSAGE to fix "no return" errors.
[0:00:19] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision f572e8e42e22cfcf5ab0aea26574f408943edfa4
[0:00:19] Finished.

src/third_party/jsr-305/src (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:18] Started.
_____ src/third_party/jsr-305/src at 642c508235471f7220af6d5df2d3210e3bfc0919
[0:00:18] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-jsr--305"
[0:00:18] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-jsr--305"
[0:00:18] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-jsr--305"
[0:00:19] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/jsr-305.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-jsr--305"
[0:00:19] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-jsr--305"
[0:00:19] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:19] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-jsr--305"
[0:00:19] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/jsr-305
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/jsr-305/src'
[0:00:19] HEAD is now at 642c508 produce jar file containing just the jsr305 classes without source files
[0:00:19] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 642c508235471f7220af6d5df2d3210e3bfc0919
[0:00:19] Finished.

src/third_party/leveldatabase/src (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:19] Started.
_____ src/third_party/leveldatabase/src at 40c17c0b84ac0b791fb434096fd5c05f3819ad55
[0:00:19] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-leveldb"
[0:00:19] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-leveldb"
[0:00:19] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-leveldb"
[0:00:19] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/leveldb.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-leveldb"
[0:00:19] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-leveldb"
[0:00:19] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:19] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-leveldb"
[0:00:19] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/leveldb
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      android    -> android
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      reuse-manifest -> reuse-manifest
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      svn/master -> svn/master
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      windows    -> windows

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/leveldatabase/src'
[0:00:20] HEAD is now at 40c17c0 Will not reuse manifest if reuse_logs options is false.
[0:00:20] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 40c17c0b84ac0b791fb434096fd5c05f3819ad55
[0:00:20] Finished.

src/third_party/jarjar (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:17] Started.
_____ src/third_party/jarjar at 2e1ead4c68c450e0b77fe49e3f9137842b8b6920
[0:00:18] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-jarjar"
[0:00:18] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-jarjar"
[0:00:18] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-jarjar"
[0:00:18] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/jarjar.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-jarjar"
[0:00:18] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-jarjar"
[0:00:18] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:18] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-jarjar"
[0:00:19] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/jarjar
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/jarjar'
[0:00:20] HEAD is now at 2e1ead4 Fix paths for jarjar tool.
[0:00:20] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 2e1ead4c68c450e0b77fe49e3f9137842b8b6920
[0:00:20] Finished.

src/third_party/icu (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:17] Started.
_____ src/third_party/icu at 508e9274baaa5caa8de9cf4c26a24e926a15ccf0
[0:00:17] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-icu"
[0:00:17] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-icu"
[0:00:17] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-icu"
[0:00:18] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/icu.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-icu"
[0:00:18] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-icu"
[0:00:18] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:18] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-icu"
[0:00:19] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/icu
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      chromium/m39 -> chromium/m39
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      chromium/m41 -> chromium/m41
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      chromium/m42 -> chromium/m42
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      chromium/m43 -> chromium/m43
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/icu'
[0:00:20] HEAD is now at 508e927 Cherry-pick a upstream patch for a data loading bug
[0:00:20] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 508e9274baaa5caa8de9cf4c26a24e926a15ccf0
[0:00:20] Finished.

src/third_party/WebKit (Elapsed: 0:00:20)
[0:00:00] Started.
_____ src/third_party/WebKit at 2de56786ce70449a60e35aa6b52628f1eeb0ced5
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-blink"
[0:00:00] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-blink"
[0:00:00] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-blink"
[0:00:00] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/blink.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-blink"
[0:00:00] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-blink"
[0:00:00] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:00] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-blink"
[0:00:05] POST git-upload-pack (981 bytes)
[0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 1           
[0:00:05] remote: Counting objects: 128015, done        
[0:00:05] remote: Finding sources:   2% (1/44)           
[0:00:05] remote: Finding sources:  11% (5/44)           
[0:00:05] remote: Finding sources: 100% (44/44)           
[0:00:05] remote: Total 44 (delta 35), reused 44 (delta 35)        
[0:00:14] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/blink
[0:00:14]    5376503..9f02a90  master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/WebKit'
[0:00:18] HEAD is now at 2de5678 Nested OPTGROUP elements should be ignored.
[0:00:20] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 2de56786ce70449a60e35aa6b52628f1eeb0ced5
[0:00:21] Finished.

src/third_party/junit/src (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:18] Started.
_____ src/third_party/junit/src at 45a44647e7306262162e1346b750c3209019f2e1
[0:00:18] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-junit"
[0:00:18] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-junit"
[0:00:19] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-junit"
[0:00:19] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/junit.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-junit"
[0:00:19] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-junit"
[0:00:19] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:19] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-junit"
[0:00:19] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/junit
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      concurrent-run-listeners -> concurrent-run-listeners
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      fix-compiler-warnings -> fix-compiler-warnings
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      gh-pages   -> gh-pages
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      immutable-description -> immutable-description
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      junit-lambda-website -> junit-lambda-website
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      junit5     -> junit5
[0:00:19]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/junit/src'
[0:00:20] HEAD is now at 45a4464 4.10 final
[0:00:21] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 45a44647e7306262162e1346b750c3209019f2e1
[0:00:21] Finished.

src/third_party/libaddressinput/src (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:19] Started.
_____ src/third_party/libaddressinput/src at 5eeeb797e79fa01503fcdcbebdc50036fac023ef
[0:00:19] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libaddressinput"
[0:00:19] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libaddressinput"
[0:00:19] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libaddressinput"
[0:00:19] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/libaddressinput.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libaddressinput"
[0:00:19] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libaddressinput"
[0:00:20] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:20] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libaddressinput"
[0:00:20] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/libaddressinput
[0:00:20]  = [up to date]      country_info_and_build_update -> country_info_and_build_update
[0:00:20]  = [up to date]      gitignore  -> gitignore
[0:00:20]  = [up to date]      java_source_refactoring -> java_source_refactoring
[0:00:20]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:20]  = [up to date]      opensource_update_10270 -> opensource_update_10270
[0:00:20]  = [up to date]      opensource_update_10890 -> opensource_update_10890
[0:00:20]  = [up to date]      opensource_update_2301 -> opensource_update_2301
[0:00:20]  = [up to date]      opensource_update_24885 -> opensource_update_24885
[0:00:20]  = [up to date]      opensource_update_25320 -> opensource_update_25320
[0:00:20]  = [up to date]      refactoring -> refactoring
[0:00:20]  = [up to date]      svn/master -> svn/master
[0:00:20]  = [up to date]      update_country_info -> update_country_info

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/libaddressinput/src'
[0:00:21] HEAD is now at 5eeeb79 Merge pull request #85 from googlei18n/opensource_update_10890
[0:00:21] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 5eeeb797e79fa01503fcdcbebdc50036fac023ef
[0:00:21] Finished.

src/third_party/libexif/sources (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:19] Started.
_____ src/third_party/libexif/sources at ed98343daabd7b4497f97fda972e132e6877c48a
[0:00:19] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libexif-sources"
[0:00:19] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libexif-sources"
[0:00:19] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libexif-sources"
[0:00:20] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/libexif/sources.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libexif-sources"
[0:00:20] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libexif-sources"
[0:00:20] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:20] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libexif-sources"
[0:00:21] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/libexif/sources
[0:00:21]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/libexif/sources'
[0:00:21] HEAD is now at ed98343 Actually rebase libexif to 0.6.21. The previous patches which claimed to rebase to 0.6.21 didn't actually do that. They were essentially 0.6.20 + some security patches.
[0:00:21] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision ed98343daabd7b4497f97fda972e132e6877c48a
[0:00:21] Finished.

src/third_party/libjpeg_turbo (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:20] Started.
_____ src/third_party/libjpeg_turbo at f4631b6ee8b1dbb05e51ae335a7886f9ac598ab6
[0:00:20] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libjpeg_turbo"
[0:00:20] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libjpeg_turbo"
[0:00:20] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libjpeg_turbo"
[0:00:20] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/libjpeg_turbo.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libjpeg_turbo"
[0:00:21] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libjpeg_turbo"
[0:00:21] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:21] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libjpeg_turbo"
[0:00:21] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/libjpeg_turbo
[0:00:21]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/libjpeg_turbo'
[0:00:21] HEAD is now at f4631b6 [libjpeg_turbo] Fix ARM NEON build
[0:00:21] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision f4631b6ee8b1dbb05e51ae335a7886f9ac598ab6
[0:00:21] Finished.

src/third_party/libphonenumber/src/resources (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:21] Started.
_____ src/third_party/libphonenumber/src/resources at b6dfdc7952571ff7ee72643cd88c988cbe966396
[0:00:21] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-resources"
[0:00:21] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-resources"
[0:00:21] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-resources"
[0:00:21] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/libphonenumber/resources.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-resources"
[0:00:21] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-resources"
[0:00:21] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:21] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-resources"
[0:00:21] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/libphonenumber/resources
[0:00:21]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/libphonenumber/src/resources'
[0:00:21] HEAD is now at b6dfdc7 JAVA/JS/CPP:libphonenumber v7.0 last changes
[0:00:22] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision b6dfdc7952571ff7ee72643cd88c988cbe966396
[0:00:22] Finished.

src/third_party/libjingle/source/talk (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:19] Started.
_____ src/third_party/libjingle/source/talk at cfe0cc1196882065e4a1cc859e3d56e69088521e
[0:00:19] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-trunk-talk"
[0:00:20] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-trunk-talk"
[0:00:20] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-trunk-talk"
[0:00:20] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/webrtc/trunk/talk.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-trunk-talk"
[0:00:21] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-trunk-talk"
[0:00:21] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:21] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-trunk-talk"
[0:00:21] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/webrtc/trunk/talk
[0:00:21]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/libjingle/source/talk'
[0:00:22] HEAD is now at cfe0cc1 iOS: Move AppRTC logging methods to public headers.
[0:00:22] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision cfe0cc1196882065e4a1cc859e3d56e69088521e
[0:00:22] Finished.

src/third_party/libphonenumber/src/phonenumbers (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:20] Started.
_____ src/third_party/libphonenumber/src/phonenumbers at 0d6e3e50e17c94262ad1ca3b7d52b11223084bca
[0:00:20] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-cpp-src-phonenumbers"
[0:00:21] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-cpp-src-phonenumbers"
[0:00:21] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-cpp-src-phonenumbers"
[0:00:21] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/libphonenumber/cpp/src/phonenumbers.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-cpp-src-phonenumbers"
[0:00:21] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-cpp-src-phonenumbers"
[0:00:21] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:21] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-cpp-src-phonenumbers"
[0:00:22] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/libphonenumber/cpp/src/phonenumbers
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/libphonenumber/src/phonenumbers'
[0:00:22] HEAD is now at 0d6e3e5 Adding missing license information for the new matcher API files.
[0:00:22] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 0d6e3e50e17c94262ad1ca3b7d52b11223084bca
[0:00:22] Finished.

src/third_party/libphonenumber/src/test (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:21] Started.
_____ src/third_party/libphonenumber/src/test at f351a7e007f9c9995494499120bbc361ca808a16
[0:00:21] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-cpp-test"
[0:00:21] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-cpp-test"
[0:00:22] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-cpp-test"
[0:00:22] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/libphonenumber/cpp/test.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-cpp-test"
[0:00:22] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-cpp-test"
[0:00:22] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:22] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-libphonenumber-cpp-test"
[0:00:22] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/libphonenumber/cpp/test
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/libphonenumber/src/test'
[0:00:22] HEAD is now at f351a7e C++: Updated Geocoder documentation and tests
[0:00:22] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision f351a7e007f9c9995494499120bbc361ca808a16
[0:00:22] Finished.

src/third_party/libsrtp (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:21] Started.
_____ src/third_party/libsrtp at 502e81a238a864cfce774d4de3893810629bf227
[0:00:21] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libsrtp"
[0:00:21] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libsrtp"
[0:00:22] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libsrtp"
[0:00:22] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/libsrtp.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libsrtp"
[0:00:22] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libsrtp"
[0:00:22] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:22] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libsrtp"
[0:00:22] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/libsrtp
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/libsrtp'
[0:00:22] HEAD is now at 502e81a Use RAND_bytes for RNG when compiled against OpenSSL/BoringSSL.
[0:00:23] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 502e81a238a864cfce774d4de3893810629bf227
[0:00:23] Finished.

src/third_party/libvpx (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:21] Started.
_____ src/third_party/libvpx at d5c834797554016ff9eee05da9f3e4c1fd4fd819
[0:00:21] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libvpx"
[0:00:21] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libvpx"
[0:00:22] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libvpx"
[0:00:22] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/libvpx.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libvpx"
[0:00:22] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libvpx"
[0:00:22] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:22] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-libvpx"
[0:00:22] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/libvpx
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      m40-2214   -> m40-2214
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      m41-2272   -> m41-2272
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      m43-2357   -> m43-2357
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      m44-2403   -> m44-2403
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/libvpx'
[0:00:22] HEAD is now at d5c8347 Import chrome_build.gni into libvpx GN build file
[0:00:23] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision d5c834797554016ff9eee05da9f3e4c1fd4fd819
[0:00:23] Finished.

src/third_party/libwebm/source (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:21] Started.
_____ src/third_party/libwebm/source at 75a6d2da8b63e0c446ec0ce1ac942c2962d959d7
[0:00:21] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-webm-libwebm"
[0:00:21] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-webm-libwebm"
[0:00:22] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-webm-libwebm"
[0:00:22] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libwebm.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-webm-libwebm"
[0:00:22] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-webm-libwebm"
[0:00:22] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:22] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-webm-libwebm"
[0:00:22] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/webm/libwebm
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      sandbox/matthewjheaney/issue_399 -> sandbox/matthewjheaney/issue_399
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      sandbox/matthewjheaney/mkvstream -> sandbox/matthewjheaney/mkvstream
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      sandbox/matthewjheaney/webvtt_parser -> sandbox/matthewjheaney/webvtt_parser

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/libwebm/source'
[0:00:23] HEAD is now at 75a6d2d sample_muxer: Don't write huge files.
[0:00:24] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 75a6d2da8b63e0c446ec0ce1ac942c2962d959d7
[0:00:24] Finished.

src/third_party/libyuv (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:22] Started.
_____ src/third_party/libyuv at 3a3a89ccd40764579077e93bc303564c873aa7c1
[0:00:22] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-libyuv-libyuv"
[0:00:22] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-libyuv-libyuv"
[0:00:22] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-libyuv-libyuv"
[0:00:22] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/libyuv/libyuv.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-libyuv-libyuv"
[0:00:22] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-libyuv-libyuv"
[0:00:22] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:22] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-libyuv-libyuv"
[0:00:23] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/libyuv/libyuv
[0:00:23]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/libyuv'
[0:00:24] HEAD is now at 3a3a89c rotate include and proto cleanup
[0:00:25] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 3a3a89ccd40764579077e93bc303564c873aa7c1
[0:00:25] Finished.

src/third_party/liblouis/src (Elapsed: 0:00:05)
[0:00:20] Started.
_____ src/third_party/liblouis/src at 5f9c03f2a3478561deb6ae4798175094be8a26c2
[0:00:20] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-liblouis--github"
[0:00:20] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-liblouis--github"
[0:00:20] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-liblouis--github"
[0:00:21] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/liblouis-github.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-liblouis--github"
[0:00:21] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-liblouis--github"
[0:00:21] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:21] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-liblouis--github"
[0:00:22] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/liblouis-github
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_bugfix_tableresolver -> bfrees_bugfix_tableresolver
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_harness_xfail -> bfrees_harness_xfail
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_hyphenation_patch_igor_poretsky -> bfrees_hyphenation_patch_igor_poretsky
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_issue_105 -> bfrees_issue_105
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_issue_106 -> bfrees_issue_106
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_issue_78 -> bfrees_issue_78
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_maintainer_names -> bfrees_maintainer_names
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_odt2braille -> bfrees_odt2braille
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_pt  -> bfrees_pt
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_runharness_decoding -> bfrees_runharness_decoding
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_table_dev -> bfrees_table_dev
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_table_find -> bfrees_table_find
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_test_hyphenation -> bfrees_test_hyphenation
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_unicode -> bfrees_unicode
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      bfrees_website_contributing -> bfrees_website_contributing
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      braille_spec_croatian -> braille_spec_croatian
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      danish_tests -> danish_tests
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      docker     -> docker
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      feature/add_license_headers -> feature/add_license_headers
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      feature/doc_update -> feature/doc_update
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      feature/findtable-h -> feature/findtable-h
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      feature/gnulib-twice -> feature/gnulib-twice
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      feature/gnulib-update -> feature/gnulib-update
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      feature/optional_makeinfo5 -> feature/optional_makeinfo5
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      feature/ueb_update -> feature/ueb_update
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      feature/ueb_update_code -> feature/ueb_update_code
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      feature/ueb_update_tables -> feature/ueb_update_tables
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      feature/yaml_tests -> feature/yaml_tests
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      formal_braille_spec -> formal_braille_spec
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      hacking    -> hacking
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      hammera_hu -> hammera_hu
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      ikiwiki_ctl -> ikiwiki_ctl
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      integration/ueb_merge -> integration/ueb_merge
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      issues/35  -> issues/35
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      jboyer-devel -> jboyer-devel
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      jboyer_refactor -> jboyer_refactor
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      jukkae-formal_braille_spec -> jukkae-formal_braille_spec
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      mgray/end_emphasis -> mgray/end_emphasis
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      mhameed_brf2unicode -> mhameed_brf2unicode
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      mhameed_runharness_compact_output -> mhameed_runharness_compact_output
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      mhameed_simplify_harness_tests -> mhameed_simplify_harness_tests
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      mhameed_travis_test -> mhameed_travis_test
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      mwhapples_emphasis-dev -> mwhapples_emphasis-dev
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      mwhapples_mingwNoVersionDLL -> mwhapples_mingwNoVersionDLL
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      pwood_begword_part -> pwood_begword_part
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      pwood_ueb  -> pwood_ueb
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      regression_test_data -> regression_test_data
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      table_tagging -> table_tagging
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      tables/dutch -> tables/dutch
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      tables/french -> tables/french
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      tables/indian -> tables/indian
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      tables/ueb -> tables/ueb
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      tables/vietnamese -> tables/vietnamese
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      torchtrust_master_rebased -> torchtrust_master_rebased
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      website    -> website
[0:00:22]  = [up to date]      zstanecic_tables -> zstanecic_tables

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/liblouis/src'
[0:00:23] HEAD is now at 5f9c03f Update the release instructions
[0:00:24] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 5f9c03f2a3478561deb6ae4798175094be8a26c2
[0:00:25] Finished.

src/third_party/lss (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:22] Started.
_____ src/third_party/lss at 6f97298fe3794e92c8c896a6bc06e0b36e4c3de3
[0:00:22] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-linux--syscall--support-lss"
[0:00:22] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-linux--syscall--support-lss"
[0:00:23] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-linux--syscall--support-lss"
[0:00:23] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/linux-syscall-support/lss.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-linux--syscall--support-lss"
[0:00:24] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-linux--syscall--support-lss"
[0:00:24] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:24] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-linux--syscall--support-lss"
[0:00:25] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/linux-syscall-support/lss
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/lss'
[0:00:25] HEAD is now at 6f97298 Add support for sys_mmap MIPS64 N64
[0:00:25] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 6f97298fe3794e92c8c896a6bc06e0b36e4c3de3
[0:00:25] Finished.

src/third_party/openmax_dl (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:23] Started.
_____ src/third_party/openmax_dl at 22bb1085a6a0f6f3589a8c3d60ed0a9b82248275
[0:00:23] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-deps-third_party-openmax"
[0:00:23] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-deps-third_party-openmax"
[0:00:24] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-deps-third_party-openmax"
[0:00:24] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/webrtc/deps/third_party/openmax.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-deps-third_party-openmax"
[0:00:24] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-deps-third_party-openmax"
[0:00:24] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:24] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-deps-third_party-openmax"
[0:00:25] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/webrtc/deps/third_party/openmax
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/openmax_dl'
[0:00:25] HEAD is now at 22bb108 Fix unknown option '-msse2' warning on Windows.
[0:00:25] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 22bb1085a6a0f6f3589a8c3d60ed0a9b82248275
[0:00:25] Finished.

src/third_party/opus/src (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:23] Started.
_____ src/third_party/opus/src at cae696156f1e60006e39821e79a1811ae1933c69
[0:00:23] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-opus"
[0:00:23] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-opus"
[0:00:24] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-opus"
[0:00:24] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/opus.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-opus"
[0:00:24] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-opus"
[0:00:24] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:24] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-opus"
[0:00:25] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/opus
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      1.0.1      -> 1.0.1
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      1.0.x      -> 1.0.x
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp-highpass -> exp-highpass
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_analysis -> exp_analysis
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_analysis6 -> exp_analysis6
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_analysis7 -> exp_analysis7
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_analysis8 -> exp_analysis8
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_analysis9 -> exp_analysis9
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_bandwidth -> exp_bandwidth
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_cbr_silk -> exp_cbr_silk
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_delayed_decision -> exp_delayed_decision
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_detection -> exp_detection
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_koen4  -> exp_koen4
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_mips_alt -> exp_mips_alt
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_mips_alt_jun03 -> exp_mips_alt_jun03
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_mips_opt -> exp_mips_opt
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_refactoring -> exp_refactoring
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_surround1 -> exp_surround1
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_temporal -> exp_temporal
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_temporal1 -> exp_temporal1
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_wip    -> exp_wip
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_wip4   -> exp_wip4
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_wip5   -> exp_wip5
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      exp_wip6   -> exp_wip6
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      git-svn    -> git-svn
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      ietf-draft -> ietf-draft
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      merge_attempt -> merge_attempt
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      msvc       -> msvc
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      opt_float  -> opt_float
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      silk_pitch_fix -> silk_pitch_fix
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      surround   -> surround

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/opus/src'
[0:00:25] HEAD is now at cae6961 Merge http://git.xiph.org/?p=opus.git;a=commitdiff;h=e70faf98b0465e4f278c72ce2d7b4ad10221a2f2
[0:00:26] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision cae696156f1e60006e39821e79a1811ae1933c69
[0:00:26] Finished.

src/third_party/mesa/src (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:22] Started.
_____ src/third_party/mesa/src at 071d25db04c23821a12a8b260ab9d96a097402f0
[0:00:22] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-mesa"
[0:00:22] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-mesa"
[0:00:23] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-mesa"
[0:00:24] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/mesa.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-mesa"
[0:00:24] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-mesa"
[0:00:24] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:24] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-mesa"
[0:00:25] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/mesa
[0:00:25]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/mesa/src'
[0:00:25] HEAD is now at 071d25d Mesa: fix bug with glGetIntegerv(GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT_OES)
[0:00:25] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 071d25db04c23821a12a8b260ab9d96a097402f0
[0:00:26] Finished.

src/third_party/mockito/src (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:22] Started.
_____ src/third_party/mockito/src at ed99a52e94a84bd7c467f2443b475a22fcc6ba8e
[0:00:22] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-mockito-mockito"
[0:00:22] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-mockito-mockito"
[0:00:23] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-mockito-mockito"
[0:00:23] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/mockito/mockito.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-mockito-mockito"
[0:00:23] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-mockito-mockito"
[0:00:23] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:23] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-mockito-mockito"
[0:00:24] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/mockito/mockito
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.0        -> 1.0
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.1        -> 1.1
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.2        -> 1.2
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.3        -> 1.3
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.4        -> 1.4
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.5        -> 1.5
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.6        -> 1.6
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.7        -> 1.7
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.7-rc1    -> 1.7-rc1
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.8.0      -> 1.8.0
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.8.0-rc1  -> 1.8.0-rc1
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.8.0-rc2  -> 1.8.0-rc2
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.8.1      -> 1.8.1
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.8.1-rc1  -> 1.8.1-rc1
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.8.2      -> 1.8.2
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.8.3      -> 1.8.3
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.8.4      -> 1.8.4
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.8.5      -> 1.8.5
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.9-rc1    -> 1.9-rc1
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.9.0      -> 1.9.0
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.9.0-rc1  -> 1.9.0-rc1
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.9.5      -> 1.9.5
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      1.9.5-rc1  -> 1.9.5-rc1
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      bytebuddy-mockmaker -> bytebuddy-mockmaker
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      code_cleanup_on_time_verifications -> code_cleanup_on_time_verifications
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      enhance-travis-builds -> enhance-travis-builds
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      fix-coveralls-plugin-outdated-dependency -> fix-coveralls-plugin-outdated-dependency
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      fix-github-issue-fetcher -> fix-github-issue-fetcher
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      fixes-issue-99 -> fixes-issue-99
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      gh-187     -> gh-187
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      gh-pages   -> gh-pages
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      imockmaker -> imockmaker
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      issue-152-incorrect-junit-dependencies -> issue-152-incorrect-junit-dependencies
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      issue146   -> issue146
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      issue148   -> issue148
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      issue230   -> issue230
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      issue238-constructor-injection -> issue238-constructor-injection
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      issue296   -> issue296
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      issue304-testng-integration -> issue304-testng-integration
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      issue399_generic_deep_stubs_serialization -> issue399_generic_deep_stubs_serialization
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      javassist-playground -> javassist-playground
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      mockito-smart-nulls -> mockito-smart-nulls
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      release    -> release
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      sf-spy-hack -> sf-spy-hack
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      travis-build-issue -> travis-build-issue
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      travis-failure-fix -> travis-failure-fix
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      travis_oracle_jdk8 -> travis_oracle_jdk8
[0:00:24]  = [up to date]      update_travis_gradle_version_to_1_11 -> update_travis_gradle_version_to_1_11

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/mockito/src'
[0:00:24] HEAD is now at 4d987dc Moved the new MockitoJUnitRule to 'junit' package.
Checked out revision 4d987dcd923b81525c42b1333e6c4e07440776c3
[0:00:26] Finished.

src/third_party/pyftpdlib/src (Elapsed: 0:00:00)
[0:00:25] Started.
_____ src/third_party/pyftpdlib/src at 2be6d65e31c7ee6320d059f581f05ae8d89d7e45
[0:00:25] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-pyftpdlib"
[0:00:25] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-pyftpdlib"
[0:00:25] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-pyftpdlib"
[0:00:25] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/pyftpdlib.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-pyftpdlib"
[0:00:25] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-pyftpdlib"
[0:00:26] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:26] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-pyftpdlib"
[0:00:26] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/pyftpdlib
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/pyftpdlib/src'
[0:00:26] HEAD is now at 2be6d65 Fix #185: add license in all files to pass Debian licenscheck tool and ease inclusion into Chromium project
[0:00:26] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 2be6d65e31c7ee6320d059f581f05ae8d89d7e45
[0:00:26] Finished.

src/third_party/py_trace_event/src (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:25] Started.
_____ src/third_party/py_trace_event/src at dd463ea9e2c430de2b9e53dea57a77b4c3ac9b30
[0:00:25] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-py_trace_event"
[0:00:25] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-py_trace_event"
[0:00:25] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-py_trace_event"
[0:00:25] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/py_trace_event.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-py_trace_event"
[0:00:25] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-py_trace_event"
[0:00:25] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:25] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-py_trace_event"
[0:00:26] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/py_trace_event
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/py_trace_event/src'
[0:00:26] HEAD is now at dd463ea Fixes for previous commit.
[0:00:26] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision dd463ea9e2c430de2b9e53dea57a77b4c3ac9b30
[0:00:26] Finished.

src/third_party/pyelftools (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:25] Started.
_____ src/third_party/pyelftools at bdc1d380acd88d4bfaf47265008091483b0d614e
[0:00:25] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-third_party-pyelftools"
[0:00:25] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-third_party-pyelftools"
[0:00:25] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-third_party-pyelftools"
[0:00:25] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/pyelftools.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-third_party-pyelftools"
[0:00:25] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-third_party-pyelftools"
[0:00:26] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:26] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromiumos-third_party-pyelftools"
[0:00:26] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromiumos/third_party/pyelftools
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-3536.B -> factory-3536.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-4128.B -> factory-4128.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-4290.B -> factory-4290.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-4455.228.B -> factory-4455.228.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-4455.B -> factory-4455.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-arkham-7077.113.B -> factory-arkham-7077.113.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-auron-6459.B -> factory-auron-6459.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-auron-6772.B -> factory-auron-6772.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-beltino-5140.14.B -> factory-beltino-5140.14.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-daisy-4731.81.B -> factory-daisy-4731.81.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-monroe-5140.B -> factory-monroe-5140.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-nyan-5772.B -> factory-nyan-5772.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-panther-4920.23.B -> factory-panther-4920.23.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-pit-4280.B -> factory-pit-4280.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-pit-4390.B -> factory-pit-4390.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-pit-4471.B -> factory-pit-4471.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-pit-5499.B -> factory-pit-5499.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-rambi-5517.B -> factory-rambi-5517.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-rambi-6420.B -> factory-rambi-6420.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-ryu-6212.B -> factory-ryu-6212.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-ryu-6486.1.B -> factory-ryu-6486.1.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-ryu-6486.14.B -> factory-ryu-6486.14.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-ryu-6486.B -> factory-ryu-6486.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-4788.B -> factory-samus-4788.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-5939.B -> factory-samus-5939.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-6207.B -> factory-samus-6207.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-6375.B -> factory-samus-6375.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-samus-6658.B -> factory-samus-6658.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-skate-4262.459.B -> factory-skate-4262.459.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-smaug-7265.B -> factory-smaug-7265.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-spring-3842.B -> factory-spring-3842.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-spring-4131.B -> factory-spring-4131.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-spring-4262.B -> factory-spring-4262.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-storm-6269.B -> factory-storm-6269.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-veyron-6591.B -> factory-veyron-6591.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-whirlwind-6509.B -> factory-whirlwind-6509.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-whirlwind-6812.41.B -> factory-whirlwind-6812.41.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      factory-zako-5220.B -> factory-zako-5220.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-4389.71.B -> firmware-4389.71.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-auron-6301.B -> firmware-auron-6301.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-banjo-5216.334.B -> firmware-banjo-5216.334.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-bolt_kirby-4979.B -> firmware-bolt_kirby-4979.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-candy-5216.310.B -> firmware-candy-5216.310.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-clapper-5216.199.B -> firmware-clapper-5216.199.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-clapper-5218.B -> firmware-clapper-5218.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-enguarde-5216.201.B -> firmware-enguarde-5216.201.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-expresso-5216.223.B -> firmware-expresso-5216.223.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-falco_peppy-4389.81.B -> firmware-falco_peppy-4389.81.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-falco_peppy-4389.B -> firmware-falco_peppy-4389.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-gandof-6301.155.B -> firmware-gandof-6301.155.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-glimmer-5216.198.B -> firmware-glimmer-5216.198.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-glimmer-5217.B -> firmware-glimmer-5217.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-gnawty-5216.239.B -> firmware-gnawty-5216.239.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-guado-6301.108.B -> firmware-guado-6301.108.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-kip-5216.227.B -> firmware-kip-5216.227.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-kitty-5771.61.B -> firmware-kitty-5771.61.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-leon-4389.26.B -> firmware-leon-4389.26.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-leon-4389.61.B -> firmware-leon-4389.61.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-lulu-6301.136.B -> firmware-lulu-6301.136.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-mccloud-5827.B -> firmware-mccloud-5827.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-monroe-4921.B -> firmware-monroe-4921.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-ninja-5216.383.B -> firmware-ninja-5216.383.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-nyan-5771.B -> firmware-nyan-5771.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-orco-5216.362.B -> firmware-orco-5216.362.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-paine-6301.58.B -> firmware-paine-6301.58.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-panther-4920.24.B -> firmware-panther-4920.24.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-pit-4482.B -> firmware-pit-4482.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-quawks-5216.204.B -> firmware-quawks-5216.204.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-rambi-5216.B -> firmware-rambi-5216.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-rikku-6301.110.B -> firmware-rikku-6301.110.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-samus-6300.B -> firmware-samus-6300.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-skate-3824.129.B -> firmware-skate-3824.129.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-smaug-7132.B -> firmware-smaug-7132.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3824.4.B -> firmware-spring-3824.4.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3824.55.B -> firmware-spring-3824.55.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3824.84.B -> firmware-spring-3824.84.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3824.B -> firmware-spring-3824.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-spring-3833.B -> firmware-spring-3833.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-squawks-5216.152.B -> firmware-squawks-5216.152.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-storm-6315.B -> firmware-storm-6315.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-strago-7287.B -> firmware-strago-7287.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-sumo-5216.382.B -> firmware-sumo-5216.382.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-swanky-5216.238.B -> firmware-swanky-5216.238.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-tidus-6301.109.B -> firmware-tidus-6301.109.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-tricky-5829.B -> firmware-tricky-5829.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-veyron-6588.B -> firmware-veyron-6588.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-winky-5216.1.B -> firmware-winky-5216.1.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-winky-5216.265.B -> firmware-winky-5216.265.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-wolf-4389.24.B -> firmware-wolf-4389.24.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-yuna-6301.59.B -> firmware-yuna-6301.59.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-zako-5219.17.B -> firmware-zako-5219.17.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      firmware-zako-5219.B -> firmware-zako-5219.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      foo-test   -> foo-test
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      master-0.21 -> master-0.21
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      master-0.22 -> master-0.22
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R25-3428.B -> release-R25-3428.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R26-3701.B -> release-R26-3701.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R27-3912.B -> release-R27-3912.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R28-4100.B -> release-R28-4100.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R29-4319.B -> release-R29-4319.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R30-4537.B -> release-R30-4537.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R31-4731.B -> release-R31-4731.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R32-4920.B -> release-R32-4920.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R33-5116.B -> release-R33-5116.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R34-5500.B -> release-R34-5500.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R35-5712.B -> release-R35-5712.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R36-5841.B -> release-R36-5841.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R37-5978.B -> release-R37-5978.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R38-6158.B -> release-R38-6158.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R39-6310.B -> release-R39-6310.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R40-6457.B -> release-R40-6457.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R41-6680.B -> release-R41-6680.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R42-6812.B -> release-R42-6812.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R43-6946.B -> release-R43-6946.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R44-7077.B -> release-R44-7077.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      release-R45-7262.B -> release-R45-7262.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3428.110.0 -> stabilize-3428.110.0
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3428.149 -> stabilize-3428.149
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3428.149.B -> stabilize-3428.149.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3428.193 -> stabilize-3428.193
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3658.0.0 -> stabilize-3658.0.0
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3701.30.0 -> stabilize-3701.30.0
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3701.30.0b -> stabilize-3701.30.0b
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3701.46.B -> stabilize-3701.46.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3701.81.B -> stabilize-3701.81.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3881.0.B -> stabilize-3881.0.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-3912.79.B -> stabilize-3912.79.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4008.0.B -> stabilize-4008.0.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4035.0.B -> stabilize-4035.0.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4068.0.B -> stabilize-4068.0.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4100.38.B -> stabilize-4100.38.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4255.B -> stabilize-4255.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4287.B -> stabilize-4287.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4443.B -> stabilize-4443.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4512.B -> stabilize-4512.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4537.118.B -> stabilize-4537.118.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4537.147.B -> stabilize-4537.147.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4636.B -> stabilize-4636.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4701.B -> stabilize-4701.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4731.31.B -> stabilize-4731.31.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4731.62.B -> stabilize-4731.62.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4731.85.B -> stabilize-4731.85.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4825.B -> stabilize-4825.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4856.B -> stabilize-4856.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4886.B -> stabilize-4886.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-4920.6.B -> stabilize-4920.6.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5062.B -> stabilize-5062.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5085.B -> stabilize-5085.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5116.113.B -> stabilize-5116.113.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5116.115.B -> stabilize-5116.115.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5116.53.B -> stabilize-5116.53.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5116.88.B -> stabilize-5116.88.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5254.B -> stabilize-5254.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5339.B -> stabilize-5339.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5412.B -> stabilize-5412.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5414.B -> stabilize-5414.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5463.B -> stabilize-5463.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5500.100.B -> stabilize-5500.100.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5500.130.B -> stabilize-5500.130.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5500.26.B -> stabilize-5500.26.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5500.71.B -> stabilize-5500.71.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5511.B -> stabilize-5511.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5579.B -> stabilize-5579.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5656.B -> stabilize-5656.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5680.B -> stabilize-5680.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5696.B -> stabilize-5696.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5712.49.B -> stabilize-5712.49.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5712.61.B -> stabilize-5712.61.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5712.8.B -> stabilize-5712.8.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5712.89.B -> stabilize-5712.89.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5784.0.B -> stabilize-5784.0.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5791.0.B -> stabilize-5791.0.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5807.0.B -> stabilize-5807.0.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5828.0.B -> stabilize-5828.0.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5841.76.B -> stabilize-5841.76.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5841.83.B -> stabilize-5841.83.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5875.B -> stabilize-5875.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5899.B -> stabilize-5899.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5942.B -> stabilize-5942.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5943.B -> stabilize-5943.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-5944.B -> stabilize-5944.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6082.B -> stabilize-6082.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6092.B -> stabilize-6092.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6146.B -> stabilize-6146.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6297.B -> stabilize-6297.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6310.69.B -> stabilize-6310.69.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6412.B -> stabilize-6412.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6415.B -> stabilize-6415.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6436.B -> stabilize-6436.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6480.B -> stabilize-6480.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6592.B -> stabilize-6592.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6662.B -> stabilize-6662.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6670.B -> stabilize-6670.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6680.78.B -> stabilize-6680.78.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6680.79.B -> stabilize-6680.79.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6736.B -> stabilize-6736.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6752.B -> stabilize-6752.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6771.B -> stabilize-6771.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6783.B -> stabilize-6783.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.13.B -> stabilize-6812.13.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.14.B -> stabilize-6812.14.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.15.B -> stabilize-6812.15.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.29.B -> stabilize-6812.29.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.34.B -> stabilize-6812.34.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.41.B -> stabilize-6812.41.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.75.B -> stabilize-6812.75.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.83.B -> stabilize-6812.83.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6812.85.B -> stabilize-6812.85.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6835.B -> stabilize-6835.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6842.B -> stabilize-6842.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6909.B -> stabilize-6909.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6912.B -> stabilize-6912.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6915.B -> stabilize-6915.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6919.B -> stabilize-6919.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6937.B -> stabilize-6937.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6946.55.B -> stabilize-6946.55.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-6996.B -> stabilize-6996.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7018.B -> stabilize-7018.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7019.B -> stabilize-7019.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7039.B -> stabilize-7039.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7059.B -> stabilize-7059.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7060.B -> stabilize-7060.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7077.111.B -> stabilize-7077.111.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7131.B -> stabilize-7131.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7134.B -> stabilize-7134.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7155.B -> stabilize-7155.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7173.B -> stabilize-7173.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7199.B -> stabilize-7199.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7202.B -> stabilize-7202.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-7204.B -> stabilize-7204.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-R33-4982.B -> stabilize-R33-4982.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-bluetooth-smart -> stabilize-bluetooth-smart
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-daisy-4319.96.B -> stabilize-daisy-4319.96.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-falco-4537.91.B -> stabilize-falco-4537.91.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-gnawty-5841.84.B -> stabilize-gnawty-5841.84.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-js-6812.21.B -> stabilize-js-6812.21.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-js-6812.25.B -> stabilize-js-6812.25.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-js-6812.26.B -> stabilize-js-6812.26.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-spring-4100.53.B -> stabilize-spring-4100.53.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-springlte-5116.46.B -> stabilize-springlte-5116.46.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-storm-6683.B -> stabilize-storm-6683.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-swanky-5841.55.B -> stabilize-swanky-5841.55.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize-zako-5712.88.B -> stabilize-zako-5712.88.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize.5978.51.B -> stabilize.5978.51.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize.5978.98.B -> stabilize.5978.98.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize.59781.98.B -> stabilize.59781.98.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      stabilize2 -> stabilize2
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      test-4980.B -> test-4980.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      test-5394.B -> test-5394.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      test-5619.B -> test-5619.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      toolchain-3428.65.B -> toolchain-3428.65.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      toolchain-3701.42.B -> toolchain-3701.42.B
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      toolchainA -> toolchainA
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      toolchainB -> toolchainB
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      upstream/master -> upstream/master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/pyelftools'
[0:00:26] HEAD is now at bdc1d38 Add README.chromium.
[0:00:26] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision bdc1d380acd88d4bfaf47265008091483b0d614e
[0:00:27] Finished.

src/third_party/robolectric/lib (Elapsed: 0:00:00)
[0:00:26] Started.
_____ src/third_party/robolectric/lib at 6b63c99a8b6967acdb42cbed0adb067c80efc810
[0:00:26] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-robolectric"
[0:00:26] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-robolectric"
[0:00:26] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-robolectric"
[0:00:26] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/third_party/robolectric.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-robolectric"
[0:00:26] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-robolectric"
[0:00:26] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:26] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-robolectric"
[0:00:26] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/third_party/robolectric
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/robolectric/lib'
[0:00:27] HEAD is now at 6b63c99 Initial commit of the robolectric JARs.
[0:00:27] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 6b63c99a8b6967acdb42cbed0adb067c80efc810
[0:00:27] Finished.

src/third_party/scons-2.0.1 (Elapsed: 0:00:00)
[0:00:26] Started.
_____ src/third_party/scons-2.0.1 at 1c1550e17fc26355d08627fbdec13d8291227067
[0:00:26] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-native_client-src-third_party-scons--2.0.1"
[0:00:26] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-native_client-src-third_party-scons--2.0.1"
[0:00:26] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-native_client-src-third_party-scons--2.0.1"
[0:00:26] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/native_client/src/third_party/scons-2.0.1.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-native_client-src-third_party-scons--2.0.1"
[0:00:26] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-native_client-src-third_party-scons--2.0.1"
[0:00:26] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:26] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-native_client-src-third_party-scons--2.0.1"
[0:00:26] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/native_client/src/third_party/scons-2.0.1
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/scons-2.0.1'
[0:00:27] HEAD is now at 1c1550e Adding msvs2013 support to scons.
[0:00:27] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 1c1550e17fc26355d08627fbdec13d8291227067
[0:00:27] Finished.

src/third_party/safe_browsing/testing (Elapsed: 0:00:00)
[0:00:26] Started.
_____ src/third_party/safe_browsing/testing at 9d7e8064f3ca2e45891470c9b5b1dce54af6a9d6
[0:00:26] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-google--safe--browsing-testing"
[0:00:26] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-google--safe--browsing-testing"
[0:00:26] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-google--safe--browsing-testing"
[0:00:26] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/google-safe-browsing/testing.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-google--safe--browsing-testing"
[0:00:26] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-google--safe--browsing-testing"
[0:00:26] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:26] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-google--safe--browsing-testing"
[0:00:26] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/google-safe-browsing/testing
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/safe_browsing/testing'
[0:00:27] HEAD is now at 9d7e806 Ignore the new-style API 'key' parameter in the test server.
[0:00:27] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 9d7e8064f3ca2e45891470c9b5b1dce54af6a9d6
[0:00:27] Finished.

src/third_party/pywebsocket/src (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:25] Started.
_____ src/third_party/pywebsocket/src at cb349e87ddb30ff8d1fa1a89be39cec901f4a29c
[0:00:25] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-pywebsocket-src"
[0:00:26] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-pywebsocket-src"
[0:00:26] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-pywebsocket-src"
[0:00:26] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/pywebsocket/src.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-pywebsocket-src"
[0:00:26] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-pywebsocket-src"
[0:00:26] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:26] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-pywebsocket-src"
[0:00:26] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/pywebsocket/src
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/pywebsocket/src'
[0:00:26] HEAD is now at cb349e8 Print extensions attribute on open event.
[0:00:27] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision cb349e87ddb30ff8d1fa1a89be39cec901f4a29c
[0:00:27] Finished.

src/third_party/sfntly/cpp/src (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:26] Started.
_____ src/third_party/sfntly/cpp/src at 1bdaae8fc788a5ac8936d68bf24f37d977a13dac
[0:00:26] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-sfntly-cpp-src"
[0:00:26] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-sfntly-cpp-src"
[0:00:26] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-sfntly-cpp-src"
[0:00:26] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/sfntly/cpp/src.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-sfntly-cpp-src"
[0:00:26] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-sfntly-cpp-src"
[0:00:26] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:26] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-sfntly-cpp-src"
[0:00:26] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/sfntly/cpp/src
[0:00:26]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/sfntly/cpp/src'
[0:00:27] HEAD is now at 1bdaae8 Fix compiler warning
[0:00:27] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 1bdaae8fc788a5ac8936d68bf24f37d977a13dac
[0:00:27] Finished.

src/third_party/smhasher/src (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:27] Started.
_____ src/third_party/smhasher/src at e87738e57558e0ec472b2fc3a643b838e5b6e88f
[0:00:27] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-smhasher"
[0:00:27] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-smhasher"
[0:00:27] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-smhasher"
[0:00:27] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/smhasher.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-smhasher"
[0:00:27] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-smhasher"
[0:00:28] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:28] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-smhasher"
[0:00:28] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/smhasher
[0:00:28]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/smhasher/src'
[0:00:28] HEAD is now at e87738e Patch City.h to fix compile errors in Chromium (see issue 27)
[0:00:28] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision e87738e57558e0ec472b2fc3a643b838e5b6e88f
[0:00:29] Finished.
gclient(678) ParseDepsFile:use_relative_paths enabled.
gclient(684) ParseDepsFile:Updating deps by prepending src/third_party/pdfium.

src/third_party/pdfium (Elapsed: 0:00:04)
[0:00:24] Started.
_____ src/third_party/pdfium at d1a588c6ce03425773594381a0966434016813b1
[0:00:24] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/pdfium.googlesource.com-pdfium"
[0:00:25] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/pdfium.googlesource.com-pdfium"
[0:00:25] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/pdfium.googlesource.com-pdfium"
[0:00:25] running "git config remote.origin.url https://pdfium.googlesource.com/pdfium.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/pdfium.googlesource.com-pdfium"
[0:00:25] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/pdfium.googlesource.com-pdfium"
[0:00:25] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:25] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/pdfium.googlesource.com-pdfium"
[0:00:27] From https://pdfium.googlesource.com/a/pdfium
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[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2240 -> chromium/2240
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2241 -> chromium/2241
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[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2250 -> chromium/2250
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[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2260 -> chromium/2260
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[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2268 -> chromium/2268
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[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2337 -> chromium/2337
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2338 -> chromium/2338
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2339 -> chromium/2339
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2340 -> chromium/2340
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2341 -> chromium/2341
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2342 -> chromium/2342
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2343 -> chromium/2343
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2344 -> chromium/2344
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2345 -> chromium/2345
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2346 -> chromium/2346
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2347 -> chromium/2347
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2348 -> chromium/2348
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2349 -> chromium/2349
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2350 -> chromium/2350
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2351 -> chromium/2351
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2352 -> chromium/2352
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2353 -> chromium/2353
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2354 -> chromium/2354
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2355 -> chromium/2355
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2356 -> chromium/2356
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2357 -> chromium/2357
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2358 -> chromium/2358
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2359 -> chromium/2359
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2360 -> chromium/2360
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2361 -> chromium/2361
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2362 -> chromium/2362
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2363 -> chromium/2363
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2364 -> chromium/2364
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2365 -> chromium/2365
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2366 -> chromium/2366
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2367 -> chromium/2367
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2368 -> chromium/2368
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2369 -> chromium/2369
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2370 -> chromium/2370
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2371 -> chromium/2371
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2372 -> chromium/2372
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2373 -> chromium/2373
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2374 -> chromium/2374
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2375 -> chromium/2375
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2376 -> chromium/2376
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2377 -> chromium/2377
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2378 -> chromium/2378
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2379 -> chromium/2379
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2380 -> chromium/2380
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2381 -> chromium/2381
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2382 -> chromium/2382
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2383 -> chromium/2383
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2384 -> chromium/2384
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2385 -> chromium/2385
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2386 -> chromium/2386
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2387 -> chromium/2387
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2388 -> chromium/2388
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2389 -> chromium/2389
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2390 -> chromium/2390
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2391 -> chromium/2391
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2392 -> chromium/2392
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2393 -> chromium/2393
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2394 -> chromium/2394
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2395 -> chromium/2395
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2396 -> chromium/2396
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2397 -> chromium/2397
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2398 -> chromium/2398
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2399 -> chromium/2399
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2400 -> chromium/2400
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2401 -> chromium/2401
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2402 -> chromium/2402
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2403 -> chromium/2403
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2404 -> chromium/2404
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2405 -> chromium/2405
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2406 -> chromium/2406
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2407 -> chromium/2407
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2408 -> chromium/2408
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2409 -> chromium/2409
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2410 -> chromium/2410
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2411 -> chromium/2411
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2412 -> chromium/2412
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2413 -> chromium/2413
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2414 -> chromium/2414
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2415 -> chromium/2415
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2416 -> chromium/2416
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2417 -> chromium/2417
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2418 -> chromium/2418
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2419 -> chromium/2419
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2420 -> chromium/2420
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2421 -> chromium/2421
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2422 -> chromium/2422
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2423 -> chromium/2423
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2424 -> chromium/2424
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2425 -> chromium/2425
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2426 -> chromium/2426
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2427 -> chromium/2427
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2428 -> chromium/2428
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2429 -> chromium/2429
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2430 -> chromium/2430
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2431 -> chromium/2431
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2432 -> chromium/2432
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2433 -> chromium/2433
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2434 -> chromium/2434
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2435 -> chromium/2435
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2436 -> chromium/2436
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2437 -> chromium/2437
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2438 -> chromium/2438
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2439 -> chromium/2439
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2440 -> chromium/2440
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2441 -> chromium/2441
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2442 -> chromium/2442
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2443 -> chromium/2443
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2444 -> chromium/2444
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2445 -> chromium/2445
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2446 -> chromium/2446
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2447 -> chromium/2447
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2448 -> chromium/2448
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2449 -> chromium/2449
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2450 -> chromium/2450
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2451 -> chromium/2451
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2452 -> chromium/2452
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2453 -> chromium/2453
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2454 -> chromium/2454
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2455 -> chromium/2455
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2456 -> chromium/2456
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2457 -> chromium/2457
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2458 -> chromium/2458
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2459 -> chromium/2459
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2460 -> chromium/2460
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2461 -> chromium/2461
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2462 -> chromium/2462
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2463 -> chromium/2463
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2464 -> chromium/2464
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2465 -> chromium/2465
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2466 -> chromium/2466
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2467 -> chromium/2467
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2468 -> chromium/2468
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2469 -> chromium/2469
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2470 -> chromium/2470
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      chromium/2471 -> chromium/2471
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      xfa        -> xfa

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/pdfium'
[0:00:28] HEAD is now at d1a588c Fix segv above CPDFSDK_Document::GetPageView()
[0:00:28] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision d1a588c6ce03425773594381a0966434016813b1
[0:00:29] Finished.

src/third_party/requests/src (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:26] Started.
_____ src/third_party/requests/src at f172b30356d821d180fa4ecfa3e71c7274a32de4
[0:00:26] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-kennethreitz-requests"
[0:00:26] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-kennethreitz-requests"
[0:00:26] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-kennethreitz-requests"
[0:00:26] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/kennethreitz/requests.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-kennethreitz-requests"
[0:00:26] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-kennethreitz-requests"
[0:00:26] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:26] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-kennethreitz-requests"
[0:00:27] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/github.com/kennethreitz/requests
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      fix-1859   -> fix-1859
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      fix-pickling-adapters -> fix-pickling-adapters
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      proposed/3.0.0 -> proposed/3.0.0
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      release-notes/2.5.3 -> release-notes/2.5.3
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      revert-2442-certs -> revert-2442-certs
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      revert-2513-master -> revert-2513-master
[0:00:27]  = [up to date]      sigmavirus24/docs/support -> sigmavirus24/docs/support

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/requests/src'
[0:00:27] HEAD is now at f172b30 Merge pull request #2365 from sigmavirus24/release/2.5
[0:00:28] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision f172b30356d821d180fa4ecfa3e71c7274a32de4
[0:00:29] Finished.
gclient(656) ParseDepsFile:Found recursedeps "set(['common'])".
gclient(678) ParseDepsFile:use_relative_paths enabled.
gclient(684) ParseDepsFile:Updating deps by prepending src/third_party/skia.
gclient(689) ParseDepsFile:Updating recursedeps by prepending src/third_party/skia.

src/third_party/skia (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:27] Started.
_____ src/third_party/skia at 76bb22810638f142bb0f072ad4a0a594aff3a37c
[0:00:27] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-skia"
[0:00:27] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-skia"
[0:00:27] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-skia"
[0:00:27] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/skia.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-skia"
[0:00:27] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-skia"
[0:00:27] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:27] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-skia"
[0:00:28] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/skia
[0:00:28]  = [up to date]      chrome/m39 -> chrome/m39
[0:00:28]  = [up to date]      chrome/m40 -> chrome/m40
[0:00:28]  = [up to date]      chrome/m41 -> chrome/m41
[0:00:28]  = [up to date]      chrome/m42 -> chrome/m42
[0:00:28]  = [up to date]      chrome/m43 -> chrome/m43
[0:00:28]  = [up to date]      chrome/m44 -> chrome/m44
[0:00:28]  = [up to date]      chrome/m45 -> chrome/m45
[0:00:28]  = [up to date]      chrome/try/try-pic -> chrome/try/try-pic
[0:00:28]  = [up to date]      chrometest -> chrometest
[0:00:28]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:28]  = [up to date]      try/scalercontext -> try/scalercontext

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/skia'
[0:00:29] HEAD is now at 76bb228 Fix no-gpu debugger.
[0:00:30] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 76bb22810638f142bb0f072ad4a0a594aff3a37c
[0:00:30] Finished.

src/third_party/stp/src (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:27] Started.
_____ src/third_party/stp/src at fc94a599207752ab4d64048204f0c88494811b62
[0:00:27] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-stp-stp"
[0:00:27] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-stp-stp"
[0:00:28] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-stp-stp"
[0:00:29] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/stp/stp.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-stp-stp"
[0:00:29] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-stp-stp"
[0:00:29] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:29] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-stp-stp"
[0:00:29] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/github.com/stp/stp
[0:00:29]  = [up to date]      coverity_scan -> coverity_scan
[0:00:29]  = [up to date]      extabc     -> extabc
[0:00:29]  = [up to date]      extminisat -> extminisat
[0:00:29]  = [up to date]      gh-pages   -> gh-pages
[0:00:29]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:29]  = [up to date]      smtcomp15  -> smtcomp15

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/stp/src'
[0:00:30] HEAD is now at fc94a59 Using MemoryPool to have a license that is fully MIT
[0:00:30] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision fc94a599207752ab4d64048204f0c88494811b62
[0:00:30] Finished.

src/third_party/webdriver/pylib (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:29] Started.
_____ src/third_party/webdriver/pylib at 5fd78261a75fe08d27ca4835fb6c5ce4b42275bd
[0:00:29] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-selenium-py"
[0:00:29] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-selenium-py"
[0:00:29] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-selenium-py"
[0:00:29] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/selenium/py.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-selenium-py"
[0:00:29] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-selenium-py"
[0:00:29] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:29] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-selenium-py"
[0:00:30] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/selenium/py
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/webdriver/pylib'
[0:00:30] HEAD is now at 5fd7826 DanielWagnerHall: Removing trailing whitespace
[0:00:30] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 5fd78261a75fe08d27ca4835fb6c5ce4b42275bd
[0:00:30] Finished.

src/third_party/snappy/src (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:27] Started.
_____ src/third_party/snappy/src at 762bb32f0c9d2f31ba4958c7c0933d22e80c20bf
[0:00:27] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-snappy"
[0:00:27] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-snappy"
[0:00:28] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-snappy"
[0:00:28] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/snappy.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-snappy"
[0:00:29] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-snappy"
[0:00:29] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:29] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-snappy"
[0:00:29] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/snappy
[0:00:29]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/snappy/src'
[0:00:30] HEAD is now at 762bb32 Add autoconf tests for size_t and ssize_t. Sort-of resolves public issue 79;
[0:00:30] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 762bb32f0c9d2f31ba4958c7c0933d22e80c20bf
[0:00:30] Finished.

src/third_party/trace-viewer (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:27] Started.
_____ src/third_party/trace-viewer at e01982aa26459bf065c57dbdf7a2f9b0314255b8
[0:00:27] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-trace--viewer"
[0:00:27] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-trace--viewer"
[0:00:27] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-trace--viewer"
[0:00:28] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/trace-viewer.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-trace--viewer"
[0:00:28] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-trace--viewer"
[0:00:29] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:29] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-trace--viewer"
[0:00:30] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/trace-viewer
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      add_power_track -> add_power_track
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      audits     -> audits
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      chrome_m41 -> chrome_m41
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      chrome_m41_beta -> chrome_m41_beta
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      counter_sample_table -> counter_sample_table
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      device_c   -> device_c
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      device_counter_4 -> device_counter_4
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      device_counter_5 -> device_counter_5
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      device_counters -> device_counters
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      event_container_bounds -> event_container_bounds
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      gh-pages   -> gh-pages
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      group_by_2 -> group_by_2
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      isNotNull  -> isNotNull
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      line_chart_sparse -> line_chart_sparse
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      make_description_more_detailed -> make_description_more_detailed
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      memory_dumps_importer -> memory_dumps_importer
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      old-svn-master -> old-svn-master
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      power_sample_analysis_view -> power_sample_analysis_view
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      power_sample_graph -> power_sample_graph
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      releases_chrome_m41 -> releases_chrome_m41
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      revert-686-scroll_unittest_page -> revert-686-scroll_unittest_page
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      switch_battor_to_device -> switch_battor_to_device
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      testdata   -> testdata

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/trace-viewer'
[0:00:31] HEAD is now at e01982a Move brushing_state from ui/base to ui/
[0:00:31] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision e01982aa26459bf065c57dbdf7a2f9b0314255b8
[0:00:31] Finished.

src/third_party/usrsctp/usrsctplib (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:29] Started.
_____ src/third_party/usrsctp/usrsctplib at 36444a999739e9e408f8f587cb4c3ffeef2e50ac
[0:00:29] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-usrsctplib"
[0:00:29] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-usrsctplib"
[0:00:29] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-usrsctplib"
[0:00:30] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/usrsctplib.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-usrsctplib"
[0:00:30] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-usrsctplib"
[0:00:30] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:30] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-usrsctplib"
[0:00:30] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/usrsctplib
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/usrsctp/usrsctplib'
[0:00:31] HEAD is now at 36444a9 Make sure that we don't free the SCTP shared key too early.
[0:00:31] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 36444a999739e9e408f8f587cb4c3ffeef2e50ac
[0:00:31] Finished.

src/third_party/webpagereplay (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:30] Started.
_____ src/third_party/webpagereplay at 7564939bdf6482d57b9bd5e9c931679f96d8cf75
[0:00:30] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-chromium-web--page--replay"
[0:00:30] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-chromium-web--page--replay"
[0:00:30] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-chromium-web--page--replay"
[0:00:30] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/chromium/web-page-replay.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-chromium-web--page--replay"
[0:00:30] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-chromium-web--page--replay"
[0:00:30] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:30] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-github.com-chromium-web--page--replay"
[0:00:30] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/github.com/chromium/web-page-replay
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/webpagereplay'
[0:00:31] HEAD is now at 7564939 Merge pull request #52 from zwri/master
[0:00:31] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 7564939bdf6482d57b9bd5e9c931679f96d8cf75
[0:00:31] Finished.

src/third_party/ub-uiautomator/lib (Elapsed: 0:00:04)
[0:00:27] Started.
_____ src/third_party/ub-uiautomator/lib at 00270549ce3161ae72ceb24712618ea28b4f9434
[0:00:27] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-ub--uiautomator"
[0:00:27] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-ub--uiautomator"
[0:00:29] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-ub--uiautomator"
[0:00:29] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/third_party/ub-uiautomator.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-ub--uiautomator"
[0:00:29] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-ub--uiautomator"
[0:00:29] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:29] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-third_party-ub--uiautomator"
[0:00:31] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/third_party/ub-uiautomator
[0:00:31]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/ub-uiautomator/lib'
[0:00:31] HEAD is now at 0027054 Copy LICENSE and README.chromium down into this repo.
[0:00:31] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 00270549ce3161ae72ceb24712618ea28b4f9434
[0:00:32] Finished.

src/third_party/webgl/src (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:29] Started.
_____ src/third_party/webgl/src at 5bb75e4f10c7cb422cd7314f8bf779c7f4937d22
[0:00:29] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-khronosgroup-webgl"
[0:00:29] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-khronosgroup-webgl"
[0:00:29] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-khronosgroup-webgl"
[0:00:29] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/khronosgroup/webgl.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-khronosgroup-webgl"
[0:00:29] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-khronosgroup-webgl"
[0:00:29] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:29] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-khronosgroup-webgl"
[0:00:30] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/khronosgroup/webgl
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      Khronoswebmaster-hostedbytext -> Khronoswebmaster-hostedbytext
[0:00:30]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/webgl/src'
[0:00:32] HEAD is now at 5bb75e4 Merge pull request #1121 from zhenyao/spec
[0:00:32] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 5bb75e4f10c7cb422cd7314f8bf779c7f4937d22
[0:00:32] Finished.

src/third_party/yasm/source/patched-yasm (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:30] Started.
_____ src/third_party/yasm/source/patched-yasm at 4671120cd8558ce62ee8672ebf3eb6f5216f909b
[0:00:30] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-yasm-patched--yasm"
[0:00:31] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-yasm-patched--yasm"
[0:00:31] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-yasm-patched--yasm"
[0:00:31] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/yasm/patched-yasm.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-yasm-patched--yasm"
[0:00:32] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-yasm-patched--yasm"
[0:00:32] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:32] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-yasm-patched--yasm"
[0:00:32] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/yasm/patched-yasm
[0:00:32]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/yasm/source/patched-yasm'
[0:00:32] HEAD is now at 4671120 Remove a reference to __DATE__ from yasm for non official builds.
[0:00:32] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 4671120cd8558ce62ee8672ebf3eb6f5216f909b
[0:00:32] Finished.

src/tools/deps2git (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:31] Started.
_____ src/tools/deps2git at f04828eb0b5acd3e7ad983c024870f17f17b06d9
[0:00:31] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-tools-deps2git"
[0:00:31] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-tools-deps2git"
[0:00:31] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-tools-deps2git"
[0:00:31] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/deps2git.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-tools-deps2git"
[0:00:31] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-tools-deps2git"
[0:00:32] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:32] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-tools-deps2git"
[0:00:32] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/tools/deps2git
[0:00:32]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/tools/deps2git'
[0:00:32] HEAD is now at f04828e First step in cleaning up pefile hack.
[0:00:32] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision f04828eb0b5acd3e7ad983c024870f17f17b06d9
[0:00:33] Finished.

src/tools/page_cycler/acid3 (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:32] Started.
_____ src/tools/page_cycler/acid3 at 6be0a66a1ebd7ebc5abc1b2f405a945f6d871521
[0:00:32] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-acid3"
[0:00:32] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-acid3"
[0:00:32] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-acid3"
[0:00:32] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/acid3.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-acid3"
[0:00:32] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-acid3"
[0:00:32] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:32] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-acid3"
[0:00:32] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/acid3
[0:00:32]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/tools/page_cycler/acid3'
[0:00:32] HEAD is now at 6be0a66 Mark tools/page_cycler/acid3 as NOT_SHIPPED
[0:00:33] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 6be0a66a1ebd7ebc5abc1b2f405a945f6d871521
[0:00:33] Finished.

src/tools/grit (Elapsed: 0:00:01)
[0:00:31] Started.
_____ src/tools/grit at 1dac9ae64b0224beb1547810933a6f9998d0d55e
[0:00:31] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-grit--i18n"
[0:00:32] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-grit--i18n"
[0:00:32] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-grit--i18n"
[0:00:32] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/grit-i18n.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-grit--i18n"
[0:00:32] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-grit--i18n"
[0:00:32] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:32] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-grit--i18n"
[0:00:32] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/grit-i18n
[0:00:32]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/tools/grit'
[0:00:33] HEAD is now at 1dac9ae Ignore empty file paths when generating input file list
[0:00:33] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 1dac9ae64b0224beb1547810933a6f9998d0d55e
[0:00:33] Finished.

src/third_party/xdg-utils (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:30] Started.
_____ src/third_party/xdg-utils at d80274d5869b17b8c9067a1022e4416ee7ed5e0d
[0:00:31] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-xdg--utils"
[0:00:31] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-xdg--utils"
[0:00:31] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-xdg--utils"
[0:00:31] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/deps/xdg-utils.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-xdg--utils"
[0:00:32] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-xdg--utils"
[0:00:32] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:32] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-deps-xdg--utils"
[0:00:32] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/deps/xdg-utils
[0:00:32]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/xdg-utils'
[0:00:32] HEAD is now at d80274d Add OWNERS for third_party/xdg-utils.
[0:00:33] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision d80274d5869b17b8c9067a1022e4416ee7ed5e0d
[0:00:33] Finished.

src/third_party/webrtc (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:30] Started.
_____ src/third_party/webrtc at 589fc70fc8b616278a44c300ed45761f8f395d5b
[0:00:30] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-trunk-webrtc"
[0:00:31] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-trunk-webrtc"
[0:00:31] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-trunk-webrtc"
[0:00:31] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/webrtc/trunk/webrtc.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-trunk-webrtc"
[0:00:32] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-trunk-webrtc"
[0:00:32] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:32] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-webrtc-trunk-webrtc"
[0:00:32] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/webrtc/trunk/webrtc
[0:00:32]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/third_party/webrtc'
[0:00:33] HEAD is now at 589fc70 Add encode and decode time to histograms stats:
[0:00:34] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 589fc70fc8b616278a44c300ed45761f8f395d5b
[0:00:34] Finished.

src/tools/gyp (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:31] Started.
_____ src/tools/gyp at 5122240c5e5c4d8da12c543d82b03d6089eb77c5
[0:00:32] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-gyp"
[0:00:32] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-gyp"
[0:00:32] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-gyp"
[0:00:32] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/gyp.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-gyp"
[0:00:32] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-gyp"
[0:00:32] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:32] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-gyp"
[0:00:32] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/gyp
[0:00:32]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/tools/gyp'
[0:00:34] HEAD is now at 5122240 Fix support for iOS today extensions on latest Xcode beta.
[0:00:34] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 5122240c5e5c4d8da12c543d82b03d6089eb77c5
[0:00:34] Finished.

src/buildtools/third_party/libc++abi/trunk (Elapsed: 0:00:02)
[0:00:33] Started.
_____ src/buildtools/third_party/libc++abi/trunk at 4ad1009ab3a59fa7a6896d74d5e4de5885697f95
[0:00:33] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-libcxxabi"
[0:00:33] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-libcxxabi"
[0:00:34] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-libcxxabi"
[0:00:34] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/llvm-project/libcxxabi.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-libcxxabi"
[0:00:34] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-libcxxabi"
[0:00:34] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:34] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-libcxxabi"
[0:00:34] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/llvm-project/libcxxabi
[0:00:34]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/buildtools/third_party/libc++abi/trunk'
[0:00:34] HEAD is now at 4ad1009 Remove strict dependency on llvm-config.
[0:00:36] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 4ad1009ab3a59fa7a6896d74d5e4de5885697f95
[0:00:36] Finished.

src/tools/swarming_client (Elapsed: 0:00:03)
[0:00:32] Started.
_____ src/tools/swarming_client at b39a448d8522392389b28f6997126a6ab04bfe87
[0:00:32] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-swarming.client"
[0:00:32] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-swarming.client"
[0:00:32] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-swarming.client"
[0:00:33] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/swarming.client.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-swarming.client"
[0:00:34] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-swarming.client"
[0:00:34] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:34] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-external-swarming.client"
[0:00:34] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/external/swarming.client
[0:00:34]  = [up to date]      master     -> master
[0:00:34]  = [up to date]      stable     -> stable

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/tools/swarming_client'
[0:00:35] HEAD is now at b39a448 Fix crash when exit_code=='N/A'.
[0:00:36] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision b39a448d8522392389b28f6997126a6ab04bfe87
[0:00:36] Finished.

src/v8 (Elapsed: 0:00:06)
[0:00:32] Started.
_____ src/v8 at 89e280ebf01142200e0eea3ea49f52acc2676fc0
[0:00:32] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-v8-v8"
[0:00:33] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-v8-v8"
[0:00:34] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-v8-v8"
[0:00:34] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/v8/v8.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-v8-v8"
[0:00:34] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-v8-v8"
[0:00:34] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:34] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-v8-v8"
[0:00:37] POST git-upload-pack (981 bytes)
[0:00:37] remote: Counting objects: 1           
[0:00:37] remote: Counting objects: 5512, done        
[0:00:37] remote: Finding sources:  25% (1/4)           
[0:00:37] remote: Finding sources: 100% (4/4)           
[0:00:37] remote: Total 4 (delta 3), reused 4 (delta 3)        
[0:00:38] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/v8/v8
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.2.69     -> 4.2.69
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.14     -> 4.3.14
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.16     -> 4.3.16
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.17     -> 4.3.17
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.18     -> 4.3.18
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.19     -> 4.3.19
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.2      -> 4.3.2
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.20     -> 4.3.20
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.21     -> 4.3.21
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.22     -> 4.3.22
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.23     -> 4.3.23
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.25     -> 4.3.25
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.26     -> 4.3.26
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.27     -> 4.3.27
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.3      -> 4.3.3
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.30     -> 4.3.30
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.31     -> 4.3.31
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.32     -> 4.3.32
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.33     -> 4.3.33
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.36     -> 4.3.36
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.37     -> 4.3.37
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.38     -> 4.3.38
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.39     -> 4.3.39
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.4      -> 4.3.4
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.40     -> 4.3.40
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.41     -> 4.3.41
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.42     -> 4.3.42
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.44     -> 4.3.44
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.47     -> 4.3.47
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.48     -> 4.3.48
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.49     -> 4.3.49
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.5      -> 4.3.5
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.50     -> 4.3.50
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.51     -> 4.3.51
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.52     -> 4.3.52
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.6      -> 4.3.6
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.60     -> 4.3.60
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.7      -> 4.3.7
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.8      -> 4.3.8
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.3.9      -> 4.3.9
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.4.1      -> 4.4.1
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.4.11     -> 4.4.11
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.4.12     -> 4.4.12
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.4.14     -> 4.4.14
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.4.15     -> 4.4.15
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.4.16     -> 4.4.16
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.4.18     -> 4.4.18
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.4.2      -> 4.4.2
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.1      -> 4.5.1
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.32     -> 4.5.32
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.33     -> 4.5.33
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.34     -> 4.5.34
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.38     -> 4.5.38
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.39     -> 4.5.39
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.4      -> 4.5.4
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.40     -> 4.5.40
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.44     -> 4.5.44
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.45     -> 4.5.45
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.46     -> 4.5.46
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.47     -> 4.5.47
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.48     -> 4.5.48
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.49     -> 4.5.49
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.5      -> 4.5.5
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.50     -> 4.5.50
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.51     -> 4.5.51
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.52     -> 4.5.52
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.53     -> 4.5.53
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.54     -> 4.5.54
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.55     -> 4.5.55
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.56     -> 4.5.56
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.57     -> 4.5.57
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.58     -> 4.5.58
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.59     -> 4.5.59
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.6      -> 4.5.6
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.60     -> 4.5.60
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.61     -> 4.5.61
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.62     -> 4.5.62
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.63     -> 4.5.63
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.64     -> 4.5.64
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.65     -> 4.5.65
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.66     -> 4.5.66
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.67     -> 4.5.67
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.69     -> 4.5.69
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.7      -> 4.5.7
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.8      -> 4.5.8
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.86     -> 4.5.86
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.88     -> 4.5.88
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.89     -> 4.5.89
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.9      -> 4.5.9
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.90     -> 4.5.90
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.91     -> 4.5.91
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.92     -> 4.5.92
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.93     -> 4.5.93
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.94     -> 4.5.94
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.95     -> 4.5.95
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.96     -> 4.5.96
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.97     -> 4.5.97
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.98     -> 4.5.98
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.5.99     -> 4.5.99
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.1      -> 4.6.1
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.10     -> 4.6.10
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.11     -> 4.6.11
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.12     -> 4.6.12
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.13     -> 4.6.13
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.14     -> 4.6.14
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.15     -> 4.6.15
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.16     -> 4.6.16
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.18     -> 4.6.18
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.19     -> 4.6.19
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.2      -> 4.6.2
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.20     -> 4.6.20
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.21     -> 4.6.21
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.22     -> 4.6.22
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.23     -> 4.6.23
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.24     -> 4.6.24
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.25     -> 4.6.25
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.26     -> 4.6.26
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.27     -> 4.6.27
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.29     -> 4.6.29
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.3      -> 4.6.3
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.30     -> 4.6.30
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.31     -> 4.6.31
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.32     -> 4.6.32
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.33     -> 4.6.33
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.34     -> 4.6.34
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.36     -> 4.6.36
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.38     -> 4.6.38
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.5      -> 4.6.5
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      4.6.9      -> 4.6.9
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      canary     -> canary
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      candidate  -> candidate
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      candidates -> candidates
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      chromium/2370 -> chromium/2370
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      chromium/2400 -> chromium/2400
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      chromium/2401 -> chromium/2401
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      chromium/2402 -> chromium/2402
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      chromium/2403 -> chromium/2403
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      chromium/2404 -> chromium/2404
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      chromium/2438 -> chromium/2438
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      chromium/2439 -> chromium/2439
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      chromium/2451 -> chromium/2451
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[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      chromium/2468 -> chromium/2468
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      chromium/2469 -> chromium/2469
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      chromium/2470 -> chromium/2470
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      chromium/2471 -> chromium/2471
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      infra/config -> infra/config
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      lkgr       -> lkgr
[0:00:38]    872206f..99a53f7  master     -> master
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      roll       -> roll

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/v8'
[0:00:38] HEAD is now at 89e280e Version 4.6.46
[0:00:39] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 89e280ebf01142200e0eea3ea49f52acc2676fc0
[0:00:39] Finished.

src/buildtools/clang_format/script (Elapsed: 0:00:06)
[0:00:33] Started.
_____ src/buildtools/clang_format/script at 81edd558fea5dd7855d67a1dc61db34ae8c1fd63
[0:00:33] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-cfe-tools-clang--format"
[0:00:33] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-cfe-tools-clang--format"
[0:00:34] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-cfe-tools-clang--format"
[0:00:34] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/llvm-project/cfe/tools/clang-format.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-cfe-tools-clang--format"
[0:00:34] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-cfe-tools-clang--format"
[0:00:38] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:38] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-cfe-tools-clang--format"
[0:00:38] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/llvm-project/cfe/tools/clang-format
[0:00:38]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/buildtools/clang_format/script'
[0:00:38] HEAD is now at 81edd55 clang-format: Make clang-format-diff.py format java files.
[0:00:39] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 81edd558fea5dd7855d67a1dc61db34ae8c1fd63
[0:00:39] Finished.

src/buildtools/third_party/libc++/trunk (Elapsed: 0:00:06)
[0:00:33] Started.
_____ src/buildtools/third_party/libc++/trunk at 48198f9110397fff47fe7c37cbfa296be7d44d3d
[0:00:33] running "git config gc.autodetach 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-libcxx"
[0:00:33] running "git config gc.autopacklimit 0" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-libcxx"
[0:00:34] running "git config core.deltaBaseCacheLimit 2g" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-libcxx"
[0:00:34] running "git config remote.origin.url https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/llvm-project/libcxx.git" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-libcxx"
[0:00:34] running "git config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* \+refs/heads/\*:.*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-libcxx"
[0:00:34] Fetching +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
[0:00:34] running "git fetch -v --progress origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*" in "/mnt/data/b/build/slave/cache_dir/chromium.googlesource.com-chromium-llvm--project-libcxx"
[0:00:34] From https://chromium.googlesource.com/a/chromium/llvm-project/libcxx
[0:00:34]  = [up to date]      master     -> master

________ running 'git reset --hard HEAD' in '/mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/src/buildtools/third_party/libc++/trunk'
[0:00:35] HEAD is now at 48198f9 Rename arguments in include/cmath to work around Newlib macro implementation using these particular names
[0:00:39] Up-to-date; skipping checkout.
Checked out revision 48198f9110397fff47fe7c37cbfa296be7d44d3d
[0:00:39] Finished.
===Succeeded in 0.7 mins===

===Running git ls-files .DEPS.git (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git rev-parse HEAD (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log -1 ae9604308c926cc7df6205b5207dbf63c6e55314 (attempt #1)===
commit ae9604308c926cc7df6205b5207dbf63c6e55314
Author: vabr <vabr@chromium.org>
Date:   Mon Aug 3 01:12:54 2015 -0700

    HistogramTester::GetHistogramSamplesSinceCreation never returns null
    Currently, GetHistogramSamplesSinceCreation can return null if no histogram was generated. But that depends also on tests run prior to the current test. This CL changes this to returning empty samples instead, so that independently of previously run tests, the current test always gets the same response even if it does not generate any histograms.
    Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1264123002
    Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#341498}
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log --format=%B -n1 HEAD (attempt #1)===
HistogramTester::GetHistogramSamplesSinceCreation never returns null

Currently, GetHistogramSamplesSinceCreation can return null if no histogram was generated. But that depends also on tests run prior to the current test. This CL changes this to returning empty samples instead, so that independently of previously run tests, the current test always gets the same response even if it does not generate any histograms.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1264123002

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#341498}

===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git rev-parse HEAD (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log -1 2de56786ce70449a60e35aa6b52628f1eeb0ced5 (attempt #1)===
commit 2de56786ce70449a60e35aa6b52628f1eeb0ced5
Author: tkent@chromium.org <tkent@chromium.org>
Date:   Mon Aug 3 04:21:42 2015 +0000

    Nested OPTGROUP elements should be ignored.
     <optgroup label="Group1">
      <optgroup label="Sub-Group">
    The HTML parser flattens nested OPTGROUPs.  Sub-Group
    above will be a child of the SELECT element.
    If nested OPTGROUP elements are built with DOM APIs, we need
    to ignore nested OPTGROUP elements.  That is to say, Sub-sub-option
    won't be shown.
    Thew new behavior conforms to the standard, and matches to
    IE and Firefox.
    Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1268863003
    git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/blink/trunk@199872 bbb929c8-8fbe-4397-9dbb-9b2b20218538
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log --format=%B -n1 HEAD (attempt #1)===
Nested OPTGROUP elements should be ignored.

 <optgroup label="Group1">
  <optgroup label="Sub-Group">
The HTML parser flattens nested OPTGROUPs.  Sub-Group
above will be a child of the SELECT element.

If nested OPTGROUP elements are built with DOM APIs, we need
to ignore nested OPTGROUP elements.  That is to say, Sub-sub-option
won't be shown.

Thew new behavior conforms to the standard, and matches to
IE and Firefox.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1268863003

git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/blink/trunk@199872 bbb929c8-8fbe-4397-9dbb-9b2b20218538

===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

INFO: Mapped SVN branch to Git branch [trunk] => [refs/heads/master]
===Running git rev-parse HEAD (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log -1 b39a448d8522392389b28f6997126a6ab04bfe87 (attempt #1)===
commit b39a448d8522392389b28f6997126a6ab04bfe87
Author: Marc-Antoine Ruel <maruel@chromium.org>
Date:   Mon May 11 19:20:06 2015 -0400

    Fix crash when exit_code=='N/A'.
    This happens if the task expired.
    Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1134133004
    Cr-Mirrored-From: https://github.com/luci/luci-py
    Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 34cd11b6f877c0682513e8288000a8874cd03d2b
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log --format=%B -n1 HEAD (attempt #1)===
Fix crash when exit_code=='N/A'.

This happens if the task expired.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1134133004

Cr-Mirrored-From: https://github.com/luci/luci-py
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 34cd11b6f877c0682513e8288000a8874cd03d2b

===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git rev-parse HEAD (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log -1 f14a2194a8dd85de9304c94d8563e24b7cd45bff (attempt #1)===
commit f14a2194a8dd85de9304c94d8563e24b7cd45bff
Author: Rui Qiao <ruiq@google.com>
Date:   Wed Jul 29 09:52:38 2015 -0700

    A mechanism to identify/forbid/"rewrite" non-temporal instructions (and other)
    For security reasons, the validator needs to identify certain instructions, then forbid or rewrite them based on further information. In this CL, we target non-temporal instructions, including non-temporal reads, writes, and prefetches.
    1) We mark non-temporal instructions in def files with an additional attribute "nacl-unsupported";
    2) The validator identifies instructions with "nacl-unsupported" attribute
    3) Based on the flags passed in, the validator either forbids or "rewrites" the instruction. Note:
    -- the rewriting is to be implemented in a separate CL, and the current behavior is to leave the instruction as it is (i.e., as if it passes validation), which is consistent with the old behavior.
    -- the flags are currently derived from the "pnacl_mode" argument, which makes the validator disable non-temporal instructions under PNaCl.
    R=jfb@chromium.org, mseaborn@chromium.org, phosek@chromium.org
    Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1234393005 .
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log --format=%B -n1 HEAD (attempt #1)===
A mechanism to identify/forbid/"rewrite" non-temporal instructions (and other)

For security reasons, the validator needs to identify certain instructions, then forbid or rewrite them based on further information. In this CL, we target non-temporal instructions, including non-temporal reads, writes, and prefetches.

1) We mark non-temporal instructions in def files with an additional attribute "nacl-unsupported";
2) The validator identifies instructions with "nacl-unsupported" attribute
3) Based on the flags passed in, the validator either forbids or "rewrites" the instruction. Note:
-- the rewriting is to be implemented in a separate CL, and the current behavior is to leave the instruction as it is (i.e., as if it passes validation), which is consistent with the old behavior.
-- the flags are currently derived from the "pnacl_mode" argument, which makes the validator disable non-temporal instructions under PNaCl.

R=jfb@chromium.org, mseaborn@chromium.org, phosek@chromium.org

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1234393005 .

===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git rev-parse HEAD (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log -1 b39a448d8522392389b28f6997126a6ab04bfe87 (attempt #1)===
commit b39a448d8522392389b28f6997126a6ab04bfe87
Author: Marc-Antoine Ruel <maruel@chromium.org>
Date:   Mon May 11 19:20:06 2015 -0400

    Fix crash when exit_code=='N/A'.
    This happens if the task expired.
    Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1134133004
    Cr-Mirrored-From: https://github.com/luci/luci-py
    Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 34cd11b6f877c0682513e8288000a8874cd03d2b
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log --format=%B -n1 HEAD (attempt #1)===
Fix crash when exit_code=='N/A'.

This happens if the task expired.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1134133004

Cr-Mirrored-From: https://github.com/luci/luci-py
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 34cd11b6f877c0682513e8288000a8874cd03d2b

===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git rev-parse HEAD (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log -1 ae9604308c926cc7df6205b5207dbf63c6e55314 (attempt #1)===
commit ae9604308c926cc7df6205b5207dbf63c6e55314
Author: vabr <vabr@chromium.org>
Date:   Mon Aug 3 01:12:54 2015 -0700

    HistogramTester::GetHistogramSamplesSinceCreation never returns null
    Currently, GetHistogramSamplesSinceCreation can return null if no histogram was generated. But that depends also on tests run prior to the current test. This CL changes this to returning empty samples instead, so that independently of previously run tests, the current test always gets the same response even if it does not generate any histograms.
    Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1264123002
    Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#341498}
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log --format=%B -n1 HEAD (attempt #1)===
HistogramTester::GetHistogramSamplesSinceCreation never returns null

Currently, GetHistogramSamplesSinceCreation can return null if no histogram was generated. But that depends also on tests run prior to the current test. This CL changes this to returning empty samples instead, so that independently of previously run tests, the current test always gets the same response even if it does not generate any histograms.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1264123002

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#341498}

===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git rev-parse HEAD (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log -1 589fc70fc8b616278a44c300ed45761f8f395d5b (attempt #1)===
commit 589fc70fc8b616278a44c300ed45761f8f395d5b
Author: asapersson <asapersson@webrtc.org>
Date:   Fri Jul 24 00:20:58 2015 -0700

    Add encode and decode time to histograms stats:
    - "WebRTC.Video.EncodeTimeInMs"
    - "WebRTC.Video.DecodeTimeInMs"
    Review URL: https://codereview.webrtc.org/1250203002
    Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#9630}
    Cr-Mirrored-From: https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/webrtc
    Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 6718e97e730dfeb0c4290128b5682e123dd75866
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log --format=%B -n1 HEAD (attempt #1)===
Add encode and decode time to histograms stats:
- "WebRTC.Video.EncodeTimeInMs"
- "WebRTC.Video.DecodeTimeInMs"


Review URL: https://codereview.webrtc.org/1250203002

Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#9630}
Cr-Mirrored-From: https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/webrtc
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 6718e97e730dfeb0c4290128b5682e123dd75866

===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git rev-parse HEAD (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log -1 589fc70fc8b616278a44c300ed45761f8f395d5b (attempt #1)===
commit 589fc70fc8b616278a44c300ed45761f8f395d5b
Author: asapersson <asapersson@webrtc.org>
Date:   Fri Jul 24 00:20:58 2015 -0700

    Add encode and decode time to histograms stats:
    - "WebRTC.Video.EncodeTimeInMs"
    - "WebRTC.Video.DecodeTimeInMs"
    Review URL: https://codereview.webrtc.org/1250203002
    Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#9630}
    Cr-Mirrored-From: https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/webrtc
    Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 6718e97e730dfeb0c4290128b5682e123dd75866
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log --format=%B -n1 HEAD (attempt #1)===
Add encode and decode time to histograms stats:
- "WebRTC.Video.EncodeTimeInMs"
- "WebRTC.Video.DecodeTimeInMs"


Review URL: https://codereview.webrtc.org/1250203002

Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#9630}
Cr-Mirrored-From: https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/webrtc
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 6718e97e730dfeb0c4290128b5682e123dd75866

===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git rev-parse HEAD (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log -1 f14a2194a8dd85de9304c94d8563e24b7cd45bff (attempt #1)===
commit f14a2194a8dd85de9304c94d8563e24b7cd45bff
Author: Rui Qiao <ruiq@google.com>
Date:   Wed Jul 29 09:52:38 2015 -0700

    A mechanism to identify/forbid/"rewrite" non-temporal instructions (and other)
    For security reasons, the validator needs to identify certain instructions, then forbid or rewrite them based on further information. In this CL, we target non-temporal instructions, including non-temporal reads, writes, and prefetches.
    1) We mark non-temporal instructions in def files with an additional attribute "nacl-unsupported";
    2) The validator identifies instructions with "nacl-unsupported" attribute
    3) Based on the flags passed in, the validator either forbids or "rewrites" the instruction. Note:
    -- the rewriting is to be implemented in a separate CL, and the current behavior is to leave the instruction as it is (i.e., as if it passes validation), which is consistent with the old behavior.
    -- the flags are currently derived from the "pnacl_mode" argument, which makes the validator disable non-temporal instructions under PNaCl.
    R=jfb@chromium.org, mseaborn@chromium.org, phosek@chromium.org
    Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1234393005 .
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log --format=%B -n1 HEAD (attempt #1)===
A mechanism to identify/forbid/"rewrite" non-temporal instructions (and other)

For security reasons, the validator needs to identify certain instructions, then forbid or rewrite them based on further information. In this CL, we target non-temporal instructions, including non-temporal reads, writes, and prefetches.

1) We mark non-temporal instructions in def files with an additional attribute "nacl-unsupported";
2) The validator identifies instructions with "nacl-unsupported" attribute
3) Based on the flags passed in, the validator either forbids or "rewrites" the instruction. Note:
-- the rewriting is to be implemented in a separate CL, and the current behavior is to leave the instruction as it is (i.e., as if it passes validation), which is consistent with the old behavior.
-- the flags are currently derived from the "pnacl_mode" argument, which makes the validator disable non-temporal instructions under PNaCl.

R=jfb@chromium.org, mseaborn@chromium.org, phosek@chromium.org

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1234393005 .

===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git rev-parse HEAD (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log -1 89e280ebf01142200e0eea3ea49f52acc2676fc0 (attempt #1)===
commit 89e280ebf01142200e0eea3ea49f52acc2676fc0
Author: v8-autoroll@chromium.org <v8-autoroll@chromium.org>
Date:   Sat Aug 1 22:25:16 2015 -0700

    Version 4.6.46
    Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
    Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/4.6.46@{#1}
    Cr-Branched-From: 38501327599ae6ac7c255205c61c00aeed09da13-refs/heads/master@{#29962}
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log --format=%B -n1 HEAD (attempt #1)===
Version 4.6.46

Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/4.6.46@{#1}
Cr-Branched-From: 38501327599ae6ac7c255205c61c00aeed09da13-refs/heads/master@{#29962}

===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git rev-parse HEAD (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log -1 2de56786ce70449a60e35aa6b52628f1eeb0ced5 (attempt #1)===
commit 2de56786ce70449a60e35aa6b52628f1eeb0ced5
Author: tkent@chromium.org <tkent@chromium.org>
Date:   Mon Aug 3 04:21:42 2015 +0000

    Nested OPTGROUP elements should be ignored.
     <optgroup label="Group1">
      <optgroup label="Sub-Group">
    The HTML parser flattens nested OPTGROUPs.  Sub-Group
    above will be a child of the SELECT element.
    If nested OPTGROUP elements are built with DOM APIs, we need
    to ignore nested OPTGROUP elements.  That is to say, Sub-sub-option
    won't be shown.
    Thew new behavior conforms to the standard, and matches to
    IE and Firefox.
    Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1268863003
    git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/blink/trunk@199872 bbb929c8-8fbe-4397-9dbb-9b2b20218538
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log --format=%B -n1 HEAD (attempt #1)===
Nested OPTGROUP elements should be ignored.

 <optgroup label="Group1">
  <optgroup label="Sub-Group">
The HTML parser flattens nested OPTGROUPs.  Sub-Group
above will be a child of the SELECT element.

If nested OPTGROUP elements are built with DOM APIs, we need
to ignore nested OPTGROUP elements.  That is to say, Sub-sub-option
won't be shown.

Thew new behavior conforms to the standard, and matches to
IE and Firefox.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1268863003

git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/blink/trunk@199872 bbb929c8-8fbe-4397-9dbb-9b2b20218538

===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

INFO: Mapped SVN branch to Git branch [trunk] => [refs/heads/master]
===Running git rev-parse HEAD (attempt #1)===
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log -1 89e280ebf01142200e0eea3ea49f52acc2676fc0 (attempt #1)===
commit 89e280ebf01142200e0eea3ea49f52acc2676fc0
Author: v8-autoroll@chromium.org <v8-autoroll@chromium.org>
Date:   Sat Aug 1 22:25:16 2015 -0700

    Version 4.6.46
    Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.
    Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/4.6.46@{#1}
    Cr-Branched-From: 38501327599ae6ac7c255205c61c00aeed09da13-refs/heads/master@{#29962}
===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

===Running git log --format=%B -n1 HEAD (attempt #1)===
Version 4.6.46

Performance and stability improvements on all platforms.

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/4.6.46@{#1}
Cr-Branched-From: 38501327599ae6ac7c255205c61c00aeed09da13-refs/heads/master@{#29962}

===Succeeded in 0.0 mins===

Emitting flag file at /mnt/data/b/build/slave/Android_Clang_Builder__dbg_/build/update.flag

@@@STEP_CURSOR bot_update@@@

@@@STEP_TEXT@[107GB/246GB used (43%)]@@@


@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  "did_run": true, @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  "manifest": null, @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  "patch_root": "src", @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  "properties": {@@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    "got_nacl_revision": "f14a2194a8dd85de9304c94d8563e24b7cd45bff", @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    "got_revision": "ae9604308c926cc7df6205b5207dbf63c6e55314", @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    "got_revision_cp": "refs/heads/master@{#341498}", @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    "got_swarming_client_revision": "b39a448d8522392389b28f6997126a6ab04bfe87", @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    "got_v8_revision": "89e280ebf01142200e0eea3ea49f52acc2676fc0", @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    "got_v8_revision_cp": "refs/heads/4.6.46@{#1}", @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    "got_webkit_revision": 199872, @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    "got_webkit_revision_cp": "refs/heads/master@{#199872}", @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    "got_webkit_revision_git": "2de56786ce70449a60e35aa6b52628f1eeb0ced5", @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    "got_webrtc_revision": "589fc70fc8b616278a44c300ed45761f8f395d5b", @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    "got_webrtc_revision_cp": "refs/heads/master@{#9630}"@@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }, @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  "root": "src", @@@

@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  "step_text": "[107GB/246GB used (43%)]"@@@














@@@STEP_CURSOR bot_update@@@

started: Mon Aug  3 01:30:21 2015
ended: Mon Aug  3 01:31:17 2015
duration: 56 secs
status: SUCCESS
status reason: