git freeze


git freeze works a lot like git stash, in that it stores the current changes in your working copy and index somewhere. Unlike git stash, git freeze stores those changes on your current branch. This effectively allows you to pause development of a branch, work on something else, and then come back to exactly the same working state later (by running git thaw).

git freeze will make up to 2 commits on your branch. A commit with the message FREEZE.indexed will contain all changes which you’ve added to your index (like with git add, git mv, git rm, etc.). A commit with the message FREEZE.unindexed will contain all changes which were not in your index at the time you ran git freeze (freshly modified files, new files, etc.).

By default git freeze will only freeze up to 100MB of untracked files. See CONFIGURATION VARIABLES for more details.


$ git status --short
A  added_file
AM added_file_with_unstaged_changes
D  deleted_file
 M modified_file
 D unstaged_deleted_file
?? unadded_file

$ git freeze

$ git status --short

$ git log -n 2 --stat
commit c6dbdcb1f59cc61d7d7a8d907714f522921028d2
Author: local <>
Date:   Thu Apr 10 08:54:56 2014 +0000


 added_file_with_unstaged_changes | 1 +
 modified_file                    | 1 +
 unadded_file                     | 0
 unstaged_deleted_file            | 1 -
 4 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

commit db8b1e90a83f18f6edfe663414ec4abb099a8804
Author: local <>
Date:   Thu Apr 10 08:54:56 2014 +0000


 added_file                       | 1 +
 added_file_with_unstaged_changes | 1 +
 deleted_file                     | 1 -
 3 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

$ git thaw

$ git status --short
A  added_file
AM added_file_with_unstaged_changes
D  deleted_file
 M modified_file
 D unstaged_deleted_file
?? unadded_file



This sets the size limit as an integer number of megabytes of untracked files that git-freeze will be willing to put in suspended animation. A 0 or negative limit disables the size-limit check entirely. 100 by default.



Part of the chromium depot_tools(7) suite. These tools are meant to assist with the development of chromium and related projects. Download the tools by checking out the git repository.