Today started well.

The Resistance finally emerged from the cocoon and showed just how masterfully we can control the ground when we put our minds to it. Operation Minotaur ended, the Resistance had won, not in drops but in rivers.

Then, my phone chimed. Another leak, maybe something about Carrie Campbell, she was after all the focus of all this.

As I read the document I had just been sent, the floor fell from beneath me. No news of Carrie, yet. But something alarming nonetheless. I had been worried the whole time, and now, it seems for good reason.

Yuri Alaric Nagassa and Stein Lightman, both recently released from under Hazdata and NIA oversight last week, are men with a vast array of knowledge spanning theology from the formal realm as well as a wealth of insight from cultures now lost to humanity.

We must be careful. The world is at risk, and perhaps not in the way we previously thought.

Today, we must all be asking the same question, Resistance and Enlightened both. It's the one Stein asks of Yuri in this transcript.(A passcode for those who contribute meaningfully to our discussion today).

What have we done? The IQTech Research document suggested that building the Glyphs may alter the course of the Anomaly, but how? And where did they get their information?