Some days ago, I came into possession of Hulong Transglobal intel that revealed that the Asian XM giant was making moves to recruit Dr. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe, XM savant and father of the Ingress Scanner Technology, into their ranks.

A document shared with me today reveals that those plans are in motion... Dr. Lynton-Wolfe is on the move.

Lynton-Wolfe, at Hulong, would bring his mastery of XM engineering to the knowledge of Dark XM they have gained from their explorations in Africa. The result has the potential to shake the foundation of the XM world, and we Investigators aren't the only ones who sense that.

With Lynton-Wolfe is on his way to Bangkok, this is the question one must ask. How desperately are Visur, IQTech and the NIA willing to go to prevent this, and how will Yuen Ni, trapped between a rock and a hard place, manage this increasingly tenuous situation?

A passcode to those who thoughtfully contribute to our discussion, as always.