ADA silently slipped something into my laptop earlier today: Omnivore's been keeping a mindful eye on a number of people in our circle of interest, and ADA's been watching the watcher...

The document itself is eerily accurate, from what I can tell. I had begun researching my own travel only hours earlier, and according to some faint signals in the noise over the last 24 hours, the intel on Carrie's plans is accurate as well. I'll say one thing for the NIA, their investment in and attention to predictive and detective computing is deep. ADA's evidence of that, and Omnivore... well... I'll get to that in a second.

Klue: If you're reading this, don't go to Boston. Whatever you're hoping to find there, it's not worth the risk... You and I both know the cost of underestimating Phillips.

Omnivore's been the source of a number of pieces of intel we've seen in recent days. Information on this massively complex analysis and detection software is largely occluded, but I do know a few things. 1) ADA was assembled from a smaller subsection of Omnivore components and modules. 2) After ADA was created, Omnivore may have continued to be developed, and its capabilities may be different now than prior to the sourcing for ADA.

What I do not know is if, like ADA, Omnivore is capable of defining its own interests and acting upon them. If it can, it's a worrying thought. I consider ADA a friend, but she has a measure of unpredictability about her. Her planning window is probably wider than any of us can imagine...

A passcode, as always, for those who join meaningfully in our discussion today. There are a number of topics on the table and I want to touch on all them. According to the Omnivore leak, Hank Johnson and Dr. Devra Bogdanovich are both headed to New York on the same day, it can't be a coincidence. No other intel has emerged to illuminate what might be taking place. Why do you think is going on? And what about ADA? Between making deals with Misty Hannah and (according to Felicia Hajra-Lee) probing 855's comatose mind, she's playing a complex game that I've lost the ability to follow. Your best guess of what she's up to is as good as mine.

Operation #Cassandra
New York Chicago Boston Washington DC Sao Paulo Cologne Dusseldorf Paris Milan Hong Kong Manila Tokyo Sydney

Felicia Hajra-Lee's novel The Niantic Project: Ingress is available on Google Play and in the Amazon e-book store.